The purpose of this project is to test and assess your knowledge of what we have learned in class about civilizations and culture. In this project , you will create an imaginary civilization. This civilization can occur during any time period where we currently have known humans to have lived. This is a chance to use your creativity and imagination, combined with the knowledge you have gained thus far in class. You will present your civilization to the class in some creative format. This could be in , but not limited too, a prezi, power point, poster board, map of a city, video, legos, a journal, sock puppet presentation,interpretive dance, or Minecraft. Your imaginary civilization should include the following: What is the name of this civilization? When did this civilization first come about? Does it still exist today? Give a brief history of this civilization. A geographic location on the planet EARTH.(notice I put Earth, not some mining colony on the outer rim of the universe) A reason this location was chosen. (for defense, location of resources, access to travel and trade routes, etc….) List cultural aspects of this civilization. These could include: (please include at least 8 of the following) 1. behaviors 2. beliefs 3. values 4. symbols 5. fashion 6. food 7. dance 8. music 9. instruments 10. written language 11. holidays 12. religion 13. Architecture and buildings associated with a civilization like government, places of worship, town hall, markets, housing, public transportation, roads, businesses, schools libraries, universities, courts, jails, farms, police and military stations, and housing. 14. myths and folklore What type of government does this civilization have? Why was this form of government chosen? Does the government require citizens to pay taxes? What do the citizens get in return for paying taxes? Does this civilization have a military? What military technology does the civilization possess? How does the civilization acquire food to feed it’s citizens? (agriculture, fishing, trading, hunting, etc…) What is the economy of the civilization like? What items does the civilization trade? Import? Export? Civilization is an advanced culture in which people have developed cities, science, and industries. Characteristics of Civilization Historians, anthropologists, and other scholars have identified several core characteristics of civilization. Some of the most commonly suggested characteristics include urban centers, agricultural manipulation and storage, irrigation, written language, standards of measurements, craftsmanship technology, social stratification, state government, a common religion and/or ideological outlook, and a shared culture. Let's quickly go through these terms just to make sure we understand how they contribute to civilization. Urban centers, of course, would include cities or villages throughout the territory occupied by a civilization. Agricultural manipulation and storage is important because it allows people to ensure their future livelihood, rather than just scrounge for food on a day-by-day basis. Irrigation allows for the growth of crops, and in some cases, clean drinking water and even plumbing. A written language unites a people, and allows them to communicate ideas with one another. A common system of measurements means that two people understand the same quantity of an object, distance, etc... Craftsmanship technology allows for the building of complex structures, tools, and art. Social stratification is a fancy way of saying different classes of people - you know, rulers, laborers, slaves, etc... State government refers to a common legal system of political authority. Religion and ideology refer to what a group of people believes about God, gods, and/or the way the world works. Perhaps most importantly, culture refers to the way of life among a particular group of people. One of the most important theorists of civilization was V. Gordon Childe, who lived from 1892 to 1957. Many of the characteristics listed above were theorized by him. Not everyone agrees with his ideas, however. Other scholars have proposed other sets of criteria. For example, some have suggested forms of taxation or tribute are characteristic of civilization. Others argue military forces, education systems, and monumental architecture should be included. So you see, not everyone totally agrees on every single point. The bottom line, however, is that civilization exerts control over nature.