Letter from Commissioner William Francis

Commissioner William W. Francis
3102 Zaharias Drive
Orlando, Florida 32837
TO: Delegates to the 2015 International Congress
RE: Post Congress Heritage Tour
As you may know from the International Congress website, Dr. Roger Green and I will
be leading a Post Congress Heritage Tour that begins the day after the Boundless
Congress concludes. We are excited about the depth and scope of this custom
designed 10 day tour of exploring the sites and scenes of our Wesleyan and
Salvationist roots throughout England --- and to top off the adventure, you will have the
opportunity to travel with us through Ireland on the optional extension.
There are limited spaces available for the tour. With 16,000 Salvationists expected for
the Congress, the Post Congress tour will likely be filled within the next few months. If
you would like to join this unique, historic and fun tour, please register right away. You
can find the registration form using one of the links below:
Boundless Congress Website - http://www.boundless2015.org/ The Post
Congress Heritage Tour link is on the opening page
Direct link to the Educational Opportunity website http://www.eo.travel/tours/saheritage2015
Our personal website - http://www.williamandmarilyn.com
Be sure to listen to the full video that will automatically play when you reach the site.
Dr. Green and I will greet you on the video.
The per diem cost of this first class tour is much less than an average hotel stay in
London in July. This tour will be a lifetime memory that we look forward to sharing with
you. For your convenience, I have attached an electronic copy of the tour brochure.
While Educational Opportunities will handle all tour details, please feel free to write to
me if I can be of any help.
With warm, personal regards, I remain
Sincerely yours,
William W. Francis
(407) 704-4616
Mobile: (407) 962-8341
Website: www.williamandmarilyn.com