Martin Gundersen MARTIN A. GUNDERSEN Lloyd F. Hunt Professor of Electrical Power Engineering Professor of Electrical Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, and Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California B.A., Physics, University of California, Berkeley, 1965 Ph.D., Physics, University of Southern California, 1972 Professional Technical Staff, 72" Hydrogen Bubble Chamber, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1965 Research Associate, Physics Department, University of Southern California, 1972-1973 Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Texas Tech University, 1973-1977 Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Physics (1980), Texas Tech, 1977-1980 Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, 1980-1983 Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, 1983-, Physics, 1994-, and Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, 2003Administrative Associate Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering – Electrophysics, USC, 1994-1998 Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering – Electrophysics, USC, 1998-2003 Visiting Appointments Visiting Professor of Electrical Engineering, UCLA, 1986-1987 Visiting Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986-1987 Visiting Scientist, C.E.R.N., 1987 Visiting Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989 Visiting Associate, California Institute of Technology, 1993-94 Visiting Professor of Physics, Naval Postgraduate School, 2003-2004, 2005 to present RECOGNITION Fellow, Optical Society of America Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1992 USC School of Engineering Award for Service Germeshausen Award of the 2000 International IEEE Power Modulator Symposium for “Contributions to Power Modulator and Radar Transmitter Technologies” 2008 USC Viterbi School of Engineering Senior Research Award Sol Schneider award of the 2010 IEEE Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference “For Continuing Technical and Administrative Leadership in the Power Modulator and High Voltage Communities”. 1 Martin Gundersen SERVICE TO TECHNICAL MEETINGS Chair or Director: Chairman, Topical Meeting on IR Lasers (Dec. 1980) Chairman, Power Conditioning Workshop (Dec. 1985) Director, NATO Advance Research Workshop on Physics and Applications of Hollow Electrode Glow Switches, Lillehammer Norway, July 1989 Technical Program Chairman, IEEE International Power Modulator Symposium, 1990 Chair, 4th SDIO/ONR Pulsed Power Meeting, June 20-21, 1991 Technical Co-Chair, 1993 Workshop on Commercial Applications for Pulsed Power Technical Program Chairman, IEEE International Power Modulator Symposium, 1998 Chair, IEEE High Voltage Workshop, 2000 Chair, Executive Committee, IEEE International Power Modulator Conference and High Voltage Workshop, 2002 and 2004. Organizer, 2004 AFI Workshop “Catalyst”, reported in NATURE, 430, pg 720, 12 August 2004, and 2005, reported in the New York Times, Aug 4, 2005. Other conference activities, partial list: Session Organizer and Chair, 1976 and 1977 IEEE Plasma Sciences Meeting, "Laser Isotope Separation" Co-Chairman, SPIE Pulsed Power for Lasers (Jan. 1987) Session Chairman, 1988 APS Gaseous Electronics Meeting, Program Committee, 1988 OSA Meeting Symposium Organizer, 1989 OSA Meeting, "Pulsed Power for Lasers" Program Committee, IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 1991 Organizing Committee, UCLA Factory Detector Workshop, June 1991 Executive Committee, Technical Program Committee, 1992 IEEE Power Modulator Symposium Panel Discussion Organizer and Moderator, "Commercial Applications of Pulsed Power Technology," 1992 IEEE Power Modulator Symposium, Session Chair, IX Symposium on High-Current Electronics, Russia, July 21-30, 1992 Program Committee, Ninth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 1993 1996 Power Modulator Symposium, Boca Raton, FL, June 24-26 1996 Executive Committee, XVII International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, Berkeley, CA, July 21-26, 1996 1997 International Pulsed Power Conference 1997 High Voltage Workshop Member, CAETS Steering Committee, for a meeting of the Consortium of Academies of Engineering and Technology, which is the international organization of the national academies of engineering. ACADEMIC SERVICE, PARTIAL LIST School of Engineering Appointments, Promotions and Tenure (APT) Committee (2005-2007, Chair, 2005-2006). University Committees: Graduate Fellowships and Prizes Committee (198592); Patent and Technology Transfer Committee (1989-99, Chair 96-97); Academic Senate 2 Martin Gundersen (1994-95); University Promotions and Tenure Committee (1994-98, Chair 97-98); WISE Committee for Women in Science and Engineering (2001-2002, Steering Committee on Academic Leadership and Development (2001-2002); University Financial Disclosure Review Committee (2004-2008), VSOE Space Metrics committee F 2010 (Chair). Currently member, VSOE new building committee, Chair, VSOE APT Committee, EE-Electrophysics Executive Committee and Recruitment Committee. EDITORIAL Editor, with G. Schaefer, "The Physics and Applications of Pseudosparks," NATO ASI Series B 219, Plenum Press (1990). Chapter Editor, "Thyratrons," in "Advances in Pulsed Power Technology Volume II: Gas Discharge Closing Switches", G. Schaefer, M. Kristiansen, and A. Guenther, eds., Plenum Press (1990). Editor, Special Edition IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., April 1991. Editor, Proceedings, 4th SDIO/ONR Pulsed Power Meeting, 1991. Editor, Special Edition IEEE Trans. Plasma Sciences, 1995. Co-Editor, Special Edition, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sciences, 2003. Reviewed for journals including Appl. Phys. Lett., App. Opt., IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., Electronics Letters, IEEE J. Quant Electr., IEEE Trans. Plas. Sci., J. Appl. Phys., Phys. Rev. Lett., and various other journals,; Proposals, NSF, ARO, AFOSR, NATO, DOE, various others. Summary of Current Research Interests My research group and I conduct basic and applied research in (1) nanosecond to sub-nanosecond pulsed power generation, (2) bioelectrics and biophysics, including translational medical devices (3) transient plasma, for energy, combustion, and biomedical applications (4) education, through a novel approach involving popular media (5) other areas; agriculture, wine production, and other applications of pulsed power These research activities are carried on through a wonderful collaborative group. It is really their accomplishments that appear in journal articles, and at conferences. Summaries of current group activities may be found on line at 3 Martin Gundersen Senior people in the group include Tom Vernier, Andy Kuthi, Chunqi Jiang and Dan Singleton. Additional recent research collaborations, with colleagues outside of USC, include (combustion) Stanford, U. Cincinnati, Naval Postgraduate School, Wright-Patterson AFRL, Nissan Research Laboratories; (biomedical engineering and medicine) Cedars-Sinai, UCLA, DeBakey Inst., U.C. Davis, U. Lund (Sweden), Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), and others. Research funding is currently from the ONR through an STTR, the AFOSR through another STTR, two other AFOSR grants (pulsed power, and combustion), the Alfred Mann Institute, and the TCC Shipping Company. Nanosecond pulsed power, distinct from traditional power electronics, is an enabling element of this activity. Research focuses on advanced pulsed power architectures, generating nsec pulses with high voltage, and low output impedance, and with optimal efficiencies. By focusing on the applications of high peak-power, we employ nanosecond pulses to elicit non-equilibrium responses in widely-varying applications. The research addresses the underlying science of material responses to applied electric pulses in a new domain in which the pulses are too short for normal equilibrium dynamics to occur. Considerable recent work has been directed towards innovation in pulse generation for nanosecond, and sub-nanosecond pulses with high voltage output. Specific potential benefits with broad impact include bioelectrics, by selective induction of programmed cell death in diseased tissue, similar to research underway at ODU, and energy, through advancing low-emission, highly efficient combustion for a wide variety of engines. Bioelectrics: A basic understanding of the responses of biological cellular and intracellular processes to intense fields, using simulations at the level of molecular dynamics and extensive collaborative in vitro and in vivo studies, is opening a challenging research area of high intellectual value. In medicine, the technology developed and knowledge gained in the field of bioelectrics will have potential benefits that include the ability to selectively induce programmed cell death in diseased tissue relative to healthy tissue. The group is also conducting research into cold plasma, lead by Prof. Chunqi Jiang. This work has applications in dentistry, sterilization and medicine. A significant effort supported by the AMI is developing a system to deliver nanoelectropulses as a skin cancer therapy. Energy and combustion: Goals include developing basic understanding of the formative phase of plasma and its interactions with fuels. Non-equilibrium plasma in the transient, formative phase of an arc, applied to ignition and combustion (transient plasma ignition or TPI) has several advantages and has consistently demonstrated reductions in ignition delay, improved lean-burn, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced emissions from a variety of airborne engines and internal combustion engines. In transportation, technology has potential benefits that include leaner burning engines and reduces emissions. Education: This research involves a novel approach to education. We are exploring the potential for transformative informal science education through film and television. This work fosters interactions between many different professional disciplines that exist in each of these two cultures. Goals of this informal educational project include creating deeper and different perceptions of science and engineering, as well as scientists and engineers, and improving the 4 Martin Gundersen understanding of the roles of science and engineering in society. As part of this, I initiated and organized the Catalyst Program, a workshop for teaching scriptwriting and other aspects of the business of the film and entertainment industry to scientists and engineers, conducted at the American Film Institute, 2004-2006 and other venues. I’ve been science advisor for film “Real Genius”, and worked uncredited on other films. Bit part acting roles include features “Real Genius” (1985) and “Losing Control” (2012). Organized the course “Visual Story Telling for Scientists and Engineers”, to be taught by screenwriting expert Syd Field, in Spring 2011. Agriculture: In work at USC, and in collaboration with colleagues at UC Davis, pulsed electric fields have been demonstrated to increase juice yield and quality in white wine grapes in my experiments and in published literature. An electric field of moderate intensity (500-1000 V/cm), applied to the grape tissue causes an irreversible electroporation of the cell membranes, allowing selective extraction of cell components without thermally affecting the grapes. The turbidity and the content of solid particles also decrease, which positively impacts the quality of wine. Directed Thesis for ≈30 Graduated PhD Students (EE unless otherwise indicated) Paul G. Snyder 1984 Studies of impurity-related luminescence in III-V semiconductors Daniel A. Erwin 1986 Characteriztion of hydrogen positive column plasmas Christopher G. Braun 1987 Investigation of non-equilibrium argon and hydrogen plasmas Honghai Dai (Physics) 1988 A study of radiative recombination and related properties of III-V semiconductors Mun Seog Choi 1989 A study of optical devices based in gallium phosphide George F. Kirkman 1991 The back-lighted thyratron switch Peyman Hadizad 1992 A high voltage GaAs field-effect transistor for pulsed switching applications; the GaAs static induction transistor Jung H. Hur 1992 GaAs and AlGaAs based opto-thyristors for pulsed power applications Ronglin Liou 1994 An experimental investigation of the generation of electron beams and radiation during the back-lighted thyratron hollow cathode discharge Gregory J. Roth 1999 Spatial and time resolved study of NO concentration in a pulsed discharge reactor using laser induced fluorescence P. Thomas Vernier 2004 Intracellular perturbations induced by nanosecond, megavolt-permeter electric fields: Bioelectrical engineering with pulsed power Fei Wang (Physics) 2006 Transient plasma ignition physics with applications to pulse 5 Martin Gundersen detonation engine ignition Yinghua Sun (Mat. Sci.) 2006 Biophotonic studies of quantum electroperturbed cancer cells dots in nanosecond Xianyue Kathy Gu (Mat. Sci.) 2006 Problems in pulsed power switching Qiong Shui (Mat. Sci.) 2007 JFET controlled nanotube emitters for high power cathodes Tao Tang 2007 Pulsed power circuits and architectures Charles Cathey 2009 Transient plasma for combustion: physics and applications Yu-San Liu (Chem E) 2009 Quantum dot fluorescent indicators for nanoelectroperturbation studies of cancer cells James Liang (Chem E) 2009 Functionalization of carbon nanotubes for introduction into cancer cells Jessica Hao Chen 2010 Compact Back-lighted thyratron switches Meng-Tse Chen (Mat Sci) 2010 Biophotonic studies of nanosecond pulsed field induction of apoptosis in cancer cells Daniel Singleton 2010 Transient plasma ignition Jason Sanders 2011 Compact pulsed power Esin Sozer 2011 Compact back-lighted thyratron switches Scott J. Pendleton (Physics) 2012 Experiments for understanding transient plasma ignition Zachery Levine (Physics, Vernier directed) 2013 Theoretical Studies of Lipid Bilayer Electroporation Yun Fang (Chem E., Muggli directed) 2013 Ming-Chak Ho (Vernier directed) 2013 Yu-Hsuan Wu (Mat. Sci., Vernier directed) 2014 Biophotonic Studies of Intracellular Responses to Nanosecond, Megavolt-per-meter, pulsed Electric Field Yung-Hsu Lin (Physics) 2014 Physics of transient plasma at Higher Pressures Jason Sanders was recipient of the 2011 IEEE Nuclear Plasma Sciences Society Student Paper Award (Best paper award for both the 2011 IEEE Conference on Plasma Science and the 2011 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference). The title of the paper is “Design and Optimization Techniques for the Generation of Intense, Ultrafast Pulses with Nonlinear Transmission Lines”. 6 Martin Gundersen Current PhD Students Name Erick Moen Start Screening Qualifying Date Date Date 2011 2012 tbd Dissertation Topic/Progress Bioelectric studies I have served as a committee member for many PhD and MS committees, in EE, Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry; I don’t have a record of them. Undergraduate Students Supervised, Recent: I have supervised undergraduate students for many years, and they have made valuable research contributions. I do not have a comprehensive list. Recent undergraduates included: Mya Thu BMEC graduated 5/2003 Matthew Behrend EE graduated 5/2004 Matthew received a Hertz Foundation Fellowship for graduate studies, one of 2 EE students in the US in 2004 Katherine Chiu BMEC, graduated 5/2004 Pavitra Krishnaswamy EE, matriculated to MIT for graduate work Christin Chong Biology, Senior Biophotonic studies of cancer cells Some of the earlier undergraduates that were participants in my research include Roger Dougal, Andrew Bushnell, and Arati Prabhakar. PATENTS Light initiated high power electronic switch (U.S. Patent 4,771,168, Sept. 13, 1988). Optically-triggered back-lighted thyratron network (U.S. Patent 4,890,040, Dec. 26, 1989). Pollution treatment cells energized by short pulses (U.S. Patent 5,603,893, Feb. 18, 1997). Repetitive Power Pulse Generator With Fast Rising Pulse (US Patent No. 6,831,377, Dec, 14, 2004). High voltage nanosecond pulse generator using fast recovery diodes for cell electro-manipulation (U.S. Patent 7,767,433 B2, Aug. 3, 2010) High voltage nanosecond pulse generator using fast recovery diodes for cell electro-manipulation (U.S. Patent 7,901,929 B2), Mar. 8, 2011) High voltage nanosecond pulse generator using fast recovery diodes for cell electro-manipulation (U.S. Patent 7,901,930 B2), Mar. 8, 2011) (there are three patents with the same name) J Sanders, A Kuthi, MA Gundersen, WH Moore, "Nanosecond pulse generator with a protector circuit", 2012, US Patent 8,120,207 J Sanders, A Kuthi, MA Gundersen, WH Moore, "Nanosecond pulse generator", 2012, US Patent 8,115,343 7 Martin Gundersen PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Refereed Publications 1. L. C. Lee, M. A. Gundersen, and W.L. Faust, "Use of tunable, Q-switched, pulsed discharge CO2 laser to study individual rotational components," Optics Comm. 1, 291 (1970). 2. M. A. Gundersen, H.B. Lloyd, and B.W. Poarch, "Mirror mount for long wavelength lasers," Rev. Sci. Instru. 43, 333 (1972). 3. M. A. Gundersen and W.L. Faust, "Resonance fluorescence in GaP," J. Appl. Phys. 44, 376 (1973). 4. M. A. Gundersen and W.L. Faust, "Quenching and enhancement of fluorescence from bound excitons by far-infrared radiation," Phys. Rev. B 7, 3681 (1973). 5. M. A. Gundersen and C.D. Harper, "A high power pulsed xenon ion laser," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-9, 1160 (1973). 6. C.D. Harper and M.A. Gundersen, "Construction of a high power xenon ion laser," Rev. Sci. Instru. 45, 400 (1974). 7. M.A. Gundersen, "Conversion of 28 micron far-infrared radiation to visible light using bound excitons in CdS," Appl. Phys. Lett. 24, 591 (1974). 8. A.H. Bushnell and M.A. Gundersen, "New far-infrared laser lines in N15H3," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-12, 260 (1976). 9. A.H. Bushnell, M.A. Gundersen, and T.R. Burkes, "Effect of a small capacitor in parallel with a pulsed CO2 TEA laser," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-12, 447 (1976). 10. C.R. Jones, M.I. Buchwald, M.A. Gundersen, and A.H. Bushnell, "Ammonia laser optically pumped with an HF laser," Opt. Comm. 24, 27 (1978). 11. A.H. Bushnell, C.R. Jones, M.I. Buchwald, and M.A. Gundersen, "New HF laser pumped molecular lasers in the middle infrared," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-15, 208 (1979). 12. R.A. Dougal, C.R. Jones, M.A. Gundersen, and L. Nelson, "Longitudinal mode control of a CO2 TE laser by means of intracavity absorbers," Appl. Opt. 18, 1311 (1979). 