Natalie SERKOVA, Ph.D. - University of Colorado Denver


Current Title

Associate Professor

Natalie SERKOVA, Ph.D.




Pharmacology (secondary)

Radiology (secondary)


Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France

University of Kiev, Ukraine

University of Bremen, Germany

University of California, San Francisco








Biophysics/ Medical


Biochemistry/ Radiol


“magna cum laude”

Postdoctoral 1997-1999 Clinical


Denver, March 3 rd , 2014

Specialty; Subspecialty

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/ Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Animal Imaging (MRI, PET, CT)

Molecular Imaging


Targeted Cancer Treatment

Directing Imaging Core Facility


1998-1999 Head of animal MRI laboratory, Departments of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and

Biopharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Francisco

1999-2000 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, University of

California, San Francisco

1999-2002 Assistant Professor, NMR Metabolomics Division, Institute of Chemistry and Biology, University of Bremen, Germany

2002-present Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Health

Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado

2003-present Assistant Professor (secondary appointment), Department of Pharmacology, University of

Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado

2004-present Director, Biomedical MRS Core, University of Colorado Comprehensive Cancer Center, Denver,


2005-present Director, Animal Imaging Shared Resources (AISR), University of Colorado Comprehensive

Cancer Center, Denver, Colorado

2005-present Assistant Professor (secondary appointment), Department of Radiology, University of Colorado

Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado

July 2006 Promotion to an Associate Professorship Rank

2008-present Director, Translational Imaging and Metabolomics Core, Colorado Clinical Translational Science

Institute (CCTSI)

2009-present Director, Animal Imaging Center, Colorado Translational Research Imaging Center (C-TRIC)

Awards and Honors

1993 Postgraduate Scholarship, German Research Foundation (DFG), Bonn, Germany

1997 Postdoctoral Scholarship, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Bonn, Germany

1998 Young Investigator and Travel Award of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Biological


1999 Emmy-Noether Award Grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG), Bonn

2004 New Strategic Research Initiative Award by the Academic Enrichment Fund (AEF) of the School of

Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

2004 External Reviewer for Canadian National Institutes of Health Research (CIHR/ IRSC)

2005 NIH Reviewer for the National Institutes of Health, Shared Instrumentation Grant Study Section

2005 University of Colorado Cancer Center Start-Up Fund Gift

2006 Harry Vars Award for the top manuscript at the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition


2006 Generations Cancer Foundation Award

2006- Reviewer for The Wellcome Trust (Great Britain)

2007 Reviewer for South African Medical Research Council (MRC)

2008 Reviewer for NASA and US Department of Energy

2008- Reviewer for ACS and UCCC Seed Grants (UCD Anschutz)

2009- Reviewer for CCTSI Grants (UCD Anschutz)

2009- NCI Reviewer, Technology in Cell Biology Study Section

2009- Member of the Student Cancer Research Fellowship Review Committee (UCD Anschutz)

2009- NCI Reviewer, the Cancer Biomarker Study Section (ZRG1 BDA-A(58)).

2009- NIBIB Reviewer, the Challenge Grant Panel #23 (ZRG1 SBIB-V(58)).

2009- NCI Reviewer, the Challenge Grant Panel #10 (ZRG1 BDA-A(58)).

2009- International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Award for the 2009 Best Molecular

Imaging Project (2 nd place)

2009- NCI Reviewer, Integrative Cancer Biology Program/ System Biology (ZCA1 SRLB-C (J1)R)

2009- NIBIB Reviewer, Bioengineering Research Partnerships and Imaging (ZRG1 SBIB-V (50))

2010- External Reviewer for Cancer Research UK/ Biomarkers and Imaging Development Committee

2010- Reviewer for Colorado Boettcher Foundation Webb-Waring Grants

2010- NIH Reviewer, Recovery Act Limited Competition: Director’s Opportunity 5 Themes Oral,

Musculoskeletal and Imaging (2010/08 ZRG1 MOSS-G (55)R).

2011- External Reviewer for the ANR/ French National Research Agency (ad-hoc)

2011-2013 External Reviewer for the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, the Dutch

Research Council, ALW-IN/12-18) (ad-hoc)

2012- Member of the Onsite Panel Review for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate

Fellowship (DOE SCGF) Program

2012-2017 Reviewer for the California Breast Cancer Research Program, “Treatment and Detection” Review

Committee (ad-hoc)

2012- S pecial Emphasis NIH Panel Reviewer on “Technology Development for Metabolomics” (ZRG1 BST-p


2013- NIH Reviewer, SPIR Topic 320 “Standards for Metabolomics”

Projects Ongoing, Pending or Completed in the Last Five Years

Ongoing (recently funded):

2006: NCI P30 (CA046934-25, Cancer Center Core Grant, PI: Theodorescu) Role: Director of Animal

Imaging Shared Resources (30%)

2008: NCATS UL1TR001082, KL2TR001080, TL1TR001081

Institute, CCTSI”, principal investigator: Dr. Ronald J. Sokol (TCH), role: Director of Translational

Imaging and Metabolomics Core (10%)

“Colorado Clinical Translational Sciences





Cancer Fund Pilot Grant “Metabolomics of Glioblastomas and Tumor Tissues in a Novel

Organotype Tumor Slice Culture Model: Stress Responses and the Dynamic Tumor

Metabolome”, principal investigator: M. Graner/ N. Serkova/ A. Waziri (n/a) .

NIH 1R01 HD065534 “Efficacy of Flupirtine for Treatment of Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic

Encephalopathy ”, principal investigator: Y. Raol. Role: Co-investigator ( 5% )

NIH 1R01 DE021788 “The Role of PI3K Pathway in Head and Neck Cancer Invasion and

Metastasis”, principal investigator: S.-L. Lu. Role: Co-investigator ( 5% )

2012: NIH 1R25 GM103798 “University of Alabama Metabolomics Workshop: from Design to Decision”, principal investigator: S. Barnes (UAB). Role: Co-investigator (honorarium)


NIH R01 “A Novel MR/CT Contrast Agent for Prostate Cancer Imaging and Diagnosis” (#11035155)

PIs: P. Werahera/ S. Boyes

Role: Co-investigator

NIH R01 “Mechanisms of Immunosuppressant Drug Actions in Reducing Alcohol Consumption”

PI: T. Beresford

Role: Co-investigator


2003: NIH-Grant (RO1 HL07180501) entitled “The Role of Statin Lactones in Statin Toxicity”, principal investigator: Dr. U. Christians (Dept. Anesthesiology, UCHSC). Role: Co-investigator

2003: NIH-Grant (RO1 DK06509401) entitled “Effect of Immunosuppressants on Cell Metabolism”, principal investigator: Dr. U. Christians (Dept. Anesthesiology, UCHSC). Role: Co-PI



DODGrant (PC041000) entitled “Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) of Prostatic Fluids for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer”, principal investigator: Dr. E.D. Crawford (Dept. Radiation

Oncology), Role: Co-PI

NIH-Grant (S10 RR01931601) entitled “In Vivo Spectroscopy/ Imaging System PharmaScan

47/16”, principal investigator: N. Serkova

2005: NCI-Grant (1 R21 CA108624investigator: N. Serkova

01) entitled “Metabolic Signature of Imatinib Resistance”, principal

2006: Colorado Cancer Generation Fund Grant entit led “Building a Research Imaging Core at the

Anschutz Medical Center:, principal investigator: N. Serkova

2006: FAER Mentores Training Grant entitled “Isoflurane-induced neurodegeneration: a function of age”, principal investigator: Dr. L. Wise-Faberowski (Dept. Anesthesiology), Role: Mentor

2007: SIRCGrant (UCHSC, Dean Office of School of Medicine) entitled “Pre-Clinical Positron Emission and Computed Tomography (PET/CT)”, principal investigator: N. Serkova

2007: Eli Lilly and Company grant entitled “Magnetic Resonance Evaluations on Enzastaurin Treatment in Colon Cancer Animal Models”, principal investigator: N. Serkova

2008: NIH-Grant (R01 GM07831201A2) entitled „Mechanism of Heat Shock Protein Induction by

Glutamine “, principal investigator: Dr. P. Wischmeyer (Dept. Anesthesiology), Role: Coinvestigator

2008: NIH-Grant (R21 AA01629401) entitled “Neuro-Immunophyllin Ligand Mechnism of Action in

Reducing Alcohol”, principal investigator: Dr. T. Beresford (Dept. Psychiatry), Role: Coinvestigator (5%)

2008: The Jeannik M. LittlefieldAACR Grant entitled “Development of Rational Treatment Algorithms for Colorectal Cancer”, principal investigator: Dr. SG Eckhardt (dev. Medical Oncology), Role: Coinvestigator (5%)

2009: Facet Biotech Corporation grant entitled “Pre-Clinical Positron Emission Tomography Evaluations on the Efficacy of PDL192, a Humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody”, principal investigator: N.

Serkova (10%)

2009: NHLBI RC1 HL100849 “Zipcode Based Nano-Imaging of Hypertensive Pulmonary Arteries”, principal investigator: R. Tuder. Role: Co-investigator (5%)


US 2011/ 0286938 A1 : “Non-Invasive Detection of Complement-Mediated Inflammation Using CR2-Targeted

Nanoparticles” (Nov 24, 2011, Inventors: Thurman, Serkova, Stoldt, Larsen).

US 2012/0064009 A1: “Methods for Leukemia Cell Detection” (March 15, 2012; Inventors: Gore, DeRyckere,

Macy, Serkova ).

Teaching and Mentoring Experience

Graduate Faculty, Structural Biology and Biochemistry Graduate Program

Graduate Faculty, Pharmacology Graduate Program

Member of the Advisory Committee for the K12 Paul Calabrese Clinical Oncology Scholars Program (2012present).

Basic Pharmacology (40 hrs, University of Bremen, 1999);

Pharmacology I (40 hrs, University of Bremen, 2000);

Spectroscopic Methods in Biology and Medicine (80 hrs, University of Bremen, 2000); Pharmacology II (40 hrs,

University of Bremen, 2001);

Biomedical NMR (20 hrs, UCHSC, Anesthesiology Dept., 2002);

Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine (20 hrs, UCHSC, Anesthesiology Dept., 2003);

Cancer: Experimental and Medical Aspects (2 hrs, PHSC7530, Spring Semester 2007);

Organizer for Anesthesiology Seed Grant Program (2008 –present);

Anschutz Campus Student Research Forum: Reviewer (2008 – present);

Onsite training on sample handling and extraction for NMR-based metabolomics for UCD and external researchers (2004 – present, in average 3 weeks per year);

Onsite training on MR safety and principles (2005 – present, in average 2 weeks per year);

Onsite training on animal handling during imaging studies (2006 – present, in average 2 weeks per year);

Onsite training on imaging software for Core users (2008 – present, in average 2 weeks per year);

NCI Summer Scholarship Reviewer (2008 – present);

Cancer Center Summer Fellowship Lectures “The Imaging Approach” (2010 – present);

Educational Courses for the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM, 2011-present);

Drug Metabolism (3 hrs, Dental School Basic Science 6600, Fall Semester 2003-present ) ;

Iron oxide nanoparticles for MR imaging and drug delivery (2 hrs, PHSC 7345 Nanotechnology and Drug

Delivery, Spring 2011-present);

Functional and Molecular Imaging on Small Animals (4 hrs, BIOE 5031 Technology for Bioengineers I, Spring


Doctoral Dissertations and Diplomas Completed under Mentorship/ PhD Thesis Committee

2001 Jelena Miljus: “The role of free radical formation in the metabolic effects of immunosuppressants in brain cells” (Biochemistry B.S. Diploma, University of Bremen);

2002 Timo Dansauer:

“MRS Assessment on metabolic effects of Gleevec in human chronic myelogenious

EM3 cells” (Biochemistry B.S. Diploma, University of Bremen);

2003 Sven Gottschalk:

“Effects of macrolide immunosuppressants on mitochondrial metabolism:

Combination with cyclosporine” (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bremen);


Nora Anderson: “

Time dependent effects of imatinib mesylate on human leukemia cells and primary leukocytes” (M.D. Thesis, Medizinische Hochshule Hannover);

2010 Robert Anthony Hom: “Binding of the Cyp33 RRM domain to the MLL PHD3” (Ph.D. Thesis, BMS

Program, Dept Pharmacology, School of Medicine, UCD);

2010 Darin J. Brown: “NMR Methods to enhance spectral resolution and increase molecular weight” (Ph.D.

Thesis, BMS Program, Dept Pharmacology, School of Medicine, UCD);

2012 Daniel McShan: “Computational Bioalchemy: Optimal Search Algorithms for the Analysis and

Synthesis of Metabolic Systems” (Ph.D. Thesis, Computational Bioscience Program, Dept

Pharmacology, School of Medicine, UCD);

2012 Michael Rudolph: “Thyroid Hormone Responsive Protein Spot 14 Modulates Fatty Acid Synthase

Kinetics and Fatty Acid Products ” (Ph.D. Thesis, Molecular Biology Program, Dept. Pathology, School of Medicine, UCD).

