TEST: 40 Multiple Choice Questions (80 points) 1 Free Response

40 Multiple Choice Questions (80 points)
1 Free Response Question (20 points)
Total: 100 points
1. Study ALL vocabulary throughout unit, especially those terms in bold throughout the unit.
2. Cartography
Types of Projections, Distortion in each
Goode (1923): Six interrupted lobes giving equal are projection among continents, distortion in Asia
Peters (1973): Areas of equal size on map, Distortion along poles and equator, NO GREENLAND
Mercator (1569): Cylindrical map projection, good for navigation, not for general reference
Robinson (1961): Least amount of distortion, distortion along high latitudes
3. Scale
Types of Scale
Fractional Scale: written as 1/24,000 or 1:24,000
Written Scale: “One inch equals One mile”
Graphic Scale: A bar line is marked to show the distance on the map relative to Earth’s surface
Large v. Small Scale
4. Modern measurement tools
GPS: Global Positioning System
Can accurately determine the location of something on earth GEOGRAPHERS USE GPS TO HELP WITH GIS
GIS: Geographic Information System
Computer system that looks at geographical data, key to GIS is geocoding. Uses layers
Remote Sensing:
Getting data of the earth from a satellite,
5. Uniqueness of Places
Site & Situation
Site: Physical Character of a place
-Important site characteristics: Climate, Water sources, Topography, Soil, Vegetation, Elevation
Humans have the ability to superimpose new features on land
Situation: Location of a place relative to other places
-Help us find unfamiliar places
-Identify landmarks
-Helps us understand importance of location
Mathematical Location
-Location using meridians and parallels
GMT/Prime Meridian
Crosses at Greenwich, England
International Date Line
After crossing this, move one day ahead or behind
Time Zones and how to determine time from one location to another
6. Regions (can you indentify examples?)
Formal: Also called Uniform and Homogeneous
Ex. Any state, country, Montana
Share a cultural value such as a common language
Functional: Also called Nodal
Has a center, or a node
Ex. Wheat fields, Newspapers
Vernacular: Also called Perceptual
Ex. The South
Cultural Identity
7. Distribution: The arrangement of a feature in a space
Density: The frequency with which something occurs in space
Arithmetic-total number of objects in an area
Physiological-The total number of people over arable land
Agricultural-The total number of farmers over arable land
Concentration: The extent of a feature’s spread over space
If objects are close, they are clustered if they are apart, they are dispersed
Patterns: Geometric arrangement of objects in space
8. Globalization: Force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something
worldwide in space
Diffusion: Process by which a characteristic spreads across a space
Hearth: Where diffusion starts
Relocation Diffusion: Spread of an idea through physical movement of people
Expansion Diffusion: Spread of a feature from one place to another in a snowballing
Contagious: Spread of an idea through persons or nodes of authority or power to other persons
or nodes
Hierarchical: rapid, widespread diffusion of a characteristic of throughout the population
Stimulus: Spread of an underlying principle
9. Culture
Cultural Landscape: An area of earth modified by human habitation
Cultural Ecology: The geographic study of human-environment relations
Environmental Determinism: Direct environment causes social development
Possibilism: Physical environment ma limit human actions, but people have the ability to
adjust to the environment.
How do these ideas relate to Djibouti’s situation?
The factors based on the culture in Djibouti are more from determinism because the physical
features helped to shape their modern day culture. The physical features brought in other modern
countries to develop Djibouti.