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8 List of publications, studies and projects – the Poloniny NP
Elementary research is focused on collecting of information and knowledge mostly on specific groups
of plants and animals. First of all it is necessary to mention that results from this research we issued in
the following monographies on the wildlife in Poloniny National Park with numbers of publicated
Kvetena Bukovských vrchov (Flora of Beech Hills)describing 957 species
Diptera Bukovských vrchov (Diptera of Beech Hills)-2 254 species (9 new for science)
Huby Národného parku Poloniny (Fungi of the National Park Poloniny) 1 244 species
Motýle Národného parku Poloniny (Lepidoptera of the National Park Poloniny) 819 species
Chrobáky NP Poloniny (Coleoptera of the National Park Poloniny)1 467 species
Pavúkovce (Arachnida) Národného parku Poloniny (Spiders of the Poloniny National
Park”)687 species.
These numbers are numbers itemised in these books, but the actual numbers are higher in present time.
For example we register more than 1 100 of vascular plant.
From other publications we would mention following:
Book “Birdlife of Snina District”. Author is Štefan Pčola – a member of staff/zoologist of the
Poloniny National Park Administration (Pčola Š., 2012: Vtáctvo okresu Snina. SOS/Birdlife
Slovensko, Bratislava, 215 s.).
in Polish language there was edited a book “Return of European Bison to the
(Powrót żubra w Karpaty) from authors Kajetan Perzanowski and Edward Marszalek. One
chapter describes restitution of European bison in the Poloniny National Park (Perzanowski K.,
Marszalek E., 2012: Powrót żubra w Karpaty. Regionalna Dyrekcja
Lasów Państwowych w
Krośnie, 256 stron.)
Scientific book “Novikmec M., Svitok M., Bitušík P. - Limnology of streams in the Poloniny
National Park (The East Carpathians, Slovakia)” was edited on the end of year 2007.
Some results from research of large carnivores were published in articles:
10. Štofik J., Holbová M., Paule L., Straka M., Bucko J., Gic M., Major P., Molnár L., 2012:
Preliminary results of genetic monitoring of Brown bear in Eastern Carpathians and
analysis (Slovakia). See http://www.tuzvo.sk/files/LF-KF/23_stofik.pdf
11. Paule, L., Straka, M., Štofík J., 2012: Fragmentation of the brown bear (Ursus arctos.)
population from the Western Carpathians.
See http://www.tuzvo.sk/files/LF- KF/20_paule.pdf.
12. Straka M., Paule, M., Ionescu, O., Štofík, J. & Adamec, M., 2011a: Micro-satellite diversity and
structure of Carpathian brown bears (Ursus arctos): consequences of human caused
fragmentation.Conservation Genetics. Volume 13, Number 1, 153–164. (See
13. Straka, M., Paule, L., Štofík, J., Ionescu, O., & Adamec, 2011b: Genetic differentiation of
Carpathian brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations reflects the human caused isolation.
Beiträge für Wild- und Jagdforschung 36: 77–86.
14. Štofík, J., Saniga, M., 2012: Brlohy a ležoviská medveďa hnedého Ursus arctos Východných
Karpát – Národný park Poloniny. Folia Oecologica, accepted. (Translated title: Dens and lying
places of brown bear from Eastern Carpathians – Poloniny National
15. a scientific article was publicated in magazine Czech Mycology: “Adamčík, Christensen,
Heilmann-Clausen, Walleyn: Fungal diversity in the Poloniny National Park with
emphasis on indicator species of conservation value of beech forests in Europe”.
In the referred period main research findings were published by several authors in scientific journals
(orthoptera, chilopoda, carnivores, birds, woodpeckers).
Further there were following researches:
Research on malakofauna (mollusca) was aimed not only in the streams but also in wetlands (by
Dr. Šteffek).
Research aimed on Associations of stubble fields (synantropic plants). Researcher is Sergej
Mochnacký from Botanical Garden of Pavol Jozef Šafarik’s University in Košice started in 2005.
(iii) Research of distribution, significance and protection of big beast of prey in Poloniny National
Park was done in the frame of final thesis of Michal Kertis, student of Technical University in
(iv) Research “Distribution and differentiation of amphibia and reptiles in Slovakia” done by RNDr.
David Jandzik from Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences.
(v) Genetical research of otter (Lutra lutra) along the water streams of Poloniny National Park –
research done by Polish Academy of Sciences, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Carpathian
Fauna Research Station.
(vi) ngoing research of forest ecosystems in formations of primeval forest on permanent
research plots (NNR Havešová, Rožok and Stužica) established by prof. Korpel; the
research is kept by Technical University in Zvolen – Faculty of Silviculture.
(vii) Hydrogeological and hydrochemical mapping conducted by the State Geological Institute
of Dionyz Stur;
(viii) Research aimed on deposits of coal oil and natural gas realised by private company Taxes oil;
(ix) Mapping aimed on occurrence of protected butterflies from genus Maculinea (M. alcon, M. arion,
M. rebeli, etc.);
(x) Entomofaunistic research of butterflies done by the Association for Understanding and
Protection of Entomofauna;
(xi) Research of macrozoobentos in catchment of the Stužica River realized by the Comenius
University in Bratislava – Faculty of Natural Sciences;
(xii) Entomofaunistic research of some orders of insects like beetles (Coleoptera), flies (Diptera),
butterflies (Lepidoptera) and Hymenoptera done by the Slovak Entomological
(xiii) research aimed on protection of environment from parasitozoonoses under the influence of
climatic and social changes conducted by Institute of Parasitology of the Slovak Academy
of Sciences (collecting of ticks and pickup of excrement samples of large animals);
(xiv) research of ectoparasites on lizards as the transmitters of naturally focal deseases done in
cadastral area Kolonica by Institute of Parasitology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences;
(xv) mapping of otter (Lutra lutra);
(xvi) research and protection of bats by the Slovak Bat Conservation Society;
(xvii) research of parasitofauna on population of birds by the University of Veterinary Medicine and
Pharmacy in Kosice;
(xviii) research of European bison took place and it is realised in cooperation with Italian researchers
from University of Perrugia, Udine and Parco Natura Viva.
(xix) a specific research on ethology of repatriated bison has also begun.
Another event in the referred period was the International Seminar of Cryptogamists (mycologists,
lichenologists, bryologists) organised by the Botanical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences
and complemented by a short research in the field of our area.
Applied research was focused on monitoring of changes of non-forest communities with respect to
human activities and limnology of forest watercourses in anthropically deteriorated and unaffected
During the referred period there was done monitoring in the several permanent research plots
for following monitoring purposes:
(xx) dynamics and structure of natural woodland ecosystems,
(xxi) structure of grasslands with respect to different types of management,
(xxii) structure of bird habitats in natural woodlands.
(xxiii) dynamics and structure of agriculture land with aim to plan next development in this course of
study (Project BIOSCENE)
(xxiv) Monitoring of birds;
(xxv) Monitoring of large carnivores
Poloniny September 1st, 2015