13. M.A. Gundersen, R.A. Dougal, C.R. Jones, and J.N. Telle, "Tunable single-mode operation of a CO2 TE laser by means of selective absorbers," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-15, 125 (1979). 14. P.F. Williams, R.J. Crumley, and M.A. Gundersen, "Studies of the basic processes responsible for laser-triggered breakdown in gases," Journal de Physique C 40, 305 (1979). 15. E. Brown, M.A. Gundersen, and P.F. Williams, "New infrared laser lines in argon, krypton, and xenon," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-16, 683 (1980). 16. T.A. Yocom, K. Schoenbach, R.A. Dougal, M.A. Gundersen, and P.F. Williams, "A study of selective absorbers for single mode operation of TEA CO2 lasers," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE16, 1192 (1980). 17. S.K. Dhali, P.F. Williams, R.J. Crumley, and M.A. Gundersen, "Electron densities in laser-triggered hydrogen sparks," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. PS-8, 164 (1980). 18. J.F. Walkup, P.F. Williams, and M.A. Gundersen, "Optics at Texas Tech University: learning by doing," IEEE Trans. Educ. E-23, 118 (1980). 19. R.A. Dougal, M.A. Gundersen, and P.F. Williams, "Simple, powerful, tunable single-mode and mode-locked TEA CO2 laser," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 53, 181 (1982). 20. M.A. Gundersen, T.A. Yocom, P.G. Snyder, and P.F. Williams, "Efficient infrared upconversion in GaP," J. Appl. Phys. 53, 1769 (1982). 8 Martin Gundersen 21. M.A. Gundersen and S. Guha, "Formation of metastable species in hydrogen thyratrons," J. Appl. Phys. 53, 1190 (1982). 22. M.A. Gundersen,"Optical processes in the performance and recovery of gas-phase switches," Appl. Opt. 21, 1486 (1982). 23. M.A. Gundersen and T.A. Yocom, "Tunable pump laser stabilization of the CF4 laser," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-18, 1237 (1982). 24. T.A. Yocom, M.A. Gundersen, and A.H. Bushnell, "A simple pulsed HF laser for optical experiments," Appl. Opt. 21, 757 (1982). 25. S. Guha, H. Cole, and M.A. Gundersen, "A study of discharge processes in hydrogen thyratrons," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. PS-10, 309 (1982). 26. J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Plasma parameters characteristic of hydrogen thyratrons under steady-state conditions," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. PS-10, 315 (1982). 27. P.G. Snyder and M.A. Gundersen, "New nitrogen related recombination in GaP,"Phys. Rev. B 27, 2539 (1983). 28. P.G. Snyder, M.A. Gundersen, C.W. Myles, H.G. Henry, and E.G. Bylander, "A non-radiative recombination in GaAs.61P.39:Ge," J. Phys. Chem. Sol. Technical Note 44, 853 (1983). 29. J.A. Kunc and M.A.Gundersen, "Scalar transport coefficients for the hydrogen plasma in the cathode-grid region of a thyratron," J. Appl. Phys. 54, 2761 (1983). 30. R. Petr and M.A. Gundersen, "Field emission cathode for high power beams," Laser and Particle Beams 1, 207 (1983). 31. J.A. Kunc, S. Guha, and M.A. Gundersen, "A fundamental theory for high power thyratrons I: The electron temperature," Laser and Particle Beams 1, 395 (1983). 32. J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "A fundamental theory for high power thyratrons II: The production of atomic hydrogen and positive ions," Laser and Particle Beams 1, 407 (1983). 33. S. Guha, C. Braun, J.A. Kunc, and M.A. Gundersen, "Thyratron operation using helium for high power and high repetition rate applications," IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices ED-31, 992 (1984). 34. S. Guha, J.A. Kunc, and M.A. Gundersen, "Optical quenching and energy extraction involving metastable and dissociative states in hydrogen," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-20, 504 (1984). 35. J.A. Kunc, D.E. Shemansky, and M.A. Gundersen, "A fundamental theory for high power thyratrons III: The production of radiation," Lasers and Particle Beams 2, 129 (1984). 36. J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen,"Modeling of plasma devices for pulsed power," Appl. Phys. Lett. 45, 31 (1984). 37. J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Analytical expressions for H+, H2+ and H3+ ion densities in a hydrogen glow discharge," Phys. Fluids 27, 2862 (1984). 38. P.G. Snyder, M.A. Gundersen, and C.W. Myles, "Comparison of calculated and measured GaP:N luminescence spectra," J. Lumin. 31-32, 448 (1984). 39. P.G. Snyder, C.W. Myles, H-H. Dai, and M.A. Gundersen, "Model for phonon assisted indirect recombination at impurity sites in semi-conductors: A test of impurity wavefunction theories," Phys. Rev. B. Rapid Comm. 32, 2685 (1985). 40. H.H. Dai, M.A. Gundersen, and C.W. Myles, "A semi-empirical formalism for the calculation of deep level wavefunctions in k space," Phys. Rev. B. 33, 8234 (1986). 41. D.A. Erwin and M.A. Gundersen, "Measurement of excited-state densities during high-current operation of a hydrogen thyratron using laser-induced fluorescence," Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 1773 (1986). 9 Martin Gundersen 42. D.A. Erwin, J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Determination of electric field and electron temperature in the positive column of a high-power hydrogen thyratron from non-intrusive measurements,"Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 1727 (1986). 43. G.F. Kirkman and M.A. Gundersen, "Low pressure, light initiated, glow discharge switch for high power applications," Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 494 (1986). 44. C. G. Braun, D. A. Erwin and M.A. Gundersen, "Fundamental processes affecting recovery in hydrogen thyratrons," Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 1325 (1987). 45. H. Dai, M.A. Gundersen, C. W. Myles and P. G. Snyder, "Phonon assisted indirect recombination of bound excitons in N-doped GaP, including near resonant processes," Phys. Rev. B 37, 1205 (1988). 46. K. Frank, E. Boggasch, J. Christiansen, A. Goertler, W. Hartmann, C. Kozlik, G. Kirkman, C. G. Braun, V. Dominic, M.A. Gundersen, H. Riege and G. Mechtersheimer, "High power pseudospark and BLT switches," IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 16 (2), 317 (1988). 47. C. G. Braun, W. Hartmann, V. Dominic, G. Kirkman, M. Gundersen and G. McDuff, "Fiber optic triggered high-power low-pressure glow discharge switches," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 35 (4), 559 (1988). 48. G. Kirkman, W. Hartmann, and M.A. Gundersen, "Flashlamp triggered high power thyratron type switch," Appl. Phys. Lett. 52 (8), 613 (1988). 49. M.S. Choi, J.H. Hur, and M. A. Gundersen, "Optoelectronic bistability in gallium phosphide," App. Phys. Lett. 52 (19), 1563 (1988). 50. W. Hartmann and M.A. Gundersen, "Origin of anomalous emission in superdense glow discharge," Phys. Rev. Lett. 60 (23), 2371 (1988). 51. W. Hartmann, V. Dominic, G.F. Kirkman, and M.A. Gundersen, "Evidence for large-area superemission into a high current glow discharge," Appl. Phys. Lett. 53 (18), 1699 (1988). 52. W. Hartmann, G. F. Kirkman, V. Dominic, and M.A. Gundersen, "A super-emissive self-heated cathode for high-power applications," IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev. 36 (4), 825 (1989). 53. W. Hartmann, V. Dominic, G. F. Kirkman, and M. A. Gundersen, "An analysis of the anomalous high-current cathode emission in pseudospark and back-of-the-cathode lighted thyratron switches," J. Appl. Phys. 65 (11), 4388 (1989). 54. H. H. Dai, M. S. Choi, M. A. Gundersen, H. C. Lee, P. D. Dapkus and C.W. Myles, "Phononassisted recombination in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple-quantum-well structures", J. App. Phys. 66 (6), 2538 (1989). 55. R. Liou, H. Figueroa, Y. Hsu, G. Kirkman, and M. A. Gundersen, "An optically triggered, glow switch Marx bank," IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev. 37 (6), 1591 (1990). 56. H. Bauer, G. Kirkman, and M. A. Gundersen, "A two-component model for the electron distribution function in a high current pseudospark or back-lighted thyratron," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 18 (2), 237 (1990). 57. J. H. Hur, C. W. Myles and M. A. Gundersen, "Avalanche breakdown in p-n AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunctions," J. Appl. Phys. 67 (11), 1 (1990). 58. H. R. Bauer and M. A. Gundersen, "High current plasma based electron source," Appl. Phys. Lett. 57 (5), 434 (1990). 59. H. R. Bauer and M. A. Gundersen, "Penetration and equilibration of injected electrons into a highcurent hydrogen pseudospark-type plasma," J. Appl. Phys. 68 (2), 512 (1990). 60. J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, H. Zhao, S. G. Hummel, P. D Dapkus, H. R. Fetterman, and M. A. Gundersen, "GaAs based opto-thyristor for pulsed power applications," IEEE Trans. on Elec. Dev. 37, 2520 (1990). 10 Martin Gundersen 61. T. Y. Hsu, G. Kirkman, and M. A. Gundersen, "Multiple-gap back-lighted thyratrons for high power applications," IEEE Trans. on Elec. Dev. 38, 717 (1991). 62. W. Hartmann, G. Kirkman, and M. A. Gundersen, "Current quenching in the pseudospark," Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 574 (1991). 63. M. A. Gundersen, "Gas-phase pulsed power switches", IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 19 (6), 1123 (1991). (Invited). 64. G. Kirkman-Amemiya and M. A. Gundersen, "High current back lighted thyratron switch," Appl. Phys. Lett. 60 (3), (1992). 65. P. Hadizad, J. H. Hur, H. Zhao, and M. A. Gundersen, "A comparative study of Si and GaAs based devices for repetitive, high energy, pulsed switching applications," J. Appl. Phys. 71 (7), 3586 (1992). 66. M. A. Gundersen, J. H. Hur, H. Zhao, and C. W. Myles, "Lock-on effect in pulsed-power semiconductor switches," J. Appl. Phys. 71 (6), 3036 (1992). 67. T-Y. Hsu and M. A. Gundersen, "A high-power electron beam source based on the superemissive cathode," Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 (21), 2515 (1992). 68. R-L. Liou, T-Y. Hsu, and M. A. Gundersen, "Long pulse electron beam generation from the backlighted thyratron," Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 (22), 2647 (1992). 69. R. Liou, H. Figueroa, A. H. McCurdy, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R. J. Temkin, H. Fetterman and M. A. Gundersen, "Emission of microwave and millimeter wavelength radiation during hollow cathode discharge operation of the back lighted thyratron," Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 (23), 2779 (1992). 70. H. Zhao, J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, and M. A. Gundersen, "Avalanche injection model for the lock-on effect in photoconductive power switches," J. Appl. Phys. 73 (4), 1807 (1993). 71. P. Hadizad, J. H. Hur, H. Zhao, K. Kaviani, M. A. Gundersen, and H. R. Fetterman, "A high voltage optoelectronic GaAs static induction transistor," IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett. 14 (4), 190 (1993). 72. T. Y. Hsu, P. Hadizad, R. L. Liou, M. Baik, G. Roth, K. Frank, and M. A. Gundersen, "Broad area, intense electron beam source for high resolution, high throughput semi-conductor lithography,"J. of Vacuum Science and Technology B 11 (5), 1868 (1993). 73. A. Anders, S. Anders and M. A. Gundersen, "Model for explosive electron emission in a pseudospark "superdense glow", Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 (3), 364 (1993). 74. A. Anders, S. Anders and M. A. Gundersen, "Electron emission from pseudospark cathodes", J. Appl. Phys. 76 (3), 1494 (1994). 75. L. C. Pitchford, N. Ouadoudi, J. P. Boeuf, M. Legentil, V. Puech, C. Thomaz, and M. A. Gundersen, "Triggered breakdown in low pressure hollow cathode (pseudospark) discharges), J. Appl. Phys. 78 (1), 77 (1995). 76. V. F. Puchkarev and M. A. Gundersen, "Spatial and temporal distribution of potential in the pseudospark switch," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 23 (3), 318 (1995). 77. A. Anders, S. Anders, M. A. Gundersen, and A. M. Martsinovskii, "Self-sustained self-sputtering: A possible mechanism for the superdense glow phase of a pseudospark," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 23 (3), 275 (1995). 78. K. Frank, J. Christiansen, T. Redel, R. Stark, M. Setter and M. A. Gundersen, "Acceleration of electrons to > 0.5 MeV during space-charge neutralization of a 20 keV transient electron beam," Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 (10), 1424 (1996). 79. V. Puchkarev and M. Gundersen, "Energy efficient plasma processing of gaseous emission using short pulses," Appl. Phys. Lett. 71 (23), 3364 (1997). 11 Martin Gundersen 80. V. Puchkarev, G. Roth, and M. Gundersen, “Plasma processing of diesel exhaust by pulsed corona discharge,” Proceedings of the 1998 SAE Technical Paper Series #982516. 81. G. J. Roth and M. A. Gundersen, “Laser-induced fluorescence images of NO distribution after needle-plane pulsed negative corona discharge,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 27, 28 (1999). 82. J.R. Hoffman, P. Muggli, R. Liou, M. Gundersen, J. Yampolsky, T. Katsouleas, C. Joshi, W.B. Mori, "High Power Radiation From Ionization Fronts in a Static Electric Field in a Waveguide," J. App. Phys., 90 (3): 1115-1123 (2001). 83. M. Behrend, A. Kuthi, X. Gu, P. T. Vernier, L. Marcu, C. Craft, M. Gundersen, “Pulse generators for pulsed electric field exposure of biological cells and tissues,” IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 10:820-825, 2003. 84. P. T. Vernier, A. Li, L. Marcu, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Ultrashort Pulsed Electric Fields Induce Membrane Phospholipid Translocation and Caspase Activation: Differential Sensitivities of Jurkat T Lymphoblasts and Rat Glioma C6 Cells”, IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Insulation, 10: 795-809, 2003. 85. P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, S. Salemi, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Calcium bursts induced by nanosecond electric pulses”, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 310: 286–295, 2003. 86. Vernier, P. T., M. Thu, L. Marcu, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond electroperturbation —mammalian cell sensitivity and bacterial spore resistance” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 32:1620-1625, August 2004. 87. Vernier, P. T., Y. Sun, L. Marcu, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-induced phosphatidylserine translocation”, Biophys. J. 86:4040-4048, 2004. 88. Gaudet, J. A., Barker, R.J., Buchenauer, C.J., Christodoulou, C., Dickens, J., Gundersen, M.A., Joshi, R.P., Krompholz, H.G., Kolb, J.F., Kuthi, A., Laroussi, M., Neuber, A., Nunnally, W., Schamiloglu, E., Schoenbach, K.H., Tyo, J.S., Vidmar, R “Research issues in developing compact pulsed power for high peak power applications on mobile platforms,” .J., Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 92, Issue 7, July 2004, pp. 1144-1165. 89. E. Shamiloglu, R.J. Barker, M. Gundersen, and A.A. Neuber “Modern Pulsed Power: Charlie Martin and Beyond,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 92, Issue 7, July 2004, pp. 1014-1020. 90. P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, C. M. Craft, and M.A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields Perturb Membrane Phospholipids in T Lymphoblasts”, FEBS Letters 572:103-108, (2004). 91. A. Kuthi, P. Gabrielsson, M. Behrend, P.T. Vernier, and M.A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond Pulse Generator Using Fast Recovery Diodes for Cell Electromanipulation,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 33, Issue 4, pp. 1192-1197, August 2005. 92. C. Jiang, A. Kuthi, and M.A. Gundersen, “Toward ultracompact pseudospark switches,” Applied Physics Letters 86, pp. 024105:1-3, 2005. 93. F. Wang, J.B. Liu, J. Sinibaldi, C. Brophy, A. Kuthi, C. Jiang, P. Ronney, and M. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition of Quiescent and Flowing Air/Fuel Mixtures,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 844-849, April 2005. 94. J.B. Liu, F. Wang, G. Li, A. Kuthi, E. Gutmark, P. Ronney, and M.A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Special edition on Images, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 326-327, April 2005. 95. M. Curreli, C. Li, Y. Sun, B. Lei, M. A. Gundersen, M. E. Thompson, and C. Zhou, “Selective functionalization of In2O3 nanowire mat devices for biosensing applications,” Journal of the American Chemistry Society, 2005, 127: 6922-6923. 12 Martin Gundersen 96. F. Wang, J.B. Liu, J. Sinibaldi, C. Brophy, A. Kuthi, C. Jiang, P. Ronney, and M.A. Gundersen, “Compact High Repetition Rate Pseudospark Pulse Generator,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, Vol. 33, Issue 4, pp. 1177-1181, August 2005. 97. Y. Sun, P.T. Vernier, M. Behrend, L. Marcu and M.A. Gundersen, “Electrode Microchamber for Non-Invasive Perturbation of Mammalian Cells with Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields,” IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 277-283, December 2005. 98. C. Jiang, W. Hartmann, A. Kuthi, and M.A. Gundersen “Pseudospark Electron Beam as an Excitation Source for EUV Generation,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 87, pp. 131501:1-3, 2005. 99. Sun, Y., P. T. Vernier, M. Behrend, J. Wang, M. M. Thu, M. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, “Fluorescence microscopy imaging of electroperturbation in mammalian cells,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 11:24010, 2006. 100. Vernier, P. T., M. J. Ziegler, Y. Sun, W. V. Chang, M. A. Gundersen, and D. P. Tieleman, “Nanopore formation and phosphatidylserine externalization in a phospholipid bilayer at high transmembrane potential”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128:6288-6289, 2006. 101. Vernier, P. T., Y. Sun, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-driven membrane perturbation and small molecule permeabilization”, BMC Cell Biology 7:37, 2006. 102. Sun, Y., Y. S. Liu, P. T. Vernier, C. H. Liang, S. Y. Chong, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Photostability and pH sensitivity of CdSe/ZnSe/ZnS quantum dots in living cells”, Nanotechnology 17:4469-4476, 2006. 103. Vernier, P. T., Y, Sun, M. J. Ziegler, D. P. Tieleman, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanopore-facilitated, voltage-driven phosphatidylserine translocation in lipid bilayers — in vitro and in silico”, Physical Biology, 3:233-247, 2006. 104. T. Tang, F. Wang, A. Kuthi and M.A. Gundersen, “Diode opening switch-based nanosecond high voltage pulse generators for biological and medical applications”, IEEE Trans. Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 105. Liu, Y. S., Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, C. H. Liang, S. Y. C. Chong, and M. A. Gundersen, “pHsensitive photoluminescence of CdSe/ZnSe/ZnS quantum dots in human ovarian cancer cells”, J. Phys. Chem. C 111:2872-2878, 2007. 106. Garon, E. B., D. Sawcer, P. T. Vernier, T. Tang, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, M. A. Gundersen, and H. P. Koeffler, “In vitro and in vivo evaluation and a case report of intense nanosecond pulsed electric field as a local therapy for human malignancies”, Int. J. Cancer 121:675-682, 2007. 107. P. Krishnaswamy, A. Kuthi, P.T. Vernier, and M.A. Gundersen, “Compact subnanosecond pulse generator using avalanche transistors for cell electroperturbation studies”, IEEE Trans. Dielect. Elec. Ins. 14:873-877, 2007. 108. J. Wang, W. H. Yong, Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, H. P. Koeffler, M. A. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, “Receptor-targeted quantum dots: Fluorescent probes for brain tumor diagnosis”, J. Phys. Chem. B 111: 12993-12996, 2007. 109. C. Cathey, T. Tang, T. Shiraishi, T. Urushihara, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond Plasma Ignition for Improved Performance of an Internal Combustion Engine,” IEEE Trans on Plasma Sci., Dec. 2007
