Template Work Instruction

Work Instructions
Kolling Institute
Guide for NSLHD travel applications for researchers
To assist Kolling Institute (NSW Health) research staff organise approval for all
domestic and international travel associated with conference attendance, seminars,
meetings and/or other official work purposes.
All NSW Health research staff based at or affiliated with Kolling Institute.
 Approval needs to be sought at least 6 weeks prior to intended travel.
 Required NSLHD forms, procedures and policies can be found on the NSLHD
intranet, saved to the Travel folder of the Kolling Shared drive
(\\fs2.shared.sydney.edu.au\Kolling\Kolling Shared\Travel) and also embedded at
the end of this guide.
 A brief description of travel forms and their use is as follows. (NOTE: Not all forms
are required.)
1. Internal brief – To be completed for ALL travel applications. A template has
been set up for populating with information relevant to the intended travel. The
brief MUST BE signed off by CE if the employee is presenting a poster/study
findings OR is receiving sponsorship for all/part of their travel OR if the total
expenditure is greater than $1400; otherwise can be signed off by Director
Operations of RNSH only.
2. Overseas travel application – ALL travel arrangements are to be made
through Carlson Wagonlit Travel (contracted to NSW Health) on 8666 1751,
quoting NSLHD account code: 2081 0046 8116 6257 and following
instructions in Air Travel forms (no. 4, below). They are NOT to be made
through another provider nor paid for upfront, unless costs are being borne by
the employee or sponsored by a third party. Complete form(s) once quote
from Carlson Wagonlit Travel has been received.
3. Domestic travel application – For domestic travel use, as per Overseas
travel application above.
4. Air travel forms – To be used in conjunction with Overseas/Domestic travel
application above, should air travel be involved.
5. Study or Conference application without travel booking – If no travel
arrangements are required (e.g. attending conference/seminar in Sydney,
receiving sponsored travel costs/arrangements, etc), then this form should be
used instead of Overseas/Domestic travel application above.
6. Travel allowance in advance application – Used for claiming travel
allowance/subsistence in advance. Please refer to section in PD2009_016
Travel – Official policy and documents saved on Kolling Shared drive for
allowance rates. (For international rates, contact rita.ieong@sydney.edu.au.)
7. Travel allowance claim – Used to claim travel allowance/subsistence
following completion of travel. Please refer to section in PD2009_016 Travel –
Official policy and documents saved on Kolling Shared drive for allowance
rates. (For international rates, contact rita.ieong@sydney.edu.au.)
To claim reimbursement of travel expenses, forward the following to Yolanda
Khalil (yolanda.khalil@health.nsw.gov.au), Kolling Research Finance Officer:
 a copy of the approved travel application (all pages)
Work Instructions
Kolling Institute
Guide for NSLHD travel applications for researchers
supporting receipts in the claimaint’s name (originals where possible)
completed Letter request for reimbursement (7a)
and if this is your first time claiming from NSLHD, also the Individual
Employee Creation form R12 (7b)
8. Sponsorship travel declaration – This form must be completed should any
form of payment or benefit be received from a third party in relation to the
intended travel, e.g. airfares, conference registration, daily allowance, etc.
9. Leave application form – All NSW Health staff need to complete a leave
form in the usual fashion and obtain sign-off from their line manager for
conference leave approval.
 All relevant forms should be forwarded in editable soft-copy format (where possible)
to NSLHD-Research-Finance@health.nsw.gov.au for checking by Kolling Research
Office Finance and HR personnel, who will arrange approval signature from the
Kolling Institute COO. Paperwork will then be returned to the author to seek further
approval where relevant.
 Travel application queries can be sent to rita.ieong@sydney.edu.au.
PD2009_016 Travel - PR2009_408 Travel
Official policy.pdf Procedure - NSLHD.pdf
Sponsorships Policy.pdf
Conflicts of Interest.pdf
Seminars - Participation in External Seminars.pdf
Travel allowances - Travel allowances - Travel allowances employee categories.docx
Meal & travel allowances
vehicle, incidental & overtime meal allowances.pdf
1. Internal Brief to
CE NS.dotx
2. Overseas travel
3. Domestic travel
4. Air travel
5. Study or
Conference application without travel booking.docx
6. Travel allowance 7. Travel allowance 7a. Letter request
7b. Indivdual
8. Sponsorship travel
in advance application.doc claim.docx
for reimbursement.dotx
Employee Creation formdeclaration.docx
9. Leave Application
Author and
Rita Ieong
Admin Officer
(HR Support)
Department Manager
[digitally approved]