Appendix C SCOPE OF WORK MEAT CUTTING & TRAY PACK OPERATION @ 9 BUROH LANE Scope of Work 1. a) Chilled Pork tray pack process a day is about 12,000 packets on weekdays (Monday to Saturday) and 25,000 trays on weekend (Sunday to Monday). b) Frozen Pork process is about 24,000kg -30,000kg per month Types of pork processed are: Chilled a. Australia Chilled Pork b. Indonesia Chilled Pork Frozen a. Frozen Pork 2. Type of pork cuts and its weight per packet are in accordance to customers’ specification. 3 Sort out the number of tray and type of pork cut according to customers’ orders. Weighing each type of pork cut and record the weight accurately onto order forms. Ensure 100% fulfillment for all supermarket and there should be no cancellation of order quantity without consent of the Authority. 3. No foreign object or element inside the tray packed pork cut and enforce good hygiene practice at all times by contractors. 4. All tray pack will be printed pack date for next day delivery e.g. production on 1st sept 2012 pack date 1st sept 2012 for delivery 2nd sept 2012 morning. While afternoon 2 trip deliveries the pack date will be same day 2nd sept 2012. Operating Hours 5. Operations are from Monday to Sunday from 8am till complete, regardless of public holiday or Sunday. Extended working days and hours are expected during Chinese Lunar New Year period and machines breakdown. 6. Working Environment is chiller condition +10 to + 12C. Appendix C Operating Process 7. Operations begin withdrawing required pork cuts from the holding room and ensure the pork is of good quality. If sub-quality found, the contractor should report to the Authority immediately. Weighing of pork cuts and keying into the computer system must be done before processing. Record accurately the weight of each pork cuts taken from the holding room onto the form provided by the Authority. Before data entry into the computer weighing system, all pork cuts are check for correct item’s description and weight. 8. Pork cuts removed from pork cut holding room must remain on hook or place in clean plastic basket before proceed to meat cutting room. 9. When processing various types of chilled pork, contractor should process at a time and ensuring no mixture of chilled pork or frozen. While processing, ensure the chilled/ frozen pork meat temperature do not exceed tolerant temperature 10. From the pork cut, contractor butcher will cut the pork in accordance to customers’ specification. 11. All processed pork cut will place neatly on the poly-foam trays provided by the Authority. Appearance must look presentable from the buyers’ perspective. Contractor is to ensure that no over stacking of retailed cuts and the butcher must observe the cutting speed to ensure no over stacking. As over stacking of meat will cause the rise of temperature and will affect the pork quality. 12. After filling up the poly-foam tray, place it on the aluminum tray. The aluminum tray will be placed on a 7-tier trolley; after all 7 aluminum tray is filled and must immediate transfer to chiller room at 0°C. This will ensure the meat in good quality. 13. Pork poly-foam tray at the chiller must be at least 30minutes before wrapping. At the wrapping station, ensure each poly-foam tray is seal properly and wrap to the bottom of the tray. 14. All wrapped tray pack must be place onto the plastic crate provided by the Authority and there will be no direct contact on the floor. 15. The weight of tray packed is captured at each of the auto wrapping machine with the use of platform weighing scale. Weighing is done by type of retailed cut and recording of weight must be done accurately by contractor. Besides manual recording of weight for each item, contractor Appendix C must enter the weight and number of tray packs into the system correctly. Authority will conduct random check by re-weighting the finished products and compare the record entry by contractor. Penalty will be issue d for any discrepancies. 16. After weighing, all plastic crates will be pushed into tray pack holding room whereby customers’ orders are begin processing. 17. Sorting and order processing is done in accordance to customers’ order. Authority will issue the order form to the contractor and the contractor is to ensure all fulfillments. Any alteration to order quantity must be agreed by the Authority. Contractor is liable to any shortage in supply to customers in terms of non-fulfillment or weight shortage or any foreign object or element found by the Authority or customer. Warning Letter will be issued for any above found and penalty will be imposed. 