PROTOCOL # BROWN UNIVERSITY Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Animal Use Form Please complete all applicable sections of the Animal Use Form within this document. Once complete, save as a PDF document and upload into the Coeus Protocol record. 1. Detailed description of the proposed use of laboratory animals. a. Provide a clear and concise sequential description of the procedures involving the use of animals that is easily understood by all members of the committee. b. Describe nonstandard housing and husbandry requirements. c. Provide a description and rationale for humane endpoints. d. Describe the use of hazardous materials and provision of a safe working environment. e. Describe the use of restraint. f. Justify the omission of pain-relieving agents. g. If animals are to be moved through non-research areas, including between buildings, describe the mode of transportation and measures taken to protect the animals and minimize public exposure. h. If a member of the Animal Care staff finds that one of your animals has died, describe how the carcass should be handled and whether a member of your staff be contacted immediately. 2. Surgical Procedures a. Name and describe in detail each surgical procedure as listed in the Coeus surgical procedures. Identify on which animal each procedure is being performed. Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Page 1 of 11 b. Multiple Survival Surgeries i. Provide a complete scientific justification for performing more than one survival surgery on an individual animal. ii. Provide the interval(s) between the multiple surgeries and the rationale for choosing the interval(s). c. Pre-Operative Procedures i. Identify and describe all pre-operative procedures, including all preparations of the animal(s) for surgery. ii. Describe how the surgical site(s) will be prepared prior to surgery. iii. Aseptic Procedures 1. Indicate each method that will be used to ensure the sterility of materials, excluding materials that have been sterilized by the manufacturer. High-pressure/temperature (autoclave) Gas sterilization (ethylene oxide at BioMedical Center) Dry heat (hot bead sterilizer, between multiple rodent surgeries after initial sterilization) Plasma sterilization (Lifespan, by special arrangement) Chemical sterilant, (e.g., glutaraldehyde, peracetic acid): Other (Explain): 2. Indicate which of the following procedures will be used to maintain a sterile field during surgery. Sterile instruments Sterile gloves Sterile drapes Face mask Surgeon cap Surgeon scrub Sterile gown Other (Explain): d. Intraoperative Procedures Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Page 2 of 11 i. Identify and describe all intraoperative procedures ii. If you plan on using implanted materials (sutures, staples, wound clips, etc.) or experimental devices (catheters, electrodes, pins, pumps, etc.), complete the following. Material Describe size and composition What is the tissue closure? Duration (e.g. days) iii. Physical Support - Indicate any physical methods used to support the animal(s) during surgery (e.g. heating pads, blankets, etc.) iv. Monitoring - Describe methods used to monitor the state of anesthesia and general well-being of the animal(s) during surgery. e. Post-Operative Care (for survival surgery only) i. How long will the animal(s) survive after surgery? (If multiple surgeries are planned, answer for the last surgery before euthanasia.) ii. Give the frequency of post-operative monitoring and how long the monitoring will continue. iii. Who will be responsible for post-operative care until the animal can ambulate without danger to itself and thereafter (including after-hours, weekends, and holidays)? iv. List any physical methods used to support the animals in the immediate post-operative period (e.g., heating pads, blankets, fluids, etc.) v. If you do not plan to use analgesics to provide post-operative pain relief to the animals following surgery, please justify. Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Page 3 of 11 vi. f. Please describe wound management measures that will be used to prevent chronic infections around any implanted medical device(s). Post-Operative Complications i. Describe any possible or expected post-operative complications and what will be done if these complications arise. ii. Provide criteria by which a decision to euthanize a surgical patient post-operatively will be made. iii. In case there is an emergency medical situation and you or your staff cannot be reached, identify drugs or classes of drugs that should not be used as part of the treatment plan. g. Maintenance of Post-surgical Medical Records i. Identify the individuals who will be responsible for maintaining accurate, daily, post-surgical written medical records. ii. Describe where post-surgical records will be kept. 3. Euthanasia Unless a deviation is justified for scientific or medical reasons, methods should be consistent with the current AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia. Guidelines can be found at: a. If physical method, please describe. b. If chemical method, please describe. c. Describe endpoint criteria. Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Page 4 of 11 d. Describe disposal methods. e. Describe contingency plan. f. Justify any method that is not consistent with current AVMA guidelines. 4. Emergency Contact Information Provide a contact name and telephone number for the individual to be contacted in case of an emergency. Name: Telephone Number: 5. Drugs a. List all drugs identified in the Coeus procedures section. Dose Drug mg/kg mL Route Frequency (e.g. times/day) Duration (e.g. days) b. Describe the record system and security measures to be employed for maintenance of each drug. 6. Non-Hazardous Agents/Materials List all non-hazardous agents/materials used in the protocol. Agent/material Dose and/or Volume Route of admin. 7. Biological Materials Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Page 5 of 11 a. List all biological materials identified in the Coeus procedures section to be used in animals. Material (e.g. fluid, cells, tissues) Route of admin. b. Describe how these materials were screened for infectious agents. 