CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Family name: Kapitsa 2. First names: Yuriy 3. Date of birth: August 19, 1959 4. Nationality: 5. Education: Ukrainian Institution (Date from - Date to) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: London University, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 1997 Copyright, Patent Law, Technology Transfer, Legal Aspects of International Finance Course, Certificate Course on law and economic questions of enterprises management in a market economy, Certificate PhD in Law, Diploma "Centre de Formation aux realités internationales", Paris, 1993 Institute of State and Law, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1994 – 1995 Kyiv State University named for Taras Shevchenko, 2000-2001 Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1982 – 1985 Kyiv State University named for Taras Shevchenko, 1976-1981 6. Master of Law, Diploma PhD in Geophysics, Diploma Specialist in Geophysics, Diploma Membership of professional bodies: Member of Ukrainian Bar Association Member of Ukrainian Society of International Law Member of the Committee on Intellectual Property of the European Federation of National Academies of Sciences and Humanities, Munich 7. RESEARCH WORK University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S., visiting professor, course “Foreign Intellectual property Protection -: Post Soviet Countries”, 2013, Oxford University, Great Britain, project “Comparative analyses of Intellectual Property Enforcement in the EU and Ukraine, 2007. Stanford University, Fulbright Scholar, USA, project “Combating Piracy in Audio-visual, Computer and other Spheres”, 2001-2002. Central European University, Hungary, Budapest, project “Improvement of Intellectual Property Education”, 1999, Institute of State and Law, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. thesis “Legal Regulation of Technology Transfer in Ukraine”, 1995. 8. Present position: Director of the Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1997 – now) Scientific Adviser of the Committee on Science and Education of the Parliament of Ukraine (2002- now). Scientific Secretary of the Council on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer under the Association of Academies of Scientists of NIS countries (post soviet countries) (1997- now). Member of the Council on Intellectual Property Matters of the High Economic Court of Ukraine (2010- now) 9. Years within the firms: 33 10. Key qualifications: Intellectual Property approximation and enforcement Experience in approximation of countries national intellectual property legislation to the European Union and WTO, WIPO standards, in TRIPS implementation, in legal drafting, working with ministries, technical assistance projects of WTO, International Development Law Organisation, Tacis, USAD, EuropeAid, World Bank (23 years) Word Trade Organisation intellectual property regional expert – lecturing in “Trade Policy and Law Courses” for government officials from the Ministries of Trade and Foreign Affairs from Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucuses region (20092012) Practical experience in intellectual property enforcement, based on EU member-states and NIS countries (post soviet countries) experience including civil, administrative, border and criminal measures. Working out recommendation on providing enforcement of the intellectual property rights, implementation of effective means of enforcing such rights according to EU and NIS acts (coordination of the fight against piracy on a central and regional levels; adoption of the regulatory acts on holographic labels control; on licensing of CD manufacturing, import and export of CDs; on copyright production sale etc). Experience as government and scientific officer, Parliaments adviser in working out intellectual property, science and technology transfer legislation and policy documents (25 years). Drafter of the Civil Code (2004), Laws “On collective management of copyright” (2009)”,”On state regulation of the activity in the sphere of technology transfer” (2006)”, “On Science and Technical activity” (1991), “On scientific discoveries” (2006), etc; member of the ministries, Parliaments commissions drafting decisions “On regulation and governance of intellectual property development and innovation activity (2008), “Intellectual property protection: the problems of legislative ensuring and enforcement (2007) etc. Experience in legislation preparation, law making process, parliamentary control and monitoring. 