Volume: 35, 6, Part 1, 1664-1668. 110. Vernier, P. T., Y. Sun, M.-T. Chen, M. A. Gundersen, and G. L. Craviso, “Nanosecond electric pulse-induced calcium entry into chromaffin cells”, Bioelectrochemistry 73:1-4, 2008. 111. C. Cathey, J. Cain, H. Wang, M. A. Gundersen, M. Ryan, and C. Carter, “OH Production by Transient Plasma and Mechanism of Flame Ignition and Propagation in Quiescent Methane-Air Mixtures, Combustion and Flame, Volume 154, Issue 4, September 2008, Pages 715-727. 13 Martin Gundersen 112. Gómez Galindo, F., P. T. Vernier, P. Dejmek, A. Vicente, and M. A. Gundersen, “Pulsed electric field reduces the permeability of potato cell wall”, Bioelectromagnetics 29:296-301, 2008. 113. Jiang, C., M.-T. Chen, C. Schaudinn, A. Gorur, P. T. Vernier, J. W. Costerton, D. Jaramillo, P. Sedghizadeh, and M. A. Gundersen, “Pulsed atmospheric-pressure cold plasma for endodontic disinfection”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 37:1190-1195, 2009. 114. H. Chen, E. Kallos, P. Muggli, T. C. Katsouleas and M. A. Gundersen, "A High Density Hydrogen-Based Capillary Plasma Source for Particle-Beam-Driven Wakefield Accelerator Applications," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 27 (3) 456-462 March 2009. 115. Chen, M.-T., L. G. De-Arco, F. N. Ishikawa, P. T. Vernier, C. Zhou, and M. A. Gundersen, Intracellular photoluminescence of carbon nanotube-fluorescein conjugates in human ovarian cancer cells, Nanotechnology 20:295101, 2009. 116. Chen, M.-T., C. Jiang, P. T. Vernier, Y.-H. Wu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Two-dimensional nanosecond electric field mapping based on cell electropermeabilization”, PMC Biophysics 2 (1), 9, 2009. 117. Jiang, C., M.-T. Chen, C. Schaudinn, A. Gorur, P. T. Vernier, J. W. Costerton, D. Jaramillo, P. Sedghizadeh, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond pulsed plasma dental probe”, Plasma Processes and Polymers 6:479-483, 2009. 118. Sanders, J. M., A. Kuthi, Y.-H. Wu, P. T. Vernier, and M. A. Gundersen, A linear, single-stage, nanosecond pulse generator for delivering intense electric fields to biological loads, IEEE Trans. Dielect. Elec. Ins. 16:1048-1054, 2009. 119. Wang, S., J. Chen, M. T. Chen, P. T. Vernier, M. A. Gundersen, and M. Valderrabano, “Cardiac myocyte excitation by ultrashort high-field pulses”, Biophys. J. 96:1640-1648, 2009. 120. D. Singleton, J. Sinibaldi, C. Brophy, A. Kuthi and M. A. Gundersen, “Compact Pulsed Power System for Transient Plasma Ignition”, IEEE Transactions of Plasma Science, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 37 (12), 2275-2279, 2009. 121. Chen, M.T., L.G. De-Arco, FN Ishikawa, PT Vernier, C Zhou, and MA Gundersen, “pH-sensitive Intracellular Photoluminescence of Carbon Nanotube–Fluorescein Conjugates in Human Ovarian Cancer Cells,” Nanotechnology, 20, 295101, 2009. 122. C Jiang, MT Chen, and MA Gundersen, “Polarity-Induced Asymmetric Effects of Nanosecond Pulsed Plasma Jets,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42, 232002, 2009. 123. PT Vernier, MA Gundersen, and M Valderrabano, “Cardiac Myocyte Excitation by Ultrashort High-Field Pulses,” Biophysical Journal, 96(4), 1640-1648, 2009 124. J. M. Sanders, A. Kuthi, Y.-H. Wu, P. T. Vernier, and M. A. Gundersen, "A Linear, Single-stage, Nanosecond Pulse Generator for Delivering Intense Electric Fields to Biological Loads," IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol. 16, pp. 1048-1054, 2009. 125. T. Shiraishe, T. Urushihara and M. Gundersen, “A Trial of Ignition Innovation of gasoline engine by nanosecond pulsed low temperature plasma ignition,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42 (2009) 135208 12pp. 126. Sozer, E.B., Jiang C., Umstattd R. J., Gundersen, M. A., “Quantum efficiency measurements of photocathode candidates for back-lighted thyratrons”, Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on, 2009. 16(4): p. 993-998. 127. D. Singleton, S J. Pendleton, and M. A. Gundersen, “The role of non-thermal transient plasma for enhanced flame ignition in C2H4-air,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44 (2011) 022001. 128. Wu, Yu-Hsuan, M.A. Gundersen and P.T. Vernier, “Nanosecond Megavolt-Per-Meter Pulsed Electric Field Effects on Biological Membranes”, Biophysical Journal 100(3), 502a, 2011. 14 Martin Gundersen 129. D. Amaud-Cormos, P. Leveque, Y. Wu, J. M. Sanders, M. A. Gundersen, and P. T. Vernier, “Microchamber Set-up Characterization for Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field Exposure”, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 58:1656-1662, 2011. 130. J. M. Sanders, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen, "Optimization and Implementation of a Solid State High Voltage Pulse Generator that Produces Fast Rising Nanosecond Pulses," Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on, 18(4), 1228-1235, August 2011. 131. D. Singleton and M. A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Fuel-Air Ignition,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 2214-2215, Nov. 2011. 132. D. Singleton, A. Kuthi, J. M. Sanders, A. Simone, S. J. Pendleton, and M. A. Gundersen, “Low Energy Compact Power Modulators for Transient Plasma Ignition,” Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1084-1090, August 2011. 133. Yang, W., Y.-H. Wu, D. Yin, H. P. Koeffler, D. E. Sawcer, P. T. Vernier, and M. A. Gundersen, Differential sensitivities of malignant and normal skin cells to nanosecond pulsed electric fields, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 10:281-286, 2011. 134. S. J. Pendleton, J. Kastner, E. Gutmark, and M. A. Gundersen. “Surface Streamer Discharge for Plasma Flow Control Using Nanosecond Pulsed Power.” Plasma Sciences, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 39 (11), pp. 2072-2073, 2011. 135. Batista Napotnik, T., Y.-H. Wu, M. A. Gundersen, D. Miklavcic, and P. T. Vernier, Nanosecond electric pulses cause mitochondrial membrane permeabilization in Jurkat cells, Bioelectromagnetics, in press, 2011. 136. Meng-Tse Chen, Stephen Swenson, Lewis De-Arco Gomez, Radu Minea, P. Thomas Vernier, Chongwu Zhou, Thomas C. Chen, and Martin A. Gundersen, “Carbon Nanotubes Inhibit Glioma Cell Migration In Vitro”, submitted to BMC Cancer. 137. Yin, D., Yang, W.G., Weissberg, J., Goff, C.B., Chen, W., Kuwayama, Y., Leiter, A., Xing, H., Meixel, A., Gaut, D., Kirkbir, F., Sawcer, D., Vernier, P.T., Said, J.W., M.A. Gundersen, and H.P. Koeffler, “Cutaneous Papilloma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma Therapy Utilizing Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEF)
volume 7, issue 8, 2012. 138. E. Sozer, C. Jiang, and M. A. Gundersen, “Magnesium Based Photocathodes for Back-Lighted Thyratrons,” IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 40, pp 1753-1758, 2012. 139. S J Pendleton, A Montello, C Carter, W Lempert and M A Gundersen, “Vibrational and rotational CARS measurements of nitrogen in afterglow of streamer discharge in atmospheric pressure fuel/air mixtures”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 495401 (2012). 140. Vernier, P.T., Z.A. Levine and M.A. Gundersen, “Water Bridges in Electropermeabilized Phospholipid Bilayers”, Proceedings of the IEEE 101, 494-504, (2013). 141. S. J. Pendleton, S. Bowman, C. Carter, M. A. Gundersen, and W. Lempert. “The Production and Evolution of Atomic Oxygen in the Afterglow of Streamer Discharge in Atmospheric Pressure Fuel/Air Mixtures.” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 46 305202, 2013. 142. Y.-H. Wu, D. Arnaud-Cormos, M. Casciola, J. M. Sanders, P. Leveque, P. T. Vernier, "Moveable Wire Electrode Microchamber for Nanosecond Pulsed Electric-Field Delivery," Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on , vol.60, no.2, pp.489,496, Feb. 2013. 143. S. Romeo, Y.-H. Wu, Z.A. Levine, M.A. Gundersen, and P.T. Vernier, “Water influx and cell swelling after nanosecond electropermeabilization,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)Biomembranes, 2013 144. B Shukla, V Gururajan1, K Eisazadeh-Far, B Windom, D Singleton, M A Gundersen and F N Egolfopoulos, “Effects of electrode geometry on transient plasma induced ignition”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 205201, 2013. 15 Martin Gundersen 145. Sjöberg, M., Zeng, W., Singleton, D., Sanders, J. and Gundersen, M.A., "Combined Effects of Multi-Pulse Transient Plasma Ignition and Intake Heating on Lean Limits of Well-Mixed E85 DISI Engine Operation," SAE Int. J. Engines 7(4):1781-1801, 2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-2615. BOOK M. A. Gundersen, Editor, with G. Schaefer, "The Physics and Applications of Pseudosparks," NATO ASI Series B 219, Plenum Press (1990). BOOK CHAPTERS 1. D. A. Erwin, C. G. Braun, J. A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Studies of fundamental processes in thyratrons," "Advances in Pulsed Power Technology Volume II: Gas Discharge Closing Switches," Plenum Press (1990). 2. G. F. Kirkman and M. A. Gundersen, "The back-lighted thyratron," "Advances in Pulsed Power Technology Volume II: Gas Discharge Closing Switches," Plenum Press (1990). 3. M. A. Gundersen, "Plasma based concepts based on the pseudospark and BLT," "The Physics and Applications of Pseudosparks", NATO ASI Series B 219, Plenum Press (1990). 4. H. Bauer, G. Kirkman, and M. A. Gundersen "A two-electron-group model for a high current pseudospark or back-lighted thyratron plasma," "The Physics and Applications of Pseudosparks," NATO ASI Series B 219, Plenum Press (1990). 5. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R. L. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, and M. A. Gundersen, "An analysis of the high current glow discharge operation of the BLT switch," "The Physics and Applications of Pseudosparks," NATO ASI Series B 219, Plenum Press (1990). 6. W. Hartmann and M. A. Gundersen, "Cathode-related processes in high-current density, low pressure glow discharges," "The Physics and Applications of Pseudosparks," NATO ASI Series B 219, Plenum Press (1990). 7. M. A. Gundersen,"A review of the back-lighted thyratron physics and applications," Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena," 9, Plenum Press (1991). "Laser 8. R.A. Dougal, C.R. Jones, M.A. Gundersen, and L. Nelson, "Longitudinal mode control of a CO2 TE laser by means of intracavity absorber," (previously published in Appl. Opt. 18, 1311 (1979)), was selected for inclusion in "Selected Papers on CO2 Lasers," Ed. James D. Evans, Milestone Series Vol. MS 22, SPIE Publications 1990. 9. J. H. Hur and M. A. Gundersen, "III-V based optoelectronic devices for high power switching," in "High Power Optically Activated Solid State Switches," Artech House, Inc. (1993). 10. G. Roth and M. Gundersen, “Emission control using plasmas,” in “Modern Developments in Propulsion and Combustion,” Ed. G. Roy, Taylor & Francis. 11. M. Gundersen and G. Roth “High power switches,” , in “The Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering,” Eds. A. Chao and Maury Tigner, World Scientific Publishing Co. (1999, revised edition 2003). 12. M. Gundersen, V. Puchkarev, A. Kharlov, G. Roth, J. Yampolsky and D. Erwin, “Transient PlasmaAssisted Exhaust Remediation”, book chapter in “Low Temperature Plasmas” Volume 2, second edition, R. Hippler, H. Kersten, M. Schmidt and K. Schoenbach, Editors, 2008, pp543-550. 13. C. Brophy, J.O. Sinibaldi, F. Wang, C. Jiang, and M.A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition of a Hydrocarbon-Air Initiator for Pulse Detonation Engines,” Application of Detonation to Propulsion, Eds., G. Roy, F. Frolov, and J. Shepherd, Moscow: TORUS Press Ltd., 2004. 16 Martin Gundersen 14. A. Kuthi, J. Liu, C. Young, L.-C. Lee, and M. Gundersen, “Pseudospark-Based Pulse Generator for Corona-Assisted Combustion Experiments,” “Combustion Processes in Propulsion – Control, Noise, and Pulse Detonation,” Ed. G. Roy, Elsevier Science Inc., October 2005. 15. T. Tang, M. Gundersen, and G. Roth, “DC Switches”, “The Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering,” 3rd Edition, Eds. A. Chao and Maury Tigner, 2006, pp 454-460. 16. C. Cathey, and M. A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition,” Low Temperature Plasma Physics, Rainer Hippler (Editor), Sigismund Pfau (Editor), Martin Schmidt (Editor), Karl H. Schoenbach (Editor) 2008, pp 525-541. 17. C. Jiang, C. Schaudinn, D. E. Jaramillo, M. A. Gundersen, and J. W. Costerton, “A sub-microsecond pulsed plasma jet for endodontic biofilm disinfection,” Z. Machala et al. eds. Plasma for BioDecontamination, Medicine and Food Security, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2852-3_14, Springer, 2012. 17 Martin Gundersen CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS 1. M. A. Gundersen, "Spectroscopy with visible and far-infrared lasers," Proc. S.P.I.E. 82, 7 (1976). 2. A. H. Bushnell, C. R. Jones, M. A. Gundersen, and M. I. Buchwald, "New optically pumped middle infrared lasers," CLEOS '78/IEEE/OSA Conference, San Diego, California, February 7-9, 1978. 3. R. J. Crumley, P. F. Williams, M. A. Gundersen, A. Watson, "Electron densities in laser-triggered spark gap discharges," Proc. 2nd IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, 119 (1979). 4. C. Wittig and M. Gundersen, Editors, OSA topical meeting on infrared lasers technical digest, University of Southern California (1980). 5. M. A Gundersen, T. A. Yocom, P. G. Snyder, and P.F. Williams "Efficient linear upconversion of infrared to visible in impurity-doped GaP," Proc. S.P.I.E. 236, 19 (1980). 6. M. A. Gundersen, "A general method for achieving tunable single-longitudinal-mode output from CO2 TEA lasers," Proc. S.P.I.E. 236, 283 (1980). 7. R. A. Dougal, T. A. Yocom, P. G. Snyder, and M. A. Gundersen, "A general method for achieving tunable SLM output from CO2 TEA lasers," Topical Meeting on Infrared Technical Digest, University of Southern California, December 1980. 8. M. A. Gundersen, "A review of the 1980 topical meeting on infrared lasers," Optics News 7 (1981). 9. M.A. Gundersen, and S. Guha, "Formation of long-lived species in hydrogen thyratrons," Proceedings, 3rd IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, 324 (1981). 10. M.A. Gundersen, "Optical processes in the recovery of gas-phase switches," Proceedings, 3rd IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, 85 (1981). 11. M.A. Gundersen, "Optical processes in laser-controlled switches," Proceedings, Electro-Optic/Laser '81, 34 (1981). 12. M.A. Gundersen, "Optical processes in laser-controlled gas-phase switches," M.A.Gundersen, Electro-Optic System Design, 25, June 1982. 13. M.A. Gundersen, "Workshop on diffuse discharge opening switches," "Tamarron II", contributing author, U.S. AFOSR, January 1982. 14. S. Guha, H. Cole, J.A. Kunc, and M.A. Gundersen, "Fundamental processes in hydrogen thyratrons," Proceedings, 15th Power Modulator Symposium, 119 (1982). 15. J.A. Kunc and S. Guha, and M. A. Gundersen, "Fundamental processes in thyratrons," Proceedings, Electron-tubes Nachrichtentechnische Gesellshaft im Verband Deutscher Electrotechniker, NTGFachberichte 85, 133 (1983). 16. J.A. Kunc, S. Guha, C. Braun, D. Erwin, and M.A. Gundersen, "A review of some recent thyratron developments," Proceedings, IV IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 133 (1983). 17. S. Guha, J.A. Kunc, C. Braun, M.A. Gundersen, "Metastable quenching by optical pumping," Proceedings, IV IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 723 (1983). 18. M.A. Gundersen, "Summary of the workshop on the state-of-the-art of hydrogen thyratrons," held at the Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM June 1983. 19. J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "High voltage diagnostics: An experimental and theoretical approach," Proceedings 1983 NATO Meeting of Fast Optical and Electrical Diagnostics, July 1983. 20. M.A. Gundersen, "Gas tube," McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1983. 21. J.A. Kunc, C. Braun, D. Erwin, and M.A. Gundersen, "Gas discharge devices for high-power highrepetition rate applications, A basic approach," Digest of Technical Papers, 16th Power Modulator Symposium, 131 (1984). 18 Martin Gundersen 22. T.R. Burkes, J.P. Craig, M.A. Gundersen, E.E. Kundhardt, and W.P. Portnoy, "Switches for directed energy weapons, an assessment of switching technology in the USSR," Army Foreign Science and Technology Center. 23. M.A. Gundersen, R. DeWitt, S. Friedman, R. Harvey, G. McDuff, D.V. Turnquist, and W. Wright, "Diffuse discharge switches," Chapter in the 1984 Workshop on Foreign Switch Technology, p. 195 (Sept. 26, 1984). Copies available through Scientific Services Program, U.S. Army Research Office. 24. D. Erwin, J.A. Kunc, and M.A. Gundersen, "Intrinsic relationships between current and plasma quantities in thyratrons," Proceedings Fifth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 393 (1985). 25. M. A. Gundersen, J.A. Kunc, D. Erwin, and C. Braun, "Fundamental processes in high current glow discharge switches," Proceedings, Fifth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 54 (1985). 26. D. Erwin and M. A. Gundersen, "Plasma diagnostics using laser-induced fluorescence," Proceedings, Fifth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 378 (1985). 27. C. Braun, J.A. Kunc, and M.A. Gundersen, "A theoretical and experimental study of high current discharges in argon," Proceedings, Fifth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 400 (1985). 