YCWA Agency NGO Flow Modeling Proposal – September 9, 2014 Minimum Flows Use the most recent set of agency/NGO minimum flows for Middle Yuba downstream of Our House, Oregon Creek downstream of Log Cabin, and North Yuba River downstream of New Bullards Bar with the following additions, by reach. Middle Yuba Downstream of Our House (OH) Oct – March Sediment transport: when a flow event of at least 3000 cfs (inflow into Our House Reservoir) is forecast, open sluice gate for ~ 10 days to move sediment downstream. First event of each year. Whitewater recreation: provide flows between 800 and 2000 cfs on weekend days in the following water year types, with total days per water year type as follows: o Dry - 2 weekend days o Below normal - 4 weekend days o Above normal - 6 weekend days o Wet - 8 weekend days April – July Allow full ‘natural’ (without project) flow in the MYuba River on April 1 (i.e., close diversion tunnels), in years when New Bullards storage is at 780 taf or higher at end of day on March 31. When New Bullards Bar storage is less than 780 taf at the end of the day on March 31, for any OH spills on or after April 1, implement the following spill cessation steps. End when flow inflow intersects with prescribed minimum flows. If an OH spill starts at a lower magnitude than the highest flow in the table below, the cessation will start at the observed spill flow and go down from that point. Day 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 Minimum Flow – cfs (at gage below OH) 600 500 400 300 250 200 175 150 Day, cont. 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-24 25-27 28-31 Minimum Flow – cfs, cont. 125 100 80 60 50 40 [Note: These cessation flows represent effective flow rate changes of ~ 5-12% per day with slower rates at the end of the cessation period. This in the range of unregulated Sierran streams during spring run-off.] Oregon Creek Downstream of Log Cabin (LC) Oct – March Sediment transport: when a flow event of at least 1000 cfs (inflow into Log Cabin Reservoir) is forecast, open sluice gate for ~ 10 days to move sediment downstream. First event each year. Minus Lohman Ridge Diversion. 1 April – July Allow full ‘natural’ (without project) flow in Oregon Creek on or after April 1 (i.e, close diversion tunnels), in years when New Bullards Bar storage is 780 taf or higher at end of day on March 31. When New Bulldards Bar storage is less than 780 taf, for any LC spills after April 1, implement the following spill cessation steps. End when inflow intersects with prescribed minimum flows. If a LC spill starts at a lower magnitude than the highest flow in the table below, the cessation will start at the observed spill flow and go down from that point. Day 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-14 15-17 Minimum flow – cfs (at gage below LC) 100 85 70 60 50 40 30 25 Day, cont. Minimum flow – cfs, cont. 18-20 21-23 24-27 28-31 20 15 12 10 [Note: These cessation flows represent effective flow rate changes of ~ 5-10% per day with slower rates at the end of the cessation period. This in the range of unregulated Sierran streams during spring run-off.] [Note: Installation of a monitoring gage in Oregon Creek upstream of the Lohman Ridge tunnel inflow may be needed to confirm that recession rates are following the Oregon Creek rate]. North Yuba Below New Bullards Bar Oct – March Sediment/gravel and large wood restoration actions - TBD April – July Use Licensee proposed spill cessation measure (FLA Measure AR4). 2