1 Innovation activity, R&D policy and management Experience in organisation of complex comparative research of innovation activity support legislation in the EU, EU member states and Ukraine. Experience in European research and innovation sector working throw EU Framework Programs for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration projects and as a head of Office on FP5-FP7 EU research programs and coordinator of thematic and regional contact points network of the Academy of Scientists for the participation of the researches in the European Union programs. Experience in implementing government innovation projects, working out regional innovation policy and creating innovation infrastructure, venture enterprises creation, free high tech economic zones and innovation parks legal providing. Experience as government and scientific officer, Parliaments adviser in working out science and technology, innovation and technology transfer legislation and policy documents, (25 years). Solid experience in international conferences and training organisation, including conferences for scientists, intellectual property specialists, lawyers from NIS countries on intellectual property commercialization with the World Intellectual Property Organisation, European Patent Office, training of researches for the participation in the EU Framework research programs, innovation management training, government officials trainings throw the technical assistance projects. 11. Specific experience in the region (European Commission, WTO, USAID projects): Country Kazakhstan Turkey Italy Azerbaijan Kyrgyz Republic Ukraine Date from - Date to 2010, 2009, 2007 2010 2009 2008-2010 2005 1981 – to date 2 Contacts: Volodimirska 54, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine, Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, tel. (380-44) 239-67-64, e-mail: 12. Professional experience Ref Date from – Date to Location 4/1997-now Ukraine Company Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 54 Volodimirska Str., Kiev, 01601, Ukraine Position Director Irina Homenko Head of Department Ukraine Louis Berger Intrasoft International LOGOTECH Advansis ANCE Sergios Halkidis Senior Consultant Key International Expert Legislation and Training Description Conducting academic researches on comparative intellectual property law, EU Law, IPR enforcement, international and internal transfer of technology. Working out of draft laws and regulations in the above mentioned field. Coordinating the activity of the intellectual property departments of the Academies institutes, design and experimental plants. Organisation of a complex support of research organisation technology transfer projects, including working out of national and international licensing agreements, IPR valuation and accounting, IPR patenting. Participation in various donors Technical Assistance projects: EuroAid project “Enhance Innovation Strategies, Policies and Regulation in Ukraine” EuropeAid/127694/C/SER/UA (01/09/09 – 31/10/11) (Contracted by European Profiles S.A) Main Tasks: As a Key Expert – responsible for organisation of complex comparative analysis of innovation activity support legislation in the EU, EU member states and Ukraine and working out of the suggestions and drafts of laws on developing of the national legislation for the sector of innovation and intellectual property based on best practice of the EU and EU member-states. Organisation and taking part in preparation of in-depth analysis of innovation activity support legislation of the EU and EU member states Organisation and taking part in analysis of correspondence of national legislation in intellectual property domain according to EU intellectual property protection and enforcement standards, European Patent Convention Organisation of training of government officials in innovation policy development and realisation as well as judges, government officers, lawyers dealing with Intellectual Property on: intellectual property protection and enforcement issues; approximation of national legislation to the EU legislation; conclusion technology transfer contracts; organisation of technology transfer patenting abroad etc. In the framework of above mentioned work - the following results had been worked out for Parliaments committees, ministries: Innovation Policy: European Experience and Recommendations for Ukraine. – Volume 2. - The analysis of the legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of research, developments and innovation activity and suggestions for amendments for legislation.–K.: Fenix, 2011.- 324 P. Legal regulation of innovation activity in the European Union and EU member-states / Editors-in-chief G. Avigdor, Dr. Y. Kapitsa. – K. :Feniks, 2011. – 704 P. etc. 3 Kazakhstan AECOM International Development Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Expert 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22201 Cecilia Ciepiela, Manager Cecilia Ciepiela Sarvat Maharramov, Representative Turkey World Trade Organisation Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne 154 CH1211 Geneve 21 Intellectual Property Regional Expert Counsellor Head, Academic Programme Unit World Trade Organisation to analyse the differences in IPR protection of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus in connection of creation of Single Economic Space by these countries. To prepare a report on main obstacles in creation the Single Economic Space and on EU experience on approximation of legislation, including: Comparative analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation with the legislation of the EU on copyright and related rights, inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks and geographical indications, Review of the principle of exhaustion of rights for trademarks, inventions in the context of regional economic entity such as Single Economic Space and the EU, review of the principle of mutual recognition of trademarks, Analysis of differences existed in the regulation of the EU member-countries and purposes of harmonization of the EU legislation, Preparation of Recommendations to Kazakhstan on the process of harmonization of IPR legislation in the context of Single Economic Space. Word Trade Organisation “Trade Policy and Law Course” for government officials from the Ministries of Trade and Foreign Affairs from Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucuses region (4/10/10 – 29/10/10) (Contracted by WTO) Main Tasks: to assist Government officials in obtaining a practical understanding of the TRIPS agreement and its implementation, building capacity for effective negotiations for effectively formulating IPR protection policies by co-lecturing on TRIPS agreement, analysing national peculiarities of TRIPS implementation and intellectual property enforcement in the CEECAC countries (12-13/10/10) Gerardo Thielen Switzerland USAID Regional Trade Liberalization and Customs Project for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, Component I, Kaz 2.3: Full Compliance with TRIPS Agreement (28/10/10 – 11/15/10) (Contracted by AECOM International Development) Main Tasks: Expert Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne 154 CH1211 Geneve 21 Word Trade Organisation Regional Workshop for Academics from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia and the Caucasus (05/07/2010 – 7/07/2010) Participation at WTO 2010 Workshop to discuss intellectual property trade issues of relevance to the region and to the multilateral trading system, status of the Doha Round of Negotiations and on issues of countries – WTO interaction. Gerardo Thielen Counsellor Head, Academic Programme Unit Italy International Development Law Organisation Viale Vaticano, 106; Roma 00165; Italy Desislava Licheva Legal Officer Intellectual Property Regional Expert Word Trade Organisation and International Development Law Organisation “Trade Policy and Law Course” for government officials from the Ministries of Trade and Foreign Affairs from Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucuses region (28/09/09 – 23/10/09) (Contracted by IDLO) Main Tasks: to assist Government officials in obtaining a practical understanding of the TRIPS agreement and its implementation, building capacity for effective negotiations for effectively formulating IPR protection policies by co-lecturing on TRIPS agreement, analysing national peculiarities of TRIPS implementation and intellectual property enforcement in the CEECAC countries (15-16/10/09); to expound the enforcement provisions of the TRIPS agreement and mechanisms of its implementation into national practice. 4 Contacts: Volodimirska 54, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine, Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, tel. (380-44) 239-67-64, e-mail: Kazakhstan Tacis project “Support for the Development of the Policy Dialogue and Advice Programme (PDAP) of the Republic of Kazakhstan” EuropeAid/125646/C/SER/KZ (04/06/09-28/07/09) (Contracted by Incom Ltd. & DMI Associates) Main tasks: INCOM Ltd. International Consulting & Management 12, TINOU St. Nea Ionia 142 35 Athens Greece To take part in a workshop for Kazakhstan ministries representatives and in recommendations preparations to support of formation of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus custom union in conformity with WTO rules and commitments, utilising as examples of creation of EU Customs Union by EU Member States. Viola LYUBIMOVA Business Development Manager The following issues were presented by the expert and discussed at the workshop: Azerbaijan European Profiles S.A. Consultants Group Vatatzi 40, Athens, 11472, Greece Sergios Halkidis Senior Consultant Senior short term international expert Implementation of measures to protect intellectual property rights by customs authorities in EU member-states. Application of EU ex-officio rules to protect intellectual property rights by customs authorities. Defining characteristics and methods for identification of violations of the intellectual property rights when transporting goods across the customs border. Main provisions of the EU legislation in the field of “parallel import”. Tacis Project project “Support to the National Coordination Unit (NCU) and the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) Implementation in Azerbaijan” EuropeAid 124289 C/SER/AZ (11/08 – 03/10) (Contracted by European Profiles S.A) The project aim is to strengthen relationships between the EU and Azerbaijan in support of sustainable economic development and political and social cohesion. Main tasks: Assessment and policy advice of the situation in Azerbaijan in the sector of the intellectual property, identification the precise and urgent regulatory needs, prepare a sectoral regulatory needs analysis report. Working out recommendation on providing enforcement of the intellectual property rights, implementation of effective means of enforcing such rights according to PCA and EU and NIS acts (co-ordination of the fight against piracy on a central and regional levels; adoption of the regulatory acts on holographic labels control; on licensing of CD manufacturing, import and export of CDs; on copyright production sale etc). Organisation of training of NCU personal on approximation of Azerbaijan IPR laws to that of the EU. Working out suggestions to improve the legislation of Azerbaijan on the activity of collective management organisation based on EU and NIS countries experience. 5 Contacts: Volodimirska 54, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine, Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, tel. (380-44) 239-67-64, e-mail: Kazakhstan DMI Associates 21 rue Longue, BP 1176, 69201 Lyon – France Senior International Expert Tacis European Commission project Support for the Implementation of the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA) in the Republic of Kazakhstan-Phase II EUROPEAID/121721/C/SV/KZ (09-10/07) (Contracted by DMI Associates) Main tasks: Working out for the Committee on Intellectual Property Rights under the Ministry of Justice Centre, for the Trade Policy Development of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Health suggestions on bringing into conformity Kazakh legislation with the WTO TRIPs Agreement’s provisions on protections of trademarks, geographical indications, and wellknown marks, confidential information. Team Leader George Myrogiannis, Development of a regulatory scheme, including licensing of materials and criminal penalties, for the production and distribution of optical disc material and equipment according to the EU and NIS countries experience. Providing training to the government officers on IPR issues, , including border regulation of IPR. Ukraine World Bank Kiev Office International expert Irina Nikolayeva World Bank Project: Europe and Central Asia-Private Sector Group (ECSPF) project “World Bank Investment Climate Assessment – Ukraine” (09/2008-11/2009) (Contracted by WB) Main tasks Providing an analysis of the framework for Intellectual Property Rights protection in Ukraine and preparation a background paper for the “World Bank Investment Climate Assessment Ukraine”. Ukraine Ministry of Justice of Ukraine State Department of Approximation of Legislation Pilskogo provulok, 10 Kiev 01001 Ukraine Team Leader Ministry of Justice project: “Intellectual Property Law of the European Union and the Approximation of Ukrainian Intellectual Property legislation to EU standards” (4/20033/2006) (Contracted by the Ministry of Justice). The aim of the project was to make a background comparative research of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of intellectual property to that of the EU according to the Law "On Ukrainian program on approximation of the legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of the European Union". Deputy Director Taras Kachka, Main tasks: Organisation of a complex legal comparative analysis on conformity of Ukrainian law with the EU law in the sphere of IPR, including IPR enforcement Preparation of a Scoreboard, which included approximation objectives in the IPR sphere; the EU legal provisions subject to implementation; list of the specific measures on implementation of relevant EU legal provisions. Organisation of official translation of EU legal acts. Based on that work the drafts of new laws were drafted and passed to the Cabinet of Ministries and Parliament. Kyrgyz Republic European Profiles S.A. Consultants Group Vatatzi 40, Athens, 11472, Greece Tatiana Vahlas Senior Consultant Senior International Expert Tacis project: “Support for the Implementation of the PCA between the EU and the Kyrgyz Republic-Phase2" EUROPEAID/116195/C/SV/KG (07-08/05) (Contracted by European Profiles S.A) Main tasks: Development of recommendations regarding effective implementation of measures for the enforcement of intellectual property rights. Assessment of the degree to which Kyrgyzstan complies with international requirements regarding geographic name indications. 6 Contacts: Volodimirska 54, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine, Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, tel. (380-44) 239-67-64, e-mail: Ukraine European Commission Research DirectorateGeneral ISCP Office: DG XII B2 - SDME 1/143 200 rue de la Loi/200, Wetstraat B-1049 Brussels, Belgium Project Director EU DG XII B2 project: Support of the Participation of Ukrainian Scientists in the Fifth Framework Program for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Contract № ICA2-CT-2000-5003 (10/00-10/02) (Contracted by EC) Main tasks: Organisation of complex information, legal and intellectual property services for the participation of Ukrainian scientists and scientific institutions in the European Union research programs. Organisation of training of researches on participation in EU research programs. Scientific contract manager Michele Genovese Ukraine Contractor: DSIRZ-GTZWenner & Cie Consortium Long-term expert (1 stage), short-term expert (2 stage) Tacis European Commission project Ukrainian-European Policy and Legal Advice Centre (UEPLAC) (1998-2001) (1998-2001) (Contracted by GTZ) Main tasks: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Postfach 5180 65726 Eschborn Drafting government decrees in the sphere of approximation, working out the program of approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU standards, including IPR protection and enforcement Dr. Jurgen Voss Drafting guides on approximation. Conducting comparative analyses of the experience of Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Bulgaria and other East –European countries in organisation of approximation of legislation. Working out legal providing for free high tech economic zones and innovation parks. Organisation training of officials. 