The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference

The Changing Seasons of
Healthcare Conference
Snowshoe Mountain Resort – September 26-28, 2012
Sponsored by:
West Virginia Healthcare Financial Management Association
West Virginia Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
11.5 hours Continuing Education Hours Approved by the WV Society of CPA’s
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Wednesday September 26, 2012
Conference Attendees and Vendors Check-in at the Allegheny Lodge
10:00am – 4:30pm – Golf Tournament at the Raven Rock Golf Course
12:00pm – 4:30pm – Individual Opportunities to explore the facility activities
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Exhibitor Set Up in Black Bear Room
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm – Registration Opens - Ballroom Hallway
4:00pm – 6:00pm - WV HFMA Board Meeting – Eagle Boardroom
4:00pm – 6:00pm - WV HIMSS Board Meeting
6:00pm – 7:30pm – Reception in the Black Bear Vendor Display Hall
7:30pm – 8:30pm – Dinner in the Expo Center
8:30pm – 11:30pm – Music and Dancing – Expo Center
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Thursday September 27, 2012
7:00am – 8:15am – Registration and Breakfast – Ballroom Hallway and Black Bear Vendor Exhibit Hall
8:15am – 8:30am – Opening Comments – Ballrooms A and B
Lisa Simmons President - WVHFMA and Kim Clarke President - WVHIMSS
8:30am – 9:20am – Keynote Presentation – Ballrooms A and B
West Virginia Health Information Network (WVHIN) Lessons Learned
During the Pilot
The session will provide an update on the status of West Virginia’s health information network, from
the pilot go live to new functionality, to upcoming participating organizations. Kathy will be joined by
a panel of professionals from the two pilot hospitals – Wheeling Hospital and WVU Healthcare – to share
lessons learned and how to prepare to connect to the WVHIN.
9:20am – 10:10am – Breakout Sessions – Black Bear Vendor Exhibit Hall
Breakout #1 – Cardinal Room
Business Intelligence
Healthcare providers are facing a “perfect storm” of external forces that include government and
industry changes to payment methodologies and new clinical and business standards. Both the
American Medical Association and the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society have
publically noted that the number one tool that providers must embrace is enterprise-wide data
analytics. Enterprise Business Intelligence is able to create integrated reports from disparate
databases to see a complete and meaningful picture of the business enterprise. In healthcare, that
may include but is not limited to HER data, billing data, HR costs and allocations, purchasing costs and
assignment to services. Healthcare reform, bundled payments, value based purchasing; ACOs and pay
for performance all threaten the healthcare provider’s bottom line. The Business Intelligence tool can
be used to save billions of dollars at a time when every dollar counts.
Breakout #2 – Raccoon Room
Meaningful Use Stage 2
Given the recent proposed rule for Stage 2 and the impending final rule expected sometime this
summer, this session will present an overview of the Stage 2 objectives & quality measures. She will
highlight the differences to the current Stage 1 objectives and quality measures, as well as highlight
changes to Stage 1 objectives expected as of 2014.
10:10am – 10:20am – Break – Black Bear Vendor Hall
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
10:20am – 11:10am Breakout Sessions
Breakout #1 – Cardinal Room
Identifying and Avoiding Trouble Spots in Debt Collections, Credit
Reporting and Defending Against FDCPA, TCPA, FACTA, FCRA and
This session will help you can assess the new wave of cases being brought under the FDCPA and TCPA.
It will cover steps to comply with applicable state and federal collection laws. Look at litigation
updates and best practices for avoiding trouble spots in fax blasts, robo-dialing, cell phones and trade
line litigation. Provide strategies for mitigating the tremendous damages that can result from multiple
improper collection calls and a look at whether any courts will cap damages. It will assist with
obtaining proper express consent to record calls, call cell phones and comply with other TCPA
provisions. Review the TIL Application and help knowing when it applies and how to comply. It will
speak to providing notice to avoid FCRA violations and the state claims and preemption by FCRA and
Breakout #2 – Raccoon Room
Are you ready for Value Based Purchasing?
Hear an overview on Value-based Purchasing (VBP), a program resulting from the Affordable Care Act
of 2010, which requires CMS to base a portion of hospital reimbursement payments on how well
hospitals perform in 20 VBP measures. VBP pits your hospitals against the entire market, withholding
money from eligible hospitals and returning the funds only to hospitals that meet set performance
standards. Herb will provide insight into why you should care about VBP. He will discuss the different
approaches of gathering and obtaining data for organizations to help their stakeholders with VBP.
Additionally, Herb will discuss: interpreting your VBP Score, tracking, monitoring, and connecting your
VBP outcomes to your specific hospital staff, and evaluating the financial effects of your VBP
performance across the VBP Process of Care and Patient Satisfaction domains.
