2 Year Long Term Plan September Class 3 2014 – July 2016 Year A HISTORY The Bronze Age The Iron Age GEOGRAPHY Britain in Maps British Coast / Hooke Court HISTORY Ancient Egypt (in-depth study) Topic (including local history) Trip to Project Timescape. Year A Literacy Genres Class 3 play: 'A Glint of Gold' (Tutankhamun) Term 5 Trip to Highclere Castle (Lord Carnarvon's Newspaper Reports (King Tut's tomb discovered) Story: Adventure and Mystery (TfW Y3) Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Stories: Imaginary Worlds Recounts (of trip to Project Timescape) Letters (taught) - to parents with details. Story: Familiar Settings Recount – diary form (Hooke Court) Non-chronological report (Lifeboats / lifeboatmen) Plays and Dialogue The BFG Butterfly Lion The Fireworkmakers Daughter Flat Stanley Poetry: performance (TfW Y3) Senses Poems (TfW Y3) Instructions (TfW Y4) Books The Minpins Poetry Poetry on a theme of Imaginary Worlds Grammar Vary long and short sentences; adverb starters; fronted adverbials; prepositional phrases; powerful verbs ; start with a simile (poetry) Focus Weeks Science Art Week Design & Technology Residential Trip : D&T and Forces Lyme Regis visit. Embellished simple sentences; adjective, noun, noun phrases, verb, and adverb. Theatre Reviews Egyptian museum) Term 6 Varjak’s Paw Complex sentences Long and short sentences; Boastful language; specific subordination (inc. expanded noun phrases;long technical vocabulary; ellipsis; connectives); additional and short sentences; expanded direct speech; drop in relative subordinating conjunctions; noun phrases; list of three / clause; commas after fronted sentence of three for adverbials; apostrophes for description; singular possession (nonprepositions (plays); direct chron. report) speech; powerful speech verb Consolidate: full stops, capitals, ?, !, bullet points, apostrophe for contractions, commas in lists, singular/plural, suffix/prefix adjective, noun, noun phrases, verb, adverb, consonant / vowel, word family, alliteration, statement, question, exclamation, command, tense – past, present, future, inverted commas. D&T week Christmas States of Matter (Y4 Prog of Study) Structures: photo frames; towers compound sentences; powerful verbs; -ing clauses as starters; specific technical vocabulary; National Science and Engineering Week Forces Electricity (inc. rockets at Y4 Hooke Court) Y3 Pneumatics and hydraulics: rockets. Alarms. D&T week Animals inc. humans Digestive system Y4 Nutrition Teeth Y4 D&T Cookery ICT Spreadsheets Databases Algorithms, Coding Art Take One Artist Multimedia Presentation E-Safety Algorithms Coding MUSIC Desktop Publishing Algorithms Coding Databases Spreadsheets Exploring textures and patterns. Core Skills Spreadsheets E-Safety Coding Movie Editing Core Skills Spreadsheets Algorithms and Coding Scratch Programming Email E-Safety MUSIC MUSIC Accurate drawings of people, faces, bodies and movements. Ancient Egyptian art Leaders and Followers: Who do Jewish and Gambia link school Christian people follow? Symbols Five Pillars of Islam Pentecost Extending colour mixing; using different brushes. Georgia O’Keefe flowers RE/PSHE Gambia link school – letters, photos / video, fund-raising plans Religion and the individual Gambia link school French PE Athletics/ Football Athletics/Tag Rugby Hockey/ Gymnastics Music ART Christmas Music: playing accompaniments, singing in two parts. ART Tennis/ Gynmastics/ Outdoors and adventurous activities Standard musical notation, recorder. Cricket/ Netball/ Swimming Rounders/ Dance /Swimming Music from Play Quality singing, including 2 parts and harmony. ART Year B Topic Year B Literacy Genres Books Poetry Grammar HISTORY Roman Empire Impact on Britain and Celts [short in 2nd half term] Trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace Term 1 Nonchronological report (on Roman mythological creature). Stories – Myths and Legends Term 2 Newspaper recount [Fishbourne] Advert (estate agent) for the palace. Instructions (Christmas craft) TfW Y3 The Ice Palace Diary of a Killer Cat Poetry for Christmas Adjective, noun, noun phrases, verb, and adverb; powerful verbs; generalisers for info.; apostrophes for singular possession (nonchron. report) Boastful language; colon before list; start with a simile (poetry) PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Vesuvius and Pompeii (inc. play) Term 3 Plays and Dialogue HISTORY HISTORY / ART GEOGRAPHY & SCIENCE Anglo-Saxons (before Alfred the Great) – fall of Roman Empire, Scots invasions. Hooke Court trip – Saxons theme. Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture (short unit) Planet Earth World maps: zones esp. Rainforest Trip to Living Rainforest World and Europe maps: location knowledge Term 4 Recount (diary) (Hooke Court) Term 5 Fantasy Stories (TfW Y4) Term 6 Recount and [taught] letter (Rainforest) Grandpa Chatterji Bill’s New Frock Stories with historical settings I was a Rat! Powerful verbs; specific technical vocabulary; direct speech; powerful speech verb Complex sentences subordination (inc. connectives); additional subordinating conjunctions; commas after fronted adverbials The Hodgeheg Kennings Story poems (TfW Y4) Observation poems TfW Y3 Powerful verbs; direct speech; drop in relative clause; specific technical vocabulary; drop in relative clause; Consolidate: full stops, capitals, ?, !, bullet points, apostrophe for contractions, commas in lists, singular/plural, suffix/prefix adjective, noun, noun phrases, verb, adverb, consonant / vowel, word family, alliteration, statement, question, exclamation, command, tense – past, present, future, inverted commas. Focus Weeks Poetry linked to Art Week Book Week Skeleton and Muscles Science Design and Technology Motorised Roman chariots Rocks and Fossils (inc. Charmouth trip) Plants Planet Earth : Living Things, Environments, Habitats and Food Chains Textiles: purses Cookery ICT Core Skills Internet Research Presentations Multimedia Project Google Maps Email E-Safety DTP Algorithms Coding Desktkop Publishing Website Design Spreadsheets Core Skills Podcasts E-Safety Algorithms Coding Website Design Scratch programming Art Take One Artist MUSIC MUSIC Sculpture R.E. / P.S.H.E. Gambia link school – letters, photos / video, fund-raising plans What different beliefs about God do people have? Christian + Muslim Gambia link school The Journey of Life + Death Hindu + Muslim and Christianity ART Christmas music, percussion. Strings tuition. Musical play. ART Standard musical notation. ART Strings tuition Strings tuition Strings tuition Strings tuition MUSIC Core Skills Scratch Programing Image editing E-Safety Watercolours: technique and great artists. Worship, Pilgrimage and Sacred Places Gambia link school French Music Strings tuition