Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Table of Contents Letter to Organizations/Teams 2 Homecoming Steering Committee 2014 3 Calendar of Events 4 General Homecoming Guidelines 6 Homecoming Events for Competition: Create the Board: Campus Decorating Max’s Photo Contest Amazing Race Griffon Team Trivia Blood Drive Around the World Relay Pep Rally/Dance Bonfire/Hot Dog Eating Contest Parade 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Homecoming Competition Point Layout 16 Forms: Homecoming Entry Form o Assumption of Risk Waiver Homecoming Grievance Form Royalty Packet will be given separately on request 17 18 20 1 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Letter to Organizations Dear Organizations, We are excited to begin this year's Homecoming and hope that you are motivated to compete in one of the biggest celebrations ever. Homecoming will be hosted the week of October 19-25, 2014. We are proud to announce that this year's theme is "Griffons Around the World" and is based on major destinations and landmarks around the world. This packet contains the information for all events, guidelines, and applications needed to participate. You can also find the competition and point layout as well. If additional copies are needed a digital copy of this packet can be found online at missouriwestern.edu/homecoming. The committee has planned and organized many events for you to compete in and enjoy, we encourage all organizations to participate, whether for points or for fun. Our goal is to make this Homecoming a special one and to help build yours and the community's excitement for our centennial in 2015. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the packet or any other details about Homecoming 2014: Griffons Around the World, please contact the Homecoming Chair Reyhan Wilkinson at rwilkinson4@missouriwestern.edu. Good luck! Enthusiastically, Homecoming 2014 Steering Committee and Student Government Association 2 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Homecoming Steering Committee 2014 Homecoming Chairman Reyhan Wilkinson rwilkinson4@missouriwestern.edu Directors of Special Events Mimi Ho mho@missouriwestern.edu Camile Banez cbanez@missouriwestern.edu Directors of Public Relations and Marketing Bre Shepherd bshepherd1@missouriwestern.edu Katie Griffith kgriffith2@missouriwestern.edu Directors of Community Service Connor Samenus csamenus@missouriwestern.edu Bert Hale ghale@missouriwestern.edu Director of Royalty Alexis Spiegel aspiegel1@missouriwestern.edu Directors of Pep Rally and Bonfire Hannah Herrick hherrick1@missouriwestern.edu Katie Jarnagin kjarnagin2@gmail.com Directors of Parade Shae Fannon sfannon@missouriwestern.edu Jess Roark jroark1@missouriwestern.edu Director of Awards and Judges Eli Dodge edodge1@missouriwestern.edu 3 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Calendar of Events Date Day of the Week Event Location Time April 23, 2014 Wednesday Spratt 101 6:00PM September 19, 2014 Friday Blum 217 SGA Office 4:30PM September 26, 2014 Friday Blum 217 SGA Office 4:30PM October 1, 2014 October 2, 2014 Wednesday Blum 223 4:00PM Blum 207 (CSE) 9:00AM-8:00PM October 3, 2014 October 9, 2014 October 16, 2014 October 17, 2014 Friday Homecoming Info Night Homecoming Entry Forms Due Royalty Applications Due Royalty Interviews Create the Board Sign Pick-Up Royalty Info Meeting Begins Sign Drop Off Sign Drop Off Ends Office Decoration Deadline Royalty Campaigning Begins Max's Photo Contest Blum 223 4:30PM Blum 207 (CSE) Looney MultiPurpose Rm. Campus 9:00AM-8:00PM Campus 8:00AM -- 8:00 Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday 9:00AM-8:00PM 4:30PM October 20, 2014 Monday October 20, 2014 Monday October 20, 2014 Monday Amazing Race Clock Tower 5:00PM October 21, 2014 October 21, 2014 October 22, 2014 October 22, 2014 Tuesday Blood Drive Blum 218-219 10:30AM-4:30PM Tuesday Griffon Team Trivia Blood Drive Blum 222-223 5:00PM Blum 218-219 10:30AM-4:30PM Royalty Voting Opens MWSU Webpage 8:00AM Wednesday Wednesday 4 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 October 22, 2014 Wednesday October 23, 2014 Thursday October 23, 2014 October 24, 2014 October 24, 2014 October 24, 2014 October 25, 2014 October 25, 2014 October 25, 2014 October 25, 2014 Thursday Friday Friday Office Decoration Judging Around the World Relay Royalty Voting Closes Pep Rally/Dance Bonfire Griffons Around the World Campus 1:00-4:30PM Lot K and Mitchell Field 5:00PM MWSU Webpage GISC 11:59PM Behind Baker 8:00PM Behind Baker Union Street 7:00AM Saturday Hot Dog Eating Contest Parade Line Up Parade Following PepRally 10:30PM Downtown 9:30AM Saturday Tailgate Lot H 11:00AM Saturday Homecoming Football Game MWSU vs. Emporia State Spratt Stadium 1:30PM Friday Saturday 5 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World General Homecoming Rules Homecoming Steering Committee and its advisors reserve