Graduate and Under-Graduate Students under Mentorship

2003-2006 William Lapin, Research Student (John Washington University)

2004-2007 John Leslie Coatney, M.D. Student, School of Medicine (UCHSC)

2005-2006 Daniel C McShan, Bioinformatics (UCHSC)

2005-2006 Yu Zhang , Bioinformatics/ Pharmacology (UCHSC)

2006 Brian Henning, Research Student (Boston College)

2006-2008 Daniel Cromer, Research Student (CU Boulder)

2006-2009 Brian Larsen, Chemical Engineering (CU Boulder)

2008 Brian Hamm, Medical Student (UCDHSC)

2008-2012 Michael Rudolph, PhD Student (UCD, MOLB Program)





Chris Haberkorn,

Matthew S. Burns

Scott Bluth,

Chemistry/ Biology (CSU, NCI Scholarship)

, PhD Student (UCD, BSP Program)

Douglas Robinson, NCI Summer Student, Chemistry, CSU

MD FAER Summer Student, Univ of Texas, SOM





Lindsay Garcia, ASPET SURF Summer Scholarship, California State University

Daniel April, NCI Summer Student, Colorado State University

Max Geselkovich , UCD Downtown Premed Summer Student

Devin Ward , CTSA/ DSST Student

2012-2015 Justin Lee, MD Candidate, University of Colorado SOM, Research Track

2012-2013 Marina Stukova, Undergraduate Student, University of Colorado Denver Downtown



Brandon Hammond

Jerry Choi

, MD FAER Student, University of Arizona

, NCI Scholarship Undergraduate, Oberlin University

2013-2016 Julio Montejano , MD Candidate, University of Colorado SOM, Research Track

2014 Samuel Day , MD Candidate (4 year)

Professional Research Personnel, Postdoctoral Fellows, Residents and Faculty under


2000-2002 Carsten Hainz, Ph.D.: MRS studies on toxicity of novel immunosuppressants

2002-2003 Lisa Frisch, M.S.: Metabolic effects of Gleevec on chronic myelogenious leukemia

2003-2004 Saskia Trump, Ph.D.: MRS based metabonomics on human melanoma biopsies



Jaimi L. Brown, B.S.: MRS based metabonomics on fatty livers

Douglas Kominsky, Ph.D.: Quantitative MRS based metabolomics

2004-2006 Bryan Bergman, M.D.: Intramuscular triglyceride turnover and insulin sensitivity (K-08 Award)

2004-2006 Warren Capell, M.D.: The role of lipoprotein lipase in myocyte fuel partitioning (K-08 Award)

2004-2006 S. Gail Eckhardt, M.D.: Metabolic Signature of Human Malignancies and Their Response to the Treatment (K-24 Award)

2005-2006 Holly Tuttle, M.S.: Regional Metabolic Heterogeneity of Canine Spontaneous Tumors Using

1 H- and 31 P-NMR. (Merck Merial Research project, Colorado State University).

2005-2006 Teresa Troiani, M.D.: DCE-MRI on Colon Xenografts (Astra Zeneca Scholarship)

2006-2008 Lisa Wise-Faberowski, M.D.: Isoflurane – induced neurodegeneration: a function of age

(FAER Mentors Training Grant)

2006- Kendra M. Hasebroock, R.T.: Small Animal Imaging.

2007-2008 Jennifer Spratlin, M.D. (Oncology Fellow): Cancer Metabolomics

2007- Andrea Merz, B.S.: Metabolic NMR sample proceeding and analysis.

2007-2009 Erica L. Bradshaw-Perce, Ph.D.: Pharmacokinetic modeling in DCE-MRI and FDG-PET in animal cancer models (UCD T32 Developmental Therapeutic Training Grant).

2008-2010 Deborah DeRyckere, Ph.D.: Functional Imaging in Transgenic Leukemic Mice.

2008-2011 Misty D. Rowe, Ph.D.: Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles for Molecular Imaging and Drug


2009-2010 Radhika Srinivasan, Ph.D.

(UCSF, Radiology): Extraction Protocol Development for NMR

2009-2010 Tessa Little, Ph.D. (University of Pretoria, Biochemistry, South Africa): NMR-Based


2009-2010 Liping Huang, M.D. (Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University): Postdoctoral training in Pre-Clinical Imaging in Oncology

2010-2012 Curtis J. Henry, Ph.D.: Declining Lymphoid Progenitor Fitness Promotes Aging Associated

Leukemogenesis (UCD T32 Aging Training Grant).

2012-2017 Curtis J. Henry, Ph.D.: Metabolic Consequences of Leukemogenesis (K01 CA160798-01A1

NCI Mentored Career Development Award to Promote Diversity)

2012-2014 Daniel Golovko, M.D.: Contrast-Enhanced T2-MRI in Acute Kidney Injury: Inflammation

Imaging with SPIO Nanoparticles.

Memberships (* elected/ peer-reviewed):

2002 International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)*

2003 University of Colorado Cancer Center (UCCC)*

2004-2008 American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS)*



Society of Molecular Imaging (SMI)*

Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI)

2010 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)*

2011-2012 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (Aspet)



Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)*

American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)

Reviewer for:

African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacological Research

American Journal on Neuroradiology

American Journal of Physiology; Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology

American Journal of Physiology; Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

American Journal of Transplantation

Analytical Biochemistry

Analytical Chemistry



Biochemical Pharmacology

Bioconjugate Chemistry

BioMed Central (various)

Brain Research

British Journal of Pharmacology

Cancer Research

Cell Biology and Toxicology

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences

Chemical Research in Toxicology

Clinical Cancer Research

Clinical Chimica Acta

Computed Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

Current Cancer Drug Targets



Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Environmental Science and Technology

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics/ Other Series

Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine



International Brazilian Journal of Urology

International Journal of Cancer

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

International Journal of Radiation Biology

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology

Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism

Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Journal of Lipid Research

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Journal of Neurology

Journal of Proteome Research


Leukemia and Lymphoma




Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry

Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

Molecular Systems Biology

Nature Reviews (multiple)

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg Archives of Pharmacology

Neurochemistry International

Neuroscience Letters

NMR in Biomedicine

OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology



Pharmaceutical Research

Pharmacological Reviews


Radiation Research


Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment


Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology

Editorial Board:

Cancer Metabolomics (Editor-inChief)

Recent Patents on Medical Imaging

ISRN Molecular Imaging

Consultant or Service as a Professional Expert

1999- Novartis Pharma AG

2002 Isotechnika

2003 Sanofi-Synthelabo Research

2003 Roche Bioscience

2003 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals

2003 Progen

2004- SIDMAP Inc. (member for the Scientific Advisory Board)

2006- Eli Lilly and Company

2007- Imclone

2008- OSI

2009- Facet

2010- Genentech

2010- Array Pharmaceuticals


1) Books and Book Chapters

1.1) Serkova N : Effects of immunosuppressive drugs on cell metabolism of neuronal and gill cell lines by multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (German). ISBN 3-8265-2124-2, Shaker Verlag, Aachen,


1.2) Serkova NJ and Glunde K: “Metabolomics in cancer” in Tumor Biomarker Discovery series Methods in

Molecular Biology , ISBN 978-1-60327-810-2, Springer, 2009.

1.3) Serkova NJ,

Hasebroock KM, Kraft SL: “Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of living tissues” in


Biomarker Discovery series Methods in Molecular Biology , ISBN 978-1-60327-810-2, Springer, 2009.

1.4) Boyes SG, Rowe MD, Chang CC, Thamm DH, Kraft SL, Harmon JF, Serkova NJ, Vogt AP, Sumerlin

BS: “Surface modification of positive contrast nanoparticle agents with RAFT polymers towards the targeted imaging and treatment of cancer” in Polymeric Delivery of Therapeutics (by S. Morgan and R.

Lochhead), ISBN13: 978-084-122-5831, Oxford University Press, 2011.

2) Peer-Reviewed Articles

B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (total 97):

2.1) Flögel U, Niendorf T, Serkowa N, Brand A, Henke J, Leibfritz D: Change in organic solutes, volume, energy state, and metabolism associated with osmotic stress in glial cell line: A multinuclear NMR study.

Neurochem Res 20: 793-802, 1995 [PMID 7477672]

2.2) Serkova N, Brand A, Christians U, Leibfritz D: Evaluation of the effects of immunosuppressants on neuronal and glial cells in vitro by multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Biochim Biophys Acta

1314: 93-104, 1996 [PMID 8972722].

2.3) Serkova N, Christians U, Flögel U, Pfeuffer J, Leibfritz D: Assessment of the mechanism of astrocyte swelling induced by the macrolide immunosuppressant sirolimus using multinuclear magnetic resonance

(NMR) spectroscopy. Chem Res Toxicol 10: 1359-1363, 1997 [PMID 9437526].

2.4) Serkova N, Litt L, James TL, Sadee W, Leibfritz D, Benet LZ, Christians U: Evaluation of individual and combined neurotoxicity of the immunosuppressants cyclosporine and sirolimus by i n vitro multinuclear

NMR spectroscopy. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 289: 800-806, 1999 [PMID 10215655].

2.5) Hausen B, Ikonen T, Briffa N, Berry GJ, Christians U, Robbins RC, Hook L, Serkova N, Benet LZ,

Schuler W, Morris RE: Combined immunosuppression with cyclosporine (Neoral R ) and SDZ RAD in nonhuman primate lung transplantation: systematic pharmacokinetic-based trials to improve efficacy and tolerability. Transplantation 69: 76-86, 2000 [PMID 10653384].

2.6) Hausen B, Gummert J, Berry GJ, Christians U, Serkova N, Ikonen T, Hook L, Legay F, Schuler W,

Schreier MH, Morris RE: Prevention of acute allograft rejection in nonhuman primate lung transplant recipients: Induction with chimeric anti-IL-2 receptor monoclonal antibody improves the tolerability and potencies the immunosuppressive activity of a regimen using low doses of both microemulsion cyclosporine and 40-O-(2-hydroxyethyl)-rapamycin. Transplantation 69: 488-496, 2000 [PMID


2.7) Serkova N, Litt L, Leibfritz D, Hausen B, Morris RE, James TL, Benet LZ, Christians U: The novel immunosuppressant SDZ-RAD protects rat brain slices from cyclosporine-induced reduction of highenergy phosphates. Br J Pharmacol 129: 485-492, 2000 [PMID 10711346].

2.8) Serkova N, Hausen B, Jacobsen W, Berry GJ, Morris RE, Benet LZ, Christians U: Tissue distribution and clinical monitoring of the novel macrolide immunosuppressant SDZ-RAD in primate lung transplant recipients: Interaction with cyclosporine. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 294: 323-332, 2000 [PMID 10871329].

2.9) Christians U, Jacobsen W, Serkova N, Benet LZ, Vidal C, Sewing KF, Manns MP, Kirchner GI:

Automated, fast and sensitive quantification of drugs in blood by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: Immunosuppressants. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 748: 41-53, 2000 [PMID


2.10) Ikonen TS, Gummert JF, Serkova N, Hayase M, Honda Y, Kobayase Y, Hauser B, Yock PG, Christians

U, Morris RE: Efficacies of sirolimus (rapamycin) and cyclosporine in allograft vascular disease in nonhuman primates: trough levels of sirolimus correlate with inhibition of progression of arterial intimal thickening. Transpl Int 13: 314-320, 2000 [PMID 11112022].

2.11) Jacobsen W, Serkova N, Hausen B, Morris RE, Benet LZ, Christians U: Comparison of the in vitro metabolism of the macrolide immunosuppressants sirolimus and RAD. Transplant Proc 33: 514-515,

2001 [PMID 11266932].

2.12) Serkova N, Jacobsen W, Niemann CU, Benet LZ, Leibfritz D, Christians U: Sirolimus, but not structurally related RAD (everolimus), enhances the negative effects of cyclosporine on mitochondrial metabolism in the rat brain. Br J Pharmacol 133: 875-885, 2001 [PMID 11454661].

2.13) Serkova N, Donohoe P, Gottschalk S, Hainz C, Niemann CU, Bickler PE, Litt L, Benet LZ, Leibfritz D,

Christians U: Comparison of the effects of cyclosporine A on the metabolism of perfused rat brain slices during normoxia and hypoxia. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 22: 342-352, 2002 [PMID 11891440].

2.14) Niemann CU, Saeed M, Akbari H, Jacobsen W, Benet LZ, Christians U, Serkova N: Close association

between the reduction in myocardial energy metabolism and infarct size: dose response assessment of cyclosporine. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 302: 1123-1128, 2002 [PMID 12183671].

2.15) Niemann CU, Stabernack D, Serkova N, Jacobsen W, Christians U, Eger EI: Cyclosporine can increase isoflurane MAC. Anesth Analg 95: 930-934, 2002 [PMID 12351270].

2.16) Serkova N, Bendrick-Peart J, Alexander B, Tissot van Patot MC: Metabolite concentrations in human term placentae and their changes due to delayed collection after delivery. Placenta 24: 227-235, 2003

[PMID 12566250].

2.17) Serkova N, Klawitter J, Niemann CU: Organ-specific metabolic response to cyclosporine treatment in rat liver, kidney and heart. Transplant Int 16: 748-755, 2003 [PMID 12827232].

2.18) Wischmeyer PE, Jayakar D, Williams U, Singleton KD, Riehm J, Bacha EA, Jeevanandam V, Christians

U, Serkova N: Single dose of glutamine preserves myocardial tissue metabolism, glutathione content, and enhances myocardial function following ischemia-reperfusion injury.

J Parenter Enternal Nutr 27:

396-403, 2003 [PMID 14621120].

2.19) Fuller TF, Freise CE, Serkova N, Niemann CU, Olson JL, Feng S: Sirolimus delays recovery of rat kidney transplants after ischemia/ reperfusion injury. Transplantation 76: 1594-1599, 2003 [PMID


2.20) Serkova N and Christians U: Transplantation: Toxicokinetics and mechanisms of toxicity of cyclosporine and macrolides. A review. Curr Opinion Invest Drugs 4: 1287-1296, 2003 [PMID 14758767].

