8th Grade Lexicon Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots Prefix MID- middle Prefix AD- to, near, at Prefix BIN- two by two Prefix CATA- down Prefix MAL- bad Prefix UNDER- below, lower Prefix OB- over, to, toward Root ANTHROP- man Root CIR/CIRC/CIRCUM - around Root OMNI all, every Root THEO- God, a god Root AUD- hear Root HELIO- sun Root PAT/PATER- father Root SPECT- look/see Root ACID/ACRID-bitter, sour Root HYDRA/HYDRO- water Suffix ARY - relating to, quality, place where Suffix IVE - adjective for a noun Suffix NESS- state of (automatically makes the word a noun) Vocabulary Words wk. 1 1. SUBVERSIVE ADJ /N 2. IMPERATIVE NOU N 3. ADEPT ADJ /N (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) 4. OBSCURE (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) ADJ. /VER B 5. ADHERENT N/A DJ 6. DELUGE N/V (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) wk. 2 (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL A) 7. RAVAGE V/N 8. MALIGN V/A DJ 9. PHILANTHROPY NOU N 10. ASPECT NOU N (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) wk. 3 11. LEVITY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) N (adj) intended to undermine or overthrow; (n) one who advocates or attempts to undermine a political system (adj) treasonous, traitorous; (n) revolutionary (adj) Necessary, urgent; (n) a form of a verb expressing a (adj) essential, command; that which is necessary or required. indispensable, mandatory (adj) Thoroughly skilled (n) an expert (adj) masterful, accomplished, proficient; (n) expert (adj)Difficult to understand because of not being fully or (adj)Vague, murky, clearly expressed; (v) to make something unclear, unclear; (v) To block indistinct, or hidden (n) a follower, supporter; (adj) attached, sticking to (n) disciple; (adj) stuck (n)A great flood; a heavy fall of rain; anything that comes in vast quantity (like a flood); (v) to flood (v) To destroy, to lay waste, ruin; (n) ruinous damage, destruction (v) to speak evil of, slander; (adj) evil A desire to improve the material, social, and spiritual welfare of humanity, especially through charitable activities A facet, phase, or part of a whole; a view or point of view A lack of seriousness or earnestness, especially about things that should be treated with respect; buoyancy, lightness in weight A man who is the head of a family or group flood (v) wreck, destroy (n) destruction (v) defame, badmouth, vilify; (adj) wicked Charity, generosity, benevolence feature, characteristic, Giddiness, humor 12. PATRIARCH NOU 13. PSEUDONYM N A pen name, a name assumed by a writer Nom de plume, alias 14. NONENTITY N A person or thing of no importance Nobody, insignificant ADJ A Proverb. A wise saying. N A route of travel; a record of travel; a guidebook Proverb, maxim, wise saying Schedule, program 17. QUANDARY N A state of perplexity or doubt 18. CATALYST N 19. OMNIPOTENT ADJ. N (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) Father (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) 15. ADAGE (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) wk. 4 16. ITINERARY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) Confusion, dilemma, predicament A substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; Stimulus, cause, an agent that causes change instigator Almighty, having unlimited power or authority all-powerful 8th Grade Lexicon NOU N An inheritance; a birthright ADJ. Careful cautious 22. BINARY ADJ 23. LEGENDARY ADJ 24. AD INFINITUM ADJ Consisting of two parts; Mathematics using or belonging to a number system that has 2, not 10, as its base Described in well-known stories, existing in old stories (legends) rather than in real life Endlessly 25. SUPERFLUOUS ADJ Exceeding what is sufficient or required, excess ADJ Experimental in nature; uncertain; hesitant 27. OBTRUSIVE ADJ Forward; undesirable prominent; thrust out Careful, not for sure, cautious Conspicuous, protruding 28. IMPUNITY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) NOU N Freedom from punishment immunity 29. ACRIMONIOUS ADJ. Full of or displaying anger and resentment spiteful, bitter 30. POROUS ADJ Full of tiny holes; able to be penetrated by air or water Leaky, permeable ADJ Harsh in taste or odor; sharp in manner or temper 20. HERITAGE (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) wk. 5 21. CIRCUMSPECT (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) wk. 6 26. TENTATIVE (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) wk. 7 31. ACRID (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) Legacy, ancestry, descent Wary, prudent, cautious Dual, double, two by two. Mythical, fabulous, famous, celebrated Forever, unceasingly, incessantly, ceaselessly Surplus, over the top. 32. ENMITY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) NOU N 33. VORACIOUS ADJ 34. COMELY ADJ 35. AMBIGUOUS ADJ Irritating, stinging, caustic, biting Hatred, ill-will