Letter to Member of Parliament

Literacy and Essential Skills Learning Changes Lives
Letter to Member of Parliament
Proposed Federal Canada Job Grant will put adult literacy programs in jeopardy.
We must maintain the current Federal-Provincial Labour Market Agreement (LMA).
(Copy and paste text below into your stationery)
Your letterhead or address
Name of MP
City, Province, Postal Code
Dear (Name of MP):
I am writing to express my deep concern over the federal government’s proposed Canada Job Grant and
its potential impact on literacy and essential skills programs in Nova Scotia.
Funding from the Federal-Provincial Labour Market Agreement (LMA) currently supports essential skills,
workplace education and employment programs offered across Nova Scotia. Under the proposed Canada
Job Grant, this funding will be redirected, and there will be less money to support these vital programs that
help thousands of adults to upgrade their skills and improve their lives.
Foundational skills are needed to succeed in skills training, to gain employment, and for participation in all
areas of life. Adults with low literacy are among the most vulnerable in our communities, and the short-term
training provided by the Canada Job Grant will not effectively address the need to improve literacy and
essential skills in Canada. The original labour market agreement identified the need for literacy and
essential skills programs, and the need remains high.
In July 2013, Canada’s premiers called on the federal government to allow certain regions to opt out of the
Canada Job Grant with full compensation. Provinces and territories are more familiar with local conditions,
and should have the right to deliver training programs that reflect labour market needs in their areas.
I ask you to advocate for continued LMA funding for literacy and other programs serving vulnerable groups
in the labour market. Continued LMA funding for literacy and other important provincial programs is critical
to the continued success of adult learners in Nova Scotia. There are so many success stories of adults
who changed their lives by upgrading their literacy and essential skills through LMA funded programs. I
would welcome the opportunity to share some of these stories with you.
I would appreciate hearing back from you at your earliest convenience.
Yours truly,
(Insert name, organization here)
Our Mission: to ensure that all Nova Scotians have equal access to quality literacy, essential skills and lifelong learning opportunities.