2.21) Fuller TF, Serkova N, Niemann CU, Freise CE: Influence of donor pretreatment with N-acetylcysteine on ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidney grafts. J Urol 171: 1296-1300, 2004 [PMID 14767336].

2.22) Serkova NJ, Christians U, Benet LZ: Biochemical mechanisms of cyclosporine neurotoxicity. A review.

Mol Interv 4: 97-107, 2004 [PMID 15087483].

2.23) Tissot van Patot MC, Bendrick-Peart J, Beckey VE, Serkova N, Zwerdlinger L: Greater vascularity, lowered HIF-1/DNA binding, and elevated GSH as markers of adaptation to in vivo chronic hypoxia. Am J

Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 287: 525-532, 2004 [PMID 15132953].

2.24) Christians U, Gottschalk S, Miljus J, Hainz C, Benet LZ, Leibfritz D, Serkova N : Alterations in glucose metabolism by cyclosporine link to oxidative stress in rat brain slices: interactions with mTOR inhibitors.

Br J Pharmacol 143: 388-396, 2004 [PMID 15339861].

2.25) Gottschalk S, Anderson N, Hainz C, Eckhardt SG, Serkova NJ: Imatinib (STI571)-mediated changes in glucose metabolism in human leukemia BCR-ABL positive cells. Clin Cancer Res 10: 6661-6668, 2004

[PMID 15475456].

2.26) Boros LG, Serkova NJ , Cascante MS, Lee WNP: Use of metabolic pathway flux information in targeted cancer drug design: A review.

Drug Discov Today 1: 435-443, 2004.

2.27) Serkova N, Fuller TF, Klawitter J, Freise CE, Niemann CU: 1 H-NMR-based metabolic signatures of mild and severe ischemia/ reperfusion injury in rat kidney transplants.

Kidney Int 67: 1142-1151, 2005 [PMID


2.28) Singleton KD, Serkova N, Banerjee A, Meng X, Gamboni-Robertson F, Wischmeyer PE: Glutamine attenuates endotoxin-induced lung metabolic dysfunction: Potential role of enhanced heat shock protein

70. Nutrition 21: 214-223, 2005 [PMID 15723751].

2.29) Singleton KD, Serkova N, Beckey VE, Wischmeyer PE: Glutamine attenuates lung injury and improves survival following sepsis: Role of enhanced heat shock protein expression. Crit Care Med 33: 1206-1213,

2005 [PMID 15942332].

2.30) Serkova N and Boros LG: Detection of resistance to imatinib by metabolic profiling: Clinical and drug development implication: A review. Am J Pharmacogenomics 5: 293-302, 2005 [PMID 16196499].

2.31) Niemann CU, Hirose R, Liu T, Behrends M, Brown JL, Kominsky D, Roberts JP, Serkova N: Ischemic preconditioning improves energy state and transplantation survival in obese Zucker rat livers. Anesth

Analg 101: 1577-1583, 2005 [PMID 16301222].

2.32) Serkova N and Christians U: Biomarkers for toxicodynamic monitoring of immunosuppressants: NMRbased quantitative metabonomics of the blood. Ther Drug Monit 27: 733-737, 2005 [PMID 16404806].

2.33) Serkova NJ, Jackman M, Brown JL, Liu T, Hirose R, Roberts JP, Maher JJ, Niemann CU: Metabolic profiling of livers and blood from obese Zucker rats. J Hepatol 44: 956-962, 2006 [PMID 16223541].

2.34) Behrends M, Hirose R, Serkova NJ, Coatney JL, Bedolli M, Yardi J, Park YH, Niemann CU: Mild hypothermia reduces the inflammatory response and hepatic ischemia/ reperfusion injury in rats. Liver Int

26: 734-741, 2006 {PMID 16842331].

2.35) Peng ZY, Serkova NJ, Kominsky DJ, Brown JL, Wischmeyer PE: Glutamine-mediated attenuation of

cellular metabolic dysfunction and cell death following injury is dependent on heat shock factor-1 expression. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 30: 373-378, 2006 [PMID 16931604].

2.36) Niemann CU, Choi S, Behrends M, Hirose R, Noh J, Coatney JL, Roberts JP, Serkova NJ, Maher JJ:

Mild hypothermia protects obese rats from fulminant hepatic necrosis induced by ischemia-reperfusion.

Surgery 140: 404-412, 2006 [PMID 16934602].

2.37) Serkova NJ and Niemann CU: Pattern recognition and biomarker validation using quantitative 1 H-NMR based metabolomics: A review. Expert Rev Mol Diagn 6: 717-731, 2006 [PMID 17009906].

2.38) Glunde K and Serkova NJ: Therapeutic targets and surrogate markers in choline phospholipid metabolism in cancer: A review. Pharmacogenomics 7: 1109-1123, 2006 [PMID 17054420].

2.39) Park Y, Hirose R, Coatney JL, Ferell L, Behrends M, Roberts JP, Serkova NJ, Niemann CU: The effect of aging on warm ischemia reperfusion injury in the rat liver. J Surg Res 137: 96-102, 2007 [PMID


2.40) Rudolph MC, McManaman JL, Phang TL, Anderson SM, Russell T, Kominsky DJ, Serkova NJ, Neville

MC: Metabolic regulation in the lactating mouse: A milk lipid synthesizing machine. Physiol Genomics

28: 323-326, 2007 [PMID 17105756].

2.41) Serkova NJ, Zhang Y, Coatney JL, Hunter L, Wachs M, Niemann CU, Mandell SM: Early detection of graft failure using the blood metabolic profile of a liver recipient. Transplantation 83: 517-521, 2007

[PMID 17318087].

2.42) Serkova NJ, Rose JC, Epperson LE, Carey HV, Martin SL: Quantitative analysis of liver metabolites in three stages of the circannual hibernation cycle in 13-lined ground squirrels by NMR. Physiol Genomics

31: 15-24, 2007 [PMID 17536023].

2.43) Niemann CU and Serkova NJ: Biochemical mechanisms of nephrotoxicity: Application for metabolomics: A review. Exp Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 3: 527-544, 2007 [PMID 17696804].

2.44) Troiani T, Serkova NJ, Gustafson DL, Henthorn TK, Lockerbie O, Merz A, Long M, Morrow M, Ciardiello

F, Eckhardt SG: Investigation of two dosing schedules of vandetanib (ZD6474), an inhibitor of VEGFR and EGFR signaling, in combination with irinotecan in human colon cancer xenograft model. Clin Cancer

Res 13: 6450-6458, 2007 [PMID 17975157].

2.45) Khan SR, Herman J, Krank J, Serkova NJ, Churchill MEA, Suga H, Farrand SK: PhzR, the quorumsensing regulator of phenazine gene expression in Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain 30-84 responds to

N-(3-hydroxy-hexanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone and N-hexanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone with equal sensitivity. Appl Environ Micribiol 73: 7443-7455, 2007 [PMID 17921283].

2.46) Serkova NJ, Spratlin JL, Eckhardt SG: NMR-based metabolomics: Translational application and treatment of cancer: A review. Curr Opin Mol Ther 9: 572-585, 2007 [PMID 18041668].

2.47) Serkova NJ, Reisdorph NA, Tissot van Patot MC: Metabolic markers of hypoxia: Systems biology application in biomedicine. Toxicol Mech Methods 18: 81-95, 2008 [20020894].

2.48) Serkova NJ, Gamito EJ, Jones RH, O’Donnell C, Brown JL, Green S, Sullivan H, Hedlund T, Crawford

ED: The metabolites citrate, myo-inositol, and spermine are potential age-dependent markers of prostate cancer in human expressed prostatic secretions. Prostate 68: 620-628, 2008 [PMID 18213632].

2.49) Serkova NJ, Van Rheen Z, Tobias M, Pitzer J, Wilkinson JE, Stringer KA: Utility of magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics for the quantification of inflammatory lung injury. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 295: L152-L161, 2008 [PMID 18441091].

2.50) Larsen BA, Haag MA, Serkova NJ, Shroyer KR, Stoldt CR: Controlled aggregation of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for the development of molecular magnetic resonance imaging probes. Nanotechnology 19: 265-271, 2008 [PMID 21828671].

2.51) Young CD, Nolte E, Lewis A, Serkova NJ, Anderson SM: Activated Akt1 accelerates MMTV-c-ErbB2 mammary tumorigenesis inc mice without activation of ErbB3. Breast Cancer Res 10: R70, 2008 [PMID


2.52) Lam ET, O’Bryant CL, Basche M, Gustafson DL, Serkova N, Baron A, Holden S, Dancey J, Eckhardt

SG, Gore L: A phase I study of gefitinib, capecitabine, and celexocib in patients with advanced solid tumors. Mol Cancer Ther 7: 3685-3694, 2008 [PMID 19074845].

2.53) Serkova NJ, Freud AS, Brown JL, Kominsky DJ: Use of the 1-mm TXI micro-probe for metabolic analysis on small volume biological samples. J Cell Mol Med 13: 1933-1941, 2009 [PMID 19267884].

2.54) Frey LC, Hellier J, Unkart C, Lepkin A, Hasebroock K, Serkova N, Liang LP, Patel M, Soltesz I, Staley K:

A novel apparatus for lateral fluid percussion injury in the rat. J Neurosci Methods 177: 267-272, 2009

[PMID 19022291].

2.55) Spratlin JL, Serkova NJ, Eckhardt SG: Clinical application of metabolomics in oncology: a review. Clin

Cancer Res 15: 431-440, 2009 [PMID 19147747].

2.56) Serkova NJ, Garg K, Bradshaw-Pierce EL: Oncologic imaging endpoints for the assessment of therapy response. Recent Pat Anticancer Drug Discov 4: 36-53, 2009 [PMID 19149687].

2.57) Klawitter J, Anderson N, Klawitter J, Christians U, Leibfritz D, Eckhardt SG, Serkova NJ: Timedependent effects of imatinib in human leukaemia cells: A kinetic NMR-profiling study. Br J Cancer 100:

923-931, 2009 [PMID 19259085].

2.58) Tissot van Patot MC, Serkova NJ, Haschke M, Kominsky DJ, Roach RC, Sheen P, Christians U,

Henthorn TK, Honigman B: Enhanced leukocyte HIF-1alpha and HIF-1 DNA-binding in humans following rapid ascent to 4300 m. Free Radic Biol Med 46: 1551-1557, 2009 [PMID 19303436] .

2.59) Raina K, Serkova NJ, Agarwal R: Silibinin feeding alters the metabolic profile in TRAMP prostatic tumors: 1 H-NMRS-based metabolomics study (Priority Report). Cancer Res 69: 3731-3735, 2009 [PMID

19366793] .

2.60) Hasebroock KM, Serkova NJ : Toxicity of MRI and CT contrast agents. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol

5: 403-416, 2009 [PMID 19368492] .

2.61) Serkova NJ , Glunde K: Metabolomics in cancer. Methods Mol Biol 520: 273-295, 2009 [PMID


2.62) Serkova NJ, Hasebroock KM, Kraft SL: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of living tissues. Methods Mol

Biol 520: 315-327, 2009 [PMID 19381964].

2.63) Kominsky DJ, Klawitter J, Brown JL, Boros LG, Melo JV, Eckhardt SG, Serkova NJ: Abnormalities in glucose uptake and metabolism in imatinib-resistant human BCR-ABL positive cells. Clin Cancer Res 15:

3442-3450, 2009 [PMID 19401345].

2.64) Klawitter J, Zhang YL, Klawitter J, Anderson N, Serkova NJ, Christians U: Development and validation of a sensitive assay for the quantification of imatinib using LC/LC-MS/MS in human whole blood and cell culture. Biomed Chromatogr 23: 1251-1258, 2009 [PMID 19517424].

2.65) Klawitter J, Kominsky DJ, Brown JL, Klawitter J, Christians U, Leibfritz D, Melo JV, Eckhardt SG,

Serkova NJ: Metabolic characteristics of imatinib resistance in chronic myeloid leukaemia cells. Br J

Pharmacol 158: 588-600, 2009 [PMID 19663881].

2.66) Tissot van Patot MC, Murray AJ, Beckey V, Cindrova-Davies T, Johns J, Zwerdlinger L, Jauniaux ER,

Burton GJ, Serkova NJ : Human placental adaptation to chronic hypoxia, high altitude: Hypoxic preconditioning. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 298: R166-172, 2010 [PMID 19864339].

2.67) Serkova NJ: Imaging biochemistry non-invasively: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in liver disease.

Editorial. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 33: 826-728, 2009 [PMID 19892909].

2.68) Merz AL and Serkova NJ: Use of NMR-based metabolomics in detecting drug resistance in cancer.

Biomark Med 3: 289-306, 2009 [PMID 20160999].

2.69) Spratlin JL, Cohen RB, Eadens M, Gore L, Camidge DR, Diab S, Leong S, O’Bryant C, Chow LQ,

Serkova NJ, Meropol NJ, Lewis NL, Chiorean EG, Fox F, Youssoufian H, Rowinsky EK, Eckhardt SG:

Phase I pharmacologic and biologic study of Ramucirumab (IMC-1121B), a fully human immunoglobulin



monoclonal antibody targeting the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2. J Clin Oncol 28: 780-

787, 2010 [PMID 20048182].

2.70) Klawitter J, Gottschalk S, Hainz C, Leibfritz D, Christians U, Serkova NJ : Immunosuppressant neurotoxicity in rat brain models: Oxidative stress and cellular metabolism. Chem Res Tox 23: 608-619,

2010 [PMID 20148532].