11:10am -12:00pm – Breakout Sessions
Breakout #1 – Cardinal Room
Understanding IRS’s Proposed Regulations related to 501(r), Schedule
H, Part V Reporting and Schedule S-10 Reporting
Proposed Regulations (REG-130266-11) issued on June 26, 2012 provide guidance on the requirements
described in section 501(r)(4) through 501(r)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Proposed Regulations
provide guidance regarding the requirements for charitable hospital organizations relating to financial
assistance and emergency medical care policies, charges for certain care provided to individuals eligible
for financial assistance, and billing and collections. The Proposed Regulations better describe changes to
the Internal Revenue Code made by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Health care organizations face complex rules and regulations enforced by the IRS; and operating within
these guidelines can be challenging. Form 990, Schedule H Part V.B. has been added to the annual
information return filed by charitable hospital organizations in order to determine whether or not a
hospital facility is compliant with Internal Revenue Code 501(r). This new section of Form 990,
Schedule H contains various questions regarding a hospital facility’s Financial Assistance Policies,
Billing and Collections Policies, and Charges for Medical Care which facilities associated with charitable
hospitals must answer beginning with their 2011 tax filings.
Additionally, Schedule S-10 of the
Medicare Cost Report has been significantly revised and reports charity care information similar to that
which is reported on IRS Form 990, Schedule H. Although the data reported on Form 990, Schedule H
and the Medicare S-10 worksheet are utilize similar information and data, instructions for each report are
different. This session will link the multiple reporting requirements and explain key differences between
the various reporting mechanisms. It will also provide expanded discussion regarding recently issued
guidance for charitable hospitals to remain compliant with IRC 501(r).
Breakout #2 –
HIMSS Analytics Acute Care EMRAM (EMR Adoption Model), Ambulatory
EMRAM – Raccoon Room
This session will discuss/explain the HIMSS Analytics acute care EMRAM (EMR Adoption Model), the
newly released Ambulatory EMRAM and some key correlation research conducted and published by
HIMSS Analytics.
12:00pm – 1:00pm LUNCH – Ballrooms A and B
1:00pm – 1:50pm – General Presentation – Ballrooms A and B
The New Revenue Cycle: Issues & Opportunities
While the Revenue Cycle has evolved over the past several years, the speeds with which those changes
have occurred have increased exponentially over the past few years. And, with the advent of the
Affordable Care Act, the impacts to the Revenue Cycle show no sign of slowing. Often-times, we as
healthcare finance professions, find ourselves trapped in the day-to-day processes and activities of
managing today’s revenue cycle with little opportunity to think and act strategically about the changes
coming in the near future. This session, is designed to pull us away from what we do on a daily basis
and, through robust interaction of attendees and participants, allow us to envision the futures to start
thinking about the operational changes we will need to implement as those changes occur.
1:50pm – 2:40pm – General Presentation – Ballrooms A and B
New Models for Care Delivery in Reform Era
We recognize that hospitals in this state are at varying places along this journey toward greater
integration, so this session has been designed to cast a big picture look into how and why to seek
better alignment. Dixon Hughes Goodman will discuss trends from around the country related to
reasons for alignment both from the hospital and physician perspective, new payment models leading
to higher levels of clinical integration, and the possible varying degrees of hospital-physician
2:40pm – 3:00pm – Break – Black Bear Vendor Exhibit Hall
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
3:00pm – 4:40pm – Motivational Speaker – Ballrooms A and B
Keeping Your Edge
Bosses, clients, co-workers, spouses, kids – it seems like everyone wants something…NOW! Constant
deadlines and a never ending “to-do” list are creating a workforce that is stressed out and
overwhelmed. Finding ways to manage workplace stress isn’t about making huge changes or rethinking
career ambitions, but rather about focusing on the one thing that’s always within your control: YOU.
This session will discuss tips and strategies designed to help you take control and put balance back in
your life.
4:40pm – 5:30pm – WVHFMA Program Committee Meeting – Ballrooms A and B
6:00pm – 7:00pm – Reception – Black Bear Vendor Exhibit Hall
7:00pm – 8:00pm – Dinner by the Bonfire – Conference Center Lawn behind Black Bear
8:00pm – 11:00pm – Evening Entertainment – Conference Center Lawn behind Black Bear
Corn hole Tournament, Minute to Win It and Redneck Games
Friday September 28, 2012
7:30am – 8:30am – Breakfast and Networking – Black Bear Vendor Reception Hall
8:30am – 10:10am – Keynote Presentation – Ballrooms A and B
The design of Apple, the wizardry of Star Trek: A brave new world of
What becomes possible when you apply Apple’s passion for great design, with the futuristic visions of
Star Trek? Pretty much anything is possible. Join John Gomez, the current CEO of JGo Labs and past
President/CTO of Allscripts on a journey through design and technology that examines how Apple would
design a hospital and what needs to happen to reach the vision of healthcare information technology
often depicted by Dr. Leonard McCoy aka “Bones”.
