Committee Proposals: Overview: The club committee will be comprised of 11 members: Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-Chairman, Assist. Treasurer, Assist. Secretary, Players Representative, Registrar, PRO, Games Development Officer and Children’s Officer. Club Constitution states: (7.2 The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar, one Players’ Representative, and at least five other Full Members.) There will be six sub-committees formed: Sub-Committee Chaired by Committee Funding Assist Treasurer Registrar, Funding Officer (Grants), Funding Officer (Sponsorship) Social Club Treasurer Bar Manager, Staff, Cleaners Facility Development Chairman Trearsurer, Secretary, Vice Chair Pitches Vice-Chair Games Development Secretary Games Development Officer, Childrens Designated Officer, Players Rep Communication & Culture Assist. Secretary PRO Volunteers CHAIRMAN TREASURER SECRETARY Funding Social Club Facility Development Responsibility: Responsibility: Responsibility: Sponsorship, Lotto, Subscriptions, Fundraising, Capital Funding, Small Grants, CASC Managing, Cleaning and Maintaining Social Club Lead, develop and implement plans for physical development of club facilities. Chair: Treasurer Chair: Chairman Sub-Committee: Sub-Committee: Bar Manager Supervisor Cleaner Treasurer Chair: Assist Treasurer Sub-committee: Registrar + 2 others (To be Appointed) Secretary Pitch Development & Maintenance Responsibility: Pitch Management, maintenance and improvement Chair: ViceChairman Games Development Communication Responsibility: Responsibility: Lead, develop and implement plans for games development and participation Update Website, Facebook Twitter Promotion of Irish Language, Promotion of Games and Club Activities Chair: Secretary Chair: Assist Secretary Sub-Committee: Sub-Committee: (To be Appointed) Vice-Chairman Coaching & Games Dev. Off. Players Rep Children’s Designated Officer (To be Appointed) Positions in red are to be elected at AGM Sub Committee: PRO Position Role Report to Chair and Lead Pitch Dev Committee Vice Chairman 1. Maintenance. Ensure pitches are fit for purpose Chairman 2. Games. Lead/manage the hosting of games on match day. Chair and Lead Communication/ Culture Sub- Committee Assist Secretary South Antrim Delegate Secretary Assist Secretary in carrying out their responsibilities as required Provision of club equipment. Liaise with club executive in matters of player welfare. Player Rep Promote payment of member subscriptions. Assist club registrar with collection of membership subscriptions. Secretary / Treasurer as appropriate. Assist and Promote sale of Lotto Promote club games events and Activities. PRO Update Website, Facebook Twitter Local press etc Collate and store match records photos reports etc, Ensure Child Protection procedures are in place. Secretary Liaise and promote Links with Local Schools and Youth/Community Groups Childrens Designated Officer Lead and develop underage sub-committee and make subsequent recommendations to club executive. Liaise with games development officer in relevant welfare matters. Ensure provision of adequate coaching at all levels Ensure provision of coaching / referee courses Gameshing awards and design specific course/s to meet needs/requirements of club. Games Development Officer Organise camps -Summer, Easter. Secretary Ensure each team has an appropriate programme of matches and coaching. Organise a programme of mini development blitzes Create a coaching culture which allows all to reach their full potential Collect and record Membership Subcriptions Promote, develop and increase members of Direct Debit Scheme Registrar CASC tax relief application on membership donations Collate and maintain membership records Treasurer Chair and lead funding sub-committee Assistant Treasurer Co-ordinate and manage promote sale of Lotto tickets Organise, manage and recruit for sponsored fundraising events Funding Officer 1 Investigate opportunities for small grant applications and make relevant applications in accordance with club development plan. (Grants) Unelected Conduct feasibility and investigate opportunities for capital funding and make relevant application in accordance with Facility development plan. Funding Officer 2 (Sponsorship) Unelected Maximise revenue from increased pitch advertising and jersey sponsorship Assist Treasurer via funding Subcommittee