2.71) Serkova NJ, Renner B, Larsen BA, Stoldt CR, Hasebroock KM, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Holers VM,

Thurman JM: Renal inflammation: Targeted iron oxide nanoparticles for molecular MR imaging in mice.

Radiology 255: 517-526, 2010 [PMID 20332377].


Editorial: Mahmood U: Science to practice: can a targeted nanoparticle be used to image autoimmune nephritis? Radiology 255: 309-310, 2010 [PMID 20413745].

2.72) Doctor RB, Serkova NJ, Hasebroock KM, Zafar I, Edelstein CL: Distinct patterns of kidney and liver cyst growth in pkd2(WS25-/-) mice. Nephrol Dial Transplant 25: 3496-3504, 2010 [PMID 20388629].

2.73) Tentler JJ, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Serkova NJ, Hasebroock KM, Pitts TM, Diamond JR, Fletcher GC,

Bray MR, Eckhardt SG: Assessment of the in vivo antitumor effects of ENMD-2076, a novel multitargeted kinase inhibitor, against primary and cell line-derived human colorectal cancer xenograft models. Clin

Cancer Res 16: 2989-2998, 2010 [PMID 20406842].

2.74) Vincenti M, Behrends M, Dang K, Park YH, Hirose R, Blasi-Ibanez S, Liu T, Serkova NJ, Niemann CU:

Induction of intestinal ischemia reperfusion injury by portal vein outflow occlusion in rats. J Gastroenterol

45: 1103-1110, 2010 [PMID 20549254].

2.75) Cohen MJ, Serkova NJ, Wiener-Kronish J, Pittet JF, Niemann CU: 1 H-NMR-based metabolic signatures of clinical outcomes in trauma patients

– beyond lactate and base deficit.

J Trauma 69: 31-40, 2010

[PMID 20622576].

2.76) Boyes SG, Rowe MD, Serkova NJ , Kim FJ, Lambert JR, Werahera PN: Polymer-modified gadolinium nanoparticles for targeted magnetic resonance imaging and therapy. NanoLife 1: 263-275, 2010.

2.77) Stringer KA, Serkova NJ, Karnovsky A, Guire K, Paine R III, Standiford TJ: Metabolic consequences of sepsis-induced acute lung injury revealed by plasma 1 H-nuclear magnetic resonance quantitative metabolomics and computational analysis. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 300: L4-L11, 2011 [PMID


2.78) Martinez-Palli G, Hirose R, Liu T, Xu F, Dang K, Serkova NJ, Niemann CU: Donor-pretreatment with everolimus or cyclosporine does not reduce ischaemia-reperfusion injury in a rat kidney transplant model. Nephrol Dial Transplant 26: 1813-1820, 2011 [PMID 21068143].

2.79) Gottschalk S, Cummins CL, Leibfritz D, Christians U, Benet LZ, Serkova NJ : Age and sex differences in the effects of the immunosuppressants cyclosporine, sirolimus and everolimus on rat brain metabolism.

Neurotoxicology 32: 50-57, 2011 [PMID 21075140].

2.80) Ramasamy K, Nield L, Serkova NJ, Hasebroock KM, Tyagi A, Raina K, Singh RP, Malkinson AM,

Agarwal R: Silibinin prevents lung tumorigenesis in wild-type but not in iNOS-/- mice: Potential of realtime microCT in lung cancer chemoprevention studies. Clin Cancer Res 17: 753-761, 2011 [PMID


2.81) Hatakeyama WM, Sanchez TJ, Rowe MD, Serkova NJ, Liberatore MW, Boyes SG: Synthesis of gadolinium nanoscale metal-organic framework with hydrotropes: Manipulation of particle size and magnetic resonance imaging capability. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 3: 1502-1510, 2011 [PMID


2.82) Spratlin JL, Pitts TM, Kulikowski GN, Morelli MP, Tentler JJ, Serkova NJ, Eckhardt SG: Synergistic results of histone deacetylase and proteasome inhibition against pancreatic and hepatocellular cancer cell lines. Anticancer Res 31: 1093-1103, 2011 [PMID 21508352].

2.83) Serkova NJ: Translational imaging endpoints to predict treatment response to novel targeted anticancer agents. Drug Resist Updat 14: 224-235, 2011 [PMID 21640633].

2.84) Serkova NJ , Standiford TJ, Stringer KA: The emerging field of quantitative blood metabolomics for biomarker discovery in critical illnesses. Review. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 184: 647-655, 2011 [PMID



Comments: Bos LD, Sterk PJ, Schulz MJ: Measuring metabolomics in acute lung injury: choosing the correct compartment? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185: 789, 2012 [PMID 22467809].

2.85) Sargsyan SA, Serkova NJ, Renner B, Hasebroock KM, Larsen B, Stoldt C, McFann K, Pickering MC,

Thurman JM: Detection of glomerular complement C3 fragments by magnetic resonance imaging in murine lupus nephritis. Kidney Int 81: 152-159, 2012 [PMID 21956190].

2.86) Morelli MP, Tentler JT, Kulikowski GN, Tan AC, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Pitts TM, Brown AM, Nallapareddy

S, Acaroli JJ, Serkova NJ, Hidalgo M, Ciardiello F, Eckhardt SG: Preclinical activity of the rational combination of selumetinib (AZD6244) in combination with vorinostat in KRAS mutant colorectal cancer models. Clin Cancer Res 18: 1051-1062, 2012 [PMID 22173548].

2.87) Serkova NJ , Brown MS: Quantitative analysis in magnetic resonance spectroscopy: from metabolic profiling to in vivo biomarkers. Bioanalysis 4: 321-341, 2012 [PMID 22303835].

2.88) Beresford TP, Fay T, Serkova N, Wu PH: Immunophyllin ligands show differential effects on alcohol selfadministration in C57BL mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 341: 611-616, 2012 [PMID 22375069].

2.89) Larsen BA, Hurst KM, Ashurst WR, Serkova NJ, Stoldt CR: Mono and dialkoxysilane surface modification of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for application as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents. J Material Res 27: 1846-1852, 2012.

2.90) Raina K, Rajamanickam S, Ravichandran K, Huber KM, Serkova NJ , Agarwal R: Inositol hexaphosphate inhibits tumor growth, vascularity, and metabolism in TRAMP mice: A multiparametric magnetic resonance study. Cancer Res Prev 6: 40-50, 2013 [PMID 23213071]. - January 2013 Cancer Prev Res

Journal Cover Page Coverage.

2.91) Yap TA, Arkenau HT, Camidge DR, George S, Serkova NJ , Gwyther SJ, Spratlin JL, Lal R, Spicer J,

Desouza N, Leach M, Chick J, Poondru S, Boinpally R, Gedrich R, Brock K, Stephens A, Eckhardt SG,

Kaye S, Demetri G, Scurr M: First-in-human Phase I trial of two schedules of OSI-930, a novel multikinase inhibitor, incorporating translational proof-of-mechanism studies. Clin Cancer Res 19: 909-

919, 2013 [PMID 23403628].

2.92) Raina K, Agarwal C, Wadhwa R, Serkova NJ, Agarwal R: Energy deprivation by silibinin in colorectalcancer cells: A double edged sword targeting both apoptotic and autophagic machinery. Autophagy 9:

697-713, 2013 [PMID 23445752].

2.93) Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Pitts TM, Kulikowski G, Selby H, Merz AL, Gustafson DL, Serkova NJ , Eckhardt

SG, Weekes CD: Utilization of quantitative pharmacology approach to assess the combination effects of everolimus and irinotecan in murine xenograft models of colorectal cancer . PLoS One 8(3): e58089,

2013 [PMID 23520486].

2.94) Weitzel L, Ambardekar AV, Brieke A, Cleveland JC, Serkova NJ, Wischmeyer PE, Lowes BD: Left ventricular assist device effects on metabolic substrates in the failing heart. PLoS One 8(4): e60292,

2013 [PMID 23560088].

2.95) Derry M, Raina K, Balaiya V, Jain AK, Shrotriya S, Huber KM, Serkova NJ, Agarwal R, Agarwal C:

Grape seed extract efficacy against azoxymethane-induced colon tomorigenesis in A/J mice: Interlinking miRNA with cytokine signaling and inflammation. Cancer Res Prev 6(7): 625-633, 2013 [PMID


2.96) Wilson J, Higgins D, Hutting H, Serkova N , Baird C, Khailova L, Queensland K, Weitzel L, Tran ZV,

Wischmeyer PE: Early propranolol treatment induces lung heme-oxygenase-1, attenuates metabolic dysfunction, and improves survival following experimental sepsis. Crit Care 2013 Sep 10; 17(5): R195.

[Epub ahead of print] [PMID 24020447].

2.97) Epple LM, Dodd RD, Merz AL, Dechkovskaia AM, Herring M, Winston BA, Lencioni AM, Russell RL,

Madsen H, Nega M, Dusto NL, White J, Bigner DD, Nicchitta CV, Serkova NJ, Graner MW: Induction of the unfolded protein response drives enhanced metabolism and chemoresistance in glioma cells. PLoS

One 8(8): e73267, 2013 [PMID 24039668].

2.98) Yang X, La Rosa FG, Genova EE, Huber K, Schaack J, Degregori J, Serkova NJ, Li Y, Su LJ, Kessler

E, Flaig TW: Simultaneous activation of Kras and inactivation of p53 induces soft tissue sarcoma and bladder urothelial hyperplasia. PLoS One 8(9): e74809, 2013 [PMID 24058630].

2.99) Serkova NJ : New advances and state-of-the-art MR spectroscopy in oncology. Current Molecular

Imaging [in press].

2.100) Thurman JM, Serkova NJ: Nano-sized contrast agents to non-invasively detect renal inflammation.

Journal of Renal Disease [in press].

Submitted Manuscripts:

2.101) Epple LM, Dodd RD, Merz AL, Dechkovskaia AM, Herring M, Winston BA, Nega M, Dusto NL, White J,

Bigner DD, Serkova NJ , Graner MW: The unfolded protein response drives enhanced metabolism and chemoresistance in glioma cells. PLoS ONE .

2.102) Alvarez-Calderon F, Gregory MA, Zaberezhnyy V, Gemta L, Serkova N , DeGregori: “BCR-ABL inhibition results in mitochondrial metabolic addictions in leukemia” to Blood.

2.103) Serkova NJ , Boyes SG: Development of targeted nanoparticles for molecular imaging. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology [in press].

Manuscripts In Preparation:

2.104) Serkova NJ , Bradshaw-

Pierce EL, Huber KM, Merz AL, Pitts TM, Eckhardt SG: “Multiparametric imaging response to IGF1R inhibition in mouse colorectal cancer models” to Clinical Cancer Research .

2.105) Bluth JS, Loram LC, Brown MS, Huber KM, Miller DE, Watkins LR, Serkova NJ: ”Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detection of spinal lesions ina rat MS model” to Magnetic Resonance in Medicine .

2.106) Kominsky DJ, Brown JL, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Frederick B, Raben D, Gustafson DL, Serkova NJ :

“EGFR- and VEGFR-mediated metabolic response in human head and neck carcinoma models” to

Cancer Research .

2.107) Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Rowe M, Huber KM, Merz AL, Boyes S, Serkova NJ

: “Molecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of EGFR using targeted gadolinium nanoparticles” to Clinical Cancer

Research .

2.108) Klawitter J, Trump S, Morrow M, Brown JL, Eckhardt SG, Serkova NJ: “Metabolic signature of the

EGFR inhibitor gefitinib in combination with 5FU in human colorectal cancel cell lines” to Clinical Cancer

Research .

2.109) Coatney JL, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Hasebroock KM, Levi M and Serkova NJ: “Dynamic contrastenhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) to assess renal functions in 5/6 mouse nephrectomy model” to Magnetic Resonance in Medicine .

2.110) Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Huber KM, Merz AL, Serkova NJ : “Multiparametric imaging and NMR metabolomics to assess effects of enzastaurine in mouse colorectal xenografts” to Clinical Cancer

Research .

2.111) Wise-Faberowski L, Kominsky DJ, Peluso B, Beckey VE, Serkova NJ : “The age-dependent response to hypoxia in the rat: 1 H- and 31 PNMR metabolomics study” to Brain Research .

2.112) Niemann CU, Karnovsky A, Dang K, Merz AL, Serkova NJ : “Metabolic profiles of renal ischemiareperfusion injury in acute and prolonged hyperglycemic rats” to Journal of Proteome Research .

2.113) Serkova NJ, Robinson D, Merz AL, Huber KM, Bradshaw-Pierce EL : “TWEAK inhibition results in decreased glucose uptake by FDG-PET and lipid accumulation by NMR-metabolomics in mouse lung xenografts” to Clinical Cancer Research .

2.114) Serkova NJ, SmithJones P, Aboagye E: “Animal Multimodality Imaging” to Radiology .

2.115) Serkova NJ, McClure WC, Huber KM, Tseng BS: “Gadolinium-enhanced T1-MRI pinpoints skeletal muscle pathologyand metabolic dysfunctions in dystrophin deficient mice” to Magnetic Resonance in


2.116) Habekorn C, Garcia L, Merz AL, Pitts T, Eckhardt SG, Serkova NJ : “Metabolic signature of IGF1Rpathway inhibition in colorectal cancer cells” to Clinical Cancer Research .

2.117) Anderson N, Klawitter J, Merz AL, Druker B, Eckhardt SG, Serkova NJ: “Role of BCR-ABL in metabolic reprograming” to

Clinical Cancer Research .