the right to make the final decision in matters pertaining to points, disqualification, and Homecoming guidelines interpretations. Participants of Homecoming events must follow all guidelines set forth in this packet and any verbal guidelines given at events. Infractions pertaining to disregard of guidelines may result in disqualifications of events of Homecoming all together. Any sort of substance abuse taking place during Homecoming events will result in disqualification from Homecoming all together. Participants in Homecoming events should be respectful of all other participants, judges, and the Homecoming Steering Committee All judges for competitions will be selected by the Director of Awards and Judges. All judges have final say in the winners of each competition. Cheating is prohibited in all Homecoming competitions. If an organization is found cheating at an event it may result in loss of points and or disqualification. Please review event pages for specific rules. 6 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Create the Board: Campus Decorating Downs Drive Deadline: Friday, October, 2014 at 8:00AM Objective: o Promote school spirit and homecoming theme around campus by designing signs to be placed around Downs Drive the week of Homecoming. Rules/Info: o Boards must incorporate and relate to the overall homecoming theme of Griffons Around the World o Include: Organization name, theme, and year in the design o Signs must be no larger than 4'x8' in size o Organizations may request a board to be provided by the Homecoming Committee on their entry form. o Signs may be picked up in the CSE Thursday October 2 by organizations that indicated they needed one from 9AM-8PM o Signs may be dropped off in the CSE starting October 9 and no later than October 17 at 5PM no exceptions. 7 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Max's Photo Contest Anywhere and everywhere Submissions start on Monday, October 20, 2014 at 8:00AM Deadline Monday, October 20, 2014 at 11:59PM Objective: o To spread awareness and school spirit of MWSU Homecoming 2014 Rules/Info: o You must follow the Homecoming Twitter account @MWSUHomecoming o Organizations should upload as many photos as possible to Twitter tagging @MWSUHomecoming o Each photo and tweet should have the organizations’ name and represent the organization’s theme and Missouri Western. o Organizations will need to submit one photo for competition to homecoming@missouriwestern.edu o Competition photo must be submitted from the organization's/team’s president or listed homecoming chair. o Photos will be judged on creativity, relation to theme, and overall school spirit. o Results will be announced at Pep Rally. o A Max the Griffon cut-out must appear with you in picture for competition. o You may pick up a Max the Griffon cut-out in the CSE from Thursday, October 2 to Friday, October 17. 8 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Amazing Race Clock Tower Monday, October 20, 2014 at 4:40PM Objective: o To win, a team must complete all tasks "Around the World" (MWSU Campus) Rules/Info: o This game is based on the show "Amazing Race" o Each team will consist of 5 active members of your organization. o All participating members in this event need to arrive on time to hear the specific rules of the competition o There will be tasks to complete at selected buildings on campus. o Winners will be selected based on which teams complete the race first 9 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Griffon Team Trivia Blum 222-223 Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 5:00PM Objective: o To win, a team must compete in a classic game of Team Trivia. Rules/Info: o Each organization will have a team of 2 active members compete. o Winner will be established on who has the highest correct answers out of 50 questions. o 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winners will be rewarded points. 10 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Blood Drive Blum 218-219 Tuesday and Wednesday, October 21 and 22, 2014 10:30-4:30 Objective: o To collect as many pints of blood from Missouri Western students, alumni, faculty, staff, and the Saint Joseph community as possible for the Community Blood Center. This competition is also totaled to compete against Northwest Missouri State University Blood Drive. Rules/Info: o Each organization will be responsible for recruiting as many people as possible to donate blood on behalf of their organization. o Each person who donates blood has the choice of which organization will receive their participation points. o Organizations with the most participations points (most people who donate), during the two days of the drive will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. o The Community Blood Center encourages participants to visit www.savealife.org and select Missouri Western State University to preregister and schedule a time to donate. Although it is not required, doing so will alleviate waiting times. 