Chapter 7 CELLULAR STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION – As you read, please fill in the blank with
appropriate term(s) and underline or highlight key information.
BIG IDEA: Cells are the _________________and________________________ units of all living organisms.
Section 7.1 Title: ______________________________________________________________________________
MAIN IDEA #1 The invention of the _____________________________________ led to the discovery of cells.
A. History of the Cell Theory - Important Discoveries
1. __________________________- observed cork with the first microscope and coined the term
“_______________________________” meaning ________________________________.
2 ______________________________________________- first to observe living organisms with a microscope
……Both men led to many scientific discoveries (scientific revolution)
3. _________________________________ studied plant tissues and concluded all plants are composed of ___________
4. __________________________________ reported that animal tissues consisted of individual ___________
5. ___________________________________ proposed tht all cells are produced from the _____________ of existing cells.
*** Cell Theory - One of the fundamental ideas of modern biology and includes the following
three principles.
B. Microscope Technology
1. ______________________________ microscope- uses ___________________ and a series of lenses to create a
magnified image.
2. _____________________________ microscope – uses ____________________ to beam electrons at thin specimens.
 Only _________________________ cells and tissues can be observed with electron microscopes
C. Basic Cell Types
1. __________________________- cells without a ___________ OR _________________________________ (mostly unicellular).
2. __________________________- have a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
***Eukaryotic structures
_____________________- distinct ___________ organelle that contains the cell’s genetic material in the
form of ______________.
_____________________ - enable specialized cell functions to take place in different parts of the cell at
the same time.
Eukaryotes are thought to have evolved from _____________________- __________________________ Theory
***Common Features
Plasma membrane –(define)____________________________________________________________________________
eu - ________________________, pro- ______________________ -kary _________________________________
Answer Think Critically #5 p 186
Section 7.2 Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
The _________________________________________ helps to maintain a cell’s _________________________.
A. Functions of the Plasma Membrane
1. Creates a thin, flexible _______________ that controls the movement of substances _______and ____ of the cell
2. ______________________________- capability to allow some substances pass through while keeping others out.
B. Structure of the Plasma Membrame
1. Phospholipid – is a molecule that has a _____________________ backbone, two __________________ ________________
chains, and a ____________________________-containing group.
2. Phospholipid bilayer- _________ layers are of phospholipids are arranged, ____________ TO ____________.
a. Phospholipids have a ______________ head and two ________________ “tails.”
b. Creates the barrier that is polar at its surface and non-polar in the center.
c. Separates the inside and outside _____________________________ of the cell.
*******How do hydrophobic substances cross a plasma membrane?
3. Other membrane components
a.__________________________________- move needed substances or wastes through the membrane.
b. ________________________________- non-polar molecule among the phospholipids; keeps the “tails” from
sticking together- fluidity
c. _________________________________(sugars)- help with cell identification
d. Fluid Mosaic Model
***_______________________ can move sideways across the membrane
***Other components, like _________________________ can even move through/among the bilayer.
***The fluidity of the membrane allows a scattered/random pattern arrangement of the
components- mosaic.
Draw the plasma membrane below and label each component.
Section 7.3
Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
MAIN IDEA #3: ___________________________________ contain __________________________ that allow the
_________________________________and the separation of functions within the cell.
A.Cytoplasm and Cytoskeleton
1. cytoplasm - ___________________________environment ______________________the plasma membrane.
a. Found in ALL cells
b.Prokaryotic- all chemical processes take place in cytoplasm
c.Eukaryotic- all chemical processes take place in organelles
2.___________________________ - framework (made of long, thin, _________________ fibers) for the cell within the
cytoplasm also aids in cell movement and other cellular activities.
a. ALL Eukaryotic cells
b. ___________________________- long, hollow protein cylinders
c. ____________________________- thin protein threads.
3.Cell Structures
a. ______________________________- control center of the cell that contains coded directions for the
production of proteins and cell division.
1. Surrounded by a _____________________________________________
2. ALL Eukaryotic
3. Contains most of the cell’s __________________
b. ____________________________- site of protein synthesis
1. Made of 2 components - _______________________ and ______________________
2. Can be free floating OR attached to the ER
3. Manufactured by the_______________________________
4. ALL cells
d. _____________________________- highly folded membrane that is the site of ______________ and
1. ALL Eukaryotic
2. ___________________ER- does NOT have ribosomes attached
3. ___________________ER- HAS ribosomes associated within
e. _____________________________- a flattened stack of tubular membranes that
modifies and packages ____________________________for distribution outside the cell
1. ALL Eukaryotic
2. Vesicles= sacs/packages; fuses with plasma membrane
f. ___________________________ a membrane- bound vesicle for the temporary storage of materials
1. Plant cells- ONE large
2. Animal cells- a FEW small
g. ____________________________- a vesicle that contains digestive enzymes for the breakdown of excess or
worn-out cellular substances.
1. Animal cells ONLY
h. ____________________________ organelles that occur in pairs and are important for cell division
1. Animal cells
2. MOST protist
_____________________________- a membrane-bound organelle that makes energy available to the rest of
the cell.
1. ALL Eukaryotic cells
_____________________________ a double-membrane organelle with thylakoids containing chlorophyll
where ___________________________________ takes place.
1. Plant cells ONLY
k. ________________________________ an inflexible barrier that provides support and protects the plant cell.
1. Plant cells
2.Fungi cells
3.SOME Prokaryotes
k. _________________ and _______________ projections from cell surfaces that aid in locomotion and feeding.
1.________________________- tiny hairs; SOME animal cells, protists cells, and Prokaryotes
2.________________________- tail like; SOME animal cells, Prokaryotes, and some plant cells
****Make a foldable with cell structure and function. Be neat and inclusive.
Section 7.4 Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
MAIN IDEA #4: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
A. Diffusion
1. Diffusion - _____________________________________________________________________________________________
***Brownian Motion ***Dynamic equilibrium –
***Facilitated diffusion –
2. Factors that affect diffusion rate
B. Osmosis: Diffusion of _____________________________
***Diffusion of water across a __________________________ ___________________________ membrane.
***Also exhibits dynamic equilibrium
1. Cells in Isotonic Solution –
2. Cells in Hypertonic Solution –
3. Cells in Hypertonic Solution C. Active Transport - The net movement of particles against a _______________________ ____________________.
1. Requires__________________________
2. Maintains ________________________
3. Uses____________________ Pump(s)
4. Uses _________________ energy to transport three sodium ions out of the cell while moving two
potassium ions into the cell.
D. Large Particles
1. ____________________________- intake of a substance
2. _____________________________ - secretion of a substance
Ex: more collision= faster diffusion
 Diffusion does NOT require any energy!
 Facilitated Diffusion
 Uses transport proteins to move other ions and small molecules across the plasma membrane.
 Still from high concentration to low concentration!
 Osmosis
 Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane.
 Also exhibits dynamic equilibrium
 Isotonic
 Cell is in a solution that has the same concentration of water and solutes.
 Stable/Equilibrium
 Hypotonic
 Cell is in a solution that has a lower concentration of solute.
 Net movement of water INTO the cell
 Hypertonic
 The concentration of the solute outside of the cell is higher than inside.
 Net movement of water is OUT of the cell
 Active Transport
 The net movement of particles against a concentration gradient.
 Requires energy
 Maintains homeostasis
 Na+/K+ Pump
 Uses ATP energy to transport three sodium ions out of the cell while moving two potassium ions into
the cell.
 Large Particles
 Endocytosis- intake of a substance
 Exocytosis- secretion of a substance