2.118) Serkova NJ , Eckhardt SG: “Metabolic signature of signal transduction inhibition” to Clinical Cancer

Research .

2.119) Reisdorph N, Prenni J, Kechris K, Serkova NJ : “Multi-platform metabolomics: From the collection to the analysis” to Analytical Biochemistry .

2.120) Serkova NJ, Coatney JL, Karnovsky A, Geselkovich M, Lapin W, Cromer D, Mandell MS, Niemann CU:

“Blood metabolomics in renal transplant patients” to

Journal of Clinical Investigations .

2.121) DeRyckere D, Macy ME, Huber KM, Gardner LA, Jedlika P, Merz AL, Gore L, Serkova NJ: “Lipogenesis and metabolic re-programing correlates with decreased T1-relaxation time and leukogenesis in MLL-AF9 transgenic mice” to Magnetic Resonance in Medicine .

2.122) Frey L, Lepkin A, Schickedanz A, Hasebroock KM, Brown MS, Serkova NJ: “ADC mapping and T1weighted signal changes on post-injury MRI predict seizure susceptibility and gross vestibulomotor outcome after experimental brain injury” to Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism .

2.123) Serkova NJ, Merz AL, Wilson L, Weekes CD: “Metabolic response to mTOR inhibition in pancreatic cancer cell lines” to Clinical Cancer Research.

2.124) Serkova NJ : “Tissue metabolome: Effects of various extractions on quantitative NMR-metabolomics” to

Bioanalysis .

3) Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts

3.1) Brand, A.

, Flögel, U., Richter-Landsberg, C., Serkowa, N., Leibfritz, D.: Mechanism of osmoregulation in neuronal and glial cells in culture: A multinuclear magnetic resonance study. International Society of

Development in Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, August 1.-5., 1994.

3.2) Flögel, U., Niendorf, T., Serkowa, N., Brand, A., Henke, J., Leibfritz, D.: The role of organic solutes in volume-/osmoregulation of glial cells. 2 nd Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance , San Francisco,

CA, August 6.-12., 1994

3.3) Leibfritz, D., Flögel, U., Niendorf, T., Serkowa, N ., Brand, A.: On line monitoring of cell volume and osmolyte concentrations in glial and neuronal cells after osmotic stress by multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, EUSEB Meeting: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience 93, Prague, Czech,

September 12.-17., 1994.

3.4) Serkowa, N.,

Leibfritz, D.: Einfluß von Immunsuppressiva auf neuronale und gliale Zellinien nachgewiesen mit NMR. 16 th

Symposium of the GDCh-Schwerpunkt: Magnetische Resonanz an biologischen Systemen, Witzenhausen, Germany, September 28.-October 1., 1994.

3.5) Flögel, U., Brand, A., Serkowa, N., Niendorf, T., Leibfritz, D.: Untersuchungen zur Osmo- und

Volumenregulation von Zellen mittels NMR-Spektroskopie. 16 th

Symposium of the GDCh-Schwerpunkt:

Magnetische Resonanz an biologischen Systemen, Witzenhausen, Germany, September 28.-October 1.,


3.6) Brand, A., Serkowa, N., Flögel, U., Leibfritz, D.: Volume-/osmoregulation in primary neurons and astrocytes in culture. 3 rd Scientific Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, Nice, France, August

19.-25., 1995.

3.7) Serkowa, N., Brand, A., Leibfritz, D.: Metabolic response of primary astrocytes on immunosuppressive stress. 3 rd Scientific Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, Nice, France, August 19.-25., 1995.

3.8) Serkova, N ., Pfeuffer, J., Flögel, U., Leibfritz, D.: Astrocyte swelling and changes in metabolite concentrations during immunosuppressive stress. 4 th

Scientific Meeting of the Society of Magnetic

Resonance, New York, NY, April 27.-May 3., 1996.

3.9) Serkova, N., Flögel, U., Pfeuffer, J., Leibfritz, D.: Volume regulation and metabolic alterations in primary astrocytes upon osmotic stress. 4 th Scientific Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, New York,

NY, April 27.-May 3., 1996.

3.10) Pfeuffer, J., Flögel, U., Serkova, N., Dreher, W., Leibfritz, D.: Restricted diffusion and exchange of water in perfused cell cultures studied by two-dimensional MR measurements. 4 th Scientific Meeting of the

Society of Magnetic Resonance, New York, NY, April 27.-May 3., 1996.

3.11) Serkova, N., Flögel, U., Pfeuffer, J., Leibfritz, D.: NMR application to the evaluation of volume regulation in primary astrocytes under pathological conditions, 13 th

European Experimental N.M.R. Conference,

Paris, France, May 19.-24., 1996.

3.12) Serkova, N., Flögel, U., Pfeuffer, J., Brand, A., Leibfritz, D.: Astrocyte swelling and metabolic alterations upon osmotic stress by multinuclear MRS. 11 th European Society for Neurochemistry Meeting,

Groningen, Netherlands, June 15.-20., 1996.

3.13) Pfeuffer, J., Flögel, U., Serkova, N., Dreher, W., Leibfritz, D.: Water diffusion measurements in perfused cell cultures: Can mercurials induce permeability changes in glial cells? 13 th

Annual Meeting European

Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Prague, Czech, September 12.-15., 1996.

3.14) Serkova, N., Pfeuffer, J., Flögel, U., Christians, U., Leibfritz, D.: The mechanisms of astrocyte swelling induced by the immunosuppressant cyclosporine: A multinuclear NMR study. 16 th

International Society of

Neurochemistry Meeting, Boston, MA, July 20.-26., 1997.

3.15) Serkova, N., Pfeuffer, J., Flögel, U., James, T., Leibfritz, D., Christians, U.: Neurotoxic effects of immunosuppressants investigated by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy in vitro . 5 th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology , Vancouver, Canada, November 10.-14., 1997.

3.16) Serkova, N., Litt, L., Leibfritz, D., Morris, R.E., Benet, L.Z., Christians, U., James, T.L.: Using 31 P-NMR spectroscopy of brain slices to determine neurotoxicity of novel immunosuppressants . 8 th


Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Tokyo, Japan, August 23.-28., 1998.

3.17) Serkova, N., James, T.L., Benet, L.Z., Christians, U.: Neurotoxicity of novel macrolide immunosuppressants in rat brain slices: combination with cyclosporine. 1998 American Association of

Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 15.-19., 1998.

3.18) Christians, U., Serkova N.: Erwünschte und unerwünschte Wirkungen von Immunsuppressiva –

Basieren Immunsuppression und Toxizität auf demselben molekularen Mechanismus? Früjahrstatung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Mainz,

Germany, March 9.-12., 1999.

3.19) Serkova, N., Litt, L., James, T.L., Morris, R.E., Benet, L.Z., Christians, U.: Role of calcineurin and immunophilins in the decrease of brain energy metabolism caused by immunosuppressants. 38 th Annual

Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (SOT), New Orleans, LO, March 14.-18., 1999.

3.20) Ikonen, T.S., Gummert, J.F., Honda, Y., Hayase, M., Kobayashi, Y., Hausen, B.A., Barlowm C.W.,

Pelroth, J.D., Serkova, N., Christians, U., Fitzgerald, P., Berry, G.J., Yock, P.G., Morris, RE.: Sirolimus

(rapamycin) reverses the of graft vascular disease in non-human primate recipients of aortic allografts.

19 th

Annual Meeting of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT), San

Francisco, CA, April 21.-24., 1999.

3.21) Serkova, N., Litt, L., Leibfritz, D., James, T.L., Benet, L.Z., Christians, U.: Preclinical 31 P-MRS assessment of the neurotoxic potential and drug interaction of immunosuppressants used in organ transplantation. 7 th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

(ISMRM), Philadelphia, MD, May 22.-28., 1999.

3.22) Serkova, N., Litt, L., Leibfritz, D., James, T.L., Benet, L.Z., Christians, U.: The novel immunosuppressant

SDZ-RAD antagonizes cyclosporine-induced reduction of brain energy. 6 th

International Congress of

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology, Cairns, Australia, September 13.-17., 1999.

3.23) Serkova, N., Hausen, B., Morris, R.E., Benet, L.Z., Christians, U.: Tissue distribution of the novel macrolide immunosuppressant SDZ-RAD: Interaction with cyclosporine. 6 th International Congress of

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology, Cairns, Australia, September 13.-17., 1999.

3.24) Christians, U., Jacobsen, W., Serkova, N., Baner, K., Benet, L.Z.: An automated, specific assay to quantify cyclosporine and macrolide immunosuppressants in blood using LC/LC-MSD. 6 th International

Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology, Cairns, Australia, September 13.-17.,


3.25) Serkova, N., Donohoe, P., Leibfritz, D., Benet, L.Z., Litt, L., Christians, U.: Metabolic neurotoxicity and hypoxic neuroprotection of cyclosporine in brain slices: evidence that both occur from mitochondrial interactions. 29 th

Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami Beach, FL, October 23.-28.,


3.26) Jacobsen, W., Serkova, N., Hallensleben, K., Sewing, K., Benet, L.Z., Christians, U.: In vitro metabolism of the novel immunosuppressant SDZ-RAD and comparison with rapamycin. 9 th North American Meeting of International Society of Study Xenobiotics (ISSX), Nashville, TN, October 24.-28., 1999.

3.27) Serkova, N., Jacobsen, W., Litt, L., Benet, L.Z., Leibfritz, D., Christians, U.: SDZ-RAD prevents inhibition of brain energy metabolism: comparison with rapamycin. Transplant2000, 1 st Joint Transplant Meeting of the American Society of Transplantation (AST), Chicago, IL, May 13.-17., 2000.

3.28) Serkova, N., Basus, V., James, T.L., Litt, L.: [1metabolism during hypoxia: 13 C/ 1

13 C]Fructose-1,6-biphosphate protection of glucose

H-MRS on perfused rat brain slices. 19 th

International Conference on

Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Florence, Italy, August 20.-25., 2000.

3.29) Serkova, N., Litt, L., Benet, L.Z., James, T.L., Leibfritz, D., Christians, U.: MRS evaluation of metabolic neurotoxicity in the rat as a preclinical test for novel immunosuppressive drugs. 19 th International

Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Florence, Italy, August 20.-25., 2000.

3.30) Serkova, N., Jacobsen, W., Hausen, B., Morris, R.E., Benet, L.Z., Leibfritz, D., Christians, U.: RAD, but not sirolimus, reverses the inhibition of brain metabolism by cyclosporine in the rat. 18 th International

Congress of the Transplantation Society, Rome, Italy, August 27.-September 1., 2000.

3.31) Jacobsen, W., Serkova, N., Hausen, B., Morris, R., Benet, L., Christians, U.: Comparison of the in vitro metabolism of the macrolide immunosuppressants sirolimus and RAD. 18 th

International Congress of the

Transplantation Society, Rome, Italy, August 27.-September 1., 2000.

3.32) Christians, U., Serkova, N., Leibfritz, D., Benet L.Z.: Novel immunosuppressive strategies in transplantation medicine. 18 th International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Rome, Italy, August

27.-September 1., 2000.

3.33) Serkova, N., Donohoe, P., Niemann, C.U., Litt, L., Benet, L.Z., Leibfritz, D., Christians, U.: Cyclosporinerelated mitochondrial effects in normoxia vs. hypoxia: 31 P-MRS of perfused rat brain slices. 17 th Annual

Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Paris, France,

September 14.-17., 2000.

3.34) Litt, L., Hirai, K., Basus, V., Serkova, N., Develey, B., James, T.L.: Fructose-1,6-biphosphate protection of glucose metabolism during hypoxia:

Tesla. 30

13 C/ 1 H/ 31 P NMR studies of perfused rat brain slives at 14.1 th

Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LO, November 4.-9., 2000.

3.35) Gottschalk, S., Hainz, S., Benet, L.Z., Leibfritz, D., Christians, U., Serkova, N: Metabolic neurotoxicity of immunosuppressants in the rat: Correlation between MRS and biochemical findings. 40 th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, San Francisco, CA, March 25.-29., 2001.

3.36) Hainz, C., Gottschalk, S., Jacobsen, W., Benet, L.Z., Leibfritz, D., Christians, U., Serkova, N.: MRS evaluations of metabolic changes by cyclosporine in rat brain: Role of the blood-brain-barrier. 40 th Annual

Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, San Francisco, CA, March 25.-29., 2001.

3.37) Serkova, N., Donohoe, P., Gottschalk, S., Hainz, C., Christians, U., Leibfritz, D.: From metabolic neurotoxicity to hypoxic neuroprotection: an MRS study of cyclosporine role in rat brain. 9 th


Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Glasgow, Scotland,

UK, April 21.-27., 2001.

3.38) Serkova, N., Gottschalk, S., Hainz, C., Benet, L.Z., Leibfritz, D., Christians, U.: Metabolic nephrotoxicity by cyclosporine in combination with macrolides: Comparison of SDZ-RAD vs. sirolimus. Transplant2001,

2 nd Joint Transplant Meeting of the American Society of Transplantation (AST), Chicago, IL, May 11.-16.,


3.39) Jacobsen, W., Niemann, C., Unger, M., Serkova, N., Hirai, S., Benet, L.Z., Christians, U.: Automated, fast and sensitive quantification of drugs in human plasma by LC/LC-MS: Protease inhibitors and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. 2001 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

(AAPS) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, October 19.-26., 2001.

3.40) Serkova, N., Jacobsen, W., Leibfritz, D., Christians, U., Niemann, C.U.: Organ-specific metabolic response to cyclosporine treatment in rat liver, kidney, and heart: is there an evidence of preconditioning? 2 nd Winter Symposium of the American Society of Transplant Surgeon (ASTS), Miami

Beach, FL, January 25.-27., 2002.