10:10am – 10:20am - BREAK – Black Bear Vendor Reception Hall
10:30 am Vendor breakdown after the conclusion of the Friday morning break
10:20am – 11:00am – General Session - Ballrooms A and B
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Litigation/Investigation Preparedness: The Prologue to Ediscovery 101
The focus will be on eDiscovery concepts for managers who have responsibility for electronic protected
Health Information (ePHI). Topics will include managing an Ediscovery request, data retention
planning and best practices related to email.
11:00am – 11:50am – General Session – Ballrooms A and B
Meaningful Use Registration and Attestation
This speaker will present lessons learned from preparation and execution of the registration and
attestation process from Stage 1 for Meaningful Use. She will share prerequisite data and sequencing
of steps to facilitate a smooth registration and attestation process.
12:00pm – 12:15pm Meeting End – Ballrooms A and B
Door Prizes - Must be present to win
Course Speaker Biographies
Lessons Learned from the WVHIN Pilot
Kathy Moore – CIO WVHIN Kathy joined the WVHIN as CIO in April with 20 years’ experience in
public sector Information Technology. Most recently serving as the Director of Client Services
and Deputy CTO for the WV Office of Technology, she was responsible for developing strategic
and tactical plans, overseeing technical, administrative, financial and customer service in the
areas of Infrastructure Applications, Customer Relationship Management, IT Training,
Enterprise Service Desk, Field Support, Domain and Directory Services, and Health IT.
Throughout the State’s IT infrastructure consolidation initiative, she served as change agent to
navigate through complex challenges while collaborating with 75 state agencies to ensure
customer needs were met and driving technology forward across the organizations. Previously
she held several IT positions with the Department of Health and Human Resources including
Manager of Networking and Technical Support, as well as Data and Evaluation Manager for the
Office of Maternal and Child Health. She served in key roles for several major projects
including the VistA RFP, HIPAA Security, Threat Preparedness and Health Alert Network. Kathy
earned her BA and MA from Marshall University and has been a certified Project Management
Professional since 2005.
Business Intelligence – Decision Support Through Better Data Management
Robert Barbour, JD, MHA has spent over 30 years in physician practice management with
independent small group practices to very large academic medical settings employing more
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
than 1400 physicians. In that role, he has helped create new group practices (like the
Sacramento Sierra Medical Group that became the Sutter Medical Group), helped migrate the
NDC Medical Center into an attractive acquisition for Sentara Health System that used it as the
basis for their creating the Sentara Medical Group, to working at Montefiore Medical Center as
the VP for Physician Services & Technology Development. There he led the revenue cycle reengineering efforts that resulted in tripling the annual physician revenues, building an
enterprise analytics team using PrecisionBI that was used to identify the priority efforts of the
re-engineering process, and creating all of the practice dashboards and ad hoc analytics. He
developed a team that performed contract management processes that identified
underpayments resulting in over $200,000,000 in recoveries, and helped create workflow
automation solutions that resulted in reducing the overall size of the business office by 40%.
While at Montefiore, he was a member of the WEDI Board, active in X12 and CORE, and was a
voting member of the National Code Committee that creates the Claims Adjustment Reason
Codes. He joins us from the AMA where he was involved in the AMA’s efforts to increase
physician practice adoption of HIPAA standards, wrote white papers proposing best practice
approaches to numerous revenue cycle challenges, advocated AMA positions in front of NCVHS,
was elected to the DISA Board (X12’s secretariat), and is now a member of the All Payers Claim
Database Council’s Technical Advisory Panel.
Mark Scott, CTP is senior vice president at PNC. His responsibilities include sales consulting
support for all treasury clients with a concentration in Healthcare. Mark joined PNC in 2007
after 3 years with Bank of America. At Bank of America, he managed the Northeast Healthcare
Sales group and was responsible for business development from Pennsylvania to Maine. Before
joining Bank of America, he held various sales and product roles with Mellon Financial for 22
years. The last 5 years he ran the Not for Profit business line which serviced all 501C3 entities
in the treasury space. He holds a Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) Certificate. Mark holds
a Bachelor of Arts degree from Slippery Rock University and is a participating member of the
Healthcare Financial Management Association. He is based in Pittsburgh, PA.
