Math 113 - Section #1932
Introduction to Elementary Algebra I
Spring 2012
Course: Math 113 Introduction to Elementary Algebra I (3 units) section number 1932
Duration of the class: Monday through Thursday 11:45AM-1:10 PM
Class Location: Room TE221
Prerequisite: Mathematics 112 or placement.
Instructor : Tayebeh Meftagh
Office: TE 520X
Telephone : (213) 763-7319
Office hours: 1:00-2:00 PM Monday through Thursday
Course Objectives : Topics include review of signed numbers, variables, the order of operations; addition and subtraction of polynomials; solve and graph linear equations, solve inequalities; solve systems of equations.
Introductory Algebra, 10th edition, by Margin L. Bitinger ISBN-10: 0321269478 It will be helpful if you bring your book to the orientation
Attendance : Attendance is mandatory for all class meetings. Attendance may be taken at any time during the class meeting. If a student is absent, then it is he/she is responsible for any materials covered in their absence.
Withdraws : Students who are able to finish this class due to other obligations need to withdraw from the course before May 4, 2012 to prevent receiving F. Please withdraw from the course before 3/2/12 in order to prevent receiving W and before 5/4/12 to prevent receiving F.
Reading : Preparation for class should include reading the section(s) that will be covered.
Tests and Quizzes : This course includes four chapter tests and final exam. Each test covers one chapter and final exam will be cumulative exam. Quizzes are given in almost every class session on material covered during the session preceding session. The final exam date is on
Wednesday May 30 at 12:00 Noon to 2:00PM.
Grading Policy: Your semester grade depends on total points earned in the course.
The breakdown of the points is as follows:
Chapter tests ( three out five) 100 Points each
Homework 100 total
Attendance, and participation and quizzes 50 points total
Cumulative Final Exam 150 points
600 Points
540 (90%) or higher
480 to 539 (80% to 89% )
420 to 479 (70% to 79% )
360 to 419 (60% to 69%) below 360
Homework : There will be homework assigned for each day that must be finish during that week. Weekly homework is going to be collected each Thursday. Remember homework is essential to your successful completion in the course.
Homework will not be graded if:
It is late
It is not written clean and clear
Problems are not number
Chapter and sections are not stated
Make-ups : No make-up tests will be given; any missed chapter test will receive "0" as its score. The lowest chapter tests score will be dropped. If you miss final exam, the score of your final exam will be “0”.
Class room Conduct : Dishonesty or being disruptive behaviors such as sleeping, eating, drinking, use of profanity, violent behavior, using cell phone , during the class is a valid reason for being excluded from the class.
LATTC Academic Honesty Standards of Student Conduct: A student enrolling in one of the
Los Angeles Community Colleges may rightfully expect that the faculty and administrators of the colleges will maintain an environment in which there is freedom to learn. This requires that there be appropriate conditions and opportunities in the classroom and on the campus. As members of the college community, students should be encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment and to engage in the sustained and independent search for truth.
All persons shall respect and obey civil and criminal law, and shall be subject to legal penalties for violation of laws of the city, county, state and nation. All visitors making use of the facilities or grounds of any college of the District will be asked to sign a statement that they have received the Standards of Conduct and the rules relating to campus visitors adopted by the Board of
Trustees. Signature will not be a prerequisite to activities on campus. A record will be kept of all persons who use the facilities or grounds of the college.
Conduct in all of the Los Angeles Community Colleges must conform to District and college rules and regulations. Violations of such rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action depending on the individual's status as student, faculty, staff or visitor. Violations of such rules and regulations include but are not limited to the following:
Board Rule 9803.12 Dishonesty.
Dishonesty, such as cheating, or knowingly furnishing false information to the colleges.
Disciplinary action may be taken upon a student who violates Board Rule 9803.12
(Refer to
for additional information on Student Conduct at LATTC.)
Tentative Class schedule
Week Date
Week 1 2/6-2/11
Week 2 2/13-2/18
Week 3 2/20/-2/25
Week 4 2/27-3/3
Week 5 3/5-3/10
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8 3/26-3/31
Week 9 4/9-4/14
Week 10 4/16-4/21
Week 11 4/23-4/28
Week 12 5/7-5/12
Sections to be cover
1.7, 1.8, Test on chapter 1
2.4- 2.5
2.6, 2.7,
2.8, Test on chapter 2
3.1, 3.2
3.3, 3.4
3.5, 3.6
3.7, Test on chapter 3
Week 13 5/7-5/12 7.3-7.5, , Test on chapter 7
Week 14 5/14-5/19
Week 15 5/21-5/26
4.4-6.4, Review for the final
Wednesday May. 30, 2012 Final Exam 12:00 Noon-2:00 PM
Reasonable Accommodation: All students with disability need to contact the DSP&S Office located in Building E, room 110 (phone 213-763-3773) upon their registration for school.
Students with a disability that require accommodations, please send me a private email
( The sooner I become aware of your eligibly for accommodations, the quicker I will be able to work with the DSPS office to meet your needs. If you have not done so already, you should contact the DSP&S Office located in Building E, room 110 (phone 213-763-
3773) and bring a letter stating the accommodations that are needed.