Name _______________________ Art II Classifying Artwork :: Realistic, Abstract & Non Objective Learning Objectives. Learn the difference between realistic, abstract and nonobjective. Study artists whose work is created in the realistic, abstract and nonobjective styles. Creatively interpret a realistic image, making it abstract, and then nonobjective. You will produce a triptych- 3 different artworks matted together that are all based on the same image. Define the following in your OWN words: Realistic Art = ________________________________________________________________ Abstract Art = ________________________________________________________________ Non Objective Art = ____________________________________________________________ Since all work falls into one of these stylistic categories, these words are important in understanding, interpreting and analyzing much of the art we see. These words will be used as "our language" much like the terminology in your other classes. Creating your art: FIND AN IMAGE that has a good amount of detail and one that interests you. Look through the magazines. If you use your computer & internet you must be able to print it in COLOR! REALISTIC. You will keenly observe your subject and attempt to copy it as realistically as possible. This one should be done in a highly realistic fashion. You may use any media, pencil, color pencil, paints, watercolor, etc. ABSTRACT. This means you will need to distort or change the picture by breaking up its parts and reorganizing them in an interesting way without losing its total identity. Focus on the basic elements like line, color, shape etc. NON OBJECTIVE. This will be achieved by further manipulating line, shape, color, value and contrast. You will completely dismantle the subject until it is no longer recognizable. Turn in your 3 artworks and original image. Make sure your name is on the back. We will mount them to mat board for final display. Name __________________________ Quiz Grade. Turn into grading bin on my desk. Under each artwork, label whether you think they are realistic, abstract, or nonobjective. 1.) 2.) 3.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 4.) 8.) 12.) Using the internet, find a NEW, DIFFERENT example of each style of art. Write down the title and artist’s name. Realistic Artwork : ____________________________________________________________ Abstract Artwork : ____________________________________________________________ Non Objective Artwork : _______________________________________________________