28. M.A. Gundersen, Book Review, "High speed pulse technology," by Frank B.A. Frungel, IEEE J. Quant. Electr. QE-21, 1974 (1985). 29. M.A. Gundersen, editor, "Summary of the workshop for research issues in power conditioning," University of Southern California (1986). 30. M.A. Gundersen, J.A. Kunc, D. Erwin, and C. Braun, "Fundamental processes in high current glow discharge switches," Proceedings Elektronenröhren und Vakuumelectronic, NTG-Fachberichte 95, 94 (1986). 31. M.A. Gundersen, R. DeWitt, A.K. Hyder, C.R. Jones, J.A. Kunc, M.J. Kushner, E.P. Muntz, G. Schaefer, and P.F. Williams, "Research issues in power conditioning," Proceedings, 1986 Seventeenth Power Modulator Symposium, 21 (1986). 32. C.G. Braun, M. Choi, D.A. Erwin, G.F. Kirkman, and M.A. Gundersen, "Laser triggered and linear thyratrons for research and development," Proceedings, 1986 Seventeenth Power Modulator Symposium, 74 (1986). 33. K. Frank, E. Boggasch, J. Christiansen, A. Goertler, W. Hartmann, C. Kozlik, G. Kirkman, C. G. Braun, V. Dominic, H. Riege and M.A. Gundersen, "High power hollow electrode thyratron-type switches," Proceedings, Sixth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 213 (1987). 34. S. Spencer Merz and M.A. Gundersen, "Switch developments could enhance pulsed laser performance," Laser Focus, May (1988). 35. J. H. Hur, H. Fetterman, C. Braun, and M. A. Gundersen, "Preliminary results from the III-V pulsed power device research program at USC," Proceedings of the Semiconductor Switch Workshop, Norfolk, Virginia, May 23-24, 1988. 36. M.A. Gundersen, "A review of high power hollow electrode thyratron-type switches," Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Seattle, Washington, June 6-8, 1988 (invited). 37. W. Hartmann, G. Kirkman, V. Dominic and M. Gundersen, "Studies of Fundamental Processes in High Power Switches," Proceedings of the European Particle Accelerator Conference, Rome, Italy, June 7-11, 1988. 38. W. Hartmann, G. Kirkman, V. Dominic, M. A. Gundersen, and S. S. Merz, "High power hollow cathode glow discharge switches," IEEE Conference Record of the Proceedings of the 1988 Eighteenth Power Modulator Symposium, 175 (1988). 19 Martin Gundersen 39. G. Kirkman, W. Hartmann, T.Y. Hsu, R.L. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen "High current glow discharge switch with remarkable cathode properties," Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 11-14, 1988. 40. G.F. Kirkman, H.Figueroa, and M.A. Gundersen, "A plasma lens candidate with highly stable properties," Proceedings of the 1989 Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, 217 (1989). 41. G. Kirkman, W. Hartmann, T.Y. Hsu, R.L. Liou, P. Ingwersen, M. Gundersen and S.S. Merz, "High -power thyratron-type switch for laser applications," SPIE Proceedings, 1046 (1989). 42. M.A. Gundersen, "New concepts for accelerator components", Proceedings of the Workshop on High Luminosity Asymmetric Storage Rings for B Physics, 159-172, Caltech, April 25-28 1989. 43. H. Bauer, G. Kirkman, J. Kunc, and M.A. Gundersen, "Modeling of the discharge plasma in a Back Lighted Thyratron," Proceedings, Seventh IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 495 (1989). 44. P. Hadizad, J.H. Hur, M.A. Gundersen, and H.R. Fetterman, "Design of an opening and closing GaAs static induction transistor for pulsed power applications," Proceedings, Seventh IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 846 (1989). 45. W. Hartmann, G. Kirkman, V. Dominic, T.Y. Hsu, R. Liou, K. Shanahan, and M.A. Gundersen, "A large-area high-power superemissive cathode," Proceedings, Seventh IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 9 (1989). 46. J.H. Hur, P. Hadizad, M.A. Gundersen, and H.R. Fetterman, "A GaAs-AlGaAs based thyristor", Proceedings, Seventh IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 341 (1989). 47. G. Kirkman and M.A. Gundersen, "Spectroscopic analysis of the BLT plasma," Proceedings, Seventh IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 491 (1989). 48. G. Kirkman, T.Y. Hsu, R.L. Liou, and M.A. Gundersen, "Recent experimental studies of the BLT switch," Proceedings, Seventh IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 1 (1989). 49. T.Y. Hsu, G. Kirkman, H. Figueroa, R. L. Liou, P. Ingwersen, H. Bauer, M.A. Gundersen, and L. Reinhardt, "Studies of multigap BLTs for high power applications," Proceedings, Seventh IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 487 (1989). 50. Charles W. Myles, J.H. Hur, and M.A. Gundersen, "Avalanche breakdown in p-n AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunctions," Proceedings, Seventh IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 842 (1989). 51. S.D. Tsiapalas, J.H. Hur, M.S. Choi, and M.A. Gundersen, "A high current density thyristor-like gallium phosphide based optoelectronic switch," Proceedings, Seventh IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 426 (1989). 52. Martin Gundersen, "The back-lighted thyratron", in "Optics in 1989", Optics News 15, 37 (1989), (invited). 53. M. A. Gundersen, "Some new applications for pseudosparks and BLT's," Proceedings of the 1989 Workshop on Transient Hollow Cathode Discharge Phenomena, 86 (1989). 54. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, H. Bauer, R.L. Liou, T.Y. Hsu, H. Figueroa, and M.A. Gundersen, "The high current glow discharge operation of the back-lighted thyratron and pseudospark switch," Proceedings of the 1989 Workshop on Transient Hollow Cathode Discharge Phenomena, 43 (1989). 55. R. Liou, H. Figueroa, Y. Hsu, G. Kirkman-Amemiya and M.A. Gundersen, "A Marx generator using back lighted switches", Proceedings, 1989 High Voltage Workshop, Myrtle Beach SC, October 17-19, 1989. 56. J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, S. G. Hummel, K.M. Dzurko, P. D. Dapkus, M. A. Gundersen, and H. R. Fetterman, "GaAs based opto-thyristor for pulsed power applications," Proceedings of the International Electron Devices Meeting, 401 (1989). 20 Martin Gundersen 57. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, T. Y. Hsu, R. L. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "High current back lighted thyratron switches," Proceedings of the International Magnetic Pulse Compression Workshop, Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe, 234 (1990). 58. T. Y. Hsu, G. Kirkman, R. L. Liou, H. Figueroa, and M. A. Gundersen, "High-power multiple-gap back-lighted thyratrons," Proceedings of the Nineteenth Power Modulator Symposium, 215 (1990). 59. J. H. Hur, C. W. Myles, and M. A. Gundersen, "Avalanche breakdown characteristics of AlGaAs/GaAs p-n heterojunctions for pulsed power applications," Proceedings of the Nineteenth Power Modulator Symposium, 421 (1990). 60. P. Hadizad, J. H. Hur, H. R. Fetterman, S. Hummel, and M. A. Gundersen, "High-speed static induction transistor for pulsed-power applications," Proceedings of the Nineteenth Power Modulator Symposium, 343 (1990). 61. J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, S. R. Hummel, P. D. Dapkus, H. R. Fetterman, and M. A. Gundersen, "GaAs opto-thyristor for pulsed power applications," Proceedings of the Nineteenth Power Modulator Symposium, 325 (1990). 62. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, H. Bauer, R. L. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, H. Figueroa, and M. A. Gundersen, "A study of the high-current back-lighted thyratron and pseudospark switch," Proceedings of the Nineteenth Power Modulator Symposium, 254 (1990). 63. R. Liou, H.Figueroa, A. H. McCurdy, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R. J. Temkin, H. Fetterman, and M. A. Gundersen, "Pulsed microwave and millimeter wavelength radiation from the back-lighted thyratron," Proceedings of the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 715 (1990). 64. R. Liou, H. Figueroa, A. H. McCurdy, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R. J. Temkin, H. Fetterman, and M. A. Gundersen, "A plasma-based source of pulsed microwave and millimeter wavelength radiation," Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 149 (1990). 65. D. Betz, P. Chen, D. Cline, M. A. Gundersen, C. Joshi, T. Katsouleas, J. Norem, S. Rajagopalan, J. Rosenzweig, J. J. Su, R. Williams, "Plasma lenses for SLAC final focus Test Facility," Proceedings of the 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, 619 (1991). 66. T. Y. Hsu, R. L. Liou, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, and M. A. Gundersen, "Electron beam generation from a superemissive cathode," Proceedings of the 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, 1990 (1991). 67. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, N. Reinhardt, M. S. Choi and M. A. Gundersen, "Fast risetime BLT switches for accelerator applications," Proceedings of the 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, 591 (1991); Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 36 (4), 1515 (1991). 68. J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, H. Zhao, S. G. Hummel, P.D. Dapkus, H. R. Fetterman, C. W. Myles, and M. A. Gundersen, "Optically gated GaAs thyristors for pulsed power switching," Proceedings of the CLEO '91 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 126 (1991). 69. H. Kislev, M. A. Gundersen, O. Barnouin, and G. H. Miley "A novel ion beam source for electrostatic confined fusion reactors," , ICENES 1991, Monterey, CA, June 16-21, 1991. 70. T. Y. Hsu, R. L. Liou, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, H. Kislev, and M. A. Gundersen, "Electron beam produced by the superemissive cathode," Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 567 (1991). 71. R. Liou, T. Hsu, G. Roth, M. A. Gundersen, and G. Kirkman, "A. variable pulse-length electron beam generation from the back-lighted thyratron," Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 888 (1991). 21 Martin Gundersen 72. P. Hadizad, J. H. Hur, J. Osinski, P. D. Dapkus, M. A. Gundersen, and H. R. Fetterman, "GaAs optoelectronic static induction transistor for high frequency pulsed power switching," Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 200 (1991). 73. J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, S. G. Hummel, P. D. Dapkus, H. R. Fetterman, and M. A. Gundersen, "IIIV compound based heterostructure opto-thyristor (HOT) for pulsed power applications," Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 206 (1991). 74. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, N. Reinhardt, M. Choi, and M. A. Gundersen, "Hermetically sealed back lighted thyratron switches for high power applications," Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 482 (1991). 75. J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, H. Zhao, S.G. Hummel, J.S. Osinski, P.D. Dapkus, H. R. Fetterman, C. W. Myles, and M. A. Gundersen, "Solid state pulsed power device research at the University of Southern California," Proceedings of the 4th SDIO/ONR Pulsed Power Meeting, 61 (1991). 76. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, N. Reinhardt, M.S. Choi and M. A. Gundersen, "High power modulator development based on the back lighted thyratron switch," Proceedings of the 4th SDIO/ONR Pulsed Power Meeting, 75 (1991). 77. M.A. Gundersen, G. Kirkman, R. Liou, and T. Y. Hsu, "Super-emissive cathode devices," Proceedings of the 4th SDIO/ONR Pulsed Power Meeting, 100 (1991). 78. M. A. Gundersen, G. Kirkman, W. Hartmann, Y. Hsu, and R. Liou "Hollow cathode and superemissive cathode properties of pseudospark and back-lighted thyratrons," , Proceedings of the International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, 187 (1991). (Invited) 79. H. Zhao, J. Hur, P. Hadizad, and M.A. Gundersen, "Lock-on effect in GaAs photoconductive switches," Proceedings of the OE LASE '92, Los Angeles, CA, January 19-24, 1992. 80. G. Kirkman, N. Reinhardt, B. Jiang, M. A.Gundersen, T. Y. Hsu, R. L. Liou, and R. J. Temkin, "High brightness hollow cathode electron beam source," Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, 729 (1992); Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on High-Particle Beams, Vol. II, 1123 (1992). 81. L. C. Pitchford, J. P. Boeuf, V. Puech, R. L. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "The hollow cathode phase of pseudospark discharges," Proceedings of the 20th International Power Modulator Symposium, 368 (1992). 82. P. Hadizad, J. H. Hur, H. Zhao, K. Kaviani, M. A. Gundersen, and H. R. Fetterman, "A high voltage GaAs static induction transistor," Proceedings of the 20th International Power Modulator Symposium, 262 (1992). 83. M. A. Gundersen, G. Kirkman, T. Y. Hsu, and R. L. Liou, "Back-lighted thyratron research: Technology transfer, new spin-offs," Proceedings of the 5th SDIO/ONR Pulsed Power Meeting, 144 (1992). 84. P. Hadizad, J. H. Hur, H. Zhao, M. A. Gundersen, and H.R. Fetterman, "A comparative study of SI and GaAs-based switching devices for pulsed power and a high voltage optoelectronic GaAs static induction transistor," Proceedings of the 5th SDIO/ONR Pulsed Power Meeting, 117 (1992). 85. R. Liou, T. Hsu, G. Kirkman, R. Temkin, and M. A. Gundersen, "Robust, plasma-based variable pulse-length electron beam source," Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 58 (1992). 86. An article describing an application of my research appeared in the Wall Street Journal, April 13, 1993, pg. B-3. 22 Martin Gundersen 87. R. L. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, G. Kirkman, G. Roth, and M. A. Gundersen, "A variable pulse-length electron beam from the back-lighted thyratron," Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, 3072 (1993). 88. K. Nakamura, R. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "High density plasma source for plasma lens experiments," Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, 3537 (1993). 89. T. Y. Hsu, R. L. Liou, G. Kirkman, and M. A. Gundersen, "High current low energy electron beams produced during the high current phase of a pseudospark," Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, 3066 (1993). 90. L. Pitchford, J. Boeuf, V. Puech, R. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "Theoretical and experimental study of pseudospark electron beam generation," Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, 3069 (1993) 91. T. Hsu, R. Liou, M. A. Gundersen, and G. F. Kirkman, "A robust cathode for producing high-power, high-current electron beams," Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 954 (1993). 92. L. Pitchford, J. Boeuf, V. Puech, R. L. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "The hollow cathode phase of pseudospark operation," Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 21-23, 1993. 93. P. Hadizad, M. Baik, and M. A. Gundersen, "High power GaAs static induction transistor," Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 21-23, 1993. 94. V. Puech, M. Legentil, and J. C. Thomaz, N. Guadoudi, L. C. Pitchford, and J. P. Boeuf, R. L. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "Parametric studies of time to breakdown in pseudospark switches," Proceedings of the 21st ICPIG, Bochum, Germany. 95. P. Hadizad, M. Baik, P. A. Kanjamala, and M. A. Gundersen, "High power GaAs static induction transistor," Proceedings of the 6th SDIO/ONR Pulse Power Meeting, 37 (1993). 96. T. Y. Hsu, P. Hadizad, R. L. Liou, M. Baik, G. Roth, K. Frank, and M. A. Gundersen, "A spin-off application of the back-lighted thyratron -- An electron beam source for high resolution, high throughput semiconductor lithography," Proceedings of the 6th SDIO/ONR Pulse Power Meeting, 31 (1993). 97. A. Anders, S.Anders, and M. A. Gundersen, "Explosive emission model for super-emission in the pseudospark and back-lighted thyratron," Proceedings of the 6th SDIO/ONR Pulse Power Meeting, 156 (1993). 98. T. Y. Hsu, P. Hadizad, P. Ashok Kanjamala, R. L. Liou, M. G. Baik, G. Roth, and M. A. Gundersen, "A novel electron beam source for high resolution, high throughput microlithography," Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Microlithography '94, San Jose, CA Feb. 27 - March 4, 1994. 99. A. Anders, S. Anders, V. Puchkarev, and M. A. Gundersen, "A predictive model for life-limiting cathode emission in the pseudospark and back-lighted thyratron," Proceedings of the 1994 Power Modulator Symposium, 240 (1994). 100. P. Hadizad, M. A. Gundersen and F. Ren, "High voltage, recessed-gate GaAs field-effect transistors," Proceedings of the 1994 Power Modulator Symposium, 78 (1994). 101. M. Gundersen, V. Puchkarev, and G. Roth, "Non-thermal plasma treatment of diesel exhaust," Proceedings of the Seventh ONR Propulsion Meeting, Buffalo, NY Aug. 29 - 31, 1994. 102. V. Puchkarev, G. Roth, M. Gundersen, I. Yampolsky, G. Kirkman and M. Choi, "Studies of the physics and technology of non-thermal plasma treatment of diesel emission," Proceedings of the DOE Workshop on Diesel Emission Abatement, San Diego, CA, July 24-27, 1995. 103. M. Gundersen, V. Puchkarev and G. Roth, "Plasma treatment of diesel exhaust," Proceedings of the Eighth ONR Propulsion Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 11-13, 1995. 23 Martin Gundersen 104. M. A. Gundersen, "Research issues for new applications of power modulators," Proceedings of the 22nd International Power Modulator Symposium, Boca Raton, FL, June 24-27, 1996. 105. M. Gundersen, V. Puchkarev, and G. Roth, "Plasma treatment of diesel exhaust," Proceedings of the 9th ONR Propulsion Meeting, Washington, DC, Sept. 9-12, 1996. 106. M. Gundersen, V. Puchkarev and G. Roth, “Efficient, effective, non-thermal plasma aftertreatment of diesel NOx,” Proceedings of the 10th ONR Propulsion Meeting, Monterey, CA, Oct. 7-10, 1997. 107. V. Puchkarev, G. Roth and M. Gundersen, “Energy efficient plasma treatment of diesel emission using a short pulse discharge: Physics and applications,” Proceedings of the DEER Conference, Castine, ME, July 6, 1998. 108. Victor Puchkarev, Gregory J. Roth, and Martin Gundersen, “Plasma processing of diesel exhaust by pulsed corona discharge,” Proceedings of the 11th ONR Propulsion Program Contractors Meeting, Palm Beach, FL, August 17-19, 1998. 109. V. Puchkarev, A. Kharlov and M. Gundersen, “Application of pulsed corona discharge to diesel exhaust remediation,” Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA June 27-30, 1999. 110. M. Gundersen, V. Puchkarev, A. Kharlov, G. Roth, J. Yampolsky, and D. Erwin, “Results from the ONR-ESS study at USC of plasma-assisted diesel exhaust remediation,” Proceedings of the 12th ONR Propulsion Program Contractors Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, August 3-6, 1999. 111. A. Kuthi, J. Liu, C. Young, L.C. Lee, and M. Gundersen, “Pseudospark Based Pulse Generator For Corona Assisted Combustion Experiments,” ONR Review, August 5-7, 2002. 