Al-Mahmud, Bangash House, 5 Khalil Town, Jamrud Road Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Security analysis, Social/ policy research, institutional development & reform, post conflict
reconstruction & development, project management, proposal & documentation, quantitative and
qualitative research projects, legislative drafting & research information
MA, Coexistence & Conflict
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA, USA
February 2009
(With concentration in Sustainable International Development, Heller School of Social Policy)
MPhil, International Relations
Quaid-i-Azam University
Islamabad, Pakistan
January 2004
MA, International Relations
University of Peshawar
Peshawar, NWFP, Pakistan
December 2000
Institute of Management Sciences – IM|Sciences
Faculty Member, Development Studies Program
Peshawar, Pakistan
February 2009 till date
Key Achievements
 Design and Conduct Courses on Conflict Analysis and Transformation, Political Economy, Politics of
Development, Peace building and Conflict Research Methodology.
 Establishing Graduate Department on Peace & Governance at IM|Sciences.
 Supervise and conduct specialized trainings for research students and scholars.
Center for Public Policy Research - CPPR
Peshawar, Pakistan
Research Fellow
February 2009 till date
 Establishing the Centre, streamlining processes and methodologies.
 Supervise & manage 13 major studies and research projects in 12 months.
Center on International Cooperation (CIC)
New York University
New York, USA
July to December 2008
 Strategic policy expert on Pak-Afghan Border Areas.
 Baseline research on security, social, economic and Political conditions in the region.
Pakistan Legislative Strengthening Project (PLSP)
Islamabad, Pakistan
USAID/ Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI)
November 2005 to July 2007
Legislative Capacity Coordinator
 Training and capacity building of more than 700 parliamentarians and 1200 parliamentary staff.
 Establishment of a multi million Dollars autonomous training and research institute for the parliament
- Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS).
 Developed specialized modules for digitizing parliamentary proceedings and functions
 Organize Legislative Drafting trainings for more than 1000 participants in the country. Established first
certified program of Legislative Drafting in Pakistan.
Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS),
Islamabad, Pakistan
New Delhi, India
April 2004 to March 2005
Project Coordinator Pakistan– State of Democracy in South Asia (SDSA)
Coordinate baseline national survey on people’s opinion and attitudes about democracy and pluralism.
Organize conferences with political parties, trade unions, media and academic/ research community
on different aspects of democracy and human security in Pakistan.
Write Assessment reports and case studies on working and functions of Pakistani political system
Help establish civil society networks for research on democracy and governance in Pakistan.
Publications, Research Papers and Professional Conferences
Associate Author with Mohammed Waseem. 2006. Democratization in Pakistan: A Study of 2002
Elections. Oxford University Press: Karachi.
Globalization and South Asian Security, paper presented at Regional Centre for Strategic Studies
(RCSS) Workshop on Defense, Technology and Cooperative Security in South Asia, Marawila, Srilanka,
September 2-12, 2006.
Pakistan’s Afghan Policy in the 1990’s: Strategic Imperatives, Institutional Dilemmas and Systemic
Constrains”, MPhil Thesis, Supervised by Dr. Tahir Amin, Chair, Department of International Relations,
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Democracy in Pakistan: The Minimalist Agenda, South Asia Partnership, (SAP-Pakistan), Lahore,
Pakistan, February 14-15, 2004. Part of series of Dialogues on Democracy in South Asia for
International Institute of Democracy and Electoral Assistance (I-IDEA), Stockholm, Sweden.
Democracy and Human Security, Pakistan Institute of Labor Education and Research (PILER), Karachi,
Pakistan, August 21-22, 2004.
Pakistan’s Afghan Policy: The Decisive Factors, Paper Presented to Islamabad Policy Research Institute
– (IPRI), August, 2002.
Problem Related to Compliance of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian
Law in Afghanistan, Independent Bureau for Humanitarian Issues-IBHI, Report presented to the United
Nations General Assembly, Session 2002
Women Rights: Select National and International Documents, Translation in Urdu and Pashto, IBHI.
Judiciary and Constitutional Development in Afghanistan, Report Prepared for IBHI Afghan
Reconstruction Plan.
Political Parties in Pakistan: An Assessment, study Conducted for National Democratic Institute- NDI,
Islamabad, Pakistan. January 2005
2002 Elections in Pakistan: An Analysis, The Asia Foundation, Islamabad, Pakistan, April 2004
Professional Assignments
Project Coordinator, Assessment of Children Vulnerability in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa & FATA, UNICEF,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Project Manager, FATA Dialogue Series, CPPR/ British High Commission/ FATA Secretariat
Project Coordinator, Frontier Digital Gazette Project, Transnational Crisis Project, Washington D.C.,
Principal Investigator, NWFP, ‘Social Audit of Governance & Service Delivery in Pakistan 2009-10’,
Devolution Trust for Community Empowerment, UNDP, Jan-Feb, 2010
Parliamentary Expert , European Commission Project Formulation Mission for ‘Improving
Parliamentary Performance, Islamabad, Pakistan, April 27 – May 16, 2009
Post Conflict Reconstruction Specialist, Comprehensive Development Framework for NWFP , February
– March, 2009
Conflict Specialist, Cost of Conflict for NWFP 2003-2009, March-April 2009
Conflict Assessment Expert, Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, for Center on
International Cooperation (CIC/ NYU), New York University, New York, USA, September – December
Project Lead, District Buner: Socio-Economic Baseline and Displacement Impact, November 2009,
CPPR/ IMS, Peshawar
Project Lead, District Swat: Socio Economic Baseline and Displacement Impact, January 2010, CPPR/
IMS, Peshawar
Project Coordinator, Olive Farming: Potential for Poverty Reduction in Malakand Division, April 2010,
CPPR/ IMS, Peshawar
Master Trainers Training Workshop in Advance Survey Methods, New Delhi, India, July 17-21, 2004.
Gender and Development, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan, April 6- 8, 2002
Project Design, Monitoring & Evaluation, Training Course with Cheyenne Church, Tufts University
Fellow, Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Legislative Drafting, International Center for Law& Development (ICLAD), Boston University, USA
Project Management Professional , IM|Sciences, Peshawar, NWFP, Pakistan,
Languages: English, Urdu, and Pashto.