Marketing Plan for the Libraries at Camden County College 2011

Marketing Plan for the Libraries at
Camden County College
This plan is put in place as a guide to promote Library resources and services while keeping with the
mission of the College and the Library. The Library is an integral part of the academic setting. We want
to be able to show how we are vital to student success, faculty success, and community success. The
Library wants to acknowledge and improve upon its weaknesses and highlight what strengths we
already have. This plan is about more than just what the Library thinks people need, but about what
they want and how they want it. Rebranding the Library as an information center and not just a place
that has books will change the image of how people view quality information and the place to get it. We
need to use the physical space of the Library to its full advantage and go beyond that space to use the
librarians to their full potential. The Library needs to help the College produce engaged, active students
that are ready for the workforce or continuing their education at a four-year institution.
Target Markets
The Libraries are here to provide for:
 Students
 Faculty
 Staff
 Community Members
The Library needs to show users what the library can do for them, by tailoring information to their
needs. The Library needs to continue reaching out to the user base of students and faculty and the
other target markets to increase information usage and traffic both on the website and the physical
library. Start a campaign to draw students in for example, “connect@CCCLibrary” because “connect”
has a broad meaning, it can relate to different activities, resources, technology, and people.
Increase the amount of people that come into the library by 10 percent.
Engage the students and faculty more. Ask them what they want/need and try to deliver it;
don’t make assumptions.
Increase the amount of people that use the reserve textbooks by 20 percent.
Work with faculty to increase students’ information literacy, which can be assessed by having
students perform certain information searching tasks.
Increase reference interactions (online and in person) by 10 percent.
Increase the Library’s Presence around campus
Improve the Library’s website
Promote services and resources that the library believes have value for each Target Market.
 Implement a faculty liaison plan, to keep faculty and library staff connected to each other
 Go into classrooms to tell students about library cards or ask faculty to announce at the
beginning of every semester that students will need to get/new their library cards.
Use the faculty open house to connect with old and new members of the faculty
Promote our information literacy plan and classes, tailoring them to faculty members’ classes
Use faculty newsletter, email, and flyers in mailboxes to promote the library, upcoming events,
services, and resources
Work more with professors on designing Libguides better suited their courses or assignments so
students have a lot of the information they need in one place, including links to library resources
 Promote the reserve textbook collection at the beginning of each semester/session
 Put together end of the semester study and research information sessions for students and
provide them with tools to use on end of the term papers and projects
 Plan library tours at the beginning of the semester to allow students to become acclimated with
the Library
 Start a “Student Appreciation Day” once a semester. Invite students into the library for snacks
and the chance to win prizes. Have them fill out surveys to get feedback on library services
while they are there.
 Partnering with clubs/student associations for student events
 Hold mass Library Card renewals at the beginning of each semester
 Use the student newspaper to promote resources, services and upcoming events
 Use student feedback (through surveys and the library focus group) to improve the Library
Increase the Library’s presence on and off campus
 Attending Fall and Spring Campus events
 Partnering with the County Library System for events
 Increase the signage/flyers around campus advertising services and resources
 Work closer with faculty and staff
 Promote group learning/studying in the Library. Use Library space as a place for meeting
outside the classroom.
 Promote using library resources from home, something many students are surprised to learn
they can do.
 Work on improving chat, email, and text reference. If text reference cannot be answered in a
timely fashion (within 15 minutes when the library is open) then students won’t see its value.
 Make it easier for students to come up to librarians, use name tags and well designated
reference areas to increase awareness.
Increase the Library’s online presence and improve the website
 Working on improving the Facebook page with an update schedule
 Logon/Logoff access directly and clearly from the homepage.
 Improve the EBSCOhost search box by allowing the searcher to search multiple EBSCOhost
databases at once, not just Academic Search Complete
Make an “About Us” Section to encompass more information, including directions, hours,
locations, and additional information about each particular library
Facebook Update Schedule
There should be updates on the Library’s Facebook page at least 2-3 times per week. The Facebook
page will be used to promote events (Library events, College events, and County events), promote
resources and services, ask students’ opinions, etc…
*At the Beginning of Every Semester
 Remind students about Reserve Textbooks
 Remind students to update their library cards and let them know they can access library
resources from home
 Remind students about the back to school open house/library events
 Provide students the hours for all library locations
*A Week before Midterms
 Highlight specific resources
 Remind them of the Library’s hours
 Remind students to update their library cards and let them know they can access library
resources from home
*Two Weeks before the end of the Semester
 Provide students with the opportunity for research help/citation writing help with classes
 Remind students to update their library cards and let them know they can access library
resources from home
 Remind them of the Library’s hours
 Highlight specific resources
Library Events Schedule
 Fall Welcome Back Week (First week in September)
o Provide Library tours
o Mass Library Card Updates
o Faculty Open House
 Constitution Day/Week (September 17 or September 12-17)
o Hold events in the library and with CCLR
o Work with History classes/professors to showcase resources
 Student Welcome Back Celebration (End of September)
o Provide Library tours
o Mass Library Card Updates
o Hold a Student Appreciation Day
 Banned Books Week (September 24-October 1)
o Hold a Banned Books event, highlighting Banned Books in the Collection
o Set up a Banned Books exhibit
o Have a Banned Books Giveaway Contest, favorite Banned Book essay
Halloween (Week of/before October 31)
o Have a Halloween Themed exhibit
o Give out candy/treats
Veterans’ Day (November 11)
o Set up a Veteran’s Day exhibit
o Work in conjunction with the College for their events
End of the Semester (December)
o Hold classes for researching/citation writing
o Have coffee in the library for late night studying
 Black History Month (February)
o Partner with History classes/professors to highlight resources
o Set up a Black History Month exhibit
o Have an essay contest
 Women’s history Month (March)
o Partner with history of sociology classes to highlight resources
o Set up a Women’s history month exhibit
o Have an essay contest
 Technology Week (March 4-10)
o Highlight e-resources with classes on how to use them
o Promote Facebook and Library Chat
 Spring Fling (April)
o Provide Library tours
o Mass Library Card Updates
o Hold a Student Appreciation Day
 Earth Day (April 22)
o Hold an event about e-books and saving the environment
o Work in conjunction with the College to promote College events
 End of the Semester (May)
o Hold classes for researching/citation writing
o Have coffee in the library for late night studying