112. J. Liu, P.D. Ronney, and M. Gundersen, “Premixed Flame Ignition By Pulsed Corona Discharges,” Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, 2002 Spring Meeting, March 25-26, 2002. 113. X. Gu, C.W. Myles, A. Kuthi, Q. Shui, and M. Gundersen, “Gallium Arsenide and Silicon FETType Switches for Repetitive Pulsed Power Applications,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Power Modulator Conference and High Voltage Workshop, June 30-July 3, 2002, Hollywood, CA, pp. 437-440. 114. M. Behrend, A. Kuthi, P.T. Vernier, L. Marcu, C. Craft, and M. Gundersen “Micropulser for Real-Time Microscopy of Cell Electroperturbation,” , Proceedings of the 2002 International Power Modulator Conference and High Voltage Workshop. June 30-July 3, 2002, Hollywood, CA, pp. 358361. 115. A. Kuthi, J. Liu, C. Young, and M. Gundersen, “Compact Nanosecond Pulse Generator for Pseudospark Based Pulse Generator for Corona Assisted Combustion Experiments,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Power Modulator Conference and High Voltage Workshop, June 30-July 3, 2002, Hollywood, CA, pp. 667-670. 116. A. Kuthi, T. Vernier, X. Gu, and M. Gundersen, “Compact Nanosecond Pulse Generator for Cell Electroperturbation Experiments,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Power Modulator Conference and High Voltage Workshop, June 30-July 3, 2002, Hollywood, CA, pp. 225-228. 117. M. Gundersen, P. T. Vernier, L. Marcu, A. Li, X. Zhu, A.Z. Ghalam, T. Katsouleas, C. Young, M. Behrend, and C. Craft, “Ultrashort Pulse Electroporation: Applications of High Pulsed Electric Fields to Induced Caspase Activation of Human Lymphocytes,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Power Modulator Conference and High Voltage Workshop, June 30-July 3, 2002, Hollywood, CA, pp. 667-670. 118. C. Young, L. Marcu, M. Behrend, T. Vernier, M. Gundersen, A. Li, X. Zhu, C. Craft, “Introduction of Apoptosis in Mammalian Cells by Exposure to Electric Fields of Nanosecond 24 Martin Gundersen Duration,” Proceedings of the 6th Annual Grodins Graduate Research Symposium, University of Southern California, Biomedical Engineering Department, March 23, 2002. 119. J.B. Liu, P.D. Ronney, F. Wang, L.C. Lee, and M.A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition For Lean Burn Applications,” Proceedings of 2003 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 6-9, 2003, No. 2003-6208. 120. J.B. Liu, P.D. Ronney, and M. Gundersen, “Premixed Flame Ignition by Transient Plasma Discharges,” Proceedings of the Third Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Chicago, Illinois, March 16-19, 2003. Paper B-25. 121. F. Wang, A. Kuthi, C. Jiang, and M. Gundersen, “Pseudospark Based Pulse Forming Circuit For Transient Plasma Ignition And Combustion Control Systems”, Proc. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas, TX, June 15-18, 2003, pp. 339-342. 122. P. Wijetunga, X. Gu, P.T. Vernier, A, Kuthi, M. Behrend and M.A. Gundersen, “Electrical Modeling of Pulsed Power Systems for Biomedical Applications”, Proc. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas, TX, June 15-18, 2003, pp. 423-428. 123. A. Kuthi, C. Young, F. Wang, P. Wijetunga and M. Gundersen, “Rapid Charger For High Repetition Rate Pulse Generator”, , Proc. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas, TX, June 15-18, 2003, pp. 950-952. 124. A. Kuthi, B. Eccles, Q. Yao, C. Jiang, M. Gundersen and K. Frank, “Advanced Multi-Gap Pseudospark Switch,” Proc. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas, TX, June 1518, 2003, pp. 946-949. 125. A. Kuthi, R. Alde and M. Gundersen, “Marx Generator Using Pseudospark Switches,” Proc. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas, TX, June 15-18, 2003, pp. 241-244. 126. Xianyue Gu, Qiong Shui, Charles W. Myles and Martin A. Gundersen, "Comparison of Silicon, Gallium Arsenide, Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride FET-type Switches for Pulsed Power Applications," Proc. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, June 15-18, 2003, Dallas TX, pp. 362-365. 127. X. Gu, P. Wijetunga, A. Kuthi, M. Behrend, P.T. Vernier and M. Gundersen, “Nanosecond Rise Time Minipulser for Cell Electroperturbation,” Proc. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas TX, pp. 943-945, June 15-18, 2003. 128. Q. Shui, X. Gu, C.W. Myles, M. Mazzola, and M.A. Gundersen, “Simulations of a High Power 4H-SiC VJFET,” Proc. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, June 15-18, 2003, Dallas TX, pp. 123-126. 129. Matthew Behrend, Andras Kuthi, and Martin Gundersen, “Solid State Stepped Transmission Line Transformer for Spark Gap Triggering,” Proc. 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas TX, pp. 953-956, June 15-18, 2003. 130. L. Marcu, P. Thomas Vernier, H. Charles Manning, Sarah Salemi, Aimin Li, Cheryl M. Craft, Martin A. Gundersen, and Darryl J. Bornhop, “Fluorescence microscopy studies of a peripheral benzodiazepine receptor targeted molecular probe for brain tumor imaging”, The European Conference on Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany, June 2003. 131. L. Marcu, P. T. Vernier, S. Salemi, M. Behrend, C. M. Craft, M. Gundersen, "Optical imaging of electroperturbative effects in Jurkat T lymphoblasts induced by ultrashort pulsed electric fields," World Congress in Medical Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia 2003. 132. J. B. Liu, N. Theiss, P. D. Ronney, and M. A. Gundersen, “Minimum ignition energies and burning rates of flames ignited by transient plasma discharges,” 2003 meeting of Western States Section/Combustion Institute, UCLA, Paper 03F-88, Oct 20-21, 2003. 25 Martin Gundersen 133. Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, M. Behrend, L. Marcu, S. Salemi and M. A. Gundersen, “Non-Invasive Approaches to Nano-Biology Through Advanced Pulsed Power,” Workshop on High-Field Effects and Fast Pulse Responses in Bio-Systems, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Albuquerque, NM, October 19–22, 2003. 134. P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, S. Salemi, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Field-Dependent, Non-Invasive Intracellular Electroperturbation of Human Lymphocytes,” Workshop on High-Field Effects and Fast Pulse Responses in Bio-Systems, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Albuquerque, NM, October 19–22, 2003. 135. P. T. Vernier, A. Li, L. Marcu, X. Zhu, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond, Megawatt, Millijoule Pulses Translocate Membrane Phospholipids and activate Caspases in Malignant Cells,” ElectroMed 2003, San Antonio, TX, paper in Proc. Third International Symposium on Nonthermal Medical/Biological Treatments Using Electromagnetic Fields and Ionized Gases (ElectroMed 2003), p. 65, June 11–13, 2003. 136. F. Wang, C. Jiang, A. Kuthi, M. Gundersen, C. M. Brophy, J. O. Sinibaldi, and L. C. Lee, “Transient Plasma Ignition of Ethylene-Air and Propane-Air Mixtures in Pulse Detonation Engines,” Proceedings of the 16th ONR Propulsion Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 143-148, June 9-11, 2003. 137. E. J. Gutmark, G. Li, X. Zhou, M. Lin, J. B. Jeffries, R. K. Hanson, F. Wang, and M.Gundersen, “Combustion Characteristics of a Multiple Swirl Spray Combuster,” Proceedings of the 16th ONR Propulsion Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 73-81, June 9-11, 2003. 138. Jianbang Liu, Fei Wang, Long C. Lee, N. Theiss, Paul D. Ronney, and Martin A. Gundersen, “Effect of discharge energy and cavity geometry on flame ignition by transient plasma” 42nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 6th Weakly Ionized Gases Workshop, Reno, Paper Number : AIAA2004-1011, 5 - 8 Jan 2004. 139. F. Wang, C. Jiang, A. Kuthi, M.A. Gundersen, C. Brophy, J. Sinibaldi, and L.C. Lee, “Transient plasma ignition of hydrocarbon-air mixtures in pulse detonation engines”, 42nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 6th Weakly Ionized Gases Workshop, Reno, Nevada, Paper Number: AIAA-2004-0834, 5 8 Jan 2004. 140. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, C.M. Craft, and M.A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields Trigger Intracellular Signals in Human Lymphocytes,” Nanotech 2004, Boston, MA, Technical Proceedings of the 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Vol. 1, Ch. 1, pp. 7-10, March 7-11, 2004. 141. Y. Sun, P.T. Vernier, M. Behrend, L. Marcu, and M.A. Gundersen, “Microscope Slide Electrode Chamber for Nanosecond, Megavolt-Per-Meter Biological Investigations”, Nanotech 2004, Boston, MA, Technical Proceedings of the 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Vol. 1, Ch. 11, pp. 485-488, March 7-11, 2004. 142. C. Jiang, A. Kuthi, B. Eccles, and M.A. Gundersen, “Small BLT Switches for Compact Pulsed Power Applications,” 26th IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 143. C. Jiang, Q. Yao, B. Eccles, A. Kuthi, and M.A. Gundersen, “Pseudospark Discharge-Based Extreme-Ultraviolet Radiation Source,” 26th IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 144. F. Wang, A. Kuthi, C. Jiang, Q. Zhou, and M.A. Gundersen, “Flyback Resonant Charger for High Repetition Rate Pseudospark Pulse Generator,” 26th IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 145. M. Thu, M. R. Behrend, P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, A. Kuthi, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Catheter electrode studies for ultra-short high-field pulses,” Proc. 26th International Power Modulator Symposium and 2004 High Voltage Workshop, pp. 337-340, 2004. 26 Martin Gundersen 146. F. Wang, A. Kuthi, X. Wang, and M.A. Gundersen, “Compact High Repetition Rate Pseudospark Pulse Generator,” 26th IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 147. Q. Shui, M.S. Mazzola, X. Gu, C.W. Myles, and M.A. Gundersen, “Investigation of Al2O3 and TiO2 as Gate Insulators for 4H-SiC Pulsed Power Devices,” 26th IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 148. X. Gu, Q. Shui, C. Jiang, Y. Sun, and M.A. Gundersen, “High Energy Density Ceramic Film Capacitors for Compact Pulsed Power,” 26th IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 149. X. Gu, A. Kuthi, M. Behrend, P.T. Vernier, and M.A. Gundersen, “Compact Pulse Generator for Nanosecond Electroperturbation of Biological Cells,” 26th IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 150. A. Kuthi, P. Gabrielson, M. Behrend and M. Gundersen, “Nanosecond Pulse Generator Using a Fast Recovery Diode,” 26th IEEE Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 151. A. Kuthi, M. Behrend, T. Vernier and M. Gundersen, “Bipolar Nanosecond Pulse Generation Using Transmission Lines for Cell Electromanipulation,” 26th IEEE Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 152. A. Kuthi, P. Gabrielsson and M. Gundersen, “Feedback Stabilized Pseudospark Switch for Fast Rise Marx Generator Application,” 26th IEEE Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 153. M. R. Behrend, A. Kuthi and M.A. Gundersen, “DC to 1 Gigahertz Multikilovolt Voltage Probe,” 26th IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 154. Thu, M., M. R. Behrend, P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, A. Kuthi, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Catheter electrode studies for ultra-short, high-field pulses”, IEEE 26th International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26 2004. 155. M. R. Behrend, Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, A. Kuthi, and M.A. Gundersen, “Four-Channel Pulse Generator for Real-Time Biological Investigations,” 26th IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May, 23-26, 2004. 156. G. Li, E.J. Gutmark, F. Wang and M.A. Gundersen, “Application of Transient Plasma Actuator in a Swirl-Stabilized Gas Turbine Combustor”, AIAA-2004-4027, 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2004. 157. C. Brophy, J.O. Sinibaldi, F. Wang, C. Jiang and M.A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition of a Hydrocarbon-Air Initiator for Pulse Detonation Engines”, PDE Colloquium in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 6-9, 2004. 158. Jingjing Wang, P. Thomas Vernier, Yinghua Sun, Mya Mya Thu, Laura Marcu, and Martin A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-induced calcium bursts in T-lymphoblasts”, poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, Connecticut College, New London, CT, July 25-30, 2004.. 159. Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, J. Wang, M. Behrend, A. Kuthi, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Realtime Microscopy Imaging of Jurkat T Lymphoblasts for Electroperturbation”, poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, Connecticut College, New London, CT, July 25-30, 2004. 160. E. Schamiloglu, M. Gundersen and R.J. Barker, “Compact Pulsed Power Research for High Power Microwaves”, DEPS High Power Microwave Conference, Albuquerque, NM, August 17-19, 2004. 27 Martin Gundersen 161. M. Gundersen, E. Schamiloglu, and R.J. Barker, “Compact Pulsed Power: Physics and Applications,” Invited presentation for the Second European Pulsed Power Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, September 20-23, 2004. 162. F. Wang, A. Kuthi, C. Jiang and M. Gundersen, “Technology for Transient Plasma Ignition”, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, AIAA Paper 2005-0951, Jan 10-13, 2005. 163. J. Sinibaldi, J. Rodriguez, B. Channel, C. Brophy, F. Wang, C. Cathey, and M. Gundersen, “Investigation of Transient Plasma Ignition for Pulse Detonation Engines,” 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, AIAA Paper 2005-3774, Jan 10-13, 2005. 164. D.H. Lieberman J.E. Shepherd, F. Wang, J. Liu and M.A. Gundersen, “Characterization of a Corona Discharge Initiator Using Detonation Tube Impulse Measurements”, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, AIAA Paper 2005-1344, Jan. 10-13, 2005. 165. Q. Fang, T. Vernier, Y. Sun, J. Wang, M. M. Thu, T. Papaioannou, J. A. Jo, M. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, “Picosecond fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope for imaging of living glioma cells,” SPIE Proc. 5699A-5, Photonics West-BIOS, Jan. 2005. 166. J. F. Lo, E. Kim, M. Gundersen, L. Marcu, “Optical MEMS scanning fluorescence biosensor” ,SPIE Proc. 5692-16, Photonics West-BIOS, Jan. 2005. 167. P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, J. Wang, L. Marcu, M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-induced membrane perturbations in living cells visualized with fluorescence microscopy” SPIE Proc. 569246], Photonics West-BIOS, Jan. 2005. 168. J. Wang, P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, M. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, “Fluorescence microscopy study of quantum dots as fluorescent probes for brain tumor diagnosis” SPIE Proc. 5703-23, Photonics West-BIOS, Jan. 2005. 169. Q. Fang, P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, J. Wang, M. M. Thu, T. Papaioannou, J. A. Jo, M. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, “Picosecond fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope for imaging of living glioma cells,” SPIE Proc. 5699A-5, Photonics West-BIOS, Jan. 2005. 170. C. Jiang, A. Kuthi and M.A. Gundersen, “Small BLT Switch for Compact Pulsed Power Studies,”2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, June 13-17, 2005. 171. F. Wang, M.A. Gundersen, A. Kuthi, and T. Tang, “Technology for Transient Plasma Ignition,” 2005 ONR Review, Naval Postgraduate School, August 24-26, 2005. 172. F. Wang, T. Tang, C. Cathey, A. Kuthi, and M. Gundersen, “Solid-state High Voltage Nanosecond Pulse Generator,” Proceedings of the 15th International Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, June 13-17, 2005. 173. Y. Sun, P.T. Vernier, J. Wang, A. Kuthi, L. Marcu, and M.A. Gundersen, “Electropermeabilization of mammalian cells visualized with fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots),” in Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 873E, K6.9.1, San Francisco, CA 2005. 174. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu , and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-driven phosphatidylserine externalization and small molecule permeabilization,” Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, 2005. 175. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-driven phosphatidylserine externalization and small molecule permeabilization,” Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Nonthermal Medical/Biological Treatments Using Electromagnetic Fields and Ionized Gases (ElectroMed 2005), Portland, OR, 2005. 176. Q. Shui, C.-Y. Chan, M.A. Gundersen, R.J. Umstattd, J. Shaw, and D.S-Y. Hsu, “Design and Fabrication of JFET-Controlled Carbon Nanotube Field Emitter Arrays,”Technical Digest of the 18th 28 Martin Gundersen International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2005, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, UK, July 10-14, 2005. 177. Q. Shui, C.Y. Chan, M.A. Gundersen, R.J. Umstattd, and J. Shaw, “Simulation and Design of JFET-Controlled Carbon Nanotube Field Emitter Arrays,” 32nd IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, ICOPS 2005, Monterey, CA, June 18-23, 2005. 178. J.O. Sinibaldi, J. Rodriquez, B. Channel, C. Brophy, F. Wang, C. Cathey and M.A. Gundersen, “Investigation of Transient Plasma Ignition for Pulse Detonation Engines”, AIAA 2005-3774, 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Tucson, AZ, July 2005. 179. Vernier, P. T., Y. Sun, J. Wang, M. M. Thu, E. Garon, M. Valderrabano, L. Marcu, H. P. Koeffler, M. A. Gundersen, Nanoelectropulse intracellular perturbation and electropermeabilization technology: phospholipid translocation, calcium bursts, chromatin rearrangement, cardiomyocyte activation, and tumor cell sensitivity, Proc. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 27th International Conference (EMBC 2005), Shanghai, China, 2005. 180. Vernier, P. T., Y. Sun, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, Nanoelectropulse-driven phosphatidylserine externalization and small molecule permeabilization, Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Nonthermal Medical/Biological Treatments Using Electromagnetic Fields and Ionized Gases (ElectroMed 2005), Portland, OR, 2005. 181. M. Gundersen, “Star Power”, Worth magazine, pg 36, March 2006. 182. Garon, E. B., P. T. Vernier, J. Wang, T. Tang, M. M. Thu, X. Gu, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, M. Gundersen, H. P. Koeffler, Nanoelectropulse therapy for cancer: in vitro and in vivo analysis, 97th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2006. 