11 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Around the World Relay Band Practice Field Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 4:40PM Objective o To win, the organization must complete the relay the quickest Rules/Info: o Each organization will have 5 active members compete in the relay. o All participating members in this event need to show up at 4:40PM to hear the rules/instructions of the competition. o Relay will consist of running and answering multiple questions about special landmarks. o Winners will be based on which teams finish with the best times. 12 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Pep Rally/Dance Griffon Indoor Sports Complex (GISC) Friday, October 24th, 2014 at 8:30 PM (can begin arriving at 8:00 PM) Objective: o To create a fun-filled atmosphere to prepare students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members for the Homecoming Game Saturday Agenda: o Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members arrive between 8:00 and 8:15PM o Organization Recognition o Dance Performance o Crowning of Royalty Rules and Regulations for Dance: o Each organization participating in Homecoming may perform a dance/routine for competition o Each performance MUST be between two and three minutes long (ABSOLUTELY NO LONGER THAN THREE MINUTES) o 5 points will be deducted for every 30 seconds over the 3 minute limit. o The music, costuming, and overall performance must represent the organization’s theme o Music used must be approved by Homecoming Steering Committee no later than Friday, October 17th, 2014 o Music used must be turned into the CSE by Wednesday, October 22 nd, 2014 by 7:00pm on a CD/Flash Drive with instructions including track number, start time, entrance/exit, etc. o A video recording of the performance must also be submitted to Homecoming Steering Committee by Wednesday, October 22 nd, 2014 by 7:00 to determine appropriateness in CSE o If performance materials are not approved by Homecoming Steering Committee by Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014, disqualification from the event will occur o If performance submitted for approval is not performance given, disqualification from dance competition will occur. 13 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Bonfire/ Hot Dog Eating Contest Field behind Baker Family Fitness Center Friday, October 24, 2014 directly following Pep Rally (approximately 10:30PM) Objective: o To create a fun-filled atmosphere to prepare students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members for the Homecoming Game Saturday Agenda: o Arrive around 10:15PM or directly following the Pep Rally/Dance o Hot dog eating contest at 10:30PM o Burning of the opposing mascot at 10:45PM o DJ Party until 12:00AM Rules and Regulations: o Each organization participating must have one member compete in the hot dog eating contest for points o Each contestant will be given six hotdogs, buns included, to finish as quickly as possible (a cup of water will also be provided for dipping) o When contestant has finished all their hotdogs they must show the judge an open and empty mouth to declare they’re finished o The three contestants to finish first will receive points for their organizations Burn the Mascot: o We will be doing the traditional burning of the opposing team’s mascot. Although this is a fun and lively event, please remember to be respectful as the art department put a lot of hard work into making the simulated mascot. Additionally, please be respectful of any rules, regulations, and boundaries that are presented in regards to the bonfire because IT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY. DJ Party: o There will be a DJ present for a little more excitement. After the burning of the mascot we invite everyone to stick around and enjoy some fun music and dancing with the DJ. Friday night’s festivities will end at midnight. 14 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Parade Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 6:30AM Objective: o Create an event for the Missouri Western and St. Joseph community to enjoy the pride of Missouri Western State University Where: * This route is tentative and will be confirmed before classes begin* o Downtown St. Joseph o Line up between 22 and Frederick on Union Street o Starting at the merge of Frederick and Faraon o Left onto 9th Street o Right onto Felix Street o Right onto 5th Street o Right onto Jules Street o Ending back at the merge of Frederick and Faraon or City Hall Rules: o All entries must be capable of being transported to the parade line up site and remain mobile through the duration of the parade. o All float entries must follow city ordinances in regard to the size regulation; float units (truck and trailer) must not exceed 80 feet in length or 12 feet in height from the ground up. o Organization floats must indicate the name of the organization, the organization theme, and include our Homecoming theme, “Griffons Around the World” and the year, “2014.” o All entries may begin to arrive for line up starting at 6:30 A.M. on Union Street and all entries must be present at line up by 7:00 A.M. for check in. Tips: o Be prepared to stop and start to add bands. o Be prepared for sharp turns and hills. o You will be given an entry number. That will be the order you line up in for parade. o Judging will be at the lineup of the parade at 8:00 A.M. on Union Street. o Points will be awarded to the float with the best design and most enthusiasm. o Do not tear down floats after parade. The winning float will be displayed in the parking lot in front of Agenstein Hall during the game. 15 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Homecoming Competition Point Layout Event Participation Points First Second Third Total Possible Steering Committee Application - 25 25 25 75 Steering Committee Member 75 - - - 75 Royalty Nomination - 5 5 - 10 Royalty Court - 20 20 - 40 Create the Board 25 75 50 25 100 Max’s Photo Contest 25 75 50 25 100 Griffon Team Trivia 25 75 50 25 100 Blood Drive Amazing Race 25 100 75 50 125 25 75 50 25 100 Around the World Relay Pep Rally (Dance) 25 50 - - 100 25 100 75 50 125 Hot Dog Eating Contest 25 75 50 25 100 Parade 50 150 125 100 200 16 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Homecoming Entry Form Organization/Team Name: ___________________________________ Organization/Team Theme: ___________________________________ Organization/Team Chair Person: _______________________________ MWSU Email: ______________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________ Check all Events that your organization/team plans to participate in: Create the Board: Campus Decorating (participating) 4X8 Board (needed) Amazing Race Max's Photo Contest Griffon Jeopardy Around the World Relay Blood Drive Pep Rally Dance Hot Dog Eating Contest Parade Float Truck Car Other Vehicle: Music with Float Royalty Nominees King :________________________ Queen: ______________________ 17 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Assumption of Risk and Release Waiver By signing this Assumption of Risk and Release Waiver, I and/ or We wish to participate in the Missouri Western State University homecoming week events, and recognize there are risks of damage and injury arising from the activities included in participation of these events. By signing below, the participating person(s) agrees to assume the risks and responsibilities surrounding participation in the events. In addition, the person(s) (including his/her heirs, assigns, and/ or personal representatives) agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify Missouri Western State University from and against any claim demands, actions, causes of action, law suits, expenses, or losses (including fees) on account of property damage or personal injury (including death) arising out of attributable to the participants travel and any participation in any event. This Assumption of Risk and Release Waiver applies to Missouri Western State University and all of its trustees, officers, employees, and agents. The Undersigned acknowledges that he/ she has read and understands this document. Executed as of this ___ day of ________________, 2014 Name of Organization/ Team: ______________________________________________ Print Name: ______________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ G Number: ______________________________________________ PLEASE ATTACH AN ORGANIZATION/ TEAM ROSTER AND HAVE ALL PARTICIPANTS SIGN AND ADD G NUMBERS TO HOMECOMING ENTRY FORM 18 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Roster for Assumption of Risk Release Waiver Name G Number Signature 19 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World Homecoming Grievance Form Name: _____________________________________________ G Number: __________________________________________ MWSU Email: _______________________________________ Organization in Violation:________________________________________ This grievance concerns _________________________________ (Event) and the violation of ____________________________________________________________________. (Rule Violated) This violation occurred on __________________ (Date) at _________________ (Time), at ___________________________________ (Location). Please give an exact description of violations and include full names of all parties and organizations involved in incident: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ The above information that I have provided is complete and true to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date: ____________________________ ____________________________ 20 Missouri Western State University Homecoming 2014 Griffons Around the World 21