Honors Biology Table of Contents Semester 2 2015 1/12/15 New seats New Notebook—Table of contents page zero, $-1 Test corrections, $-2 Test Strategies, $-3 Choices, $-4 Science Course Presentation, $-5 Sample of 2nd results. Take out extra paper from old notebook and use as flaps HW: Second Results with analysis due 1/15/15 1/13/15 $-6 Inquiry Notebook organization handout $-3 Choices $-8 Study Guide 12-2 HW: Second Results 1/14/15 Teacher Presentations about courses $-8 Study Guide 12-2 HW: Second Results 1/15/15 Second Results Due DNA extraction lab Turn in one paper per group HW: Work on Final Inquiry Project Notebook Due Jan. 23 1/16/15 DNA extraction lab Turn in one paper per group Finish $-8 $-7 Pedigree handout only do The New Genetics side 1/20/15 $-7 Pedigree handout only do The New Genetics side Constructing Human Pedigree $-9 and $-10 HW: Final Project notebook due Friday 1/23/15 100 points Xtra credit Backboards due 1/23/15 20 points 1/21/15 Finish $-9 and $-10 Constructing Human Pedigree -observations 1-8 -Family pedigree -Analysis and Conclusions 1-3 -Critical Thinking 1-4 must copy pedigree and fill out completely $-11 page 248 problems 1-8 from textbook HW: Final Project notebook due Friday 1/23/15 100 points Xtra credit Backboards due 1/23/15 20 points 1/22/15 $-12 notes on human genetics $-11 page 248 problems 1-8 from textbook Finish $-13 and $-14 Human Genetics Problem Handout Test Friday HW: Final Project notebook due Friday 1/23/15 100 points Xtra credit Backboards due 1/23/15 20 points 1/23/15 Turn in Final Project notebook Test Human Genetics and Pedigree 1/26/15 Cornell Notes Section 13-1 ($-15 & $-16) EQ: How are scientists manipulating DNA for practical purposes? For vocabulary must include one of the following: -example, graphic, own words define Spiral Notebook due Wednesday $-1 thru $-20 1/27/15 Research and learn Biotechnology vocabulary on middle board $-18 Answer Cystic Fibrosis handout while viewing video $-19 AIDS and Growth Hormone worksheet $-20 HW: research what organisms have been Genetically Engineered Notebook due Wednesday Jan. 28th $-1 thru $-20 1/28/15 Notebook Due put it on cart Turn in Geometry of life answers ABSENT students complete current event on genetics from the blue drawer 1/29/15 if notebook is not graded put on cart Plant and Caterpillar Wars 2-word questions $-21 2-collum notes $-22 HW: $-17 use biotechnology vocabulary to describe how you would make a future GE organism 1/30/15 Complete Plant and Caterpillar Wars----share notes/group, answer questions Pick up and work on Data Analysis $-24 2/2/15 Review Biotech vocab. $-24 Finish AAT oral reading $-17 use biotech vocabulary to describe the production of a G.E. organism for the future. 2/3/15 $-23 create 5 Socratic Seminar questions Finish $-17 G.E. organism using all biotech vocab correctly HW: prep for seminar 2/4/15 Quiz Biotechnology vocabulary Socratic Seminar Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering HW: make sure $-17 is complete 2/5/15 Share $-17 with group highlight the nine Biotech vocabulary $-25 Evolution pretest $-26 Study Guide 15-1 HW: Research Darwin question $-28 2/6/15 Discuss findings about Darwin with group. List 3 new things you learned on post-it $-28 Create a Natural Selection Sketch with titles, captions in own words $-27 2/10/15 Peppered Moth Lab $-29 - $-30 $-27 Create a Natural Selection Sketch with titles, captions in own words, color 2/11/15 $-31 What are the forces that influence Natural Selection? From the DVD on Rock Pocket Mouse. $-32 Study Guide 15-2 Work on $-27 Natural Selection Sketch 2/12/15 Evidence of Evolution-PreAP worksheets $-33 - $-34 Finish $-27 Natural Selection Sketch 2/13/15 Answer Galapagos Beyond Darwin video questions $-36. If Absent get a current Event form out of the Blue drawer and complete about the topic of Evolution. 2/17/15 Timing is Everything group complete and Turn In HW: Review $-27---$-36 2/18/15 Finish and Turn Timing is Everything Quiz Evolution Darwin and Evidence Answer 1-4 from Page 310 on $-35 finish for homework 2/19/15 Feeding Frenzy Lab $-38 $-37 Graph HW: finish lab work 2/20/15 $-40 Natural Selection Cards Activity $-39 Types of Selection 2/23/15 $-41 What is the Big Idea of Natural Selection? HW: Notebook due Tuesday 2/24 $-17 thru $-41 2/24/15 Turn in Notebook to the cart Complete Voyage to the Galapagos Turn in----Absent students go to blue drawer and pick up current event form complete on an evolution topic. 