Meaningful Use Stage 2
Joan Wallace, Santa Rosa Consulting is a seasoned HIT Subject Matter Expert with 25 years of
experience in database design and analysis, clinical/financial workflow process design and EMR
application implementations. She has held lead roles in over 15 clinical implementations
ranging from single suite to big bang, ambulatory, inpatient, even Public Health. Joan’s
experience with implementing regulatory requirements goes back to the first Prospective
Payment System for Home Health. She brings a long list of “Lessons Learned” as well as a high
degree of competency in systems analysis and clinical application management. Joan Wallace
is a decisive and confident decision-maker with in-depth proficiency in new technology trends.
She demonstrates outstanding capability in workflow analysis, enabling her customers to
maximize optimization of their EMR applications while seamlessly incorporating the most
current regulatory requirements.
Identifying and Avoiding Trouble Spots in Debt Collections, Credit Reporting and
Defending Against FDCPA, TCPA, FACTA, FCRA and WVCCPA Claims
Walter M. Jones, III is the Managing Shareholder of Martin & Seibert, L.C. with offices in
Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia. The firm focuses its practice to litigation and business
matters and has been involved in numerous class actions and mass tort claims. Mr. Jones has
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
developed a national recognition in the defense of claims involving the institutional practices
of the finance, banking and insurance industry. Mr. Jones is an AV rated attorney by
Martindale Hubbell, its highest rating for both professional competency and ethical standards
and has been selected for inclusion in Super Lawyers each year since 2007. This recognition is
only available for the top 5% of the lawyers in the state. The attorneys and staff of Martin &
Seibert, L.C. have been honored as a “Go-To” law firm for the nation’s “Leading Financial
Services Companies.” This special edition publication, distributed by ALM (formerly American
Lawyer Media), the company that publishes Corporate Counsel® magazine, also individually
recognized Mr. Jones within the publication for his litigation experience and his defense of
commercial, extra-contractual and class actions. The firm was again recognized as a “Go-To”
law firm in the publication, “At the Top 500 Companies” and “For In-House Law Departments
at the Top 500 Companies for 2012.” Mr. Jones was recognized in a feature article on West
Virginia in U.S. News and World Report®, and was selected for inclusion in “Best Lawyers in
America 2012.” Inclusion in Best Lawyers is considered a singular honor. Corporate Counsel
Magazine has called Best Lawyers “the most respected referral list of attorneys in
practice.” Most recently, Mr. Jones was recognized by West Virginia’s Top Rated Lawyers, “the
definitive guide to legal representation in West Virginia.” Mr. Jones also started the retail,
medical and commercial collections group at his firm in 1984 to complement the litigation
services provided to its major clients. The firm has associated itself with attorneys across the
nation and manages referred accounts in all jurisdictions. The firm has over 2,600 collection
clients and has grown its medical collections and currently represents 176 hospitals and
medical providers. Martin & Seibert, L.C. was rated by Collections & Credit Risk magazine as
the number seven (7) law firm in its compilation of top law firms in the Nation. Mr. Jones has
managed an inventory of accounts over the years with an aggregate balance over
$639M. Through the firm, he is a member of HFMA, ACA, ALQ, and AACA. Mr. Jones has
spoken on such topics as “A Collection Plan that Secures Medicare Reimbursement and
Maximizes Bad Debt Recovery,” presented at a seminar of the Healthcare Financial
Management Association and most recently presented at a national seminar titled ACI’s 12th
National Conference on Consumer Finance Class Actions & Litigation. Mr. Jones has over 20
published cases of significance to his practice. Mr. Jones regularly presents on similar topics at
corporate training seminars and litigation practice conferences.
Are You Prepared For Value Based Purchasing?
Detley H (Herb) Smaltz, Ph.D., FHIMSS, FACHE Co-Chairman & CEO Health Care Data Works,
Inc. – an Ohio State University Technology Commercialization Company. As CEO of HCD, he
works with healthcare provider organizations to more strategically leverage data analytics and
business intelligence to improve their organizational performance. HCD is a provider of
enterprise data warehouse and business intelligence tools and strategic enterprise BI consulting
services. Prior to founding the company he served as the CIO of the Ohio State University
medical Center, a $1.7B, 6 hospital academic medical center comprising more than 1100 beds
and over 13,000 FTE’s. In his role of CIO he led an IT organization of 255 individuals with an
annual operating budget of $42M. He also served as the Associate Vice-President of Health
Sciences leading collaborative initiatives between the three mission areas of the medical
center: research, academics and patient care. Smaltz has over 21 years of experience in
healthcare management with all but three of those years as CIO/CKO at various sized
organizations. He is a fellow of the Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society and
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
served on the HIMSS Board of Directors from 2002-2005 and as the HIMSS 2004-2005 BOD Vice
Understanding IRS’s Proposed Regulations related to 501(r), Schedule H, Part V
Reporting and Schedule S-10 Reporting
Kim Scifres Senior Manager BKD Kim has more than 17 years of experience serving tax-exempt
organizations. She has spent most of her career providing consulting and compliance services
related to the many tax areas that affect public charities. Prior to joining BKD, Kim was the
tax director for a large hospital and health care system. Her responsibilities in this position
included the preparation of federal, state and local income tax returns. She was also
responsible for post-issuance compliance for tax-exempt bonds, monitoring changes in federal
and state tax law and served as a resource for issues related to payroll, accounts payable and
joint venture activities.