183. M. Gundersen, “Applications for Compact Portable Pulsed Power: Rocket Science, Cancer Therapy, and the Movies”, to appear, Proc. 27th International Power Modulator Symposium and 2006 High Voltage Workshop, 2006 (Invited). 184. Sun, Y., P. T. Vernier, Y.-S. Liu, T. Black, C.-H. Liang, S. Y. Chong, M.-T. Chen, T. Tang, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Biophotonic studies of mammalian cells with nanosecond pulsed power using quantum dots”, Proc. 27th International Power Modulator Symposium and 2006 High Voltage Workshop, 2006. 185. Hao Chen, Chunqi Jiang, Andras Kuthi, and M.A. Gundersen, "High Voltage, Small BackLighted Thyratrons", to appear, Proc. 27th International Power Modulator Symposium and 2006 High Voltage Workshop, 2006. 186. P. Hutcheson, C. Brophy, J. Sinibaldi, C. Cathey, and M. A. Gundersen, “Investigation of Flow Field Properties on Detonation Initiation,” 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference 2006, Sacramento, California, 9 -12 July 2006. 187. Hao Chen, Chunqi Jiang, Andras Kuthi, and M.A. Gundersen, "Small Size Back Lighted Thyratrons", Presented to 1st EAPPC 2006, Sep 18-22, 2006 Chengdu, China. 188. Liu, Y.-S., C. H. Liang, P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, and M. A. Gundersen, “Design and Synthesis of a Multifunctional Probe for Bio-imaging and Therapeutics” Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 943E, Paper Number 0943-Y03-03, 0943-Y3-03, San Francisco, CA, 2006. 189. C. Cathey, F. Wang, T. Tang, A. Kuthi, M. A. Gundersen, J. Sinibaldi, C. Brophy, J. Hoke, F. Schauer, J. Corrigan , J. Yu, E. Barbour, and R. Hanson, “Transient Plasma Ignition for Delay Reduction in Pulse Detonation Engines,” 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 8-11 Jan 2007. 190. K. Busby, J. Corrigan, S. Yu, S. Williams, C. Carter, F. Schauer, J. Hoke, C. Cathey, and M. A. Gundersen, “Effects of Corona, Spark and Surface Discharges on Ignition Delay and Deflagration- 29 Martin Gundersen to-Detonation Times in Pulsed Detonation Engines,” 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 8-11 Jan 2007. 191. Vernier, P. T., M. J. Ziegler, Y. Sun, M. A. Gundersen, and D. P. Tieleman, Nanosecond biomolecular surgery with microelectronics, microfluidics, and nanotubes — in vitro and in silico, Nanomaterials for Defense Applications Symposium, San Diego, 2007 192. Gómez Galindo, F., P. T. Vernier, P. Dejmek, A. Vicente, and M. A. Gundersen, Pulsed electric fields promote potato tuber cell wall cross-linking, Bioelectromagnetics Society 29th Annual Meeting, Kanazawa, Japan, 2007. 193. H. Chen, E. Kallos, P. Muggli, A. Kuthi, T. C. Katsouleas, M. A. Gundersen, "High Density Plasma in a High Pressure Hydrogen Capillary Discharge," 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference, Albuquerque, June, 2007. 194. J. Sanders, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen, "Nanosecond Pulse Generator with Scalable Pulse Amplitude," Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Power Modulator Conference and High Voltage Conference, pp. 65-68, 27-31 May 2008. 195. D. Singleton, C. Cathey, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen, “Applications of Power Modulator Technology to Ignition and Combustion”, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Power Modulator Conference and High Voltage Conference, pp. 174-177, 27-31 May 2008. 196. J. Sanders, C. Jiang, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen, "Broadband Power Measurement of HighVoltage, Nanosecond Electric Pulses for Biomedical Applications," Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Power Modulator Conference and High Voltage Workshop, pp. 350-353, May 2008. 197. Jiang, C., P. T. Vernier, M.-T. Chen, Y.-H. Wu, L. L. Wang, and M. A. Gundersen, Low energy nanosecond pulsed plasma sterilization for endodontic applications, IEEE 28th International Power Modulator Conference, Las Vegas, 2008. 198. Craviso, G. L., G. Maalouf, S. Choe, M.-T. Chen, D. McPherson, I. Chatterjee, M. A. Gundersen, and P. T. Vernier, Nanosecond electric pulse stimulates catecholamine release from chromaffin cells, Bioelectromagnetics Society 30th Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2008. 199. J. M. Sanders, A. Kuthi, P. T. Vernier, W. Yu-Hsuan, J. Chunqi, and M. A. Gundersen, "Scalable, compact, nanosecond pulse generator with a high repetition rate for biomedical applications requiring intense electric fields," in Pulsed Power Conference, 2009. PPC '09. IEEE, 2009, pp. 1418-1421. 200. S. J. Pendleton, D. Singleton, A. Kuthi, M. A. Gundersen, “Compact Solid State Variable Amplitude High Repetition Rate Pulse Generator,” IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 2009. 201. D. Singleton, A. Simone, and M. A. Gundersen, “Optimization of Compact Power Modulators for Transient Plasma Ignition”, IEEE International Power Modulators and High Voltage Conference, 254-257, May 2010. 202. J. M. Sanders, Y.H. Lin, R. Ness, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen, " Pulse Sharpening and Soliton Generation with Nonlinear Transmission Lines for Producing RF Bursts”, IEEE International Power Modulators and High Voltage Conference, Proceedings of the 2010, 604-607, 2010. 203. Sozer E.B., Jiang C., Gundersen M. A.,. ”Investigation of Gaseous Electron Multiplier-Based Triggering Units for Back-Lighted Thyratrons”, Proceedings of 29th IEEE International Power Modulator and High-Voltage Conference, 553, 2010. 204. J. M. Sanders, A. Kuthi, and M.A. Gundersen, “Compact, Nanosecond Pulse Generators Based on Magnetic Pulse Compression and Diode Opening Switches,” presented at the 4th Japan/U.S. Symposium on Pulsed Power and Plasma Applications, Honolulu, HI, 2010. 205. E. B. Sozer, C. Jiang, A. Kuthi, J. M. Sanders, and M. A. Gundersen, “Compact Back-lighted Thyratrons for Applications in High Power Submicrosecond Pulse Modulators,” presented at the at 4th Japan/U.S. Symposium on Pulsed Power and Plasma Applications, Honolulu, HI, 2010. 30 Martin Gundersen 206. J. M. Sanders, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen, "Pulse sharpening and soliton generation with nonlinear transmission lines for producing RF bursts," Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), 2010 IEEE International, pp.604-607, 23-27 May 2010. 207. J.M. Sanders, A. Kuthi and M. Gundersen, “Design and Optimization Techniques for the Generation of Intense, Ultrafast Pulses with Nonlinear Transmission Lines”, IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Aug. 2011. 208. Sanders, J. M., A. Kuthi, A., M.A. Gundersen, “A High Power Cascode Switch for Rapid and Efficient Energy Transfer at High Repetition Rates”, International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), 24-27 2012. 209. Y-H. Lin, D. Singleton, J. M. Sanders, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen “Pressure effects on transient plasma discharge in air,” IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conf. San Francisco, P125, 2013. Invited Presentations, Partial List 1. G. Kirkman and M.A. Gundersen, "New High Power Thyratrons," Argonne High Energy Physics, Advanced Accelerator Test Facility Workshop, Argonne, Illinois, April 6-7, 1988. 2. M.A. Gundersen, "A super-emissive cathode," UCLA, May 6, 1988. 3. M.A. Gundersen, "An experimental plasma lens device," SLAC Workshop on Plasma Lenses, Stanford, California, May 9, 1988. 4. M.A. Gundersen, "Preliminary results from the III-V pulsed power device research program at USC," Semiconductor Switch Workshop, Norfolk, Virginia, May 23-24, 1988. 5. M.A. Gundersen, "A review of high power hollow electrode thyratron-type switches," 1988 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Seattle, Washington, June 6-8, 1988. 6. M.A. Gundersen, "Pulse power research issues", Investment Strategy Meeting on Pulse Power Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, March 14, 1989. 7. M.A. Gundersen, "New concepts for accelerator components", Workshop on High Luminosity Asymmetric Storage Rings for B Physics, California Institute of Technology, April 26, 1989. 8. M.A. Gundersen, “A review of the back lighted thyratron and its applications", Sixth Key Technologies Score Group Meeting, Huntington Beach CA, 23-27 October 23-27, 1989. 9. M.A. Gundersen, "The back-lighted thyratron", Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 8, 1989. 10. M.A. Gundersen, "A review of the back-lighted thyratron physics and applications," 9th Intl. Workshop on Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Monterey, CA, Nov. 6-10, 1989. 11. M.A. Gundersen, "Plasma devices based on the back lighted thyratron," Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, January 12, 1990. 12. M.A. Gundersen, "Super-emissive cathode switches", High Average Power Switching Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, October 10-11 1990. 13. M.A. Gundersen, "Super-emissive cathodes and their applications," Plasma Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, November 6, 1990. 14. M.A. Gundersen, "Super-emissive cathodes and their applications”, Univ. of California, Irvine, CA, March 6, 1991. 15. M.A. Gundersen, "Cathode physics of pseudosparks and BLT's," U. of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, July 3, 1991. 31 Martin Gundersen 16. M. A. Gundersen, G. Kirkman, W. Hartmann, Y. Hsu, and R. Liou, "Hollow cathode and superemissive cathode properties of pseudospark and back-lighted thyratron," International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Barga, Italy, July 8-12, 1991. 17. M. A. Gundersen, "Hollow and super-emissive cathode processes in pseudospark discharges," Physikalisches Institut der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, July 17, 1991. 18. M. A. Gundersen, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, and W. Hartmann, "Hollow and super-emissive cathode processes in the pseudospark and back-lighted thyratron," Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 22-25, 1991. 19. M. A. Gundersen, "Hollow and super-emissive cathode processes in the back-lighted thyratron," 10th Intl. Workshop on Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Monterey, CA, November 11-15, 1991. 20. M. A. Gundersen, "Super-emissive cathodes and their applications," California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, February 26, 1992. 21. M. A. Gundersen, "Pseudospark and back-lighted thyratron switches and beams: Hollow and superemissive cathode devices," Physics International, San Leandro, CA, March 27, 1992. 22. M. A. Gundersen, "Pseudospark and BLT switches and beams: Hollow and super-emissive cathode devices," University of South Carolina, June 22, 1992. 23. M. A. Gundersen and K. Frank,"Pseudospark and BLT switches and beams: Hollow and superemissive cathode devices," IX Symposium on High-Current Electronics, Russia, July 21-30, 1992. 24. M. A. Gundersen, "Hollow and super-emissive cathode processes in the pseudospark," Gaseous and Electrode Phenomena in Diffuse High Current Density Discharges Workshop, Bad Honnef, Germany, November 2-6, 1992. 25. M. A. Gundersen, R. L. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, and G. Kirkman, "Electron beams during pseudospark hollow - and super - emission," WE-Heraus Seminar, Gaseous and Electrode Phenomena in Diffuse High Current Density Discharges, Bad Honnef, Germany, Nov. 2-5, 1992. 26. M. A. Gundersen, R. L. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, and G. Kirkman, "Electrönenstrahlerzeugung während der hohlkathoden-und superemissive-phase eine pseudo-funkentladungUniversity of Erlangen, Physics Institute, Erlangen, Germany, Nov. 11, 1992. 27. M.A. Gundersen, "GaAs-based power electronic switches", EPRI Workshop on Power Electronics, February 9, 1993. 28. M.A. Gundersen, "Electron beams during the hollow cathode and super-emissive phase of pseudospark emission", Texas Tech University Physics seminar, February 18, 1993. 29. M.A. Gundersen, "Pulsed power research at USC", Symposium on Electronics Research, Texas Tech University, February 19, 1993. 30. M.A. Gundersen, "Pseudospark physics and applications", University of Iowa, June 30, 1993. 31. M.A. Gundersen, "Non-thermal processing of effluents", DOE Workshop on Diesel Emission Reduction, La Jolla, CA, July 20, 1993. 32. M.A. Gundersen, "Some interesting applications–and physics–of low temperature plasmas", Applied Physics seminar Caltech, Nov. 17, 1993. 33. M.A. Gundersen, "Plasma technology and physics of pseudosparks", invited presentation for the March meeting of the Plasma Physics section of the German Physical Society, March 8, 1994. 34. M. Gundersen, R. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, and V. Puchkarev, "Physics and applications of beam and plasma processs in the pseudospark," Third International Workshop on Transient Hollow Cathode Phenomena, Paris, France, September 14 -16, 1994. 32 Martin Gundersen 35. V. Puchkarev, G. Roth, M. Gundersen, I. Yampolsky, G. Kirkman and M. Choi, "Studies of the physics and technology of non-thermal plasma treatment of diesel emission," DOE Workshop on Diesel Emission Abatement, San Diego, CA, July 24-27, 1995. 36. M.A. Gundersen, "High resolution, high throughput microlithography using a back-lighted thyratron", Workshop on the physics of pseudosparks, Erlangen, Germany, September 26, 1995. 37. M.A. Gundersen, P. Hadizad, and T. Y. Hsu, "Application of pseudosparks and back-lighted thyratrons to high resolution microlithography," Texas Tech., Lubbock, TX, Oct. 27, 1995. 38. M.A. Gundersen, "Solid state devices: Opportunities for power modulators," 22nd International Power Modulator Symposium, Boca Raton, FL, June 24-27, 1996. 39. M.A. Gundersen, “Particulate and Nitrogen Oxide-Based Emissions Control Technology Research at USC,” M. Gundersen, J. Liu, J. Yampolsky, C. Sioutas and P. Ronney, DEER 2000, San Diego, CA, August 20-24, 2000. 40. M.A. Gundersen, “Pulsed Plasmas for Diesel Emission Reduction,” 2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 14-19, 2000. 41. M.A. Gundersen, Presentation to the Plasma Sciences Committee of the National Academies of Science and Engineering, “Physics and Applications of Partially Ionized Plasmas: Research Needs”, Beckman Center, National Academies of Science and Engineering, Irvine CA, September 30, 2001. 42. P. T. Vernier and M. A. Gundersen, "Ultrashort electric perturbations trigger membrane phospholipid translocation and apoptosis," Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, 2002. 43. M. A. Gundersen, “Ultrashort-Pulsed Electroperturbation: Induced Caspase Activation in Human Lymphocytes,” UC Irvine, December 12, 2002. 44. M. Gundersen, J. Dickens, and W. Nunnally, “Compact, Portable Pulsed Power: Physics and Applications”, Plenary presentation for the 2003 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, June 16, 2003. 45. M.A. Gundersen, “Transient, or True Non-Thermal, Plasma-Enhanced Ignition of Fuel Mixtures, and Emission Reduction,” Gordon Conference on Plasma Processing Science, Tilton, New Hampshire, July 21-25, 2002. 46. P. Wijetunga, X. Gu, A. Kuthi, P. T. Vernier, M. Behrend and M.A. Gundersen, “Electrical Modeling of Pulsed Power Systems for Biomedical Applications,” 14th International Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas, TX, June 15-18, 2003. 47. Vernier, P. T., A. Li, L. Marcu, X. Zhu, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond electroperturbation of malignant cells,“ World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 2003. 48. L. Marcu, P. T. Vernier, S. Salemi, M. Behrend, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Optical imaging of electroperturbative effects in Jurkat T lymphoblasts induced by ultrashort pulsed electric fields,” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 2003. 49. Sun, Y., P. T. Vernier, M. Behrend, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Non-invasive approaches to nano-biology through advanced pulsed power,” Workshop on High-Field Effects and Fast Pulse Responses in Bio-Systems, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, October 19-22, Albuquerque, 2003 50. Vernier, P.T., Y. Sun, L. Marcu, S. Salemi, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Non-invasive intracellular electroperturbation of human lymphocytes,” Workshop on High-Field Effects and Fast Pulse Responses in Bio-Systems, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Albuquerque, 2003. 33 Martin Gundersen 51. Vernier, P. T., Y. Sun, L. Marcu, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Field-dependent nanosecond electroperturbation of Jurkat T lymphoblasts,” Scientific Conference, Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine, San Antonio, 2004. 52. M.A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition,” presented to Boeing – Rocketdyne Propulsion & Power, July 15, 2003. 53. M.A. Gundersen, “Physics and Applications of Pulsed Power”, presented to the Physics Department of the Naval Postgraduate School, August 2003. 54. M.A. Gundersen, “Challenges and Overview”, Workshop on Understanding Plasma Ignition, Stanford University, Jan. 9, 2004. 55. M.A. Gundersen, “Pulsed Power: Physics, and Two Diverse Applications”, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, February 17, 2004. 56. E. Schamiloglu, M.A. Gundersen and R.J. Barker, “Compact Pulsed Power Research for High Power Microwaves”, DEPS High Power Microwave Conference, Albuquerque, NM August 17-19, 2004. 57. M.A. Gundersen, E. Schamiloglu, R.J. Barker and K. Frank, “Compact Pulsed Power: Physics and Applications”, Second European Pulsed Power Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, September 20-23, 2004. 58. M.A. Gundersen, “Pulsed Power Physics and Applications”, presented to the AME Department, USC, November 24, 2004. 59. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, C. M. Craft, and M.A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse Perturbations of Calcium and Phospholipid Distribution in Human Lymphocytes,” Bioelectromagnetics Society 26th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 21-24, 2004. 60. C. Brophy, J.O. Sinibaldi, F. Wang, C. Jiang and M.A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition of a Hydrocarbon-Air Initiator for Pulse Detonation Engines”, PDE Colloquium in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 6-9, 2004. 61. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, J. Wang, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Calcium Bursts and Phospholipid Flop in Electroperturbed Lymphocytes,” Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, Connecticut College, New London, CT, July 25-30, 2004. 62. M.A. Gundersen, “Pulsed Power Issues Relevant to BDP Devices”, Boundary-Dominated Plasma (BDP) Workshop, Stevens Institute of Technology, October 20 & 21, 2004. 