Spring 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 Title: It’s ancient history…….. Timescale: 04/01/16 – 12/02/16 6wks Rationale: This half term we are investigating Ancient Egypt. We will investigate who were the Ancient Egyptians and what was life like for them. The children will look at mummification and the process along with discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun. Furthermore we will compare and contrast the powers of Egyptian Gods. The children will have the opportunity to discover facts about the Egyptian pyramids. To complete are topic the children will explore ancient Egyptian writing and the sacred animals. To conclude our topic the children will visit the Isle of Wight Zoo to compare the animals. The Big Questions: Where was ancient Egypt? What were the sacred animals? What was the Egyptians favourite animals? Hook: The children will have the opportunity to visit the Isle of Wight Zoo, which will conclude and link to our topic. Animals played an important part in the ancient Egyptian belief system, with sacred creatures and even pets being preserved for eternity. Take-Away Task: The homework this half term will be based on the individual needs of the children. Where possible it will link to our History topic and/or Science topic. Educational Visits/Global/Cultural Link: IOW ZOO Spring 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 Main Subjects Covered: History linked with Literacy and Science. RE Topic for the Half Term: Muhammad & the Qu’ran. Science Topic for the Half Term: Electricity, Light & sound: PSHE/SMSC Link: Focus on feelings and emotions along with keeping healthy. Link to the Value: Respect, focussing on supporting others. Spring 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 Numeracy WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 04/01/16 11/01/16 18/01/16 25/01/16 01/02/16 08/02/16 Multiplication and Addition & Division. subtraction. Roman numerals. Fractions: recognise & Fractions: recognise, write. use & count in Including money Literacy Assessment week. tenths. Non-Fiction: Diary Non-Fiction: Poetry: Traditional Poetry: Traditional Fiction: writing. Instructions. poems. poems. Legends. Myths and Fiction: Myths and Legends. Assessment week. SPAG Y3- To spot noun Y3 – To spot Y3 – To spot Y3 – To use phrases in sentences. statements and Commands & conjunctions to join two questions. Exclamations clauses. Y4 – To spot noun phrases in sentence. Y4 – To use Y4 – To use Y4- To use conjunctions adverbial phrases in adverbial phrases in a sentence. a sentence as an to join two clauses. To use conjunctions Y3 – To use to join main clause prepositions correctly and subordinate in my sentences. clause. Y4 – To use prepositions correctly in my sentences introduction. Word Level Year 3: Year 3: Year 3: Year 3: Year 3: Year 3: To spell further Adding suffixes The /i/ sound spelt The ou sound To use the first two To write from homophones and beginning with y elsewhere than at or three letters of a memory simple words that are often vowel letters to the end of words word to check its misspelt words with more spelling in the than 1 syllable dictionary sentences, dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far. Word Level Year 4: To spell Year 4: To write further homophones from memory simple WEEK 7 Spring 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 Phonics Year 3 and words that are Year 4: Words with Year 4: To spell Year 4: To use the first Year 4: To know the sentences, dictated often misspelt the /k/ sound spelt words that are often two or three letters of grammatical by the teacher, that ch misspelt a word to check its difference between include words and spelling in the plural and possessive punctuation taught dictionary. –s so far. Suffixes: Suffixes: The ‘I’ sound spelt To use further Adding suffixes Adding suffixes with a ‘Y’. prefixes and suffixes beginning with vowel beginning with vowel letters to words of letters to words of more than one more than one syllable. To spell further To spell further homophones and homophones and words that are often words that are misspelt often misspelt and understand how to add them. syllable. Phonics Year 4 To spell further To spell further homophones and homophones and words that are often words that are misspelt often misspelt Suffixes: Suffixes: Adding suffixes Adding suffixes beginning with vowel beginning with vowel letters to words of letters to words of more than one more than one syllable. The ‘I’ sound spelt To use further with a ‘Y’. prefixes and suffixes and understand how to add them. syllable. Science Computing Simple circuits and Simple circuits and Simple circuits and Shadows and Shadows and conductors: conductors: conductors: reflections: reflections: vibrations: Collect and present Collect and present Collect and present Collect and present Collect and present Collect and present data: Word data: Word data: Word data: Word data: Word data: Word . Spring 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 RE Muhammad & the Muhammad & the Qu’ran. Qu’ran. Enquire: What does Contextualise: What interpretation does interpretation mean? mean in the birth narratives? Muhammad & the Qu’ran. Evaluate: What is the value of the different Muhammad & the Muhammad & the Muhammad & the Qu’ran. Qu’ran. Qu’ran. Communicate: What Apply: On what does interpretation occasions and in mean to me? what situations is interpretations to interpretation Christians? What significant? do I think? History Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egypt:: Geography Pop Art: Pop Art: Pop Art: Pop Art: Pop Art: Pop Art: Past, here and now Past, here and now Past, here and now Past, here and now Past, here and now Past, here and now Music See planning by FN See planning by FN See planning by FN See planning by FN See planning by FN See planning by FN Language See planning by NB See planning by NB See planning by NB See planning by NB See planning by NB See planning by NB Multi-skills and Multi-skills and Multi-skills and Multi-skills and Games Multi-skills and Multi-skills and Games Games Games Games Games Focus on feelings Focus on feelings Focus on feelings Keeping healthy Keeping healthy Art and Design Design and Technology PE PSHE/SMSC http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/geography/story/main.html Keeping healthy Spring 1 – MTP - Year 3/4