Kim also has extensive experience working with tax-exempt
organizations and private foundations throughout the U.S. She has assisted clients with tax
issues in various areas including payroll, property, community benefit reporting and unrelated
business income. She is a member of the Kentucky Chapter of Healthcare Financial
Management Association and Kentucky Society of Certified Public Accountants. Kim is a
graduate of Indiana University, Bloomington, with a B.S. degree in accounting.
Scott Bezjak Partner BKD provides auditing, accounting and consulting services to clients in
the health care industry, primarily hospitals, long-term care facilities and physician practices.
In addition to managing audits and preparing prospective financial statements and feasibility
studies, he supervises the preparation of Medicare and Medicaid cost reports, reviews interim
Medicare payment rates and assists with client accounting and reporting problems. He has
more than 15 years of experience in public accounting. Scott’s additional hospital consulting
experience includes hospital rate methodology and strategy, productivity studies; community
health needs assessments and assisting hospitals and clinics with their revenue cycle. His
Medicare and Medicaid consulting experience include analyzing the reimbursement implications
of various programs and developing reimbursement strategies. He is a member of the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants
and West Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants and is an advanced member of the
Healthcare Financial Management Association. Scott is a graduate of Auburn University,
Alabama, with an M.B.A. degree, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, with a B.S. degree in accounting.
Acute Care and Ambulatory EMR Adoption Model
John P, Hoyt, FACHE, FHIMSS Executive Vice President HIMSS Analytics at the Healthcare
Information and Management Systems Society, the largest U.S. not-for-profit healthcare
association focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information
technology. HIMSS represents approximately 36,000 individual members, more than 500
corporate members and nearly 30 no-for-profit organizations that share its mission. My Hoyt is
responsible for providing executive leadership and direction to HIMSS Analytics worldwide
where he also provides direction for all Stage 6 and Stage 7 validations and derivative research.
Throughout his healthcare career, Hoyt has been instrumental in defining business and IT
strategy as well as selecting, implementing and integrating mission-critical healthcare
information systems across the enterprise. Before joining HIMSS, Hoyt served in Executive
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Management and Chief Information Officer Positions within various healthcare organizations
accumulating in over 22 years of hospital executive committee leadership. Mr. Hoyt served in
consultancy practices, including: IBM, Healthlink Services and First Data Health Systems
Group. Hoyt holds a BSBA in Economics from Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH, and an MHA
from St. Louis University in Missouri. He is a HIMSS Fellow and a Fellow and active member of
the American College of Healthcare Executives.
The New Revenue Cycle: Issues & Opportunities
Daniel C Honerbrink FACHE, CHFP Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Finance for
Fairmont General Hospital is responsible for the hospital’s Accounting, Finance,
Information Systems, Material Management, Patient Financial Services, Patient Access
Services, Utilization Management and Health Information Management functions. Prior to
his serving at Fairmont General Hospital, Dan served as a Principal at Hampton aDel
Services, LLC, a Florida-based corporation that provides operational, financial, strategic
planning, marketing and finance personnel/Staffing services and support for healthcare
providers, charities and other entities throughout the United States. His experience
includes for-profit, not-for-profit and governmental hospitals and healthcare delivery
systems with specific service in Tennessee, Florida, New Mexico, Texas and Pennsylvania.
Originally from St. Paul, MN, Dan’s passion for quality healthcare delivery began in 1983
when he was commissioned as a Hospital Administrator in the United States Air Force. He
served in leadership positions at US Air Force hospitals in the Philippines, Greece, United
Kingdom, Florida and Colorado. In support of the profession he has served as an adjunct
profession for Health Administration Programs at the University of Minnesota, George
Washington University and Argosy University (Tampa). He has written articles on Quality
Improvement and Employee Involvement for publication and presentation to healthcare
professional associations where he routinely speaks on healthcare finance and operational
topics. Dan is a “Fellow” with the American College of Healthcare Executives and a
Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP) with the Healthcare Financial
Management Association. He holds a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration from
the University of Minnesota, a Master’s degree in Political Science/International Relations
from Troy University, Alabama and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration
(Finance/Accounting) from National University in San Diego, CA. Dan is also an FAAlicensed pilot with Commercial, Multi-engine, Instrument and Sea-plane privileges.
