Algebra I Syllabus: Mrs - San Leandro Unified School District

Mr. Fino
Algebra I
Extension: 2251
Welcome to San Leandro High School! This year we will be exploring the beginnings of Algebra, an
important building block for mathematical understanding. We will challenge ourselves through problem
solving, critical thinking, and the expansion of our mathematical knowledge. This syllabus serves to answer
any questions that you might have about the structure of this class. Please e-mail me if you have any further
questions. Thank you!
Required Materials:
 College ruled five-subject notebook (used specifically for math; not used with other subjects)
 Pencils and textbook
 A folder to hold stray papers
Grading Policy:
70% Assessments: Unit Tests, Quizzes, Finals
30% Homework, Participation, In-Class Activities, Projects
A: 93-100%
C-: 70-72%
A-: 90-92%
D+: 67-69%
B+: 87-89%
D: 63-66%
B: 83-86%
D-: 60-62%
B-: 80-82%
C+: 77-79%
F: 59% and below
C: 73-76%
Classroom Rules
1. Be respectful.
2. Follow directions and stay on task.
3. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
4. No side conversations during direct instruction and whole class discussions.
Our Classroom Rules are in place to protect the learning rights of each student. Repeated offenses of rulebreaking will result in proportional consequences. In the event of severe misbehavior, I will ask students to
attend an after-school detention in my classroom on the following day. Thank you for your support.
In order to succeed in mathematics, one must explore the ideas presented independently. Homework
provides students with the opportunity to practice the ideas we discuss and develop inside of class. Students
can expect to receive a problem set each night, highlighting concepts discussed in class the previous few
We will discuss the structure of Homework in the first few weeks. Homework must be completed in pencil,
as mistakes are a frequent and common occurrence in mathematics. Homework will be assigned ten
minutes before the end of the class period, and will be posted on the whiteboard, as well as my website.
I believe Homework is just that--work to be completed after-school in an independent capacity. Students
need to persevere through problems on their own to gain a high-level of understanding. In terms of grading,
students will receive credit for completion on time. Five points will be given for full credit, and three points
will be awarded for late credit. To receive credit on late assignments, I ask that students come after school
for a quick check.
Beginning in September, I will be holding an after-school homework club on Monday-Thursday from 3:154:15. In essence, I seek to provide a quiet, productive environment for students to focus on their
mathematics practice. The status of this club day-to-day will depend on my future schedule and obligations.
I will highly recommend that struggling students attend the club regularly.
The Mathematics Notebook will be an all-inclusive resource that will be needed every single day. Warmups, in-class activities, notes, and homework will all be included in the Notebook. Everything in the
Notebook must be dated and kept in chronological order.
 Warm-ups & In-class activities (Notebook Section 1)
 Notes (Notebook Sections 2-3)
 Homework (Notebook Sections 4-5)
Notebooks will be checked sporadically, approximately once per quarter. I will look for Organization,
Neatness, and Completion.
Tests will be given at the end of each unit and at the end of each grading period. Quizzes will be given
throughout each unit, typically every three to four sections. Students can expect to receive practice tests
prior to the test date, but should take it upon themselves to take additional measures in the days/weeks
leading up to big assessments. After each test students will report back to their parents on the progress and
scores of the most recent unit. Tests will not be sent home for confidentiality purposes, but students and
parents may access them in the classroom. Projects will occasionally be assigned as well, and will be
recorded as an Assessment grade.
Participation is another essential piece of success in any academic setting. Understandably, all students
have different levels of comfort with volunteering in the classroom. It is important to learn how to show
confidence in your ideas, speak when called upon, and work with others. All of these things will be
factored into a student’s participation grade.
If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get the notes and assignment for the day(s) missed.
Students can collect missed materials from classmates, or they can talk to me after school.
Throughout the year, the best way to contact me is by e-mail. I will always do my best to respond within 24
hours. Thanks again for your support.
Please sign below and return to class by Tuesday, August 26, 2014.
Student Signature
Parent or Guardian Email
Parent or Guardian Signature
Phone Number