8. Infectious Agents a. List all infectious agents, identified in the Coeus procedures section, to be used in animals. Agent and strain or construct CDC Biosafety Level of agent Route of admin. b. Describe whether an antibiogram, anti-viral drug sensitivity screen, or other appropriate drug sensitivity panel has been determined for the agent(s) listed to assist physicians in selecting proper therapy if an inadvertent human infection occurs. c. If any of these agents are on the CDC list of "Select Agents", describe whether they pose a bioterrorism risk. d. Describe whether any infectious agent contains recombinant nucleic acid. 9. Toxic Agents/Materials a. List all toxic agents/materials, identified in the Coeus procedures section, to be used in animals. Agent/material Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Nature of Hazard* Route of admin. Page 6 of 11 b. If any of these agents are on the CDC list of "Select Agents", describe whether they pose a bioterrorism risk. 10. Radioactive Agents a. List all radioactive agents, identified in the Coeus procedures section, to be used in animals. Radioactive Agent (include isotope) Agent dose mg/kg mL Activity (e.g. mCi/kg) Route of admin. b. List which investigator has been given permission by the Radiation Safety Committee to utilize the isotope(s) indicated. 11. Specimen Collection a. List any fluids or tissues that will be collected from animals postmortem. b. If blood is to be collected ante mortem, complete the table below. * Site of blood collection Amount of blood collected expressed as volume (mL)/ and % of body weight (assume 1 ml = 1 gram) mL % mL % mL % Number of blood collections Interval between collections weeks weeks weeks c. List all tissue and fluid to be collected ante mortem. Tissue or fluid collected Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Site & method of collection Amount (G) Volume (mL) Number of collections Interval between collections Page 7 of 11 12. Breeding a. Justify the need for breeding. b. Describe breeding scheme/plan. c. Anticipated total number of postembryonic animals that will be produced (For all but amphibian and fish): Species Strain # of Male breeders needed # of Female breeders needed Expected # of Offspring Estimated # of Offspring used for this protocol Estimated # Estimated # of offspring of transferred Offspring to another Euthanized protocol without use d. Describe what will be done with surplus animals. e. If purchasing pregnant females, explain whether the dams will be allowed to give birth to live pups and will the pups be used for this project. If pups will not be used for this project, describe what will be done with the surplus. f. Transgenic/Knockout Breeding Programs i. DNA/transgene or gene to be disrupted. ii. Anticipated consequences to the animal of genetic manipulation. iii. Method of monitoring presence of transgene in the animals. iv. Describe any special care or monitoring that may be required. Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Page 8 of 11 v. Describe the disposition of the founders and for how long will they be maintained. 13. Antibody Production a. Monoclonal Antibody Production: i. If monoclonal antibodies will be produced in animals or harvested from hybridoma cell lines as part of this project, is antibody harvest limited to existing hybridoma cell lines with no further immunizations or lymphocyte fusions planned? Yes No If not, complete the following table regarding the immunization protocol for the animals prior to lymphocyte harvest for hybridoma creation. For each antigen for which multiple immunization days will be used, use a separate row in the table for each immunization day. Injection day (e.g. day 0, 7, 30, etc.) ii. Antigen Adjuvant Total injection volume Amount antigen mg mL mg mL mg mL Number of divided injections Injection route and anatomical location (e.g., SC, dorsum) If feeder cells for supporting hybridoma colony growth will be collected from animals, describe the exact procedures that will be used to collect the feeder cells and the number of animals needed for this purpose. b. Alternatives: Consider alternate research methods that can replace the use of animals. lf any animals will be used to expand hybridoma cell lines so that antibodies can be harvested from ascites fluid, complete items i and ii below; then proceed to item iii. i. Explain why in vitro cell culture systems for harvesting monoclonal antibodies are not adequate to meet the research objectives. ii. Complete the following table. Hybridoma cell line designation Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Number of animals used for ascites production Priming agent and volume(mL) Number and timing of priming injections Volume of injected hybridoma cells (mL) Number of abdominal taps before euthanasia Page 9 of 11 iii. mL mL mL mL mL mL Euthanasia - Describe the criteria that will be used to determine the terminal abdominal tap: c. Polyclonal Antibody Production: If polyclonal antibodies will be produced in this species of animal as a part of this project, complete items i. and ii. then go to item d. If not, go to item d below. i. Complete the following table. For each antigen for which multiple immunization days will be used. Use a separate row in the table for each day. Injection day (e.g. day 0, 7, 30, etc.) ii. Antigen Adjuvant Amount antigen Total injection volume mg mL mg mL mg mL mg mL mg mL mg mL Number of divided injections Injection route and anatomical location (e.g., SC, dorsum) Possible adverse effects in animals that might be seen from the proposed antigen or adjuvant injections and what measures will be taken should these adverse effects occur. d. Terminal blood collection: If animals used for antibody production will be exsanguinated as a method of euthanasia, complete items i. through iii. below, then go to item e. If not, go to item e. i. Describe the method of exsanguination. ii. If anesthetics, tranquilizers, or analgesics will be used prior to exsanguination, describe the administration of pain-relieving agents including dose (mg/kg), volume (ml), route, and frequency/duration here; then proceed to item 5. If not, justify the omission of pain-relieving agents below; then proceed to item e. iii. Describe method for ensuring animals are dead following blood withdrawal. Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Page 10 of 11 e. Describe how the antigens or cell lines listed above will be screened to ensure they do not harbor infectious agents that could infect other laboratory animals or people after injection. Version 1 - 09/10/2013 Page 11 of 11