December 1, 2015 - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

District English Learner Advisory Committee
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
6:00-7:30 p.m.
Adult School, Library
Welcome and Introductions
Leticia Topete, Chairperson, welcomed the group and introduced herself.
Public Comments
Cleo Gordon: Question from the Cleo Gordon representative, “Why are there five minimum days in
November?” Mr. Kornblum responded by sharing that teachers are required by their contract to work
184 days every school year. The five minimum days are necessary for teachers to complete the
Parent/Teacher Conferences for all of their students.
Anna Kyle: Question regarding a substitute teacher and a parent’s concern about her kindergarten
student not being fed lunch. Mr. Kornblum advised that the parent speak to the teacher first and make
her aware of the situation with the substitute. Additionally, the classroom teacher should leave detailed
plans for the substitute. There were other follow-up questions regarding behaviors in the cafeteria and
Mr. Kornblum asked that the parents address these issues with the school principal. If the issue is not
resolved after that conversation, then the parent can contact the Central Office.
Fairview: A parent asked about the communication between the Adult School and English Learner
Services & Instructional Support Department because she had contacted the Adult School to confirm
today’s DELAC Meeting. The person she spoke to did not have knowledge of today’s DELAC Meeting. Mr.
Kornblum assured the parent that there is plenty of communication with the Adult School and that all
sites are expected to post the DELAC agenda at their site at least 72 hours before the DELAC meeting.
Fairfield-Suisun Libraries Info.
Tim Madigan, Supervising Librarian, spoke about several resources available through the Solano County
Library. All the resources referred to are available for the entire family. He discussed the English
Conversation Club offered at the Fairfield Cordelia Library that begins on January 5, 2016. Everyone is
welcome to this free ESL Club that will meet every Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 pm. He mentioned that the
library offers free one-to-one tutoring and a course beginning in February 2016 to practice and prepare
for the Citizenship Exam. He also explained that you can obtain free museum passes (up to one adult
and one child) with a library card. You must be a resident of Solano County and be at least 18 years of
age. These museum tickets must be obtained prior to your visit and are available online. You can obtain
more information at 1-866-57-ASKUS or
DELAC Training
Mr. Kornblum, proceeded the meeting with a Power Point handout and expressed the need to train
DELAC members. He discussed what the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is and
when it needs to established. He then went over the DELAC responsibilities and essential DELAC Criteria
and requirements.
EL Reclassification Recommendations
This item was not covered today. It will be covered at our next meeting on January 26, 2016.
High School EL Restructuring Recommendations
Mr. Kornblum stated that this will change the way we provide EL instruction to our High School
students. They currently have two periods of English Language Development (ELD). Many EL students
are not in the appropriate classes to earn credit to go to college (A-G requirements). He stated that he
wanted to ensure that students to do not have a double block of ELD at High School, unless they have
been in the United States for less than two years. If they have been in this country for less than two
years, then they still need a lot of ELD. Students that have been here more than two years will be in a
mainstream English classroom and will receive additional ELD/English class support in the mainstream
English class. This will give these students more opportunities to go to college, if they make that
decision. The big change will take place next school year 2016/2017. Next year the plan is for the EL
Teacher or Program Manager to coach other teachers in effective Integrated and Designated ELD.
LCAP Update
a. Recommendations from Voces Unidas
Voces Unidas is an advocacy group for Latino students. This group made the following
1) the need for additional Bilingual Community Liaisons at sites. Currently there is one at
Grange and one at Armijo High School. They asked that these Community Liaisons receive the
appropriate training and be aware of the resources that are out there to help our families so
that they can support and provide access to the community.
2) They also asked that these Bilingual Community Liaisons become aware of how to support
undocumented students that cannot attend college.
Based on these recommendations the district is moving forward with the Local Control
Accountability Plan (LCAP) and is recommending additional Bilingual Community Liaisons for
Anna Kyle, Fairview, Sheldon, Fairfield High School, and possibly Cleo Gordon. Anna Kyle
currently has a Healthy Start Family Resource Center, but it does not serve the entire school
community. Anna Kyle still needs an additional bilingual person in the front office because the
population is over 60% Spanish speakers at the site. Para-professionals are not available during
school hours because they are in the classrooms working with students.
b. Recommendations from DELAC
Based on the recommendations from DELAC to hire additional bilingual support staff, a second
District Translator was hired to support the sites that do not have bilingual personnel. 19-20
schools in our district are required by law to post everything in Spanish and English. The Public
Safety Academy only has seven English Learners and is not required to post everything in both
VIII. Future Meetings
Our next DELAC Meeting will take place on January 26, 2016.
IX. Closing/Comments/Next Agenda
Mr. Kornblum reminded us that we would be reviewing and discussing the reclassification documents
and going over the reclassification process at our January 2016 meeting. He also stated he would
consider any recommendations for changes to the reclassification form. The Fairview parent
representative requested a future technology workshop for parents because she felt that parents are
having a difficult time supporting students at home that have the one-to -one take home devices. Mr.
Kornblum explained that the LCAP Parent University, “From Cradle to Career” workshop series has been
established. Dinner, childcare and interpretation services are provided. You may register online at the
Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District Website. The second workshop will be offered on January 13,
2016 and will address Parent Engagement. It will be held at the Adult School Library from 5:45-7:45 pm.
Regarding the next agenda, an Anna Kyle representative inquired about Adult English as a Second
Language (ESL) courses. Mr. Kornblum stated that courses that are offered are up to the site’s discretion
and funding. He also explained that the site’s ELAC can make recommendations for ESL courses.
A Suisun Valley representative inquired about the need to train parents on how to use the Parent Portal.
A Cleo Gordon representative expressed and requested the need for a full time nurse at the site to
administer medicine. She stated that the site currently only has one person that is contracted for two
hours. Mr. Kornblum believes every site now has a full time Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) or Health
Technician. He will inquire further about the time currently allotted for this position at sites.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.