
Here I stand,
Tall and strong,
In this forest,
Where I belong.
I’ve red leaves, yellow ones,
Bark for my skin,
Generally a forest,
Is what I’m planted in.
I’ve lush green hair in the Summer,
Yet in Autumn it falls out,
Sometimes in Winter I go completely bald,
But then in Spring my buds sprout.
I’ve nothing else to tell you really,
Apart from I’m a tree,
And if you want to live on this Earth,
You’ll certainly need me! By Aoife
In the bright light I saw a tree,
The leaves are dancing in the breeze,
I sit under the tree and listen to the calming sound of the breezes,
When I sat down I saw a site of a humming bird hovering,
Above my head it was beautiful site,
The trees was big but small it was perfect,
Every day I went to the tree and sat under it,
Every day I saw a site of a beautiful humming bird under the tree.
The End
by Ava
Trees are small, trees are tall,
Trees can be any shape at all,
Leaves fall off trees,
Stay on trees, hang on trees,
Trees are lovely colours yellow,
Green, orange and even sometimes red,
Leaves get crumpled, wet and stepped on,
Leaves grow big in spring,
And fall in autumn,
But the sound is what I love most,
The lovely crunch the crispy leaves,
The soft whisper in the night.
Yay that autumn’s here,
We watch the colourful leaves drop,
Slowly from the Sycamore Oak and Ash,
I saw a tree it was enormous,
I see it everyday,
Its red and green can you guess what it is,
I love it, I love it, I love it,
I walk to and from it everyday,
It begins to get bare in Autumn,
This is sad for me,
It is better than anything,
In the world,
It’s like a beautiful pearl,
In the deep dark forest,
It’s coming to the end now,
I want to let you know,
It’s just a redwood tree
By: Katie Hynes
The Fairy Tree
The tree was tall,
With a coat of leaves,
Ready to fall.
The leaves were crisp,
Brown and wet.
The branches were curved,
Were the end lines met.
Crunch Crunch,
Whistle Whistle.
The sounds were lovely,
Kind and quiet.
 That smell of fresh flowers,
About to rot.
And the smell of the tree,
Growing moss.
The bumpy bark,
Hard and Thick.
Little scars,
Where people carved.
As I was about to leave,
I was happy with glee.
But nobody had come,
To see the fairy tree.
By Ella
Trees have a story to tell,
How they grew, how they fell.
Trees start off weak and small,
But want to grow big and tall.
“Don’t wish your life away,”
Muttered Time.
“Your leaves are pure, not withered like mine.”
Many years later, Time was right.
Bark was scarred, names encrusted,
Not a leaf in sight.
The old, rough tree had dropped a seed.
It lay down, a sparkling bead.
A few years later, it wasn’t a seed,
Was more than that...
It was a tree.
By Grace Mac Donnell
I see trees everywhere,
They stand still when there’s no wind,
The leaves move when there’s wind,
But the trunk only moves when you make it, and that’s if
it’s not strong,
Leaves fall in autumn, Crispy, battered, crushed and torn,
On the ground they crunch, when you step on them,
The evenings get darker,
The leaves are replaced with a white soft blanket of snow,
The leaves start growing and there’s a damp smell, the
leaves are wet, the trunk is bumpy, thick, rough and hard,
Wind whistles, soft and quietly, making the leaves slowly
swish against one another,
I still see trees,
by Niamh
My Wonderful Tree
One peaceful, quiet, autumn day,
I thought to myself I’d go out and play,
So I slipped outside to the lonely park,
And came across a magnificent bark,
It was thick rough and bumpy to,
With some sort of sticky, trickling goo.
I felt the wind whispering in my hair,
It told me to just look up and stare,
I did just so and what did I see,
The spectacular canopy of this magnificent tree,
The branches were thick, thin, low and high,
So many colourful leaves blocking out the bright, blue sky,
I turned my back to run back home,
But I was upset to think of my favourite tree all alone,
So I dashed up the steep, little, hill to view my tree,
It’s long and tiny branches seemed to be waving at me,
I saw another tree with a magnificent bark
Being friends with my tree in the park.
By: Lana
Why is it you go so bare,
Some people you see they just don’t care,
The fallen ones crisp on the ground,
Like my breakfast this morning,
Toast with butter and strawberry jam.
Your structure so ridged and long,
So statuesque, so still,
But when the stormy nights arise,
It’s not the same,
You’re dancing wildly with the wind,
In a fantasizing way.
In the morning dreary and bare,
The leaves are still in my hair,
A good place to rest, live and remember,
The good happy times,
All alone just me and my winter tree.
By: Claire
My Special Tree!
My special tree starts to grow in Spring
The leaves turn bright glossy green,
The bark starts to roughen,
The branches go strong.
The next season is summer!
The leaves turn yellow,
The bark goes softer,
The branches weaken.
Then next it’s winter!
The leaves fall off,
The bark turns to ice,
The branches turn bare!
Finally it’s Autumn!!
It all fades away badly need it again maybe it will come again one
Starts out a little seed that gets itself stuck between,
The fresh wet grass and the soft light soil.
Growing through all the four seasons,
Little seed grows, into what looks like a battered branch
what been stuck into the ground.
Another year goes by,
Battered branch has grown it a miniature tree,
its scarred knotted truck grows as tall as it can go.
After twelve months my little tree is still there I wish I could
say the same thing about myself, but I know one day, my
little tree will come see me again.
By Hannah
I sit under the oak tree,
In my garden just for me,
I would sit and read,
And catch her leaves,
What a peaceful place to be.
The wind blows through her branches,
And makes her fingers move,
The robins sing from her hair,
And she would sing along.
I love my tree,
And my tree loves me,
What a peaceful place to be.
I sit under the oak tree,
In my garden just for me,
I would sit and read,
And catch her leaves,
What a peaceful place to be.
The wind blows through her branches,
And makes her fingers move,
The robins sing from her hair,
And she would sing along.
I love my tree,
And my tree loves me,
What a peaceful place to be.
Autumn is here,
The leaves cheer,
Leaves turning red, orange and brown,
Autumn is here,
Trees whisper ‘autumn is here’,
The whistle the whisper,
Of footsteps and leaves,
The leaves are going,
Going, gone……….
Trees are pretty as you can see,
Trees are pretty like you and me.
by Hannah
Autumn leaves
Leaves are swishing branches are curving,
I’ve always liked to see grass curling,
A red , green ,yellow and brown,
I’ve always wondered if they could make a crown,
Look an enchanted tree I wonder who’s place that could be,
Fairies flying flowers dying because of natures change,
That awful damp smell , rotten leaves are falling autumn Is over here
comes Winter ,
I’ve always wondered if a tree could stand as tall as I can see
By Adria
Autumn Leaves
Crumply, red leaves,
Floating slowly from the swaying trees,
Whistling wind through the soft-veined leaves
The delicate leaves falling gently from,
Solid, knobbly tree branches,
Towering above the battered leaves,
Laying still on the grass below,
The dampness around the tree,
Morning dewdrops, sitting on the leaves,
Old withered bark, gently wakes,
All is silent and still. A moment of peace,
A new day awakens. Dawn is coming,
The sound of the whispering wind in my ears,
The season of autumn, here at last,
And leaves fall to the ground,
Preparing for a new season,
From the leave’s dying days, to the days...
Where the leaves are no more.
By Orla