Enska 202 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night

Enska 202
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Pages 94-113
1. How did Christopher accept the information he received from Mrs Alexander?
2. How far back can Christopher remember?
3. How would you describe Christopher’s memory? How does it function?
4. What is meant by “Relaxing Your Guard” in chapter 127?
5. Why is it so difficult to spot a rhetorical question (page 102)?
6. What happened between Christopher and his father in chapter 127? Who hit whom
and does it make Christopher feel sad?
7. Do you hate any colours like Christopher does? What feeling do you connect with the
colours you hate / your favourite colours?
8. Does Christopher understand the concept “love”? Explain.
Pages 114-128
What is this chapter about?
Pages 129-144
1. Why did Christopher’s mother leave?
2. How does Christopher react after reading the letters?
3. What reason does Christopher’s father give for hiding the letters?