Pre-laboratory 10 - Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Waterloo
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 204A
Pre-Laboratory 10
Prepared by
Surname/Last Name, Legal Given/First Name(s)
UW Student ID Number: 2NNNNNNN
UW User ID: uwuserid
2A Electrical/Computer Engineering
9 February 2016
10.1a Instead of having a single differential equation, it is possible to have a system of
differential equations such that they are coupled:
1. The rate of change of x(t) depends on t, x(t), y(t) and z(t),
2. The rate of change of y(t) depends on t, x(t), y(t) and z(t), and
3. The rate of change of z(t) depends on t, x(t), y(t) and z(t).
Thus, if we start with a different value of, say, x(t), then the rates of change of all three
may vary, as well. Formally, we say that
 f1  t , y  t   
 y1  t  
def 
y  t    y2  t    f  t , y  t     f 2  t , y  t    .
 y t  
 3 
 f3  t , y  t   
  y1  t   
 
where each f k  t , y  t    f k  t ,  y2  t    ; that is, each function fk depends potentially on
  y t   
  3 
the values of t, y1(t), y2(t) and y3(t). Thus, f should take two arguments as inputs: the first
is a scalar time while the second is a vector of n values. The example above shows the
case where n = 3.
In a simpler case where n = 2, the web site describes how a predator-prey model
  y  t     y1  t  1  2 y2  t   
f10 a  t ,  1    
 y2  t     y  t  1  y  t   
  2
 
This would be implemented as the function
function [dy] = f10a( t, y )
dy = [y(1)*(1 - 2*y(2)), -y(2)*(1 - y(1))]';
If you cannot automatically see how one converts to the other, consider the following
function [dy] = f10a( t, y )
y1 = y(1);
y2 = y(2);
dy = [y1*(1 - 2*y2), -y2*(1 - y1)]';
Convert the following two systems of differential equations into function f10b and
f10c, respectively.
  y  t     ty  t   2 y2  t  
f10b  t ,  1     1
 y2  t  
   ty2  t   2 y1  t  
 
 2   1    
  y1  t   
 
f10 c  t ,  y2  t      y1  t   28  y3  t    y2  t   .
  y t    
  3    y t  y t   8 y t  
function [dy] = f10b( t, y )
% Your implementation here
function [dy] = f10c( t, y )
% Your implementation here
It would probably be a good idea to check your answers, for example, you could
substitute t = 3 and y 2    and calculate f10b((t, y2) and you should get the appropriate
output: the column vector containing the two values when you make the appropriate
 5
 
substitutions. Similarly, you could substitute t = 3 and y 3   7  and calculate f10c(t, y3).
 11 
 
10.1b Recall that a second-order differential equation is linear if it can be written in the
a2  t  y 
t   a1 t  y1 t   a0 t  y t   g (t )
where a0(t), a1(t), a2(t) , and g(t) are all functions are t. A system of first-order
differential equations is said to be linear if each of the functions
fk  t , y  t    ak ,1  t  y1 t   ak ,2 t  y2 t  
 ak ,n t  yn t   gk (t ) .
where all ai , j  t  are functions of t. Of the functions f10a, f10b, and f10c, which are linear?
Recall that if y1(t) and y2(t) are solutions to a system of linear ordinary differential
equations, then ay1(t) + by2(t) is also a solution to that system of linear ordinary
differential equations.
Your answer here.
10.1c A system of first-order differential equations is said to be time independent if each
of the functions fk  t , y  t   does not explicitly depend on t; that is, each f k uses only the
values of y1(t), y2(t), ..., yn(t).
Of the functions f10a, f10b, and f10c, which are time independent?
Your answer here.
Recall that if y1(t) and y2(t) are solutions to a time independent initial value-problem with
initial conditions y(t1) = y(t2) but where t1 and t2 are different, then the solutions look
identical, only that one is a shifted version of the other.
10.1d A system of n differential equations requires n initial conditions. If the initial
conditions of a system with two differential equations are y1(0) = 0.3 and y2(0) = 0.5,
what would the corresponding t0 and initial-condition vector be?
Your answer here.
10.1e The following starts with a vector and gradually modifies it. Explain what is
happening here.
v = [1
[ 4 5 6]'
[ 7 8 9]'
[10 11 12]'
Enter your answer here.
10.1f In one or two sentences, what does the following code do?
v = [1 2 3]'
for k = 1:10
v(:, k + 1) = v(:, k) + [k 2*k 3*k]';
Enter your answer here.
10.1f Modify dp45 so that it accepts a column vector as an initial condition. This
requires two changes:
1. Any references to either y_out(k) or y_out(k + 1) must be changed to
y_out(:, k) and y_out(:, k + 1), respectively, and
2. Rather than using the absolute-value function to compare ytmp and ztmp, use the
norm between a difference of vectors: replace abs( y_tmp – z_tmp ) with
norm( y_tmp – z_tmp, Inf ).
10.1g Next, execute the following to give plots similar to Figure 1 and Figure 2 from the
laboratory web site.
hold off
[ts, pts] = dp45( @f10a, [0, 6], [0.5 0.3]', 0.1, 1e-8 );
plot( pts(2,:), pts(1,:) )
% rabbits on the vertical axis, foxes on the horizontal
plot( ts, pts(1,:) )
hold on
plot( ts, pts(2,:) )
% plot population density of rabbits over time
% plot population density of foxes over time
10.1h Next, execute the following should get an output similar to Figure 5 on the
Laboratory web site:
[ts, pts] = dp45( @f10c, [0, 100], [-5 0 28]', 0.1, 1e-5 );
size( pts )
ans =
plot3( pts(1,:), pts(2,:), pts(3,:) )
If this is taking too long or if Matlab crashes, you can use abs = 0.001, in which case, the
size of the resulting output vector will be 3 × 17314.
10.2a You will implement Newton’s method for a real-valued function of a real variable.
The signature for this function is
function [r] = newton( g, x0, h, eps_step, eps_abs, N )
The functioning of this algorithm will be as follows:
1. Set r = x0
2. Start a loop which iterates k from 0 to N times. That loop will:
a. Set r_old = r
g r 
b. Calculate r  r  1
where the derivative is approximated by a call to
g r 
the function richardson22(
@Dc, g, r, h/2^k, N, eps_step )
c. If r  rold   step and g  r    abs , return.
3. If the loop ran N times without returning, throw the exception
throw( MException( 'MATLAB:non_convergence', ...
'Newton''s method did not converge.' ) );
The functioning of this algorithm will be as follows:
newton( @cos, 1.5, 0.01, 1e-3, 1e-3, 10 )
ans =
newton( @cos, 1.5, 0.01, 1e-5, 1e-5, 10 )
ans =
ans =
function [r] = newton( g, x0, h, eps_step, eps_abs, N )
% Enter your implementation here