Public lectures planning checklist

A guide to helping you plan and deliver a lecture on or off campus
Planning the programme
Agree format – eg, lecture, panel discussion, informal event etc
Appoint event host or chair
Agree date and location with speaker and host / chair
Gain quote for and book venue – ensuring sufficient set up time
Establish capacity of venue
Decide if event will be free or paid for, ticketed or non ticketed, and who
the target audience will be
Gain quote for catering (if necessary) including speaker refreshments and
Put event in staff diaries to attend including informing senior staff that
should be aware
General planning
Decide whether to film / photograph the event and gain quotes
Agree booking process – eg, online and /or over the phone
Organise audio visual support, eg, microphones, support with
presentations, lighting etc
Confirm costs for speaker, eg travel arrangements
Organise travel arrangements, accommodation, dining etc for speaker if
Appoint speaker and senior staff liaison on the day
Identify car parking arrangements for speaker
Consider whether to produce a handout promote other events or activities
Produce speaker briefing and send to speaker
Consider asking for dietary requirements from attendees if food is
Produce chair/ host briefing and send to chair/ host
Ensure you are prepared for guests with limited mobility
Carry out initial risk assessment
Produce a detailed running order including set up and take down and
assign responsibilities
Brief staff about roles on the day
Specific arrangements for Campus events
Inform facilities if heating is needed on after 6pm using Planon
Inform cleaning team if additional cleaning is required using Planon
Inform security if you are expecting more than 50 cars at a week day, term
time event on campus during working hours
Inform security (for doors with keys) and ISS (for electronic doors) to
ensure afterhours access to your venue and what time the event is
expected to end
Promotional phase
Produce synopsis of event
Organise poster/ flyer/ webpage if necessary
Promote online, via social media, media, internal communications, to
address lists, etc as required. Ensure a combination of on and offline
Final arrangements
Ensure speaker and host are clear on all arrangements
Confirm speaker travel arrangements
Confirm staffing arrangements
Update risk assessment and ensure that any necessary team members
have a copy
Confirm all logistics – staffing, catering, venue, including informing catering
of any dietary requirements
Get presentation from speaker
On the day
Close registration
Print attendee list
Reserve seats for VIP attendees
Set up venue including signage, directions, welcome point, banners, slides
Brief team
Set up speaker presentation
Greet speaker and check any final requirements
Give out handouts (on chairs or by hand)
Ensure water is provided for speaker
Work with AV team (if applicable) to ensure speaker and chair have
microphones and lighting is adjusted
Take down event
Post event
Send thank you and/ or survey to attendees
Send thank you to speaker
Chase suppliers for invoices
Analyse attendance
View and save photos and film if appropriate
Issue post event promotion eg press release if necessary