New Models for Care Delivery in Reform Era
David Petrel joined Dixon Hughes Goodman in October 2010 as a senior manager after nine
years as President and founder of Barnabas Consulting. His professional experience has allowed
him to focus exclusively on hospital and physician alignment and collaborative ventures
generating over $1 million in revenue in each of the last two years.
Mr. Petrel is the Dixon
Hughes Goodman “thought leader” in developing and implementing physician alignment
initiatives including clinical co management, physician employment and bundled payment
programs. In 2011, Mr. Petrel started and completed multiple clinical co management
agreements in surgery, woman’s services and cardiology and numerous other “deal specific”
physician – hospital alignment ventures. In 2012, Mr. Petrel has been asked to lead the DHG
strategy consulting sales effort in North Carolina and assist with the firm’s effort in Nashville,
TN. Mr. Petrel began working in healthcare in 1984 as a lawyer and migrated to consulting to
develop joint ventures in cardiology, radiology and ambulatory surgery. As the General
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Counsel of the Children’s Hospital of Columbus (1992 – 1997) Mr. Petrel had extensive
experience with the faculty practice plan at The Ohio State University and the strategic
development of hospital cardiovascular programs, ambulatory surgery and building physician
alliances through a variety of physician alignment arrangements and joint ventures. In the early
90’s Mr. Petrel helped develop one of Central Ohio’s first ambulatory surgery centers and a
variety of hospital affiliations with both area hospitals and physicians from both private
practice and academic medicine. Mr. Petrel has also worked with individual physicians and
physician groups to form and / or merge physician practices into community practice, hospitalbased practices and ambulatory settings. In the last three years alone, Mr. Petrel has
consulted for no less than twenty-five hospitals and physician groups around the country on
women’s health, ambulatory and primary care services, sports medicine, orthopedic and
cardiovascular physician alignment projects. Mr. Petrel has an undergraduate degree in
economics from Bethany College in 1981 and a juris doctorate from Capital University in 1984
where he graduated with honors. Mr. Petrel is also a part-time faculty member of Worthington
Christian High School where he teaches the Business Principles and Management class and he
has just completed his 12th season coaching the freshmen boys’ basketball team. From 1984
until 1992, Mr. Petrel was in the private practice of law with the Columbus firm of Vorys Sater
Seymour and Pease. During that time he represented both physicians and healthcare
institutions in a variety of litigation matters ranging from ERISA, medical and accounting
malpractice, worker’s compensation, antitrust, fraud and abuse and securities matters. During
that time, Mr. Petrel tried more than fifteen cases to verdict and was intimately involved with
the private sector of healthcare, as well as state and federal authorities. In 1992, Mr. Petrel
left private practice and joined The Children's Hospital in Columbus as its General Counsel and
Chief Compliance Officer. During the next five years, Mr. Petrel led the Hospital's legal team
through some of the most dynamic changes in the Hospital's history. Mr. Petrel provided all
legal services for the replacement of an independent physician group and the formation of a
hospital-based radiology practice and employed thirteen pediatric radiologists who provide
twenty-four hour coverage both on campus and at remote locations. Mr. Petrel also led the
legal development of The Children's Hospital and Physician Healthcare Network PHO that had
over 300 pediatric physician members. Mr. Petrel led the legal team which developed a Private
Placement Memorandum issued in connection with a hospital-surgeon owned Ambulatory
Surgery Center. Mr. Petrel also was intimately involved in the marketing of ownership
opportunities to potential surgeon investors. During his tenure, Mr. Petrel was a member of the
leadership team that mapped out the Children’s Hospital outpatient facility strategy. In 1998
Mr. Petrel joined Squire, Sanders & Dempsey’s healthcare law department in an Of Counsel
capacity working with a variety of healthcare clients out of the firm’s Columbus, OH office. In
January 2001, Mr. Petrel founded Barnabas Consulting. Barnabas focused on the development
of outpatient joint ventures in cardiology and outpatient surgery. Over the next eight years as
President of the company, he developed a nationwide client base until joining Dixon – Hughes
this past October. Mr. Petrel specializes in developing physician alignment opportunities for
hospitals and physicians. In the last ten years, Mr. Petrel has worked closely with numerous
hospital clients’ intent on developing locally relevant responses to the proposed healthcare
reform and payment changes that have dramatically altered hospital physician dynamics. He
has special expertise in development and sale of outpatient low risk diagnostic catheterization
and ambulatory surgery investments.
Keeping Your Edge
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Chuck Stump from The Performance Group is an “Enter-Trainer.” Since 1998, has presented
over 1300 fun and informative presentations in the areas of leadership, change management,
peak performance, organizational behavior, client care, and communication. His seminars use
over thirty years of hard-learned life lessons that help people change not only the way they
think…but the way they act!