3.41) Serkova, N., Niemann, C.U., Saeed, M., Gottschalk, S., Benet, L.Z., Leibfritz, D., Christians. U.: Cardiac energy depression by cyclosporine prior to occlusion protects rat heart during ischemic insult. 10 th

Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu,

Hawaii, May 18.-24., 2002.

3.42) Gottschalk, S., Hainz, C., Leibfritz, D., Serkova, N.: MRS evaluations of the metabolic response of human leukemia cells to a new tyrosine kinase inhibitor gleevec. 10 th

Scientific Meeting of the

International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, May 18.-24., 2002.

3.43) Gottschalk, S., Hainz, C., Miljus, J., Benet, L.Z., Christians, U., Leibfritz, D., Serkova, N.: Metabolic response and free radical formation by cyclosporine and macrolide immunosuppressants in rat brain slices. 14 th World Congress of Pharmacology, San Francisco, CA, July 7.-12., 2002.

3.44) Wischmeyer, P.E., Singleton, K.D., Serkova, N.: Glutamine preserves ATP levels and decreases tissue lactate in the myocardium following sublethal endotoxin shock. 25 th Annual Conference on Shock, Big

Sky, MO, June 8.-11., 2002.

3.45) Singleton, K.D., Serkova, N., Song, Y., Banerjee, A., Meng, X., Camboni-Robertson, F., Wischmeyer,

P.E.: Glutamine enhances heat shock protein 72 expression and preserves high energy phosphate levels in lung tissue following sublethal endotoxin shock. 25 th

Annual Conference on Shock, Big Sky, MO, June

8.-11., 2002.

3.46) Christians, U., Serkova, N.: Interaction and toxicity of calcineurin and TOR inhibitors. 19 th


Congress of Transplantation Society , Miami, FL, August 25.-30., 2002.

3.47) Serkova, N., Frisch, L.: MRS assessment on metabolic response to imatinib in human chronic myelogenious leukemia cells. ISMRM Workshop on In Vivo Functional and Molecular Assessment of

Cancer, Santa Cruz, CA, October 18.-21., 2002.

3.48) Serkova, N., Christians, U., Henthorn, T.K.: Magnetic resonance (MRI/MRS) in biomedical research:

Metabonomics for drug efficacy and toxicity. BioExpo , Denver, CO, December 4., 2002

3.49) Wiscmeyer, P.E., Jayakar, D., Williams, U., Singleton, K.D., Serkova, N.: Sigle dose of glutamine preserves myocardial tissue metabolism, glutathione content, and enhances myocardial function following ischemia-reperfusion injury. Nutrition Week, San Antonio, TX, January 18.-22., 2003.

3.50) Singleton KD, Serkova N , Wischmeyer PE: Glutamine attenuates the metabolic dysfunction of sublethal endotoxin shock via manipulation of the heat stress protein pathway. Shock Society Meeting, Phoenix,

AR, 2003.

3.51) Wischmeyer PE, Singleton KD, Serkova N : Glutamine attenuates sepsis-induced metabolic dysfunction following cecal ligation and puncture. Shock Society Meeting, Phoenix, AR, 2003.

3.52) Tissot van Patot, M., Langston, M., Wickham, B., Bendrick-Peart, J., Serkova, N.: Increased hypoxiainducible transcription factor activity correlates with increased anaerobic metabolism in placentas. 13 th

International Hypoxia Symposium, Banff, Alberta, Canada, February 19.-22., 2003.

3.53) Christians. U., Serkova, N.J.: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a tool to identify mechanisms of immunosuppressant toxicity. 42 nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (SOT), Salt Lake City, UT,

March 9.-13., 2003 (invited).

3.54) Fuller, F., Serkova, N., Niemann, C.U., Freise, C.: Influence of donor pretreatment with N-acetylcysteine on rat kidney graft viability. 81 st

Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA), Chicago,

IL, April 26.-May 1., 2003.

3.55) Serkova, N.J., Fuller, F., Freise, C., Niemann, C.U.: Cellular oxidative injury in transplanted rat kidneys as determined by high-resolution 1H-MRS. 11 th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic

Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Toronto, ON, May 9.-11., 2003.

3.56) Mandell, M., Biancofiore, G., Kindscher, J., Stapefeldt, W., Serkova, N., Plevak, D., Niemann, C.: The safety of early extubation in liver transplant recipients. 9 th

Congress of the International Liver

Transplantation Society (ILTS), Barcelona, Spain, June 18.-21., 2003.

3.57) Anderson N and Serkova N : Metabolic and molecular response to imatinib treatment in human leukemia cells . 26 th German Cancer Congress, Berlin, Germany, March 1.-3., 2004.

3.58) Anderson N, Miljus J, Serkova N : Time dependent metabolic effects of imatinib on human leukemia cells. 95 th

Annual Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Orlando, FL, March

27.-31., 2004.

3.59) Serkova NJ, Fuller TF, Klawitter J, Freise CE, Hirose R, Niemann CU: Metabolic signatures of mild and severe ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidney transplant model based on 1 H-MRS metabonomics.

American Transplant Congress, Boston, MA, May 15.-19., 2004.

3.60) Serkova NJ, Snell L, Lapadat R, Tabakoff B: 1 H-MRS based metabolomics on human plasma samples from alcoholic subjects. RSOA, Vancouver, BC July 9-11, 2004.

3.61) Miljus J, Trump S, Brown J, Leibfritz D, Eckhardt SG, Serkova N: MRS assessment on metabolic response to a novel EGFR inhibitor ZD1839 in colon cancer cells. ISMRM Cancer Workshop,

Manchester, U.K., October 3-5, 2004.

3.62) Miljus J, Melo JV, Boros L, Anderson N, Talpaz M, Leibfritz D, Eckhardt SG, Serkova N: Metabolic profile of imatinib resistance in CML cells. 46 th

American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting,

December 4-7, 2004, San Diego, CA.

3.63) Wischmeyer PE, Singleton KD, Serkova N : Glutamine attenuates multiple pathways of sepsis-induced injury and improves survival following peritonitis: Role of heat stress protein pathway manipulation.

Society for Critical Care Medicine , Orlando, FL, 2004.

3.64) Serkova NJ, Melo JV, Eckhardt SG: Resistance to Imatinib and glucose metabolism. 96 th

Annual Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Anaheim, CA, April 15-20, 2005.

3.65) Miljus J, Melo JV, Anderson N, Boros L, Eckhardt SG , Serkova NJ: MRS ability to predict resistance development to imatinib mesylate. 13 th

Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic

Resonance in Medicine , Miami, FL, May 7-13, 2005.

3.66) Gamito EJ, Serkova N, Jones RH, O’Donnel C, Hedlund T, Crawford ED: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of expressed prostatic secretions: Metabolite citrate and derivatives are potential markers of prostate cancer. American Urological Association 2005 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, May 21-26,


3.67) Neville MC, Rudolph M, Serkova N, Anderson S: Molecular anatomy of a profound hormone regulated metabolic switch: Regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism during the initiation of lactation. 87 th


Meeting of the Endocrine Society , San Diego, CA, June 4-7, 2005.

3.68) Peng ZY, Serkova NJ, Kominsky DJ, Brown JL, Wischmeyer PE: Glutamine-mediated attenuation of cellular metabolic dysfunction and cell death following injury is dependent on heat shock factor-1 expression. Clinical Nutrition Week 2006, Dallas, TX, February 12-15, 2006.

3.69) Serkova NJ, Gamito E, Brown JL, Crawford ED: Validation of citrate and derivatives in expressed prostatic secretions to predict prostate cancer: High-resolution 1H-NMR study. 97 th Annual Meeting of

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) , Washington DC, April 1-5, 2006.

3.70) Serkova NJ, Gamito EJ, Jones RH, O’Donnell C, Crawford ED: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of expressed prostatic secretions: Metabolite citrate and derivates are potential markers of prostatic cancer. 2006 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting , Atlanta, GA, June

2-6, 2006.

3.71) Serkova NJ, Bradshaw EL, Brown M, Gustafson DK, Henthorn TK: Assessment of tumor neovasculature by dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) and compartmental modeling in nude mouse MCF-7 xenografts. 5 th

Annual Meeting of Molecular Imaging , Big Island, Hawaii, August 29

– September 2, 2006.

3.72) Serkova NJ, Troiani T, Henthorn TK, Eckhardt SG: Novel dual VEGF-R and EGF-R inhibitor decreases tumor growth and angiogenesis in colon cancer mouse xenografts. 5 th Annual Meeting of Molecular

Imaging, Big Island, Hawaii, August 29 – September 2, 2006.

3.73) Larsen BA, Barker AJ, Shandas R, Serkova NJ, Shroyer R, Stoldt CR: Molecular magnetic resonance imaging of human ovarian carcinoma cells using superparamagnetic immunomicells. 5 th of Molecular Imaging, Big Island, Hawaii, August 29 – September 2, 2006.

Annual Meeting

3.74) Serkova NJ: Quantitative Metabolic Markers by High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.

232 nd

National Meeting of the American Chemical Society , San Francisco, CA, September 10-12, 2006.

3.75) Serkova NJ, Troiani T, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Henthorn TK, Gustafson DL, Eckhardt SG: Inhibition of tumor growth and angiogenesis by a novel dual EGF-R and VEGF-R inhibitor in mouse xenograft model: a DCE-MRI study. ISMRM Workshop on Cancer Metabolism and Physiology , Pocono Manor, PA,

October 8-11, 2006.

3.76) Serkova NJ, Gamito EJ, O’Donnell C, Brown JL, Hedlund T, Jones RH, Crawford ED: NMR spectroscopic validation of metabolic markers of prostatic cancer in human expressed prostatic secretions. ISMRM Workshop on Cancer Metabolism and Physiology , Pocono Manor, PA, October 8-11,


3.77) Larsen BA, Haag MA, Serkova NJ , Stoldt CR: Molecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in human carcinoma cells using superparamagnetic immunomicells. Signaling Transduction Modulators

Symposium, Aurora, CO, December 7-8, 2006.

3.78) Serkova NJ, Kominsky DJ, Brown JL, Miljus J, Boros LG, Eckhardt SG, Melo JV: Abnormalities in glucose uptake and metabolism in imatinib-resistant Bcr-Abl positive cells. 48 th Annual Meeting of the

American Society of Hematology (ASH), Orlando, FL, December 9-12, 2006.

3.79) Tissot van Patot MC, Serkova NJ, Haschke M, Kominsky DJ, Roach R, Sheen P, Griffith V, Roosa J,

Henthorn TK, Honigman B: Elevated circulating succinate and lactate, urinary 15-F


-isoprostanes as biological markers for hypoxic response in humans acutely exposed to 4,200 m. 15 th International

Hypoxia Symposium, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, February 27-March 4, 2007.

3.80) Larsen BA, Haag MA, Serkova NJ , Stoldt CR: Effects of surface chemistry and magnetic anisotropy of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for molecular magnetic resonance imaging. 2007 Material

Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 9-13, 2007.

3.81) Serkova NJ, Takahashi H, Jiang T, Wang X, Brown JL, Kominsky DJ, Moshe L: Consequences of dietary modification on metabolic profile in SREBP-1c knockout mice. 2007 Experimental Biology Annual

Meeting, Washington, DC, April 28-May 2, 2007.

3.82) Larsen BA, Scaft KM, Haag MA, Serkova NJ , Shroyer KR, Stoldt CR: Molecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of surface-epithelial-derived protein CA125 in human ovarian carcinoma cells using superparamagnetic immunomicelles. 15 th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic

Resonance in Medicine , Berlin, Germany, May 19-25, 2007.

3.83) Kraft S, Lana S, Tuttle H, Ireland L, Brown JL, Serkova NJ : Biopsy-based 1 H- and 31 P-NMR shows regional metabolic heterogeneity within canine spontaneous tumors. 15 th

Scientific Meeting of the

International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , Berlin, Germany, May 19-25, 2007.

3.84) Zhang L, Chan D, Weisman A, Balamurugan A, Serkova N, Chan L: Short report on NMR imaging of human islets labeled with nanoparticles. American Transplant Congress, San Francisco, CA, May 5-9,


3.85) Serkova NJ, Coatney JL, Fuller TF, Wachs ME, Freise C, Mandell MS, Niemann CU: Establishing metabolic profiling of delayed graft function in kidney recipients. American Transplant Congress, San

Francisco, CA, May 5-9, 2007.

3.86) Serkova NJ, Neville M, Anderson S: Activated AKT1 accelerates mammary tumorigenesis in the MMTV-

C-ERBB2 transgenic mouse model without activation of ERBB3 and stimulates glycolysis. The 89 th

Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Toronto, ON, June 2-5, 2007.

3.87) Tissot van Patot MC, Burton G, Jauniaux E, Serkova N: Oxidative stress and energy metabolism are similar between healthy and preeclampic placentas at altitude but not between preeclamptic placentas at low vs. high altitude. The 13 th Annual Meeting of the International Federation of Placenta Association

(IFPA) , Kingston, ON, August 17-22, 2007.

3.88) Larsen BA, Haag MA, Serkova NJ, Stoldt CR: Micellar multi-SPIO molecular gents: synthesis and characterization of a novel SPIO aggregate for in vivo ovarian cancer imaging. The Joint Molecular

Imaging Conference, Providence, RI, September 8-11, 2007.

