Scholarship Application Form UOLIP LSE 2016

University of London International Programmes
LSE Summer School
Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) Application Form
Part 1: Your Main Personal Details
Title (Ms, Mr etc.):
Give your full legal name
Forename(s) (First/given names):
Middle Name(s):
Surname (Family name):
Date of Birth:
□ Female
□ Male
Current address:
Registered/current email:
Uolip Degree programme:
Uolip SRN
Teaching institution(if applicable), or please indicate if you studied independently:
LSE Summer School course applied for in first session:
LSE Summer School course applied for in second session:
LSE application number:
Has the LSE approved your application?
Part 2: Your programme information and courses taken
Please list the courses you have taken and completed within your Uolip programme to date.
Please include courses you are currently taking and will complete after Exams 2016:
Courses completed:
Course marks:
Courses currently being taken:
Courses you intend to take to complete your degree:
Students who take two consecutive three-week LSE Summer School courses, and who pass the
formal assessment on each course, could receive APL for one 30 credit unnamed 100 course,
should their degree structure allow for this. Where APL is granted for an unnamed 100 course,
the APL will be counted at point 12 of a particular degree or as indicated on the individual
degree structures.
Any student wishing to undertake this MUST have their application for the Summer School
courses approved by the LSE Office for the University of London International Programmes
(UoLIP). This is to ensure there is no significant overlap with the courses you have already
taken, or which you intend to take in the future.
Please complete the relevant sections of the form overleaf, including the names of those
Summer School courses to which you have applied. Please also list the courses that you have
passed on your current UoLIP degree, along with any you are taking in the current academic
year, and those that you intend to take in the future in order to satisfy the requirements of
your degree programme. The initial applications to the LSE Summer School are administered
directly by the LSE Summer School Admissions team. If your application is accepted by LSE
Summer Schools please notify the LSE office for Uolip to have this recorded on your University
of London student record. For further information regarding the LSE Summer School please
visit their webpage at:
Summer School LSE
Please note that if the LSE Office for UoLIP approves your choice of Summer School courses for
use as APL on your degree, and you then subsequently change your course choice, you MUST
have the new courses approved. If you do not do so your APL may no longer be valid on your
degree programme.
When your application form is complete, please email it to:
Simon Jolly
* There is no closing date for this process in the LSE Office of UoLIP. However, the LSE
Summer School courses are very popular so you are advised to make your applications
early as possible and to seek approval from our office once you have done so.