The Design of Apple, the wizardry of Star Trek: A brave new world of HIT
John Gomez CEO JGo Labs and past CTO/Presidents All scripts/Eclipsys, CTO WebMD and a
Senior Technologist/Architect for Microsoft. He lead a $1.4B International product portfolio for
a leading healthcare company, created $100M international business in three years that broke
even in the first year, has extensive commercial software product design and development
experience, lead marketing, services, support, sales, M&A and product development teams as
well as developed B2B App-Store for Healthcare. He has product design and development
experience as the creator of P;E – Product Innovation Essentials. He has done interactive
media and gaming, architecture development for SOA and SaaS platforms, Apple iOS/MAC OS/X
and Microsoft SQL Server, Windows and .NET. Mr. Gomez has been called the “The Steve Jobs
of Healthcare Information Technology by HISTalk and was awarded the HITEC 100 – Most
Influential Hispanics Executive in IT.
Litigation/Investigation Preparedness: The Prologue to Ediscovery 101
Jill McIntyre, Member Jackson Kelly PLLC has been following the development of electronic
discovery law since the 2006 rules amendments and regularly advises clients and colleagues
about related best practices, ethical duties, and technologies. She champions the work of the
Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, the Sedona Conference, and the
Electronic Discovery Institute. Jill recently worked with her firm’s Denver office to prepare for
http://, in which e-discovery issues take center stage.
She is a founding member of the Appalachian Institute of Digital Evidence, a native of Marshall
County, West Virginia, and a graduate of West Virginia University (1991) and the University Of
Richmond School Of Law (2001).
Kelly Griffith, Member Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC In her law practice specializes in
general civil litigation, with focused expertise in the area of electronic discovery. She has a
broad base of national affiliations and leadership roles in the area of e-discovery, including
serving as the 4th Circuit Liaison to the Seventh Circuit E-Discovery Pilot Program Committee
and as a member of the Lawyers for Civil Justice West Virginia E-Discovery Task Force. Kelly is
also involved with Working Group 1 of The Sedona Conference, DRI’s E-Discovery
Subcommittee, and the Appalachian Institute of Digital Evidence. Given her strong base of skills
in this emerging area of law, Kelly was tapped by the leadership of Spilman Thomas & Battle to
lead the firm’s e-discovery practice. Kelly obtained her legal education at the Georgetown
University Law Center after completing her undergraduate education at the University of
Kentucky. Kelly has furthered her legal training by attending the University Of Virginia Trial
Advocacy College and the Georgetown University eDiscovery Training Academy in 2011.
Registration and Attestation Stage I Meaningful Use
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Kimberly F. Clarke, FHIMSS, CPHIMS is the Director of Applications & Data Management at
WVU Healthcare, Department of Information Technology/Division of Informatics. In addition
to her responsibilities for the Revenue Cycle and HER/Clinical Applications for WVUH
Healthcare, she is the lead for Meaningful Use and has been actively involved in the State of
West Virginia Health Information Network (WVHIN), initially as a participant on the selection
committee, and most recently coordinating the WVU Healthcare efforts as a pilot participant in
the WVHIN. Kim has twenty plus years of experience in healthcare IT, including management
of large group of IT professions, vendors, consultants and hospital department resources. She
is experienced in the planning, selection and implementation of hospital information systems,
including operational process redesign. Ms. Clarke has spoken at several national, regional and
local conferences, most recently related to implementing Electronic Health Records and
Meaningful Use. Ms. Clarke has a Master’s Degree from the University of Pittsburgh, is a Fellow
with HIMSS, has been CPHIMS certified since 2002, and previously taught the CPHIMS
preparation workshop. She is one of the founding members of the WV Chapter of HIMSS, has
served on the Board since its inception and is serving a 2 nd time as the Chapter President.
Meeting Information
The meeting will be held at the Snowshoe Mountain Resort in Snowshoe, West Virginia. A
block of rooms has been reserved for the conference. Please call the resort directly at 877441-4386 and reference that you are attending the “Changing Seasons of Healthcare
Conference with WVHFMA and WVHIMSS” to get the special group rate. There are multiple
rates available for this event.
Allegheny Springs Studio (Main Lodge by Conference Center) $150
Inn At Snowshoe (base of the mountain) $64.00
Highland House $146
Rimfire $139
Seneca $150
The Allegheny Springs Studio can sleep 2-4 people. This is a standard room with a small sitting area,
kitchenette, and gas fireplace. The bedding in these units will vary and includes at least 1 sleeper
sofa. The kitchenette consists of; a microwave, small sink, small refrigerator, and 2 burners on the
A complimentary “Fun Pass” will be provided to all guests lodging through Snowshoe
Mountain. Fun Pass offerings are as follows: Scenic Life Rides, Split Rock Pool Access, ½ hour
Paddle Boat Rental, Fishing Pass at Shavers Lake and 10% discount on Sporting Clays.