7/1994 – 4/1997 Ukraine Institute of State and Law, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Chief Researcher Conducting research on state and law regulation of transfer of technology, intellectual property protection, innovation activity, taxation of the science and technology development, drafting regulations and draft laws in above mentioned field for the ministries etc. Trehsvyatitelska Str., 4 Kiev 01001 Ukraine Head of Department Prof. Volodimir Averianov 7/1993 – 12/1996 Ukraine Innovation Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Chief Researcher Organisation of technology transfer of research results and developments. 54 Volodimirska Str., Kiev, 01601, Ukraine Director Dr. Gennadiy Korenyako 3/1993 – 4/1994 Ukraine State Innovation Fund of Ukraine under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (SIF) Prof. Vladimir Lisenko, Former Head Head of the Department of Economical and Legal Problems of Innovation Activity Main tasks: Working out legislative providing of government innovation projects Taking part in the development of government innovation policy documents Development of economical and law questions of contracts conclusion, intellectual property protection, organisation of examination of projects. Working out concept on regional innovation support, practical work on the creation of innovation infrastructure, regional departments of State Innovation Fund for giving credits to enterprises and SME in regions. 7 Contacts: Volodimirska 54, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine, Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, tel. (380-44) 239-67-64, e-mail: 1/1989 -3/1993 Ukraine Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Scientific Officer/Consultant of Science and Organizational Dept. Main tasks: 54 Volodimirska Str, Kiev, 01601, Ukraine Organisation and taking part in the ministries commissions work on the compiling of draft laws and regulation in the field of intellectual property, science and technology, tax exemptions for innovation activity. Organisation of small innovation enterprises under the aegis of scientific institutions of the Academy. Scientific Secretary of Department Dr. Oleg Mischuk Working out law drafts and regulation for the free high tech economic zones and innovation parks creation. 8 Contacts: Volodimirska 54, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine, Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, tel. (380-44) 239-67-64, e-mail: 14. Other relevant information: Scientific Associate at the Institute of Geophysics-National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1982-1988) Publications: more then 110 in the sphere of comparative intellectual property law, intellectual property law of Ukraine and the EU, legal regulation of international and national technology transfer, including Books 1. 2. Yuriy Kapitsa, Sergiy Stupak, Oleksandr Juvaka Copyright and Related Rights in Europe. – Kyiv: Logos, 2012. – 696 p. Anna Tsirat, Yuriy Kapitsa Intellectual Property Law in Ukraine. - The Hague. London. Boston.: Kluwer Law International, 2011. .138 p. (in English) 3. International Private Law /authors A.Dovgert, V. Kisil, O. Birukov, Y. Kapitsa and oth.– Kiev: Alerta, 2014.– 656 p. 4. Intellectual Property Law of the European Union and the Legislation of Ukraine /Editor-in-chief Dr. Yuriy Kapitsa: authors: Yuriy Kapitsa, Sergey Stupak, Vladimir Vorobyov etc.: Science and practical ed.- Kiev: Slovo, 2006. - 1104 p. 5. The review of the approximation of Ukrainian legislation to that of the EU/ authors Olena Zercal, Taras Kachka, Yuriy Kapitsa and oth.: State Department for Approximation of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.-Kiev, 2005.- 513 p. 6. Legal regulation of innovation activity in the European Union and EU member-states / Editors-in-chief Gabriel Avigdor, Yuriy Kapitsa. – K.:Feniх, 2011. – 704 p. Innovation Policy: European Experience and Recommendations for Ukraine. - Volume 2. - The analysis of the legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of research, developments and innovation activity and suggestions for amendments for legislation. – K.: Fenix, 2011.- 324 p. (authors Gabriel Avigdor, Igor Bulkin, Nina Isakova, Yuriy Kapitsa and oth.). (in English) The Science and Practical Commentary of the Civil Code of Ukraine/ authors Anatoly Dovgert, Nina Kuznetsova, Yuriy Kapitsa, Ruslan Drobiyazko, Olexandr Seryogin and oth.. - Kiev: Justinian, 2005.- 660 p. 7. 8. 9. The Harmonisation of Ukrainian Legislation to the International and European Law / authors Evgeniy Kubko, Viktor Tsvetkov, Volodimir Andreytsev, William Butler, Yuriy Kapitsa and oth.- Kiev: Yurinkom Inter, 2003. - 583 p. 10. Yuriy Kapitsa, Ludmila Fedchenko, Karina Shahbazian European Union - Ukraine: the protection of the intellectual property under the realisation of the international programs and projects . – Кiev.: Intergid, 2002. – 77 p. 11. International Private Law. Topical Problems/ Editor-in-chief Prof. Anatoliy Dovgert/ authors Viktor Kalakura, Yuriy Kapitsa, Sergiy Kosyakov, Olexandr Seryogin and oth.; Ukrainian Law Centre, 2001.- 334 p. 12. Intellectual property protection in the framework of WTO entering Kiev.: Ukrainian-European Policy and Legal Advice Centre, 2001.80 p. (Yuriy Kapitsa, Valeriy Piatnitskiy, Oleg Shtefanuk and oth.) 13. Yuriy Kapitsa Export-Import of Technologies: Legislative regulation. - Kiev: Intergid, 2000.-106 p. Articles and Papers Comparative intellectual property law 13. The peculiarities of harmonisation of the legislation of NIS (post soviet) countries according to EU legislation in the sphere of intellectual property // Law of Ukraine.- 2011.- № 3.- P. 92-100. 14. Special mechanisms of copyright and related rights protection in the Internet: legislation of foreign countries and their application in Ukraine// Intellectual property.- 2012.- № 4. (with Shakhbazian K., Rassomahina O.) 15. The harmonisation of the trade secrets and confidentional information legislation in EU member-states and post soviet (CIS) countries // Materials of the XVІ International conference ”Enforecement of the intellectual property rights”. – Alushta, 2013. 16. The review of the status of approximation of intellectual; property legislation in Ukraine to the EU acquis communautaire// The Protection of Intellectual Property in Ukraine: problems of legal providing and enforcement. Materials of Parliament’s hearings at the Parliament of Ukraine, March 21, 2007 - Кiev.: Parliament publishing house, 2007. – P. 261 – 310. 17. Problems of Intellectual Property protection at production and distribution of discs for laser reading system // Ukrainian-European International and Comparative Law Journal. – Spring 2002. – V. 3. – N 3. – P. 15-27. 18. The problems of the approximation of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of intellectual property to the WTO requirements//Intellectual property in Ukraine: problems of the theory and practice. – Кiev.: Collection of research articles. - Kiev: Institute of State and Law, 2002.- P. 157 – 176. 19. Copyright and related rights in the information society //Legal Ukraine. - 2006. - № 8.- P. 8 - 12 (with Stupak S.). . 20. Rental and lending rights and certain rights related to copyright//Topical problems of the international relations.- 2004.- N 47 (Part I).С. 111-117 (with S. Stupak). 21. Protection of topographies of semiconductor products in the EU and Ukraine//Topical problems of international relations.-2005.- N 56 (Part. 1I).- P. 84-90 (with Vorobyov V.). 22. The approximation of the trade names legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of the European countries //Legal protections of commercial indications in Ukraine: the problems of the theory and practice. Collection of research articles. - Kiev: Institute of State and Law, 2006.- P. 200-229. 23. The carrying out of the comparative legal research of the Ukraine and EU Law: methodology questions// Journal of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. - 2006.- № 9.- P. 56 – 67. 24. Franchising agreements in the law of the EU and Ukraine// Theory and practice of the intellectual property.- 2006.- № 4(30).- С. 1825. 25. The approximation of Ukrainian legislation in the field of intellectual property enforcement to that of the EU// Private law and entrepreneurship. - 2006.- N 5.- P. 131-137. 26. Internal and External factors of the development of intellectual property legislation in Ukraine// Journal of the State Department on legislation Approximation.- 2006.- № 1/2006(2).- P. 39-56. 27. The questions of the approximation of computer programs protection in Ukraine to that of the EU//Topical problems of the international relations.-2005.- N 53 (Part. 1I).- P. 102-106. 28. The directions of the harmonisation of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of Intellectual Property to the legislation of the European Union// Law of Ukraine.-2005.- № 1. 29. The legal protection of the trade marks in the European Union and the improvement of the legislation of Ukraine// Topical problems of the international relations.- 2005.- N 55 (Part. 2).- P. 95-103. 9 30. The questions of the harmonisation of the custom legislation in the sphere of intellectual property to the legislation of the EU//Customs Affaires. - 2005.- № 3.-P. № 14-20. EU intellectual property protection 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Harminisation and disharmonisation of the copyright and related rights in the European Union // Private property. – 2013. - № 2. Enforcement of the Intellectual Property rights in the European Union// Intellectual capital.- 2005.-№ 4. - P. 3-11. The courts protection of trade marks in the European Union // Theory and practice of the intellectual property.-2007.-№ 2.- P. 14-22. Intellectual property enforcement in the EU member-states // Journal of the Hmelnitskiy University of Management and Law.-№ 3.2005.- P. 76-79. Customs measures to protect intellectual property in the European Union//Customs Affaires. - № 2.-2005.