3.89) Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Hasebroock KM, Brown JL, Henthorn TK, Levi M, Serkova NJ: Assessment of kidney function using DCE-MRI in a mouse nephrectomy model. The Joint Molecular Imaging

Conference, Providence, RI, September 8-11, 2007.

3.90) Kaufman SA, Pitts TM, Serkova NJ, Stephens A, Eckhardt SG, Leong S: In vitro assessment of the IGF-

1R inhibitor, PQIP, alone and in combination with chemotherapy, against human colorectal cancer cell

lines: antiproliferative, molecular, and metabolic effects. The 19 th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on

Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics , Geneva, Switzerland, October 21-25, 2007.

3.91) Glunde K, Bhujwalla ZM, Takagi T, Brown JL, Serkova N: Drug resistance in chronic myeloid leukemia increases cellular choline kinase and phosphocholine levels. 99 th

AACR Annual Meeting 2008 , San

Diego, CA, April 12-16, 2008.

3.92) Kominsky DJ, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Brown JL, Raben D, Gustafson DL, Serkova NJ : In vivo and in vitro metabolic effects of gefitinib and vandetanib in human head and neck cancer models . 99 th AACR Annual

Meeting 2008 , San Diego, CA, April 12-16, 2008.

3.93) Stringer KA, Pitzer MS, Wilkinson JE, Serkova NJ : Utility of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy-based metabolomics for the quantification of inflammatory lung injury. The American

Thoracic Society (ATS) 2008, Toronto, ON, May 16-21, 2008.

3.94) Hasebroock KM, McClure WC, Tseng BS, Serkova NJ: Gadolinium-enhanced T1-MRI pinpoints skeletal muscle pathology in dystrophin deficient mice. The World Molecular Imaging Congress, Nice, France,

September 10-13, 2008.

3.95) Spratlin J, Eckhardt SG, Serkova NJ, Scurr M, Kaye SB, Collins D, George S, Demetri GD, Brock K,

Stephens A, Camidge DR: Analyses of pharmacodynamic (PD) assessments collected during expanded cohorts (EC) of a phase I trial with OSI-930, a multi-targeted oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). 20 th

EORTC-NCIAACR Symposium on “Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics”, Geneva, Switzerland,

October 21-24, 2008.

3.96) Serkova NJ, Spratlin J, Eckhardt SG, Milestone B, Youssoufian H, Fox F, Rowinsky E, Cohen RB: DCE-

MRI endpoints reveal decreased tumor vascularity in patients with liver metastases: a Phase I dose escalating study with IMC-1121B. 20 th EORTC-NCIAACR Symposium on “Molecular Targets and

Cancer Therapeutics”, Geneva, Switzerland, October 21-24, 2008.

3.97) Tentler JJ, Pierce ELB, Serkova NJ, Pitts TM, Bray MR, Fletcher GC, Eckhardt SG: ENMD-2076 exerts antiangiogenic and antiproliferative activity against human colorectal cancer (CRC) xenograft models.

20 th

EORTC-NCIAACR Symposium on “Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics”, Geneva,

Switzerland, October 21-24, 2008.

3.98) DeRyckere D, Serkova N, Macy M, Gardner L, Jedlicka P, Hasebroock K, Gore L: In vivo imaging of leukemia in MLL-AF9 transgenic mice using magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. 50 th

American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 6-9, 2008.

3.99) Ziran NM, Roper E, King KB, Serkova NJ, Hak DJ: The effect of stem cell donor age on in vivo bone formation. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 55 th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, February 22-25,


3.100) Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Hasebroock KM, Merz AL, Tentler JJ, Eckhardt SG, Serkova NJ: Quantitative assessment of treatment response to molecularly targeted agents by DCE-MRI and 18 FDG-PET in

Colorectal Cancer Mouse Models. 4 th

Imaging in Pre-Clinical and Clinical Drug Development Conference,

San Francisco, CA, March 16-18, 2009.

3.101) Serkova NJ, Raina K, Merz AL, Agarwal R: Silibinin feeding alters the metabolic profile in TRAMP prostatic tumors: a 1 H-NMR study. 17 th

Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic

Resonance in Medicine , Honolulu, HI, April 18-24, 2009.

3.102) Serkova NJ, Larsen BA, Renner B, Hasebroock KM, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Holers M, Stoldt C,

Thurman JM: Molecular imaging using targeted nanoparticles for non-invasive detection of renal inflammation. 17 th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ,

Honolulu, HI, April 18-24, 2009.

3.103) DeRyckere D, Macy ME, Hasebroock KM, Gardner LA, Jedlicka P, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Merz AL,

Gore L, Serkova NJ: MRI/ MRS on leukemia development in MLL-AF9 transgenic mice. 17 th Scientific

Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , Honolulu, HI, April 18-24, 2009.

3.104) Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Hasebroock KM, Merz AL, Tentler JJ, Eckhardt SG, Serkova NJ: Quantitative

DCE-MRI and positron emission tomography (PET) for assessment of treatment response in a mouse xenograft model of colorectal cancer. 17 th

Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic

Resonance in Medicine , Honolulu, HI, April 18-24, 2009.

3.105) Raina K, Serkova NJ , Agarwal R: Silibinin feeding alters the metabolic profile in TRAMP prostatic tumors: 1 H-NMRS-based metabolomics study. 100 th AACR Annual Meeting 2009 , Denver, CO, April 12-

16, 2009.

3.106) Dang K, Melcher ML, Park Y, Hirose R, Serkova NJ, Niemann CU: Targeted quantitative metabolomics in rats during the early reperfusion period. ILTS 15 th

Annual International Congress , New York, NY, July

8-11, 2009.

3.107) Cohen MJ, Serkova NJ, Wiener-Kronish J, Pittet JF, Niemann CU: 1 H-NMR based metabolic signatures in trauma patients: Metabolic profiling beyond lactate and basis deficit. 68 th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery and Trauma, Pittsburgh, PA, October 1-3, 2009.

3.108) DeRyckere D, Gore L, Gardner LA, Merz AL, Serkova N : Identification of altered metabolic pathways in a mouse model of acute myeloid leukemia. 21 st EORTC-NCIAACR Symposium on “Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics”, Boston, MA, October 21-24, 2009.

3.109) Serkova NJ, Hasebroock KM, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Stoldt C, Thurman JM: Molecular imaging for noninvasive detection of renal inflammation by MRI.

57 th

Annual Meeting of the Association of University

Anesthesiologists (AUA), Denver, CO, April 8-10, 2010.

3.110) Ramasamy K, Nield LD, Serkova NJ, Hasebroock KM, Tyagi A, Raina K, Malkinson AM, Agarwal R:

Silibinin selectively inhibits growth and progression of urethane-induced lung tumors in wild-type but not inducible nitric oxide synthase (-/-) mice: potential usefulness of micro-CT in lung cancer chemoprevention studies. AACR 101 st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 17-21, 2010.

3.111) Raina K, Ravichandran K, Rajamanickam S, Hasebroock KM, Serkova NJ, Agarwal R: Energy deprivation by inositol hexaphospatase inhibits prostate tumor growth and progression in TRAMP mice.

AACR 101 st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 17-21, 2010.

3.112) Raina K, Agarwal C, Serkova NJ, Agarwal R: Molecular mechanism of cell death by silibinin in colorectal cancer: apoptosis versus autophagy. AACR 101 st

Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 17-

21, 2010.

3.113) Wu PH, Fay T, Serkova NJ, Beresford TP: Cyclosporine reduces alcohol consumption independent of sucrose consumption in C57BL mice. 33 rd Annual Research Society of Alcoholism (RSA) Scientific

Meeting, San Antonio, TX, June 26-30, 2010.

3.114) Kraft S, Lana S, Ehrhart EJ, Carlsten K, Merz AL, Bucy D, Serkova NJ : Metabolic response to chemotherapy in multicentric canine lymphoma by biopsy-based nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. World Molecular Imaging Conference, Kyoto, Japan, September 8-11, 2010.

3.115) Serkova NJ and Eckhardt SG: Differential responses to cytotoxic and cytostatic agents by metabolic and functional imaging end-points. ISMRM Scientific Workshop on Advanced Cancer MRI, Santa Cruz,

CA, September 19-22, 2010.

3.116) Serkova NJ, Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Hasebroock KM, Merz AL, Pitts TM, Eckhardt SG: Imaging endpoints to predict response to IGF1R/IR inhibition in CRC models . AACR Molecular Diagnostics in Cancer

Therapeutic Development: Challenges and New Horizons Conference , Denver, CO, September 27-30,


3.117) Strand K, Loram LC, Taylor FR, Sloane EM, Rieger J, Maier SF , Serkova NJ, Watkins LR: Adenosine

2A receptor (A2aR) agonists in multiple sclerosis in rats: multi-week resolution of pain or paralysis with single intrathecal (IT) dosing. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 13-

17, 2010.

3.118) Frey L, Lepkin A, Schickedanz A, Hasebroock KM, Serkova NJ: Blood-brain barrier disruption (BBBD) by T1-weighted MRA as a biomarker for seizure susceptibility after experimental brain injury.

64 th


Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society , San Antonio, TX, December 3-7, 2010.

3.119) Sargsyan SA, Serkova NJ, Renner B, Hasebroock KM, Larsen B, Stoldt C, McFann K, Thurman JM:

MRI-based detection of tissue fixed complement C3 fragments to monitor disease activity in lupus nephritis. 19 th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ,

Montreal, QE, Canada, May 3-8, 2011.

3.120) Fredrickson J, Serkova N , Carano R, Wyatt S, Pirzkall A, Weekes C, Silverman J, Rosen L, de

Crespigny A: Clinical translation of VSI using Ferumozytol: Feasibility in a phase I oncology clinical trial population. 20 th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ,

Melbourne, Australia, May 5-11, 2012.

3.121) Bluth JS, Loram LC, Brown MS, Hasebroock KM, Miller DE, Watkins LR, Serkova NJ: MRI detection of spinal lesions in a rat MS model. 20 th

Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic

Resonance in Medicine , Melbourne, Australia, May 5-11, 2012.

3.122) Serkova NJ , Bradshaw-Pierce EL, Rowe MD, Hasebroock KM, Merz AL, Boyes SG: Targeted gadolinium MOF nanoparticles as a positive contrast for MR imaging on EGFR expression. 20 th Scientific

Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Melbourne, Australia,

May 5-11, 2012.

3.123) Yang T, Serkova NJ, Lim L, Maze M, Niemann CU: Xenon and isoflurane preconditioning elevate the mitochondrial function related gene expression in the liver in rat. American Society of Anesthesiology

(ASA) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 13-17, 2012.

3.124) Serkova NJ , Huber KM, Renner B, Pickering MC, Thurman JM: Non-invasive detection of glomerulonephritis by MRI-based molecular imaging. The American Nephrology Society (ASN) Kidney

Week 2012 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 1-4, 2012.

3.125) Stukova M, Golovko D, Huber K, Frederick B, Thurman J, Serkova NJ: Time-course for macrophage detection in vivo by ferumoxytol-enhanced T2-MRI. The 2013 World Molecular Imaging Conference

(WMIC) , Savannah, GA, September 18-21, 2013.

3.126) Schlaepfer I, Eckel R, Serkova NJ, Glode M, Cramer S: Enhancement of 18-FDG-PET in prostate cancer xenografts using lipid metabolic inhibitors. The 2013 World Molecular Imaging Conference

(WMIC) , Savannah, GA, September 18-21, 2013.

3.127) Serkova NJ, Huber KM, Hicks D, Smith-Jones P, Spillman MA: 18 F-Estrogen PET in orthotopic mouse xenograft models for ovarian cancer. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Ovarian

Cancer Workshop, Miami, FL, September 18-20, 2013.

3.128) Serkova NJ, Hammond BG, Poth J, Huber KM, Stukova M, Golovko D: Magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI) on macrophage-based inflammation in a mouse renal ischemia-reperfusion model using superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles. American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) Annual

Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 12-16, 2013.

3.129) Henry CJ, Marusyk A, Zaberezhnyy V, Casas-Selves M, Serkova NJ , DeGregori J: Inflamm-aging reduces B-progenitor function leading to increased selection for oncogenically-initiated B-cells.

Inflammation, Infection and Cancer (X1) Keystone Meeting, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, March

9-14, 2014.

3.130) Deep G, Ramteke AM, Nambiar DK, Jain AK, Serkova NJ, Agarwal C, Agarwal R: Silibinin inhibits hypoxia-induced proliferation, angiogenesis and lipogenesis in prostate cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting , San Diego, CA, April 5-9,


3.131) Schlaepfer IR, Pac CT, Serkova NJ, Deep G, Agarwal R, Cramer SD, Eckel RH, Glode LM: Lipid metabolism inhibitors enhance glycolysis and FDG uptake by PET in prostate cancer tumors. American

Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting , San Diego, CA, April 5-9, 2014.

3.132) Lee JY, Wilson LA, Choi JM, Huber KM, Merz AL, Weekes CD, Serkova NJ: A multimodality imaging end-point study of everolimus and ganetespib in treatment of pancreatic cancer: a pre-clinical

PET/MRI/MRS study. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting , San Diego,

CA, April 5-9, 2014.

3.133) Borgen LK, Murphy CM, Johnson EL, Sinha N, Serkova NJ, Drew KL: 1 H-NMR metabolomics biomarkers of poor outcome after hemorrhagic shock are absent in hibernators.

Experimental Biology

Conference, San Diego, CA, April 26-30, 2014.