2/25/15 Put all notebooks on cart 16-1 Study Guide $-44 Oral with group p. 320 1-8 HW: Research Heterozygous Advantage $-43 2/26/15 Discuss HW with group $-43 Cornell notes Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium and equation $-46 $-45 Theories of Evolution handout finish for homework 2/27/15 Picture dictionary of the disruptions to genetic equilibrium $-47 and $-48 3/2/15 Finish $-47 and $-48 Picture dictionary Cornell notes $-52 EQ: How can new species from over time? 3/3/15 Review $-39 and $-40 Genetic Drift lab Turn in—will go on $-50 HW: make sure $-46 and $-52 have questions and summaries Evolution test in a week 3/4/15 Types of Reproductive Isolation handout $-51 Put Voyage to Galapagos on$-42 HW: Review $-43 -$-51 3/5/15 Quiz self check $-49 Evolution test Study Guide $-53 and $-54 Evolution Hunt HW: Work on test study guide 3/6/15 Evolution wordsort $-55 and $-56 Check out community service letter on my Teacher site 3/9/15 Finish Evolution wordsort $-55 and $-56 Get it Stamped $-50 put genetic drift lab Complete Evolution test Study Guide $-53 and $-54 Get Stamped HW: Study for Evolution test 3/10/15 Evolution test: you can write on test, need pencil Get stamps $-53 through $-56 Wordsearch Immune system $-58 3/11/15 3rd quarter review 5 x 7 puzzle as a group Academic Fusion Task Pocket Mouse Due March 16th HW: study for final 3/12/15 3rd quarter review HUNT as a group Work on pocket mouse task due March 16th HW: study for final 3/13/15 Final Academic Fusion Task Due March 16 Pocket Mouse 3/16/15 Evolution of Pocket Mouse TURN IN Dirt Article with bookmark $-60 $-59 write up CLOSE Reading Organizer HW: finish $-59 and $-60 3/17/15 Oral check germ article $-57 Read 47-1 answer 1-5 from p. 960 HW: Annotate 10 Reasons Why Students Fail in High School $-62 3/18/15 Sketch Figure 47-7 using color and captions $-63 Study Guide 47-2 $-64 HW: Finish and Review study guide 47-2 3/19/15 Get Sketch $-63 stamped Summarize acting role $-65 HW: Lab Background questions p. 976 $-66 3/20/15 Simulating Disease Transmission Lab p. 976-977 $-68 Data Tables $-67 Analysis/Conclusion answers Practice acting role $-65 Last day for Sketch $-63 STAMP 3/23/15 Act out Immune Response 20 word summary $65 Finish Lab Questions $-67 get a stamp HW: CLOSE Reading Organizer 10 reasons Why Students Fail in High School $61 NOTEBOOK DUE WEDNESDAY 3/24/15 AIDS packet: Graphs $-70, Questions $-69 Last day for $-67 stamp HW: complete AIDS packet 3/25/15 Notebook due place on cart $-72 REVIEW p. 974 1-4, #13-17, #25. P. 972 1-4 COMPLETE on paper Turn In HW: Start Box of colors use vocabulary from p. 961 $-71 3/26/15 Notebooks that are graded go on bottom shelf of cart Notebooks that need a grade go on top shelf of cart Virus Video handouts $-73 and $-74 Work on box of colors $-71 HW: prep for Socratic Seminar 10 reasons why students fail high school 3/27/15 Socratic Seminar observation form $-76 Absent students need to find a current article about how to be a successful student or learner. Get a current event form from the blue drawer by the south door and complete. 4/6/15 New Table of Contents put Name, Date, Period on it Get $-69 and $-70 Stamped ******* Finish Box of Colors $-71 Check answers $-72 Immune Review Review Virus Video questions $-73 and $-74 HW: Respond to the Question : How will I avoid Failure? $-75 4/7/15 Cornell notes $-78 EQ: How do the three parts of the Immune System work? Key cells chart handout $-77 HW: Study for Immune test Thursday 4/8/15 Venn Diagram handout Bacteria /Virus $-80 Immune practice $-79 HW: Study for Immune test Thursday 4/9/15 Immune System test need pencil and piece of paper $-82 do Page 1009 #1-6 –Finish for homework 4/10/15 4/13/15 Sketch Neuron Figure 49-2 with labels and tell function of each part $-81 $-81 Function flaps Finish $-80 HW: Study Neuron structure and function Quiz Thursday 4/14/15 $-83 and $-84 Cornell notes Nerve Impulses HW: Study Neuron structure and function Quiz Thursday 4/15/15 Construct a 4D model of a working neuron HW: Study Neuron structure and function Quiz Thursday 4/16/15 Neuron Quiz The most Intelligent Mammal $-85 and $-86 HW: What are three things you want to know about your Brain? Write 3 questions.