Hostility, animosity, antagonism Having a huge appetite, greedy, ravenous; excessively Gluttonous, insatiable, eager avid Having a pleasing appearance Good-looking, attractive, bonny Having more than one possible meaning or interpretation Unclear, vague ADJ. Having practical importance, value, or effect Important, weighty N Outline, rundown (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL A) 36. SUBSTANTIVE wk. 8 (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) 37. SYNOPSIS 38. TENACIOUS ADJ a condensed version of a text, e.g. a summary of the plot of a book, play, movie, or television show, a concise outline or survey of a subject Holding fast; holding together firmly; persistent 39. FACETIOUS ADJ Humorous, not meant seriously 40. WRETCHEDNESS NOU N In a state of great hardship, deprivation, and hopelessness and arousing sympathy in others In a state of inertia or apparent stupor often associated with schizophrenia, characterized by rigidity of the muscles In line with accepted ideas or standards; trite (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) wk. 9 41. CATATONIC (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) ADJ. 42. CONVENTIONAL ADJ 43. INTROSPECTIVE ADJ. 44. OMNISCIENT ADJ. (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) ADJ Long and tiresome roundabout, indirect, meandering Boring, monotonous N Long life, ling duration, length of life Durability, long life (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) 47. LONGEVITY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) Orthodox ordinary, commonplace, Reflective, thoughtful, meditative Wise, all-knowing ADJ. (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) wk. 10 46. TEDIOUS (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) lifeless, unresponsive Involving, or frequently undertaking, a deep and candid examination of your own feelings, thoughts, and motives Knowing everything; having unlimited awareness or understanding Lengthy because very indirect (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) 45. CIRCUITOUS Determined, stubborn, dogged Comical, witty, tongue in cheek Misery, woe, dejection 8th Grade Lexicon ADJ. Loud or clear enough to be heard Perceptible, clear 49. PROXIMITY N Nearness, closeness Nearness, closeness 50. OBSTREPEROUS ADJ Noisy; unruly, disorderly 51. LABORIOUS wk. 11 (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) ADJ Not easy, requiring hard work; hardworking 52. SPURIOUS ADJ Not genuine, not true, not valid 53. POSTHUMOUS ADJ Occurring or published after death Wild, rowdy, uncontrolled, riotous Arduous, strenuous, difficult, wearisome False, counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus postmortem 54. FRIVOLOUS ADJ 55. RECEPTIVE ADJ Of little importance, not worthy of serious attention; not meant seriously Open and responsive to ideas or suggestions ADJ. Out of date, no longer in use 48. AUDIBLE (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) 56. OBSOLETE wk. 12 (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) 57. CONGESTED Overcrowded, filled or occupied to excess (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) Silly, foolish, inane, petty, trifling Open-minded, tolerant, amenable Outmoded, antiquated, passé, old hat Jammed, packed, choked Pretentious, highfalutin, Arrogant Argumentative, combative, belligerent Nonsensical, absurd, incredible Decisive, indisputable, convincing, definitive Agile, handy, deft 58. POMPOUS ADJ 59. PUGNACIOUS ADJ Overly self-important in speech and manner; excessively stately or ceremonious. Quarrelsome, fond of fighting 60. PREPOSTEROUS ADJ Ridiculous, senseless ADJ Serving to settle an issue; final 62. DEXTEROUS ADJ Skillful in the use of hands or body; clever 63. ADROIT ADJ Skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind 64. DIMINUTIVE ADJ Small, smaller than most others of the same type 65. MIDWIFE NOU N NOU N Somebody trained to help deliver babies and offer support and advice to pregnant women Sour or bitter in taste; chemistry containing or having the Sharp, bitter; corrosive properties of an acid Spiteful, showing ill will Malicious, wicked, sinister, malignant Strength, energy, liveliness; the capacity to live and Vigor, stamina develop; the power to endure or survive The quality if exceeding all moral bounds; an Atrociousness, exceedingly evil act; huge size, immensity heinousness, atrocity, vastness The study of religious theory, school of thought, or system Religious studies of belief V To abuse, use roughly or crudely VER B To adjust or change to suit conditions. 