18. Contractor is to conduct 1st weighting and 2nd weighting of all products, this is to ensure correct weight being recorded on the order form for invoicing. As payment to contractor is based on the total weight processed and delivered to supermarkets for PASAR products; as for TENDERFRESH, payment is based on number of tray pack processed and delivered. 19. After all sorting and order processing, stack the plastic crate neatly in the tray pack holding room for delivery and in accordance to supermarket. 20. After operations, contractors need to carry out the washing, cleaning of operation rooms, work tables, tools, machines and the chiller room. Authority will check and to his satisfaction before the contractors are allowed to leave the company. 21. Contractor is to provide the balance stock report of all tray pack items to the Authority at end of operation. Manpower Requirement 22. Contractor is to deploy a minimum total of 18 include 2 QC staffs as follow; Meat Cutters Packers Machine Operator Quality Controller Appointed supervisory staff must be in the processing room at all times, other than at break-time. Appendix C Other Requirement 23. Contractor must ensure that only Singaporean, PR or valid Work Permit holder is allowed to work in the company premises. 24. Contractor staff must undergo health screening as required under AVA’s requirement. 25. Contractor must ensure that the staff are equipped with proper clean working attire entering the plant; White clothing White Safety Boots Hairnet & face-mask Protective gears (Mesh glove) 26. All workers are required to attend safety and hygiene re-fresher course by internal or external trainers and the contractor shall bear their own fees. Before the staff entering the plant, contractor QC are to check the staff to ensure they are properly attire and the finger nails is properly kept. 27. Contractor staff must attend the Basic Food Hygiene Course conducted by National Environmental Agency (NEA) accredited training agency. 28. Smoking and food consumption must be in the designated area. 29. Authority will have the right to ban or suspend any contractor staffs if the above is not comply. 30. The Authority reserved the rights to review the Scope of Work spelt out in this document from time to time. Appendix C 31. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES a) SFI will recover cost of penalty imposed by NTUC if contractor is found not complying with their policy. E.g. short weight, wrong label or wrong product. b) The Authority shall impose liquidated damage if the contractor failed to fulfill any of the requirements under Table 1. Table 1 S/N Description 1 The agreed tolerance wastage allowed during the trimming process is only 5% of the total pork weight. Excess wastage of more than 5% is multiplied by 2 Accumulate 2 Major-Non Compliance within 3 consecutive month 3 Penalty for poor housekeeping or staff poor hygiene standards (per case) Liquidated Damage $10 x per kg $100.00 $100.00 32. MAJOR – Non Compliance Major non-compliance shall be recorded in the inspection reports put up by the Authority Operation Executive. A second MAJOR non-compliance accumulated by the contractor within 3 consecutive month, be it a repeated or new non- compliance shall warrant issuance of a LD of $100.00 Singapore dollars. The first MAJOR non-compliance registered earlier shall be nullified in the event no other Major non-compliance was registered with the 3 consecutive months (from the date whereby the first Major non-compliance was registered). All subsequent MAJOR non-compliance shall start afresh, from the date of inspection. MAJOR Incident Entering the operation rooms without proper attire Entering the washroom without removing or attempt to change to news sets of hygiene gears, such as aprons, gloves, etc. after the visit. Smoking at the Non-Authorized Area Sloppy, dirty and or untidy Uniform of the Contractor’s staffs Foreign object or element found inside the tray packed pork cut Over stacking of retailed cuts in the poly-foam tray Non-Accurately weighting of the finish tray pack cut for retailed market Appendix C Un-cleaned operation rooms, work tables, tools, machine and the chiller room Waiver of LD The Contractor may seek clarification through writing to the Operation’s Manager within the next 7 working days from the date of issuance of the non-compliance. The Authority shall without prejudice, assess the case put forth by the Contractor. All subsequent cases put forth after the time line shall not be considered. The decision of the Authority shall be unbiased and final.