3.134) Lee JY, Wilson LA, Choi JM, Huber KM, Merz AL, Kechris KJ, Weekes CD, Serkova NJ: Multimodality imaging end-points on mTOR and HSP inhibition in pancreatic cancer: A pre-clinical PET/MRI/MRS study. 22 nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) ,

Milan, Italy, May 9-16, 2014.

3.135) Stringer KA, Jones AE, Puskarich MA, Karnovsky A, Serkova NJ: Increased lipid levels by 1 H-NMR associated with apoptosis differentiate acute respiratory distress syndrome (ASRD) from sepsis.

American Thoracic Society (ATS) Conference , San Diego, CA, May 16-21, 2014.

3.136) Little T, Ryan AJ, Steffens FE, Serkova NJ, Meyer D: Associative metabolic changes in HIV-1 infected patients, influence of ART and quantitative lipid analyses using 1 H-NMR. Kern Lipid Conference 2014,

Vail, CO, August 4-7, 2014.

Invited Lectures:


“MRS application to the evaluation of volume regulation and metabolic alterations in primary astrocytes”,

Radiology Department, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.


“Possibilities of NMR spectroscopy in biopharmaceutical research”, Department of Biopharmaceutical

Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, CA.


“Neurotoxic screening of immunosuppressive drugs by 31 P-MRS on perfused rat brain slices ex vivo ”,

Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

“NMR for drug toxicity in transplantation medicine”, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburg,

Pittsburg, PA.


“MRS on perfused organs”, Department of Radiology, DVA Medical Center, San Francisco, CA

“Does impairment of energy metabolism result in cyclosporine neurotoxicity?”, Department of

Biopharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, CA.

“Cyclosporine in the brain: from neurotoxicity to neuroprotection”, Department of Chemistry/Biology, University of Bremen, Germany.

“Role of calcineurin and immunophilins in neurotoxicity of immunosuppressants”, Department of Cardiothoracic

Surgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.


“Evaluation of the effect of cyclosporine, sirolimus, and RAD alone and in combination on cell metabolism”,

Preclinical Safety Department, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Basel, Switzerland.

“The importance of evaluating mechanisms of toxicity: RAD and sirolimus have opposite effects on cell metabolism ”, 18 th

International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Rome, Italy.


“MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) as preclinical test for the efficacy and metabolic toxicity of novel drugs ”, School of Pharmacy, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO.

“MRS/MRI in biomedical research”, Bayer AG, Wuppertal, Germany.


“Kidney metabolic toxicity of novel immunosuppressants: everolimus versus sirolimus in combination with cyclosporine ”, Preclinical Safety Department, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Basel, Switzerland.

“MRS in islet transplantation”, Departments of Anesthesia and Surgery, University of California, San Francisco,


“Biomedical Magnetic Resonance (MRI/MRS) Center at UCHSC: from cells to the human”, Animal Cancer

Center, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.


“Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for metabolic evaluations: from the cell to the human”, Department of Pharmacology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO.

“Magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Cell metabolism in hypoxia and reperfusion”, Colorado Center for Altitude

Medicine and Physiology (CCAMP) Seminar, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO.

“MRI/MRS in diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer”, 13 th International Prostate Cancer Update , Vail, CO.

“Magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a tool to identify mechanisms of immunosuppressant toxicity”, 42 nd

Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxiclology (SOT), Salt Lake City, UT.

“MRS-based metabonomics to evaluate metabolic toxicity of novel immunosuppressants”, Toxicology and

Inflammatory Diseases Unit, Roche Bioscience, Palo Alto, CA.

“Metabonomics: A new approach in pharmacodynamics and toxicodynamics”, Sanofi-Synthelabo Research

Inc., Malvern, PA.

“Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for metabolic prediction of anticancer drug resistance”, 8 th World

Congress on Advances in Oncology, Crete, Greece.


“Cancer Metabolism and Its Changes Upon TKI Treatment: NMR from the Bench top to The Patient Bed”,

Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.

“Quantitative MRS based Metabolomics in Drug Discovery: Pharmacodynamics and Toxicodynamics”, SMASH

2004 Conference Program, Breckenridge, CO.

“Magnetic Resonance (MRI/MRS) in Translational Research in Cancer and Anti-Cancer Treatment”, Colorado

Cancer Center Symposium Series, Denver, CO.

“Quantitative NMR based Metabolomics: From Method Validation to Biomedical Application”, 2004 Bruker User

Meeting, San Jose, CA.

“Metabolic Signature of Small Molecule Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors by MRS – from Efficacy to Resistance

Development”, Cambridge Healthtech Institute Conference, Miami, FL.


“MRS Based Metabolomics as a PD Tool for Novel TKIs”, The Third Annual Opinion Leader Consortium on

Novel and Targeted Therapies for Head and Neck Cancer, Astra Zeneca, Cancun, Mexico.

“From Proteomics to Metabonomics”, Continuing Medical Education Program Controversies in Transplantation,

Breckenridge, CO.

Roundtable: “NMR-based Metabonomics as a Potential Clinical Tool for Monitoring Efficacy and Toxicity of

Drug Therapy”, 9 th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology, Louisville,


“Identification of Biomarkers for the Toxicodynamics Monitoring of Immunosuppressants Using an MRS-based

Quantitative Metabonomics Approac h”, 9 th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical

Toxicology, Louisville, KE.

“Blood Metabolic Profiling in Transplantation by Quantitative 1 HNMR Spectroscopy”, Metabolic Profiling in

Drug Discovery, London, UK

“Metabolomics: Principles and Practice”, UCDHSC Research Symposium on Systems Biology in Biomedical

Research, Denver, CO

“Quantitative 1 HNMR Metabolomics to Monitor Graft Outcome After Transplantation”, Cambridge Healthtech

Institute Conference on Metabolic Profiling, Miami, FL.


“Assessment of Efficacy of Novel Targeted Drugs by MRI/MRS”, University of Colorado Cancer Center,

Developmental Therapeutics Program Retreat, Aurora, CO.

“MR Imaging for In Vivo Cancer Models and Novel Therapeutics”, 4 th Annual Opinion Leader Consortium on

Novel and Targeted Therapies for Head and Neck Cancer, Key Biscayne, FL.

“Blood analysis for Cancer Prediction”, Interview for Colorado 7News Channel

“Quantitative Blood Metabolomics in Organ Transplantation”, Advances in Functional Genomics, San

Francisco, CA.

“Quantitative Metabolic Markers by High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”, American Chemical

Society, San Francisco, CA.

“Biomedical MRI/ MRS: from Cell Metabolism to Animal Physiology”, Department of Medicine Monthly

Research Conference, UCHSC, Denver, CO.

“Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine: From Metabolomics to Physiology”, Key Note Speaker for Women’s

Health Investigator Network Fall Forum 2006, Denver, CO.

“Metabolic Consequences of Therapeutic Responsiveness and Resistance Development to Novel Targeted

Therapies”, 5 th International Congress on Cancer Metabolism, Louisville, KY.

“Metabolic and Physiological Response to EGFR Inhibition by Novel Small Molecule Tyrosine Kinase

Inhibitors”, UCHSC Department of Pharmacology Retreat, Copper Mountain, CO.

“Metabolic Markers in Translational Transplantation”, UCHSC Department of Anesthesiology Research

Seminar, Denver, CO.

“Magnetic Resonance – from Cell Biochemistry to Animal Physiology”, UCHSC Biomolecular Structure

Program Grand Rounds, Aurora, CO.

“Magnetic Resonance to Assess Therapeutic Response”, Signaling Transduction Modulators Symposium,

Aurora, CO.

“ 1 H-NMR Based Metabolomics: Translational Applications to Tra nsplantation”, 7 th Annual Cambridge

Healthtech Institute’s Meeting on Metabolic Markers, Orlando, FL.


“Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: From Metabolomics to Molecular Imaging”, UCHSC Department of

Endocrinology, Aurora, CO.

“Small Animal Imaging at UCHSC: Optical, MRI, microPET/CT”, Department of Immunology Grand Rounds, the National Jewish Center, Denver, CO.

“NMR Spectroscopy and Neurological Outcome in Children with Congenital Heart Disease”, Department of

Surgery and Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, the Children ’s Hospital, Denver, CO.

“NMR-Based Metabolomics of Immunosuppressant Toxicity After Organ Transplantation”, Cambridge

Healthtech Institute Biomarker Discovery Summit, Philadelphia, PA.

“Application of Imaging Modalities in Pre-Clinical Research”, UCHSC Department of Obstetrics and

Gynecology Grand Rounds, Aurora, CO.


“Small Animal Imaging in Colorado”, Grand Rounds, Immunology Department, National Jewish Medical

Center, CO.

“Translational Imaging Endpoints in Oncology: From Pre-Clinical Imaging to IRAT”, Educational Rounds,

Radiology Department, UCHSC, Aurora, CO.

“NMR-Based Metabolomics: Translational Application in Cancer and Anti-Cancer Treatment”, Cambridge

Healthtech Institute, Biomarker Discovery Summit, Philadelphia, PA.

“Pre-Clinical and Clinical DCE-MRI on Novel VEGFR-Targeting Drugs”, Department of Radiology, Penn

University, Philadelphia, PA.

“Novel Imaging Approaches in Pre-clinical and Clinical Setting”, The Rocky Mountain Nuclear Medicine

Technologist Association, Englewood, CO.

“Imaging in Vivo Omics – The End of the Cold War in Translational Medicine”, American Society of

Anesthesiology, Orlando, FL.


“Establishing Metabolic Profiles of Delayed Graft Function in Blood of Kidney Recipients”, Frontier in Renal

Transplantation, Division of Transplant Surgery, Denver, CO.

“Brain Imaging: Anatomical, Metabolic and Functional Imaging Modalities”, Colorado Intellectual and

Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC) Seminar Series, Denver, CO.

“Brain Metabolomics”, Colorado Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC) Seminar


“Imaging End-Points in Oncology”, Biomarkers in Clinical Trials conference, SMi Group, London, UK.

“Intracellular Pathways of Glucose Metabolism Determine Imatinib Resistance in Leukemia: Potential

Applications for Drug Resistance Testing in Circulating Tumor Cells”, (together with Dr. Laszlo G. Boros,

UCLA/ SIDMAP) NIH Meeting on Circulating Tumor Cells/ Emerging Technologies, Bethesda, MD.

“Imaging Update in Colorado: Animal Imaging and the New C-TRIC”, Department of Anesthesiology Research

Seminar Series, School of Medicine, University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora, CO.

“Functional Imaging to Assess Responsiveness to IGF-1R Inhibition in CRC Models”, Developmental

Therapeutics Program Retreat, University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, CO.


“Anatomical and Functional Imaging in Oncology”, Hormones and Related Malignancies Seminar Series,

School of Medicine, University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora, CO.

“Functional and Molecular Imaging on Animal Models of Cancer”, Colorado State University, Veterinarian

Teaching Hospital, Fort Collins, CO.

“Functional Imaging for IGF-1R Responsiveness in Colorectal Cancer”, University of Colorado Cancer Center

Symposium, UCD, Aurora, CO.

“Functional Imaging in Animal Cancer Models”, Department of Radiology, Colorado Translational Research

Imaging Center (C-TRIC), UCD, Aurora, CO.


“Oncologic Imaging Utilizing 4.7T MRI”, Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT) of the

International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2011 Regional Educational Seminars,

Broomfield, CO.

“Clinical Application of Metabolomics in Cancer”, (co-authored with Gail S. Eckhardt, MD, Plenary Session on

Advance Technologies, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2011 Annual Meeting, Orlando,


“Next Generation Imaging for Cancer Detection, Staging and Treatment Response”, CCTSI Clinical

Investigator Program Retreat, Aurora, CO.

“Multimodality Imaging of Mice”, Educational Courses at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada.

“Physico Chemical Principles of Metal Based Paramagnetic/ Iron Contrast”, Educational Courses at the 2011

Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

“New Oncologic Imaging for the Assessment of Therapy Response”, Bio-Imaging Meeting at the National

Institute of Standard and Time (NIST), Boulder, CO and Washington, DC.

“Current Pre-Clinical Resources at the AMC” VisualSonic Imaging Symposium in Colorado, Aurora, CO.

“ 1 HNMR Based Metabolomics: Application in Translational and Clinical Medicine” Grand Rounds for the

Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Medical School, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,



“Imaging genes and proteins non-invasively: Molecular imaging in living animals” Structural Biology and

Biochemistry Graduate Program, Anschutz Medical Center, University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO.

“Oncologic Imaging Utilizing 4.7T MRI”, Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT) of the

International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2012 Regional Educational Seminars,

Loveland, CO.


“ MRI on Imaging Inflammation Usin g Targeted and Untargeted Iron Oxide Nanoparticles” Physics Grand

Rounds, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO.

“Animal Imaging and Advances in Brain Imaging” IDDRC Seminar, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical

Center, Aurora, CO.

“Contrast-Enhanced T2-MRI with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles to Image Tumor Associated Macrophages” Cancer

Center Symposium, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Tampa, FL.


“Imaging Inflammation in Cancer: Pre-Clinical MRI Using Iron Oxide Nanoparticles” Cancer Center

Symposium, University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, CO.

“Animal Oncologic Imaging” Molecular Oncology Retreat, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO.

“Imaging Inflammation Using Iron Oxide Enhanced MRI” Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, University of

Colorado, Anschutz Medical Center, Aurora, CO.

“Imaging of Cancer Inflammation: The Future of MRI and PET” Endocrinology Grand Rounds, University of

Colorado, Anschutz Medical Center, Aurora, CO.

“Cancer Physiology” 22 nd Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

(ISMRM), Milan, Italy.

“Imaging of Cancer Treatment Response” Keynote Speaker
