Calderdale Council - Local Childcare survey Please answer all the

Calderdale Council - Local Childcare survey
Please answer all the questions as fully as possible and add any additional
information to give us a full picture of your situation. Thank you.
1) Please provide your postcode. If you would like to receive more information
about the upcoming meetings with childcare providers please input your
address or email address as well. This will be kept confidential and only used
to provide you with information around these issues.
Email Address ……………………………………………………………………….
2) Why do you need childcare?
□ To work / study, or have the opportunity to work or study if you currently
□ To achieve your regular household tasks / day to day jobs.
□ To spend time with other children or family members.
□To allow your child to have some fun with their peers.
□ Other (please specify)
3a) Are you currently employed?
□ Yes
□ No
□ Can’t work due to lack of appropriate childcare.
3b) Has you or your partner (if applicable) ever had to leave your job or reduce
the hours you work due to lack of appropriate childcare being available?
5) What sort of transport do you use for your disabled child/ren? (Tick all that
□ Own Car
□ Family and Friends’ Cars □ Taxis
□Public Transport
□Council buses
□ Other (please state)
6) Please specify what type of transport you would like to be able to use on a
regular basis.
□ Own Car
□ Family and Friends’ Cars □ Taxis
□Public Transport
□Council buses
□ Other (please state)
7) How many disabled and non disabled children do you have? (please insert the
amount in numbers in the appropriate boxes)
Age groupings
Birth – 2 years
3 – 4 years
5 – 7 years
8 – 10 years
11 – 14 years
15 – 18 years
18 +
Number of disabled
children in household
Number of non - disabled
children in household
8) Do your disabled children attend a mainstream school, a specialist school or a
combination of the two?
□ Mainstream school
□ Specialist School
□ A combination of mainstream and specialist schools
□Other (please state)
9) What current childcare provision / Short Breaks does your disabled child/ren /
young person currently access? (Please indicate current providers your child
accesses in the space available)
□ None
□ Out of school / holiday club, nursery, childminder or other equivalent
Please state
□ Access Universal Service, i.e. sports clubs, youth / leisure services, play
services (mainstream provision) etc. These are accessible to disabled and non –
disabled children
Please state
□ Access Specialist provision set up specifically for disabled children, i.e. Jam
Packed Summer, Mayfield Trust, play services (Play 4 All project / specialist
Please state
10) What problems did you have finding appropriate childcare? (Tick all that
□ No appropriate childcare in my area
□ No information about childcare and activities in my area
□ It was too expensive
□ No affordable / appropriate transport available
□ Childcare was not available at the times my family required it.
□ Need provision where my disabled and non – disabled children can attend
□ Services either refused to take my child / didn’t include them effectively.
□ Other (Please state)
11) On average, in school holidays how many days of childcare do you access
per week?
□ None
□ 2 – 3 days
□ ½ a day
□ 3 – 4 days
□ 1 – 2 days
□ More than 4 days
12) On average, in school holidays how many days of childcare do you need per
□Need every day so I can have the opportunity to work
□ None
□ ½ a day
□ 2 – 3 days
□ 1 – 2 days
□ 3 – 4 days
□ More than 4 days
13) Thinking about Summer 2011, did you access more or less childcare than in
Summer 2010?
□ More access this year
□ Less access this year
□ Same amount
Why is this?
14) Has the price you pay increased or stayed the same?
□ Decreased
□ Stayed the same
□ I pay no charge
Thanks for completing this questionnaire.
Please return it to Families Information Service, in the Freepost envelope
provided, by Friday 20th January 2012.
A summary of the responses will be available from the Families’ Information
Service on 01422 253053 or from Ryan Bateman, Inclusion Play Development
Officer on 01422 380995.