63. M.A. Gundersen, “Compact Pulsed Power: Switches, Physics, and Two Applications”, Invited for presentation at the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Berlin, 4-9 March, 2005. This meeting of the German Physical Society combined the sections of the society to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the theory of relativity. 64. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, M. J. Ziegler, and M.A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond, nondestructive, localized scrambling of membrane phospholipids in living cells,” American Society for Cell Biology 45 th Annual Meeting, Special Interest Sub-Group Meeting on Nanosecond Electric Pulses: A New Technology for Introducing Transient Nanopores in Organelles, San Francisco, 2005. 65. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, M. J. Ziegler, and M.A. Gundersen, “Flipping the phospholipid switch for phagocytosis — targeting cells for immune clearance with a nanosecond, remotely delivered, electrical signal,” Bioelectromagnetics Society Winter Workshop, Tempe, AZ, 2006. 66. M.A. Gundersen, “Applications for Compact Portable Pulsed Power: Rocket Science, Cancer Therapy, and the Movies” Plenary presentation to the 26th Power Modulator Conference, May 2006, Washington D.C. 67. M.A. Gundersen, "Transient Plasma Ignition”, U.C. San Diego, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dept., Fluid Mechanics Series, March 12, 2007. 34 Martin Gundersen 68. M..A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition with Nanosecond Pulsed Power”, Duke University, May 27, 2010. 69. M.A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond Pulsed Power: Therapy for Cancer”, Duke University, May 27, 2010. 70. M. Gundersen, “The Nanoworld”, Categorically Not!, Santa Monica, January 16, 2011. 71. M. Gundersen, “Nanosecond Pulsed Power: Rocket Science, Cancer, and the Movies”, Old Dominion University, January 26, 2011. 72. D. Singleton, J. Sanders and M. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma for Improved Combustion Efficiency in Engines”, Invited poster presentation, 2011 ARPA E Energy Innovation Summit, Arlington VA, Feb 28, 2011. 73. M.A. Gundersen, “Cancer, Rocket Science, and the Movies: Research in Nanosecond Pulsed Power” The Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA, April 29, 2011. 74. M.A. Gundersen, “Pulsed Power and Transient Plasma Ignition”,ARPA-E Workshop on Small Scale Distributed Generation, Arlington VA, June 2, 2011. 75. M.A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma: Energy, Engines, and Aerospace Applications”, Workshop on Atmospheric Pressure Weakly Ionized Plasmas for Energy Technologies, Flow Control and Materials Processing, Princeton University, Aug 23, 2011. 76. “Transient Plasma: Energy, Engines, and Aerospace Applications”, with P.T. Vernier and C. Jiang, Plenary presentation for the 2012 IEEE Intl. Conference on Plasma and Nuclear Science, Edinburgh Scotland, July 2012. 77. M. Gundersen, “Combustion and Aerospace Applications of Nanosecond Pulsed Power–Generated Transient Plasma”, presented to the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department at U. of Arizona, Nov. 1 2012. 78. M. Gundersen, Fokion Egolfopoulos, Andy Kuthi, Dr. Dan Singleton, Dr. Jason Sanders, Yung-Hsu Lin, Angus McColl, “TCC Institute for Emissions Reduction from Marine Diesel Engines”, California Maritime Leadership Symposium, February 21, 2013, Sacramento CA. 79. M. Gundersen, "Transient Plasma for Green Technologies: Reduced Emissions, Greenhouse Gas Reduction, and Improved Combustion Efficiencies", 60th Annual AVS International Symposium and Exhibition (AVS 2013), Oct 31-Nov 1, 2013, Long Beach, CA. 80. Y-H Lin, A Kuthi, W. Schroeder, D Singleton, J Sanders and M A Gundersen, Intl. Conf. on Plasma Science (ICOPS), “Non-Equilibrium Plasmas In Fuel-Air Mixtures Generated By Half Of A Microwave”, May 27, 2014, Washington D.C. CONTRIBUTED PRESENTATIONS WITHOUT PAPERS, PARTIAL LIST Presentations accompanied by conference papers are included in “Conference Papers and Other Publications”, and are not included below. 1. W. Hartmann, G. Kirkman, V. Dominic, and M.A. Gundersen, "Optically Triggered High Power Glow Discharge Switches," 1988 High-Voltage Workshop, Monterey, CA, Mar. 8-10, 1988. 2. G. Kirkman, W. Hartmann, V. Dominic and M.A. Gundersen, "The BLT - A High Current Cold Cathode Switch," 1988 Tri-Service Cathode Workshop, Ft. Monmouth, NJ, Mar. 22-24, 1988. 35 Martin Gundersen 3. G. Kirkman and M. A. Gundersen, "Fundamental Processes in Plasma Devices," Argonne High Energy Physics, Advanced Accelerator Test Facility Workshop, Argonne, Illinois, April 6-7, 1988. 4. W. Hartmann, G. Kirkman, and M.A. Gundersen, "Studies of Fundamental Processes in Plasma Devices," Particle Beam Physics Topical Group/American Physical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, April 18-21, 1988, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 33, 1082 (1988). 5. W. Hartmann, G. Kirkman, M.A. Gundersen, K. Frank, and J. Christiansen, "New High Power Thyratrons for High Energy Physics Applications," Particle Beam Physics Topical Group/American Physical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, April 18-21, 1988, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 33, 1082 (1988). 6. W. Hartmann, G. Kirkman, V. Dominic, and M.A. Gundersen, "Studies of fundamental processes in high power switches," European Particle Accelerator Conference, Rome, Italy, June 7-11, 1988. 7. W. Hartmann, V. Dominic, R.L. Liou, T.Y. Hsu, and M.A. Gundersen, "Optical diagnostic development for high current pulsed glow discharges," OPTCON '88 Technical Digest pg. 153, Santa Clara, California, Nov. 3, 1988. 8. M.S. Choi, J.H. Hur, and M.A. Gundersen, "Optoelectronic bistability in gallium phosphide," OPTCON '88 Technical Digest pg 183, Santa Clara, California, Nov. 4, 1988. 9. G.F. Kirkman, H. Figueroa, and M.A. Gundersen, "A plasma lens based on a hollow cathode stable Z-pinch," 30th Meeting of the Plasma Physics Division, American Physical Society, Hollywood, Florida, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 1988, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 33 (9), 2120, Oct. (1988). 10. G. Kirkman, Y. Hsu, R.L. Liou, and M.A. Gundersen, "Fundamental processes of high current (10kA/cm2) pulsed glow discharge," 30th Meeting of the Plasma Physics Division, American Physical Society, Hollywood, Florida, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 1988, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 33 (9), 1947, Oct. (1988). 11. G. Kirkman, W. Hartmann, T.Y. Hsu, R.L. Liou, M.A. Gundersen, P. Ingwersen, and S.S. Merz, "High current cold cathode glow discharge switch," 1988 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 11-14, 1988. 12. J. Norem, W. Gai, R. Konecny, S. Mitingwa, J. Rosenzweig, J. Simpson, P. Schoessow, D. Cline, T. Katsouleas, C. Joshi, C. Nantista, S. Rajagopalan, P. Chen, M.A. Gundersen, H. Figureoa, and G. Kirkman, "The development of plasma lenses for linear colliders," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 34 (2), 212, Feb. (1989); APS Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL March 20-23, 1989. 13. Charles W. Myles M. Gundersen, and J.H. Hur, "Avalanche breakdown in p-n AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunctions," Bull. Am. Phys. Sco. 34 (3), 1001, March (1989), American Physical Society Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, March 20-24, 1989. 14. M.S. Choi, J.H. Hur, S.D. Tsiapalas, and M.A. Gundersen, "Transient behavior and modeling of optoelectronic bistable behavior in a gallium phosphide LED," CLEO '89, CLEO/QELS '89 Advance Program, 47, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, Maryland, April 24-28, 1989. 15. H. Bauer, G. Kirkman, and M.A. Gundersen, "Modeling of the discharge plasma in a Back Lighted Thyratron," 16th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Hyatt Regency, Buffalo, NY, May 22-24, 1989. 16. H. Figueroa, M.A. Gundersen, and C.Joshi, "Microwave reflectivities of a finite-length plasma with a periodic density variation," 16th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Hyatt Regency, Buffalo, NY, May 22-24, 1989. 17. G. Kirkman, H. Figueroa, and M.A. Gundersen, "A device for producing uniform plasmas for advanced accelerator experiments," 16th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Hyatt Regency, Buffalo, NY, May 22-24, 1989. 36 Martin Gundersen 18. M.A. Gundersen, "New research directions," NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Physics and Applications of High Power Hollow Electrode Glow Switches, Lillehammer, Norway, July 1721, 1989. 19. M. A. Gundersen, "Some new applications for pseudosparks and BLT's," Transient Hollow Cathode Discharge Phenomena Workshop, Paris, Sept. 11-12, 1989. 20. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, H. Bauer, R.L. Liou, T.Y. Hsu, H. Figueroa, and M.A. Gundersen, "The high current glow discharge operation of the back-lighted thyratron and pseudospark switch," Transient Hollow Cathode Discharge Phenomena Workshop, Paris, Sept. 11-12, 1989. 21. H. Figueroa and M. A. Gundersen, "A proposed microwave plasma mirror," 9th Intl. Workshop on Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Monterey, CA, Nov. 6-10, 1989. 22. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, H. Bauer and M.A. Gundersen, "Analysis of the high current glow discharge occurring in the BLT and pseudospark switch", Thirty-first APS Plasma Physics Meeting, November 13-17, 1989. 23. J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, S. G. Hummel, K.M. Dzurko, P. D. Dapkus, M. A. Gundersen, and H. R. Fetterman, "GaAs based opto-thyristor for pulsed power applications," 1989 International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington D.C., December 3-6, 1989. 24. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, T. Y. Hsu, R. L. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "High current back lighted thyratron switches," International Magnetic Pulse Compression Workshop, Granilbakken, Lake Tahoe, Feb. 12-14, 1990. 25. C. W. Myles, J. H. Hur, and M.A. Gundersen, "Temperature and composition dependence of avalanche breakdown in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterojunctions," American Physical Society, 1990 March Meeting, Anaheim, CA March 12-16, 1990, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35 (3), 738 (1990). 26. T-Y. Hsu, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R-L. Liou, H. Figueroa, and M.A. Gundersen, "Multigap BLT's for high power applications," Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Physics of Beams, Washington, D.C., April 16-19, 1990, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35 (4), 1002 (1990). 27. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, H. Bauer, R. Liou, H. Figueroa, T-Y. Hsu, A. H. McCurdy, and M.A. Gundersen, "Pulsed electron beam production in the back-lighted thyratron," Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Physics of Beams, Washington, D.C., April 16-19, 1990, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35 (4), 1002 (1990). 28. M. A. Gundersen, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R. L. Liou, and T-Y. Hsu, "A high power thyratron type switch for high energy physics," Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Physics of Beams, Washington, D.C., April 16-19, 1990, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35 (4), 1002 (1990). 29. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, H. Bauer, R. L. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, H. Figueroa, and M. A. Gundersen, "A study of the high current discharge of the pseudospark and back lighted thyratron switch," 1990 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, May 21-23, 1990. 30. R. L. Liou, H. Figueroa, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R. J. Temkin, A. H. McCurdy, H. Fetterman, and M. A. Gundersen, "A plasma-based source of pulsed microwave and millimeter wavelength radiation," 1990 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, May 21-23, 1990. 31. J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, S. G. Hummel, P. D. Dapkus, H. R. Fetterman, and M. A. Gundersen, "GaAs opto-thyristor for pulsed power applications," OPTCON '90, Boston, MA, November 4-9, 1990. 32. R. Liou, H.Figueroa, A. H. McCurdy, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R. J. Temkin, H. Fetterman, and M. A. Gundersen, "Pulsed microwave and millimeter wavelength radiation from the back-lighted thyratron," 1990 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 12, 1990. 33. R. Liou, H. Figueroa, A. H. McCurdy, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R. J. Temkin, H. Fetterman, and M. A. Gundersen, "A plasma-based source of pulsed microwave and millimeter wavelength radiation," 37 Martin Gundersen 15th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Orlando, Florida, December 10-14, 1990. 34. H. Zhao, J. Hur, P. Hadizad, M. Gundersen, and C. W. Myles, "Model for the "lock-on effect" in semiconductor switches," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 36 (3), 985, March (1989); APS Particle Accelerator Conference, Cincinnati, OH, March 18-22, 1991. 35. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, N. Reinhardt, M. Choi, and M. A. Gundersen, "High-voltage, > 100kV hermetically sealed back lighted thyratron switches," 1991 High-Voltage Workshop, Naval Ship Weapons Systems Engineering Station, Port Heuneme, CA, March 19-21, 1991. 36. T. Y. Hsu, R. L. Liou, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, and M. A. Gundersen, "Electron beam generation in the superemissive cathode”, 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 6-9, 1991; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 36 (4), 1591 (1991). 37. G. Kirkman-Amemiya, N. Reinhardt, M. Choi and M. A. Gundersen, "Fast risetime BLT switches for accelerator applications," 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 6-9, 1991; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 36 (4), 1515 (1991). 38. D. Betz, P. Chen, D. Cline, M. Gundersen, C. Joshi, T. Katsouleas, J. Norem, S. Rajagopalan, J. Rosenzweig, J. J. Su, R. Williams, "Plasma lenses for SLAC final focus Test Facility," 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 6-9, 1991. 39. M.A. Gundersen, "Plasma lens experimental issues", Plasma Lens Meeting at USC, May 10, 1991. 40. J. H. Hur, P. Hadizad, H. Zhao, S. G. Hummel, P.D. Dapkus, H. R. Fetterman, C. W. Myles, and M. A. Gundersen, "Optically gated GaAs thyristors for pulsed power switching," CLEO '91 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, MD, May 12-17, 1991. 41. T.Y. Hsu, R. L. Liou, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, and M. A. Gundersen, "The superemissive cathode as an electron beam source," 18th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, June 3-5, 1991. 42. H. Kislev, M. A. Gundersen, O. Barnouin, and G. H. Miley, "A novel ion beam source for electrostatic confined fusion reactors," ICENES 1991, Monterey, CA, June 16-21, 1991. 43. M.A. Gundersen, "Plasma lenses based on the BLT", Plasma Lens Meeting at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center), Nov. 11, 1991. 44. R. L. Liou, M. A. Gundersen and G. Kirkman-Amemiya, "Long pulse electron beam generation from back-lighted thyratron hollow cathode discharge," Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Islip, New York, June 14-20, 1992. 45. G. Kirkman, M. A. Gundersen, R. Y. Hsu, and R. L. Liou, "Research to improve the efficiency of pulsed power switches and beams for high average power systems for pollution control," NATO ARW on Non-Thermal Plasma Techniques for Pollution Control, Cambridge, England, September 21-25, 1992. 46. R. L. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R. Temkin, and M. A. Gundersen, "Robust, plasmabased variable pulse-length electron beam sources for microwave generation," 17th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, California Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, CA, December 14-18, 1992. 47. T. L. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, G. Kirkman, G. Roth, and M. A. Gundersen, "A variable pulse-length electron beam from the back-lighted thyratron," 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, D.C., May 17-20, 1993. 48. K. Nakamura, R. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "High density plasma source for plasma lens experiments," 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, D.C., May 17-20, 1993. 38 Martin Gundersen 49. T. Y. Hsu, R. L. Liou, G. Kirkman, and M. A. Gundersen, "Low energy electron beams produced during the high current phase of a pseudospark," 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, D.C., May 17-20, 1993. 50. L. Pitchford, J. Boeuf, V. Puech, R. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "Theoretical and experimental study of pseudospark electron emission," 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, D.C., May 17-20, 1993. 51. M.A. Gundersen and G. Kirkman, "Parametric studies of time to breakdown in pseudospark switches," 21st International Conference on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Bochum, Germany, 1993. 52. V. Puech, M. Legentil, and J. C. Thomaz, N. Guadoudi, L. C. Pitchford, and J. P. Boeuf, R. L. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "A novel electron beam source for high resolution, high throughput microlithography," T. Y. Hsu, P. Hadizad, P. Ashok Kanjamala, R. L. Liou, M. G. Baik, G. Roth, and M. A. Gundersen, SPIE International Symposium on Microlithography '94, San Jose, CA Feb. 27 - March 4, 1994. 53. L. C. Pitchford, J. P. Boeuf, V. Puech, R. L. Liou, and M. A. Gundersen, "Electron beam generation during the hollow cathode phase of pseudospark operation," 21st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Santa Fe, NM, June 6-8, 1994. 54. R. Liou, M. A. Gundersen, L. Pitchford, J. P. Boeuf, and V. Puech, "Experimental and theoretical studies of the generation of electron beam in pseudospark discharge," 21st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Santa Fe, NM, June 6-8, 1994. 55. T. Y. Hsu, M. A. Gundersen and K. Frank, "Collimating structure for intense pseudospark electron beams," 21st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Santa Fe, NM, June 6-8, 1994. 56. G. J. Roth, V. Puchkarev, R. L. Liou, T. Y. Hsu, and M. A. Gundersen, "Effects of a low work function cathode on electron beam generation in a hollow cathode discharge," 21st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Santa Fe, NM, June 6-8, 1994. 