73. ENCROACH (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) VER B To advance beyond the usual or proper limits, trespass 74. ADMONISH V 75. DENOUNCE V To caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty To condemn openly; to accuse formally (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) wk. 13 61. CONCLUSIVE (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) wk. 14 66. ACIDIC (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) 67. MALEVOLENT ADJ ADJ. (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) 68 . VITALITY N (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) 69. ENORMITY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) 70. THEOLOGY (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) 71. MALTREAT wk. 15 (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) 72. ADAPT (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) NOU N (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL A) Clever, deft, dexterous, slick Undersized, miniature, tiny, compact Birth coach, doula Misuse, mistreat, harm, aggressive Regulate, acclimate, alter. Intrude, infringe Warn, call on the carpet Criticize, censure 8th Grade Lexicon wk. 16 76. ADULTERATE (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) V 77. UNDERMINE (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) VER B 78. DELUDE V 79. SPECULATE VER B 80. ENDOW (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) VER B wk. 17 81. EMBODY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) VER B (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL A) (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) To corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value To diminish or weaken something gradually; to weaken something by removing or wearing away material from its base or from beneath it To fool, to deceive; to mislead utterly Contaminate, sully, pollute Demoralize; weaken To form a conjecture on the basis of incomplete facts or information; to think over possibilities; to engage in financial transactions such as commodity trading that have an element of risk To furnish, equip, provide with funds or some other desirable thing or quality To give form to; to incorporate, include; to personify Hypothesize, guess; wonder, consider; gamble To give one’s business to regularly as a customer; to support proved financial help; to treat someone as an inferior while making a show of being kind or gracious To involve in a conflict or difficulty; to throw into confusion Do business with, deal with, trade with; condescend Entangle, ensnarl (v) to meet (n) date, appointment, assignation Immerse, preoccupy Trick, hoodwink, deceive Grant, bestow, present, bequeath encompass 82. PATRONIZE (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL B) VER B 83. EMBROIL V 84. RENDEZVOUS V/N To meet in accordance with a plan; (n) a meeting by agreement; a meeting place 85. ENGROSS VER B To occupy the complete attention, absorb fully V To portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture 87. MALINGER V 88. HYDRATE (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) NOU N 89. ADJOURN V 90. DETRACT V To pretend illness to avoid duty or work, lie down on the job To provide water for somebody or something in order to Quench, water reestablish or maintain a correct fluid balance To stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place Postpone, suspend, discontinue To take away from; reduce in value or reputation Subtract from, lower (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL A) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) wk. 18 86. DEPICT (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL A) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL A) wk. 19 91. CONVEY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) 92. COMPLY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) VER B VER B To transport; to transmit; to communicate, make known; to transfer ownership or title to To yield to a request or command 93. HELIOTHERAPY (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) NOU N Treatment of illness by exposure to direct sunlight 94. MALADJUSTED ADJ. 95. OMINOUS ADJ Unable to cope with everyday social situations and personal relationships Unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen (WORD 2007 DICTIONARY) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL E) wk. 20 96. ARBITRARY (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) ADJ 97. JUDICIOUS ADJ Unreasonable; based on one’s wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness Using or showing good judgment, wise, sensible 98. CUSTOMARY ADJ. Usual, expected, routine 99. MOMENTOUS ADJ Very important 100. ADJ Very steep (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL C) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL B) (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) PRECIPITOUS (SADLIER-OXFORD LVL D) Sketch, draw, picture, illustrate Goof off, shirk Carry, send, impart Submit to, consent to, acquiesce in Sun-therapy Disturbed, neurotic, unstable Unpropitious, inauspicious, portentous, threatening Capricious, highhanded, autocratic Thoughtful, prudent, shrewd, astute Regular, normal, traditional Consequential, weighty, portentous Sheer, abrupt, sharp