Conference lodging rate is applicable 72 hours/3 days prior to and after the conference
All conference attendees will receive a coupon offering 20% discount off of Adventure
products (Green Zebras, Segway Tours, Sporting Clays and Geocache Hunts). Please go to the
Snowshoe website for more information.
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
We have a block of rooms reserved for HFMA and HIMSS meeting members at a discounted
rate until September 3, 2012 after this date the current hotel rates will apply
HFMA Members and Guests may register for the meeting using the WV HFMA website.
Members will need to log in with their HFMA membership # and password and Guests will log
in as a guest to register. You may pay with a credit card on the website or indicated that you
will be paying by check.
Online registration address for WV HFMA Members and Guests:
Checks should be sent to:
Keith Morgan, Treasurer
521 Sheridan Circle
Charleston, WV 25314
Registration for the program includes programming, all meals, breaks, activities and
entertainment during the conference. It is important when you register that you indicate
which meals you will attend as this is the largest expense of any conference. The registration
fee is set by the WV HFMA Board of Directors for members and nonmembers. There is also a
special fee of $70.00 for guests who want to attend the meals and entertain event offered by
the group at this conference.
Requests for refunds made at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting will be 100% refunded,
at least 3 days prior to the meeting will be 80% refunded, and less than 3 days prior will
not be refunded.
HFMA OR CPA MEMBER AFTER September 3, 2012
NON-MEMBER BEFORE September 3, 2012
NON-MEMBER AFTER September 3, 2012
GUEST FEE (MEALS ONLY) AFTER September 3, 2012
In order to help us better prepare and minimize costly waste, please indicate which of the following events or meals
that you will be attending during your online registration
Social Event Wednesday evening
Breakfast Thursday
Lunch Thursday
Reception Thursday evening
Dinner Thursday evening
Breakfast Friday
If you have any dietary restrictions please note those on the online
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Up to 12 CPE credits will be provided by the WV Society of CPA’s for attendance at this
meeting. Sign-up sheets will be provided at each session in order to receive credit for
The dress code is business casual for the educational portions of this meeting.
Wednesday Evening
Please plan to attend the vendor reception in the Black Bear Vendor Exhibit Hall. This will be
an excellent opportunity to meet with sponsors and vendor while networking with your peers.
Immediately following the reception we will move to the EXPO Center for dinner. After
dinner the group will enjoy dancing and music by Nashville recording artists West Virginia’s
own Davisson Brothers Band. Dress code is jeans and boots for this portion of the meeting.
Thursday Evening
Bring your favorite hoody and fold up lawn chair to join us for a Fall Bonfire on the
Conference Lawn outside the Conference Center. We will have our Cornhole Tournament,
Minute to Win It and Redneck Games. If any of you are musicians and would like to bring your
guitar, harmonica or whatever musical instrument you play feel free and we will let you
entertain around the bonfire. Dress code is jeans and hoodies 
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Meeting Sponsorship – WV HFMA
HealthCare Financial Services
National Hospital Collections, LLC
Arnett & Foster, PLLC
Fifth Third Bank
Helvey & Associates, Inc.
PNC Healthcare
Advanced Patient Advocacy, LLC
Data Image
Highmark West Virginia
The Mash Program
Quadax, Inc.
United Collection Bureau, Inc.
The Wellington Group, LLC
Collection Service Center, Inc.
HealthNet Aeromedical Services
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Meeting Sponsorship – WV HIMSS
Premier Level
Alpha Technologies
Health Synamix
Elite Level
maxIT Consulting
Santa Rosa Consulting
Virtelligence Consulting
Partner Level
Beacon Partners
Dearborn Advisors
Health Care Dataworks
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
Exhibitor Registration Form
Exhibitor Name(s)
Company Name
Exhibitor fee
(Includes Educational Program and meals for one person)
Current WV HFMA Sponsor
$275.00 ________
$350.00 ________
Additional Registrations:
GUEST FEE (includes only meals)
$ 60
Total Enclosed
$ _______________
Please return form by August 30th to:
WV Chapter HFMA
Mail Checks to:
C/O Joan Namey
Keith Morgan
PO Box 3882
521 Sheridan Circle
Charleston, WV 25301
Charleston, WV 25314
Phone: 304-388-6802
Fax 304-345-4323
Please register for the conference at in
advance of your payment to secure a space.
The Changing Seasons of Healthcare Conference
HFMA 2012-2013 Chair’s Theme: