Melbourne Sunrise Probus Club

Melbourne Sunrise Probus Club
Minutes for Committee Meeting Thursday 15th September 2011
Venue: Wharf Hotel 18-38 Siddeley Street, Docklands
Attendance: President Marilyn Seen, Treasurer Faye Farndon, Secretary John Trimble, Judi
Easden, Russell King, Carol Berg and Ann Taylor
Apologies: Bill Thompson
Minutes of previous meeting July 21 were approved. Moved Carol, Seconded Faye Passed by all.
(Note: no Meeting held in August)
Business Arising: Club Numbers and Club Gender Balance – see General Business
President’s Report: New Member Forms to include provision for an email address.
New Member Procedural form distributed – Task, Responsibility & Resources
Current Members to act as proposers & seconders of new members
Bill Thompson invited to accept Almoner’s position
Di Jones to be placed on Active Members list – has been inducted
Margaret Robinson – offer to assist with “Incorporation” of Club
Six more expressions of interest in membership
Treasurer’s Report: Report dated 15/09/11. Bank Balance stands at $9871.78 with proceeds from
the last General Meeting of $136. Funds collected in regard to trips was $3713.18 with $8376 being
ear-marked for future trips & excursions
A Tours & Refund Policy was recommended as per the Probus Centre sample template
i.e. 7 Days notice when seeking a refund in respect to a day tour, excursion or activity.
28 Days notice in respect to an extended tour.
A partial or full refund to be considered on an individual basis depending upon the
circumstances of cancelling a booking. A member has the option of providing a replacement(s)
Deposits for extended tours, or events costing in excess of $250, a deposit of no less than
50% to be accepted.
Costings The Treasurer indicated that she would appreciate it if it would consider a ? %
margin to be added to the actual quoted costing for day and extended tours. A discretionary
rounding up was suggested.
Moved Ann Seconded Russell King
Secretary/Activity: Carol, in her role as Acting Secretary noted that a letter had been received from
Margaret and Tony Thomas concerning the establishment of a “New Arts-Sub Group. The
committee expressed appreciation for the receipt of all activity/excursion suggestions. However, it
also was firmly of the belief that all such ideas must first go through the Activities Officer and the
Club Treasurer and not to the membership directly. It also believed that there are many financial
reasons as to why this procedure should be adopted. The need for streamlining activities etc and for
monies to go through Probus were discussed. The Secretary was asked to convey the Committee’s
decision to Margaret & Tony.
Activities: Included in the activities mentioned by Judi were
“Love Never Dies.” – the next activity
A BYO Food & Wine End of Year BBQ - money for bus required by November
A Christmas in December at the Wharf Hotel at a cost of $35 a head & a Kris Kringle
present of approx $10 to be supplied. A limit of 60 people was noted.
Speakers: Russell suggested a few speakers for December including Border Protection, Conservation
of bears, First Aid - Heart Attack/ Ambulance, Bee Keeping and Identity Theft – The Fraud Squad.
Almoner: Suggested door prize be taken out of the morning’s proceeds
Bill Thompson’s name mentioned as Almoner
Ann to look after magazine “Active Retirees”
General Business: The need to fill the vacancy of the Vice President to be left – opportunity for
members to have a say.
Gender balance is now in the vicinity of 1/3 males to 2/3 females. A need to encourage a greater
male presence?
A reasonable cap on membership numbers was thought to be about 100
It is thought that members must attend and if unable should put in an apology
Discussion as to the Standing resolution that the Club should be “open to all in Victoria” was
Meeting Closed 8.00pm
John Trimble