PAST THE ‘POST-’: THEORIZING THE POST-POST-SOVIET VIA (NEW) MEDIA AND POPULAR CULTURE Preliminary Program DAY 1: 11 JUNE 2015 9:15 – 9:30 C2.23 9:30 – 11:00 C1.23/C3.23 OPENING REMARKS Stephen Amico/Sudha Rajagopalan University of Amsterdam Panel 1 (C1.23) HYBRID IDENTIES AND POPULAR CULTURE Chair: Irina Marchesini Panel 1A (C3.23) LITERARY INTERVENTIONS Chair: Irina Souch Gabriella Elina Imposti Bologna University Dissident “Street Art” Resisting Neo-Soviet Discourse: the Voina and Pussy Riot Groups Ivana Peruško Zagreb University Russia’s New Cultural Context by Vladimir Sorokin and Alexander Zeldovich Irina Marchesini Bologna University Speaking Alien Tongues? On Social Media and the Russian Contemporary Novel Ksenia Oteva St. Petersburg State Theater Arts Academy The Image of Modern Society Shown through the Adaptation of a Classic Masterpiece: Dostoevskii’s Idiot in Cinema and Theatre Marco Puleri Bologna University Hybridity Reconsidered: Envisioning RussianLanguage Literature in Ukraine after Euromaidan 11:00 – 11:15 11:15 – 12:45 C1.23/C3.23 Break Panel 2 (C1.23) CONFLICT AND RESISTANCE Chair: TBA Maria Sidorkina Yale University Trolling the Russian State: The Digital Mobilization of Official Documents and Their Activist Counter-Publics Frank Weij Erasmus University Rotterdam Appealing Protest: An Analysis of YouTube User Comments to Pussy Riot’s Recorded Punk Performances 12:45 – 13:45 13:45 – 15:15 C1.23/C3.23 15:15 – 15:30 15:30 – 16:30 A0.08 16:30 – 17:00 > 18:30 Claudia Landolfi Jan van Eyck Academy The Psychodrama of Post-Soviet Identity: the Metaphors of Loss and Underground in Poetry, Cinema, and Philosophy Panel 2A (C3.23) RUSSIA, UKRAINE, MEDIATION Chair: Natasha Kurchanova Inna Biei French Press Institute, Panthéon-Assas University Russian Nostalgia: New Cold War, Slovophilism, and Putin’s Pop-Culture Tymofii Brik Universidad Carlos III, Madrid Political Mobilization and the Obstacles for the Emergence of Social Capital on Facebook: Some Evidence from Ukrainian Euromaidan Revolution Angelina Lucento Central European University, Institute for Advanced Study New Media and the Culture of Endless War: Contemporary Visual Culture in Ukraine as Case Study Natalia Avdonina Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk 'Hidden War' and Unsung Heroes: Russian Leaders and Media's Rhetoric about Veterans of the War in Afghanistan, 1979-1989 Lunch Panel 3 (C1.23) ART AND IMAGE, SPACE AND POLITICS Chair: Diana Ibañez-Tirado Panel 3A (C3.23) CINEMA, PAST AND PRESENT Chair: Dario Martinelli Natasha Kurchanova President, SHERA/Independent Scholar Cyberfest: A Tale of Displacement of Alienation? Oleg Podvintsev Perm State University Nostalgia for the Soviet Period as a Resource for “Patriotic” Propaganda by Means of Cinema in Contemporary Russia Jamie Rann Queen Mary University Rubble Trouble: “Ruin Porn” Photography and the Permanent Collapse of the Soviet Union Irina Souch University of Amsterdam Two Towers of Happiness: Representation of Russian Identity and Community in Popular Film of the 2010s Maria Brock Birkbeck College, University of London/London School of Economics Adventures in Hyperreal Russia Mariëlle Wijermars University of Groningen Past the “Post-,” but Old Habits Die Hard: The Persistence of the State vs. Cultural Elite Paradigm and the Reception of State Critical Cinema in Contemporary Russia Break KEYNOTE Yngvar Steinholt University of Tromsø Russia after the Crimean Annex: Silence and Absence as Theoretical Challenges Coffee Dinner DAY 2: 12 JUNE 2015 9:00 – 10:30 C2.23/C3.17 Panel 1 (C2.23) THE GENDERED MOTHERLAND Chair: Natasha Kurchanova Panel 1A (C3.17) INTERNET, IDENTITY, AND HISTORY Chair: James Rann Diana Ibañez-Tirado SOAS, University of London/School of Global Studies, University of Sussex Mexican Soap Operas and Marital Disputes in Southern Tajikistan: Emotions, Gendered Subjects and Personhood Stepanov, Boris Higher School of Economics, Moscow Work of Nostalgia: Soviet Film Heritage and New Cinematic Experience Åsne Øysteinsdotter Høgetveit University of Tromsø Women’s Status in the Russian Societal Space: A Vertical Approach 10:30 – 10:45 10:45 – 12:45 C2.23/C3.17 Olga Ryabets University of Amsterdam Let’s Get Married in Russia! Break Panel 2 (C2.23) RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND MEDIA Chair: Jukka Pietiläinen Natalia Samutina Higher School of Economics, Moscow Multifandom Battles in Ruissian-Speaking Online Communities: The Development of Popular Culture in (Hidden) Virtual Spaces Panel 2A (C3.17) PERFORMANCE, PARODY, AND POLITICS Chair: Philip Ewell Marianne Leppik University of Tartu Historical Us/Them Dispositions in the Reception of News among Estonian Russian-Speakers Philip Ewell Hunter College, City University of New York Dissent in Post-‘Post-Soviet’ Russia as Expressed in Vasya Oblomov’s Parodic Narratives Aigerim Alzhanova al-Fabri Kazakh National University Is Kazakhstan’s Mass-Media Competitive? Larisa Kurtovic Cornell University Liberty Leading the People: Parody and the Promise of Democratic Tradition in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina Polina Kliuchnikova Durham University Switching to the Post-Post-Soviet? Language Practices, Cultural Identities and New Communication Spaces of Russian-Speaking Migrants in the UK 12:45 – 13:45 13:45 – 14:30 F0.02 Valeriya Kalkina University of Canterbury The Future of Post-Soviet Memory: Online Visual Archives of the Soviet Past Trudie Stoppelenburg University of Amsterdam The Online Playground: The Linguistic Experiments of Padonki as a Tool for Virtual Identities Lunch PRESENTATION/BOOK LAUNCH Dario Martinelli Kaunas University of Technology The Lithuanian Singing Revolution in the Post-Post-Soviet Scenario Perry Sherouse Oberlin College Muscle and Media: Frames of Reference in Georgian Weightlifting Jukka Pietiläinen University of Helsinki/Aleksanteri Institute Media Revolution in Russia? Glossy Magazines and Social Change in Putin’s Russia Creating a New Russia: Magazines and Social Change in Russia will be published by Kikimora Press in Summer 2015 14:30 – 14:45 14:45 – 16:00 F0.02 16:00 – 16:05 16:05 – 16:30 F0.02 Break ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Introduction: Sudha Rajagopalan Moderator: Ellen Rutten University of Amsterdam Break CLOSING REMARKS/FAREWELL Stephen Amico University of Amsterdam