57. V. Puchkarev, G. Roth, M. A. Gundersen, "Noxious gas decomposition by surface discharge," 21st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Santa Fe, NM, June 6-8, 1994. 58. V. Puchkarev, G. Roth, and M. Gundersen, "Studies of the physics and technology of non-thermal plasma treatment of diesel emission," NIST Workshop on Treatment of Gaseous Emission via Plasma Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, March 19-21, 1995. 59. M.A. Gundersen, "Research issues in power conditioning," 1996 DPF/DPB Workshop, New Directions for High Energy Physics, Snowmass, CO, June 25-July 12, 1996. 60. M.A. Gundersen, "Development of practical devices for implementation of plasma-based concepts," 1996 DPF/DPB Workshop, New Directions for High Energy Physics, Snowmass, CO, June 25-July 12, 1996. 61. V. Puchkarev, G. Roth, and M. Gundersen, “Pulsed power discharges for pollution abatement leading to reduced energy cost,” Diesel Engine Emissions Reduction Workshop, University of California, San Diego, CA, July 28-31, 1997. 62. M.A. Gundersen, “Comments” – Modeling and Simulation – Linking Entertainment and Defense, National Research Council, 1997. 63. M. Gundersen, V. Puchkarev, and G. Roth, “Transient plasma for environment applications with low energy cost,” 1998 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Raleigh, NC, June 1-4, 1998. 64. V. Puchkarev, G. Roth, M. Gundersen and D. Erwin, “Energy efficient plasma treatment of diesel emission using a short pulse discharge: Physics and applications,” Diesel Engine Emission Reduction Workshop, Castine, ME, July 6, 1998. 39 Martin Gundersen 65. V. Puchkarev, G. Roth, and M. Gundersen, “Plasma processing of diesel exhaust by pulsed corona discharge,” 1998 SAE International Fall Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 19-22, 1998. 66. P. Muggli, J. R. Hoffman, C. E. Clayton, M. Gundersen, J. Yampolsky, C. Joshi, and T. Katsouleas, “Novel electromagnetic sources – New capabilities for bioelectric research,” Electromed ’99, Norfolk, VA, April 12-14, 1999. 67. A. Kharlov, G. Roth, V. Puchkarev, and M. Gundersen, “Laser induced fluorescence study of NOx in streamer discharges,” 26th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Monterey, California, 21 - 24 June 1999. 68. J.R. Hoffman, P. Muggli, M.A. Gundersen, W.B. Mori, C. Joshi and T. Katsouleas, “New plasma concepts for enhanced microwave vacuum electronic,” 26th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Monterey, California, 21 - 24 June 1999. 69. P. Muggli, J.R. Hoffman, J. Yampolsky, J.F. Cordell, M.A. Gundersen, C. Joshi and T. Katsouleas, “Experiments of new plasma concepts for enhanced microwave vacuum electronics,” 26th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Monterey, California, 21 - 24 June 1999. 70. J.B. Liu, P.D. Ronney, and M. Gundersen, “Premixed Flame Ignition by Transient Plasma Discharges,” Proceedings of the Third Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Chicago, Illinois, March 16-19, 2003. 71. L. Marcu, Q. Fang, T. Papaioannou, J. A. Jo, P. Butte, B. Pikul, R. C. Thompson, W. H. Yong, K. L. Black, J. A. Freischlag, M. C. Fishbein, M. A. Gundersen, “Lifetime fluorescence spectroscopy for in-vivo diagnosis of tissues,” Keystone Symposia in Optical Imaging: Applications to Biology and Medicine, Taos, New Mexico, Feb. 11-16, 2003. 72. P. T. Vernier, A. Li, L. Marcu, X. Zhu, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, "Nanosecond electroperturbation of malignant cells,” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, 2003. 73. L. Marcu, P. T. Vernier, S. Salemi, M. Behrend, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Optical imaging of electroperturbative effects in Jurkat T lymphoblasts induced by ultrashort pulsed electric fields,” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 2003. 74. J. B. Liu, N. Theiss, P. D. Ronney, and M. A. Gundersen, “Minimum ignition energies and burning rates of flames ignited by transient plasma discharges,” 2003 meeting of Western States Section/Combustion Institute, UCLA, Oct 10-11, 2003. 75. L. Marcu, P. T. Vernier, C. H. Manning, S. Salemi, A. Li, C. M. Craft, M. A. Gundersen, and D. J. Bornhop, “Fluorescence microscopy studies of a peripheral benzodiazepine receptor-targeted molecular probe for brain tumor imaging,” Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy, European Conference on Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany, 2003. 76. M. Thu, P. T. Vernier, M. Behrend, S. Salemi, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Germination of Bacillus atrophaeus spores after exposure to ultra-short, high-field electric pulses,” ElectroMed 2003, San Antonio, 2003. 77. F. Wang, A. Kuthi, C. Jiang, L. Lee, and M. Gundersen "Pulse generator for transient plasma ignition” The First International Workshop on Plasma-Assisted Combustion, Albuquerque, NM November 2 ~ 4, 2003. 78. Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, M. Behrend, L. Marcu, S. Salemi and M. A. Gundersen, “Non-Invasive Approaches to Nano-Biology Through Advanced Pulsed Power,” Workshop on High-Field Effects and Fast Pulse Responses in Bio-Systems, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, October 19–22, 2003, Albuquerque, NM. 40 Martin Gundersen 79. Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, M. Behrend, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Microscope slide electrode chamber for nanosecond, megavolt-per-meter biological investigations,” poster presentation in NSTI Nanotechnology conference, Mar. 7-11, 2004, Boston, MA. 80. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, C.M. Craft and M.A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse perturbations of Calcium and Phospholipid distribution in human lymphocytes”, BEMS 2004. 81. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, C. M. Craft, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond pulsed electric fields trigger intracellular signals in human lymphocytes”, Nanotech 2004, March 7-11, Boston, 2004. 82. Y. Sun, P.T. Vernier, M. Behrend, L. Marcu, and M.A. Gundersen, “Microscope Slide Electrode Chamber for Nanosecond, Megavolt-Per-Meter Biological Investigations”, Nanotech 2004, Boston, MA, March 7-11, 2004, poster presentation. 83. A. Kuthi, P. Gabrielsson and M. Gundersen, “Marx Generator Using Dense Plasma Switches,” 31st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Baltimore, MD, June 28-July 1, 2004. 84. A. Kuthi, C. Jiang and M. Gundersen, “Plasma Generation with a Thin-wire Discharge for Use as Pseudospark Discharge Initiation,” 31st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Baltimore, MD, June 28-July 1, 2004. 85. F. Wang, J.B. Liu, J. Sinibaldi, C. Brophy, A. Kuthi, C. Jiang, P. Ronney and M. A. Gundersen, “Transient Plasma Ignition of Quiescent and Flowing Fuel Mixtures,” 31st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Baltimore, MD, June 28-July 1, 2004. Recommended for inclusion in a special edition of IEEE Transactions Plasma Science. 86. C. Jiang, L.C. Lee, F. Wang, and M. A. Gundersen, “Radical Kinetics Simulation for Transient Plasma Ignition for Fuel – Air Mixtures,” 31st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Baltimore, MD, June 28 – July 1, 2004. 87. C. Jiang, A. Kuthi and M. A. Gundersen, “Small Pseudospark Switches,” 31st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Baltimore, MD, June 28 – July 1, 2004. 88. Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, J. Wang, M. Behrend, A. Kuthi, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Real-time Microscopy Imaging of Jurkat T Lymphoblasts for Electroperturbation”, poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, July 25-30, 2004, Connecticut College, New London, CT. 89. N. Theiss, F. Wang, Dr. JB. Liu, J. Zhao, P. Ronney, M. Gundersen, “Corona Discharge Ignition for Advanced Stationary Natural Gas Engines,” ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Long Beach, CA October 25, 2004, ASME Paper ICEF2004-891 90. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, J. Wang, M. M. Thu, E. Garon, M. Valderrabano, L. Marcu, H. P. Koeffler, M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse intracellular perturbation and electropermeabilization technology: phospholipid translocation, calcium bursts, chromatin rearrangement, cardiomyocyte activation, and tumor cell sensitivity,” Proc. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 27th International Conference (EMBC 2005), Shanghai, China, 2005. 91. Q. Shui, C.Y. Chan, M.A. Gundersen, R.J. Umstattd, and J. Shaw, “Simulation and Design of JFETControlled Carbon Nanotube Field Emitter Arrays,” 32nd IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, ICOPS 2005, Monterey, CA, June 18-23, 2005. 92. Q. Fang, T. Vernier, Y. Sun, J. Wang, M. M. Thu, T. Papaioannou, J. A. Jo, M. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, “Picosecond fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope for imaging of living glioma cells,” SPIE Proc. 5699A-5, Photonics West-BIOS, Jan. 2005. 93. J.F. Lo, E. Kim, M. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, “Optical MEMS scanning fluorescence biosensor,” SPIE Proc. 5692-16, Photonics West-BIOS, Jan. 2005. 41 Martin Gundersen 94. J. Wang, T. Vernier, Y. Sun, M. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, “Fluorescence microscopy study of quantum dots as fluorescent probes for brain tumor diagnosis,” SPIE Proc. 5703-23, Photonics WestBIOS, Jan. 2005. 95. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, J. Wang, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-induced membrane perturbations in living cells visualized with fluorescence microscopy,” SPIE Proc. 569246, Photonics West-BIOS, Jan. 2005. 96. Y. Sun, P.T. Vernier, J. Wang, A. Kuthi, L. Marcu, and M.A. Gundersen, “Electropermeabilization of mammalian cells visualized with fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots),” Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 873E, K6.9.1, San Francisco, CA 2005. 97. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu , and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-driven phosphatidylserine externalization and small molecule permeabilization,” Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, 2005. 98. P.T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-driven phosphatidylserine externalization and small molecule permeabilization,” Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Nonthermal Medical/Biological Treatments Using Electromagnetic Fields and Ionized Gases (ElectroMed 2005), Portland, OR, 2005. 99. Q. Shui, C.-Y. Chan, M.A. Gundersen, R.J. Umstattd, J. Shaw, and D.S-Y. Hsu, “Design and Fabrication of JFET-Controlled Carbon Nanotube Field Emitter Arrays,” Technical Digest of the 18th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2005, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, UK, July 10-14, 2005. 100. Edward B. Garon, P. Thomas Vernier, Jingjing Wang, Tao Tang, Mya Mya Thu, Xianyue Gu, Yinghua Sun, Laura Marcu, Martin Gundersen, H. Phillip Koeffler. “Nanoelectropulse therapy for cancer: in vitro and in vivo analysis”, presented to the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Washington D.C., April 1-6, 2006. 101. Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, J. Wang, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Quantum dot delivery into mammalian cells by pulsed electric fields,” SPIE Photonics West BiOS, Jan. 21-26, 2006 San Jose, CA. 102. Craviso, G. L., Y. Sun, M.-T. Chen, M. A. Gundersen, and P. T. Vernier, “Single, nanosecond electric pulse elevates intracellular calcium in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells”, Bioelectromagnetics Society 28th Annual Meeting, Cancun, 2006. 103. Vernier, P. T., Y. Sun, M. T. Chen, S. Y. C. Chong, and M. A. Gundersen, “DNA-binding fluorochrome photoluminescence in nanoelectropulsed living cells”, Bioelectromagnetics Society 28th Annual Meeting, Cancun, 2006. 104. Liu, Y.-S., C. H. Liang, P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, and M. A. Gundersen, “Design and synthesis of a multifunctional probe for bio-imaging and therapeutics”, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 2006. 105. Sun, Y., P. T. Vernier, X. Gu, M. T. Chen, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Apoptotic nuclear perturbation induced by nanosecond pulsed electric fields”, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, 2006. 106. Y. Sun, P. T. Vernier, J. Wang, X. Gu, S. Y. Chong, T. Tang, M. T. Chen, L. Marcu, and M. A. Gundersen, “Transient membrane permeability induced by nanoelectropulses detected with early apoptosis probe YO-PRO-1,” Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, Sept. 3-8, 2006, Aussois, France. 107. Vernier, P. T., Y. Sun, M. J. Ziegler, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanoelectropulse-driven membrane perturbation and permeabilization”, 2nd ASM–IEEE EMBS Conference on Bio-, Micro-, and Nanosystems, San Francisco, 2006. 42 Martin Gundersen 108. Vernier, P. T., M. J. Ziegler, Y. Sun, and M. A. Gundersen, “Nanosecond electroporation and electrophoretic phosphatidylserine translocation — in vitro and in silico”, American Society for Cell Biology 46th Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2006. 109. Ziegler, M. J., P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, and M. A. Gundersen, “Molecular dynamics simulations of nanopore formation and charged phospholipids translocation in lipid bilayers driven by nanosecond, megavolt-per-meter pulsed electric fields”, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, 2006. 110. T. Tang, D. R. Singleton, H. Chen, C. D. Cathey, A. Kuthi, M. A. Gundersen, "Solid State Pulse Adding System for Transient Plasma Ignition," IEEE 34th International Conference on Plasma Science 2007, pp. 641-641, 17-22 June 2007. 111. D. Singleton, M. A. Gundersen, C. Brophy, J. Sinibaldi, J. W. Luginsland, "Development of High Rep-Rate Pulse Detonation Engines Based on Transient Plasma Ignition Technology," IEEE 35th International Conference on Plasma Science, 2008, 15-19 June 2008. 146. S. Y. Kim, J. M. Sanders, E. B. Sozer, Y. H. S. Lin, Q., A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen, "RF Enhanced PECVD System For CNT Field-Emitter Cathode Array Deposition," in International Conference on Plasma Science, San Diego, CA, 2009. 147. J. W. Luginsland, D. Singleton, M. Gundersen, C. Brophy, J. Sinibaldi, E. Barbour, D. Waxman, R. Hanson, “The Role of Water in Transient Plasma Ignition for Combustion,” IEEE 36th International Conference on Plasma Science, 2009 148. D. R. Singleton, M. A. Gundersen “Study of the Volumetric Effect of Transient Plasma Ignition in Quiescent Ethylene-Air,” IEEE 36th International Conference on Plasma Science, 2009. 149. Craviso, G. L., G. Maalouf, S. Choe, M.-T. Chen, D. McPherson, I. Chatterjee, M. A. Gundersen, and P. T. Vernier, Nanosecond electric pulse stimulates catecholamine release from chromaffin cells, Bioelectromagnetics Society 30th Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2008. 150. M. Anderson, M. A. Gundersen, J. M. Sanders, D. R. Singleton, and A. Waterhouse, "Effects of Pulsed Energy Field Treatments on White Wine Grapes," in Annual Meeting Poster Session, American Society for Enology and Viticulture, Napa, California, 2009. 151. Sozer, E.B., Jiang C., and Gundersen M.A.. “Investigation of Gaseous Electron Multipliers with Magnesium Photocathodes for Optical Triggering Of Back-Lighted Thyratrons”, International Conference on Plasma Science, 2010. 152. “An atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma needle for endodontic biofilm disinfection,” C. Jiang, C. Schaudinn, D. E. Jaramillo, P. Webster, M. A. Gundersen, and J. W. Costerton, The 38th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) and 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), Chicago, USA, June 20, 2011. 153. Wu, Y.-H., M. A. Gundersen and P. T. Vernier, “Biophotonic Studies of Intracellular Responses to Nanosecond, Megavolt-per-meter, pulsed Electric Field”, Poster presentation, Optics in the Life Sciences, Monterey CA, April 5, 2011. 154. Wu, Y.-H., M. A. Gundersen, and P. T. Vernier, Nanosecond, megavolt-per-meter pulsed electric field effects on biological membranes, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 2011. 155. S. J. Pendleton, D. Singleton, Y. H. Lin, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen. “Nanosecond Pulsed Power and Transient Plasma Ignition.” Invited Talk at the Plasma Assisted Combustion MURI Review, The Ohio State Uniersity, November 2011. 156. S. J. Pendleton, S. Bowman, D. Singleton, J. Watrous, I. Adamovich, W. Lempert, C. Carter, M. A. Gundersen. “Oxygen Pathways in Streamer Discharge for Transient Plasma Ignition.” Oral Presentation at the 64th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2011. 43 Martin Gundersen 157. S. J. Pendleton, J. Watrous, M. A. Gundersen. “Temporal Temperature Evolution of Streamer Discharge in Air.” Oral Presentation at the 38th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Chicago, IL, June 2011 158. S. J. Pendleton and M. A. Gundersen. “Optical Diagnostics on Transient Plasma Ignition.” Poster Presentation at the 38th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Chicago, IL, June 2011 159. S. J. Pendleton, D. Singleton, J. M. Sanders, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen. “Transient Plasma Ignition for the Improvement of Combustion.” Poster Presentation at the 2011 Aerospace Thematic Workshop:Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Flow and Combustion Control by Plasmas, Les Houches, France, March 2011. 160. S. J. Pendleton, E. Mintoussov, N. A. Popov, S. Starikovskaia, and M. A. Gundersen. “Fast Gas Heating in Fast Ionization Wave Discharge: Experiment and Modeling.” Oral Presentation at the 37th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Norfolk, VA, June 2010. 161. YH Lin, D. Singleton, J. Sanders, A. Kuthi and M.A. Gundersen, “Experimental study of pulsed corona discharge in air at high pressures”, 65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin TX, Oct 26, 2012. 162. S.J. Pendleton, A. Kuthi, H. Chen, P. Muggli, M.A. Gundersen, “Pulsed high-density hydrogen plasma source for wakefield accelerator applications,” IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conf. San Francisco, P5-27, 2013. 163. Y-H. Lin, D. Singleton, J. M. Sanders, A. Kuthi, and M. A. Gundersen “Pressure effects on transient plasma discharge in air,” IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conf. San Francisco, P125, 2013. 44