$-87 4/17/15 The most Intelligent Mammal $-85 and $-86 Cornell Notes section 49-2 use objectives to create questions $-88 4/20/15 $-87 list interesting facts Nova Einstein’s Brain $-90 need to know $-89 Charts on the Nervous System HW: finish $-88 Cornell notes 49-2 Notebook due Thursday starts $-69 Brain quiz Friday 4/21/15 $-92 The Brain handout Brain parts quiz $-91 quick quiz HW: if you need more practice study guide 49-2 4/22/15 Same as Tuesday 4/23/15 Put notebook on cart Pieces of mind video questions TURN IN-----if absent get current event form out of blue drawer and complete about the topic of the brain or nervous system HW: practice for brain quiz Friday 4/24/15 Put graded notebooks on bottom of cart Put not graded notebooks on the top of cart Reaction Time activity $-94 do write up for Extension on notebook page ////////////////Brain Quiz 4/27/15 Put notebook on cart if it needs to be graded $-95 and $-96 Journey to a Stamp Nervous System HW: Study for nervous system test Tuesday 4/28/15 Finish $-95 and $-96 get stamp Nervous System test Endocrine System facts and information $-98 slip finish for homework 4/29/15 Finish $-94 reaction time lab Get stamp on $-95 and $-96 Handout Analyzing Endocrine functions of the Pancreas $-97 Finish for homework 4/30/15 Positive and Negative Feedback Graphing Activity $-99 and $-100 finish for HW 5/1/15 Respiratory Video questions $-102 Finish Feedback graphing 5/4/15 Take Cornell Notes 46-3 $-103 and $-104 Get $-94 stamped HW: Respiratory System skills handout $-101 5/5/15 Respiratory/Circulatory Labs $-106 Blood typing lab analysis Do one paper per group and TURN IN -Model Lung -Giant Bubble HW: Review notes write summary 5/6/15 Labs day 2 HW: questions about respiratory/circulatory $-105 1. What is pulmonary circulation? 2. What is hemoglobin? How does it work? 3. What is the process that moves O2 from the alveoli of the lungs to capillaries of the circulatory system? 4. What are the components of blood? 5/7/15 Academic Fusion Task Cellular Respiration $-108 HW: Work on lab write up 5/8/15 Finish Academic Fusion Task Cellular Respiration $-108 Turn in Lab write up STUDENTS WHO ARE ABSENT FOR LABS THIS WEEK WILL NEED TO DO BOOKWORK TO MAKE UP POINTS ANSWERS MUST BE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES THAT RESTATE THE QUESTION Page 939 #1-9 for one lab Page 944 #1-8 for second lab-----PUT ON $-106 Page 950 #1-9 for third lab IF A STUDENT MISSES THE ACADEMIC FUSION TASK THEY CAN MAKE IT UP AT LUNCH TUTORIAL OR FIND A LAB SIMULATION ONLINE THAT IS ABOUT THE SAME TOPIC TO DO. IF THEY DO AN ONLINE SIMULATION THEY WILL NEED TO PROVIDE THE WEBSITE ALONG WITH A COMPLETE LAB WRITE UP. 5/11/15 Complete Academic Fusion Task $-108 Own experiment will be turned in as a formal lab write up Due Tuesday May 12 may turn in one for the group. HW: finish lab or Digestion fill in the blanks $-107 5/12/15 TURN In Academic Fusion Task Owl pellet Article summarize on data sheet include measures and descriptions $-110 Get $-99 and $-100 stamped HW: digestion fill in. HOMEOSTASIS test Thursday 5/13/15 Quick Quiz Owl Pellet Analysis 1-3 HW: study for test homeostasis Thursday 5/14/15 Homeostasis test need pencil Skeleton color code handout $-112 HW: study bones of skeleton 5/15/15 Owl Pellet Analysis 1-7 5/18/15 Owl Pellet Analysis 1-7 Answer question 6 about DDT on $-109 Materials for reconstruction are by the skeleton Put Pieces of the mind video $-93 HW: last notebook due 5/21 $-93 ---- $-112 5/19/15 Owl Pellet Analysis 1-7 Work on reconstruction due Friday Record class data and complete green data sheet Fill out pink ½ sheet and turn in Owl Food web $-111 HW: last notebook due 5/21 $-93 ---- $-112. Study skeleton for quiz Friday 5/20/15 Finish Owl Pellet analysis Construct Owl Food Web $-111 Work on skeleton reconstruction due Friday HW: last notebook due 5/21 $-93 ---- $-112 5/21/15 Turn in notebook to the cart Complete reconstruction Handout CST review genetics HW: study skeleton test 5/22/15 If notebook does not have grade put on top of cart Skeleton test Reconstruction due CLOZE your Final All absent, late, test corrections Due by Tuesday May 26th no exceptions 5/26/15 Word bank cards Finish CLOZE your Final Bring Text book Friday HW: Study for your final 5/27/15 review puzzle HW: Study for your final 5/28/15 Taboo HW: study for your final 5/29/15 Return text book Computer lab final reviews