Chris Grade 10 Review Class 2

Grade 10 Review
Elements of Short Stories Review
Create 3 quiz questions to pose to another student in the class.
Debate Topics
Characterization and relationship (R&J)
a. Find a quotation that stresses the importance of a relationship in Romeo &
Juliet, other than that of Romeo and Juliet. You are to argue that that
relationship is somehow stronger or more important than the relationship
between Romeo and Juliet –The goal is to stretch our abilities to build a
strong argument. You will debate against another team that will argue that
two other characters have a stronger relationship.
John vs. Winston (perception of their worlds)
a. How are Winston and John similar in the ways that they perceive their
worlds? QUOTES
b. How are they different? QUOTES
Does Winston cause his own suffering? (themes of suffering and control)
a. Winston causes his own suffering.
b. Winston does not.
The understanding of freedom in the eyes of characters
a. Argue that the theme of freedom/lack of freedom is more important in BNW
b. Argue that the theme of freedom/lack of freedom is more important in 1984
Happiness vs. truth in BNW
a. Argue that happiness is more important than truth in BNW
b. Argue that truth is more important than happiness in BNW
“Community, Identity, Stability” in BNW
a. Argue that Community, Identity and Stability do not exist in the BNW
b. Argue that Community, Identity and Stability do exist in the BNW.
Happiness is more important because of the way the government is structured
The only way to control people is to hide the truth
"But aren’t you shortening her life by giving her so much " pg. 134
don't take pills from strange men in cars