
French Society BEFORE the revolution
Things to Know about France prior to the revolution
France’s economy is mostly ___________________ – Farmers (serfs)
There are about ______ million people living in France
France has many oversea colonies but lost a vast majority of the colonies in ___________________to
the _________________ – (Seven Years War)
They spent a lot of _________________ on these wars
They had just built the huge Palace of ________________________ for the King/Queen to live
Due to major ____________________ and poor _____________________and huge spending by the
King(s) France was ______________________
Louis XVI ( that’s 16th for those of you who don’t know)
Louis XVI was the absolute ruler of France from 1771 -1792
***________________________________ - form of government where the ruler has the power to rule his or her
land or country and its citizens freely, with no laws or legally-organized direct opposition in force. ***
Beloved by the people at first, his ______________________ and ______________________led the people to
reject him and hate in him the perceived tyranny of the former kings of France.
Married to Queen ________________________ of Austria, who was never well liked by the French people.
(famous quote is “ Then let them eat cake”)
He is the ______________________ for the start of the French Revolution.
Because of all of France’s issues and the discontent of the_____________, Louis XVI and called the Meeting of
the_____________________. Representatives of the three groups (except the for the very poorest people met
to solve Frances issues)
The Third Estate wanted each deputy to have a vote because before only one representative from each group
got the right to vote, this meant that the 1st and the 2nd Estates could out vote the third ____________.
After a huge stalemate, Louis XVI put a stop to this meeting and demanded that the groups to meet
The 3rd Estate gathered at a nearby Tennis Court and would not disband until they figured out a constitution
for France. This is called the ___________________________.
This is the Start of the revolution.
Things to Know about France prior to the revolution
France’s economy is mostly agricultural – Farmers (serfs)
There are about 25 million people living in France
France has many oversea colonies but lost a vast majority of the colonies in North America to the
British – (Seven Years War)
They spent a lot of Money on these wars
They had just built the huge Palace of Versailles for the King/Queen to live
Due to major drought and poor farming and huge spending by the King(s) France was BROKE
Louis XVI ( that’s 16th for those of you who don’t know)
Louis XVI was the absolute ruler of France from 1771 -1792
***Absolute monarchy - form of government where the ruler has the power to rule his or her land or country and
its citizens freely, with no laws or legally-organized direct opposition in force. ***
Beloved by the people at first, his indecisiveness and conservatism led the people to reject him and hate in him
the perceived tyranny of the former kings of France.
Married to Queen Marie Antoinette, who was never well liked by the French people. (famous quote is “ Then let
them eat cake”)
He is the scapegoat for the start of the French Revolution.
Because of all of Frances issues and discontent of the 3rd Estate, Louis XVI and called the Meeting of
the Estates General. Representatives of the three groups (except the for the very poorest people met
to solve Frances issues)
The Third Estate wanted each deputy to have a vote because before only on representative got the
right to vote, this meant that the 1st and the 2nd Estates could out vote the third 2-1.
After a huge stalemate, Louis XVI put a stop to this meeting and demanded that the groups to meet
The 3rd Estate gathered at a nearby Tennis Court and would not disband until they figured out a
constitution for France.
This is the Start of the revolution.