- P. 20-24. The development of the intellectual property law in the European Union// Journal of the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko. International relations.- 2006.- № 33.- P. 44 – 48 The legal regulation of the broadcasting and cable retransmission in the European Union// Journal of the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko. International relations.- 2006.- № 34.- P. 96 - 99 (with Stupak S.). ] The EU Court of Justice practice on trade marks protection//Journal of the State Department on legislation Approximation.- 2006.- № 1/2006(2).- P. 94 - 108. The legal protections of the data bases in the European Union// Topical problems of the international relations.- 2004.- N 48 (Part I).P. 139-144. Industrial design protection in the European Union //Journal of the Hmelnitskiy University of Management and Law. -2005.- № 4/2005.P. 73-77 (with V. Vorobyov). The protection of the inventions on the field of biotechnology in the EU and Ukraine //Theory and Practice of the Intellectual Property.- 2005.- № 1(26).- P. 19-25 (with K. Shahbazian). The approximation of the plant variety protection in Ukraine to that of the EU //The Law of Ukraine.-2005. - № 11.- P. 23-27 (with Vorobyov V.). Trade names protection in the foreign countries// Entrepreneurship and Law.- 2005.-№ 11.- P. 90-95. The questions of the approximation of trade names protection in Ukraine to the legislation of the European countries// Entrepreneurship, economy and law.- 2005.-№ 12.- P. 17-21. Technology transfer 45. The legal regulation of technology transfer in the European Union // Journal of the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko. International relations.- 2009.- № 37.- P. 63-66. 46. International and legal regulation of technology transfer and national priorities: the problems of correspondence//Proceedings of the I International innovation forum of NIS and IX International conference “Problems and perspectives of the innovation development of the economy”.- Кiev, 2006.- P. 199-206. 47. Main steps of technology transfer// Proceed. of WIPO International Seminar “Technology Transfer: conclusion the agreements and marketing”.-Kiev.: Academperiodika, 2002. - P. 46-56. National regulation of IPR protection 48. The problems of enforcement of IPR protection in Ukraine //The theory and practice of intellectual property.-2007.- № 1.- P. 3-12. 49. The problems of intellectual property protection in the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Commercial Code of Ukraine//Proceeding of the conference “The realisation of the Civil and Commercial Codes of Ukraine: problems and perspectives.- Кiev.: Institute of the Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the Law Academy of Ukraine, 2006.- P. 65-67. 50. Intellectual property objects created at the expense of government finance: the legal regulation of the IPR rights //The Law of Ukraine.- № 3.- 2005.- P. 72-76. 51. The problems of the legal protection of the confidential information in Ukraine // Intellectual Property.-2004.- № 2. – P. 21-29, 2004.№ 3. – P. 27-33. 52. Intellectual Property in the Ukraine: Problems of Commercialisation and Legal Protection //Intellectual Property Rights in Central and Eastern Europe. – Amsterdam: NATO Science Series, 1998. – P. 167-175 (with Shpak A). Innovation activity development 53. Innovation Policy: European Experience and Recommendations for Ukraine. – Volume 3. – Innovations in Ukraine the suggestions for policy actions.–K.: Fenix, 2011.- 74 P. (with G. Avigdor, V. Arhangelskiy, E. Boyto etc). 54. Academic institutions in the process of economic reform: from internal changes to the improvements of legislative frameworks// Government Laboratories: Transition and Transformation. NATO Science Series.- Amsterdam, 2001.-P. 17-29. 55. The mechanisms of the state support of technology transfer in the EU member states and the questions of improvement of technology transfer in Ukraine // Proceed. of the V International forum “Transfer of technology and innovations: business, government authorities, regions”. The State Agency for the science, innovation and informatisation of Ukraine.- К., 2011.- P. 74-79. 56. The valuation of intellectual property in the research organisation // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2002. – № 7. – P. 38-45. (with I. Malchevskiy, N. Aralova etc.). 57. The draft of the Decree of President of Ukraine “On commercialisation of the intellectual property objects created at the expense of state budget”// The report of the working group on developing of the Concept of research sphere of Ukraine ”.- К.: Publ. House „Academperiodika”, 2006.- P. 77-83. 58. The questions of innovation activity management in the regions // Proceed. of science and practical conference «State and law reform in Ukraine»- Кiev, 1997. – P. 379-381. 59. The system of Innovation Entrepreneurship Promotion in Ukraine // International Conference “Technology and Business Incubation Centres in Central and Eastern Europe and their role for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and East-West Co-operation, Berlin, 1995.- P. 150155. 10 Contacts: Volodimirska 54, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine, Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, tel. (380-44) 239-67-64, e-mail: