
Basic Zenoss reports are described in the following sections.
5.1. Device Reports
Device Reports aggregate and display data over many devices and device attributes.
All Monitored Components – The All Monitored components shows all of the
components currently being monitored. This is not all components in the system,
only the ones on which Zenoss is currently collecting performance data. The
information that appears in this report is: the device name, Component, the type of
component (when available), the description, and the status of each device.
Model Collection Age – The Model Collection age report shows information about
the history of the modeling that Zenoss does of each device. The information
available in this report includes the device name, device class, the time when the
device was first seen by Zenoss, the last time Zenoss Collected Data on this device,
and any changes made to the configuration at that time.
Device Changes - The Device Change report shows information about the history
of any changes that Zenoss detects when modeling each device. This report only
shows devices with changes. The information available in this report includes the
device name, device class, the time when the device was first seen by Zenoss, the
last time Zenoss collected data on this device, and any changes made to the
configuration at that time.
Ping Status Issues – The Ping Status Report shows the device name, the device
class, the product name, the current state of the device, and the ping and SNMP
status. The only devices that will show up here are devices that actually have or
have had ping issues.
SNMP Status Issues - The SNMP Status Report shows the device name, the
device class, the product name, the current state of the device, and the ping and
SNMP status. The only devices that will show up here are devices that actually have
or have had SNMP issues.
New Devices – The New Devices report shows devices that have been recently
added. The report shows the device name, the device class, when the device was
first seen, and the model collection age.
New Devices – The New Devices report shows devices that have been recently
added. The report shows the device name, device class, when the device was first
seen, and the model collection age.
5.2. Event Reports
Event reporting gives you aggregate data about events, event mappings and event
All Heartbeats – The All Heartbeats Report shows all heartbeats for monitored
devices. Heartbeats are reported by component and number of seconds.
All Event Classes – The All Event Classes report shows all of the event classes
that reside in the Zenoss system. It also breaks these classes down by sub-classes,
the number of instances of that class in the system and the number of events in the
system associated with each event class.
All Event Mappings – The All Event Mappings shows all of the event mappings that
you have created throughout the system. You can sort them by event class key,
evaluation, or number of events for each event class.
5.3. Performance Reports
Performance Reporting allows you to roll up performance data across the Zenoss
Aggregate Reports – The Aggregate reports shows the performance graphs for all
of the devices in the system in graphical format. Common performance stats include
PU Usage, Aggregate Free Memory, Aggregate Free Swap, and Network
Output/Input. You can edit the graph parameters by clicking on the graph. You can
change the Width, height, Min Y and Max Y axis. You can also specify which
devices are included in the aggregate and the time span for the graph.
File System Utilization Report – The File System Utilization Report shows the
Total Bytes, used Bytes, Free Bytes and % Utilization for each device. You can
customize the report through the interface for such attributes and start/end Date and
Summary type; either average or Maximum.
CPU Utilization Report – The CPU Utilization report shows all of the Monitored
Interfaces, the list of devices and the load average and % Utility. You can customize
the report through the interface for such attributes and start/end Date and Summary
type; either average or Maximum.
Threshold Summary – The Threshold Summary Report identifies the devices that
approach or exceed their thresholds and reports them in a list. You can see the
device, the component, the event class, count, duration and percentage. You can
filter this list by Event Class or to see all Event Classes, leave the event class
Selection List blank. You can also change the start and end date for the reporting
Availability Report – The Availability Report reports availability of devices in
percentage form. You can filter on device, component, event class or severity. You
can also further limit the time frame for the availability.
The availability report provides an estimate of the time a device or component is
available for monitoring things such as Service-level Agreements (as an example).
This report summarizes the amount of time a device or component can be
considered "unavailable". The definition of unavailable differs depending on what
type of service you require. If a Web server goes down, the Web service is not
available, even though the device may actually be reachable ("ping-able") on the
As Zenoss collects events against devices and components, these events are
classified into categories that are useful for determining if a particular service is
unavailable. For example, the class "/Status/IpService" can provide all the events
related to a failed IP Service. The availability report adds up all of the time (lastTime
- firstTime) for all of the events based on device, component, or event class. This
defines the "unavailable" period. The availability is the remainder of the period.
This is an optimistic estimate of availability because events that occur only once and
events that have the same first and last time, are not counted. Another assumption
the estimate makes is that devices without any matching events during the
Availability time range are assumed to be 100% available.
Memory Utilization – The Memory Utilization Report provides system wide
information about the memory usage for devices in the system. This report shows
Total memory, Available memory, Cache memory, Buffered memory, and percent of
memory utilized.
5.4. User Reports
User Reports refer to report based on user account information and changes within the
Zenoss system.