Engineering/drainage plan assessment application


Property details:

Planning permit number:

Address of property : No

Street Suburb



Description of development, building(s) or works:

Applicant details:





Postcode: Address:

Email: Fax:

Assessment type: (The below assessment options do not apply to subdivisions. Additional fees will apply if your development includes subdivision.)

Please select the appropriate box and include your payment

Engineering plan assessment (Developments up to 2 units)

Engineering plan assessment (Developments of 3 to 10 units)

Engineering plan assessment (Developments of more than 10 units - including small commercial and industrial developments)

Engineering plan assessment (Large commercial and industrial developments)

$75 (inc. GST)

$150 (inc. GST)

☐ $300 (inc. GST)

☐ $595 (inc. GST)

Please select your preferred response method:

Email ☐ Mail ☐ Fax ☐

Please provide mailing address if different from applicant address above).

Mailing address:

Hardcopy items to be submitted: (Please select items attached)

Completed and signed form Payment of relevant fee

3 x A3 paper copies of engineering (drainage) plans 1x set of computations

1 x paper copy of approved planning permit 1x copy of endorsed planning layout plan

Applicant’s signature: Date:

Applications should be forwarded with payment to:

Development Engineering Department

City of Whittlesea

Locked Bag 1, Bundoora MDC, Victoria 3083

For all enquiries please call (03) 9217 2006 or email

(Please allow at least 14 working days for processing)

Please tear off below payment form - information to be retained by Finance Department

Payment details: (Please select type of payment)

Visa ☐ Mastercard ☐ Cheque/ money order ☐ Cash ☐

Card number:

Cardholder name:

Expiry date: / (MM/YY)

Payment amount: $

I authorise City of Whittlesea to charge the amount stated above.

Card holder’s signature: Date: / /

Please make cheques/money orders payable to City of Whittlesea

Council use only:

Received date:

Receipt Type: 326

Received by:

Address of Property:


INFORMATION PRIVACY ACT 2000: The information supplied on this form may be shared with the State Building Commission of Victoria and the Electoral

Commission. It is not sold or given to any commercial third party by Council. If you choose not to provide the information that is sought your application may not be processed. You have a right to access your information. (Created: 1 June 2015)
