1 Spring 2015 ANT 101: The Human Condition Section 3 Monday 6:30 pm- 9:15 pm Cooper C3 Ms. Irene Ketonen My office: Cooper M4 (2nd floor of Cooper Hall) Email: ireneket@buffalo.edu (preferred), iketonen@brockport.edu Phone: (585) 395-5142 Office hours: Mondays 3:30-5:30 pm or by appt. This syllabus is a guide only, and may be modified at any point. It is your responsibility to check your Brockport email every day for any updates/announcements. Description: This course is an introduction to anthropology, the holistic study of humans. We will examine the discipline's four subfields (and how these relate together), to provide an understanding of ourselves as a biocultural species. Topics covered will include evolution, culture, subsistence, reproduction, worldview, and the methods and contributions of anthropology. ”The Human Condition” is appropriate for both non-majors and students considering an anthropology major. Course Format: We will start with an explanation of what anthropology is, how its subfields (physical, cultural, linguistic, and archaeology) form a whole, and how anthropologists do their work. We will then proceed to discuss the themes of evolution and culture; followed by an examination of how humans have adapted to different conditions, both physically and culturally. The material will be covered through lectures, group work/discussion, reading assignments, and films. Student Education Goals: 1. To know the basic concepts, methods, and questions in each of the four fields of anthropology. 2. Understanding how to apply anthropological concepts, methods and questions towards real world problems concerning human variation, adaptation, evolution, and survival. 3. To understand the similarities and diversity within the human experience, and to gain ability in comparative analysis. 4. To appreciate and provide examples for the various roles that culture plays in the development of society. 5. To compare and contrast concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. 6. To read and critically analyze, understand, respond to, and synthesize a variety of texts (scholarly, popular, etc.) 7. To demonstrate an ability to view the world from an anthropological perspective (i.e., holistically and bio-culturally). 2 Required Books: [this textbook is available in the Brockport bookstore] Park, Michael Alan 2013 Introducing Anthropology: An Integrated Approach. Sixth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. The use of Kindle textbooks is permitted only with “plain” Kindles (for example, 6” E Ink, Paperwhite HiResolution). Kindle Fire, iPad Kindle apps, etc. are NOT permitted. Other readings will be posted on Angel; you need to print them out, and bring them with you to class on the day they are due. Grading Summary: Exams (2@25% each) Film Journal Reading Assessments Class Participation 50% 30% 10% 10% Attendance Policy: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each session. It is important that you not be late for class. Students who have two unexcused absences will receive a lowered final grade (e.g., A = A-). Each additional unexcused absence will receive one further lowered final grades (e.g., three unexcused absences, A = B+; four unexcused absences, A = B; …12 unexcused absences, A = E). Absences will be excused for: a) written documented illnesses of the student by a health professional (e-mailing me, or telling me, is not sufficient; you must provide a medical note indicating the date(s) of the illness), b) official representation of the College, c) death of a close relative, d) religious holiday, and e) other circumstances truly and completely beyond the control of the student, as determined by me. You are responsible for keeping track of your absences- there will be no “warning” for excessive absences. Students who arrive late to class must inform me at the end of the class to make sure they are not marked absent that day. Students who must leave early on a particular day need to notify me before the class session begins, otherwise you will be marked absent for that day. Class Participation: Class participation includes attendance, groupwork, and participation during lecture. Students who come to class on time, do not have an excessive number of unexcused absences, and participate in groupwork will receive a “B.” In order to receive an “A,” you must also participate during lecture. This refers to raising your hand to ask questions about or to comment on the material covered during lecture. Students who arrive late, have many unexcused absences, or do not participate in groupwork will receive a “C” or below. Email Policy: 1. If the information you require can be found in another source, such as this syllabus or on Angel, it is your responsibility to find it yourself. Read the syllabus carefully. 2. If you want to discuss your assignments or any matters related to this course and cannot attend office hours, you can request an alternative appointment by email. Please remember to leave sufficient time to get a reply (do not, for example, expect a request emailed at midnight for an appointment the next morning to be answered in time). 3 3. Please sign all emails using your full name (it is not automatically visible with Brockport email, and many of you have the same initials). Please indicate why you are emailing in the subject line (for example, “question about exam.”) 4. Emails sent Friday evening or over the weekend may not be answered before Monday morning. Reading Assessments: Often, you will be given a question (quiz) about one of the readings due for that day. You will have 5 minutes to answer, and are expected to write 1-2 short sentences. The grades will be a 2 (complete answer), a 1 (incomplete answer) or a 0 (no answer, or incorrect). If you think you have been graded unfairly, you can bring me a typed copy of the passage from the book where you found your answer by the NEXT class session, and I will change your grade if you are correct. Your lowest reading assessment grade will be dropped. Film Journal: In addition to “N!ai: the Story of a !Kung Woman,” we will watch 5 other films. You need to choose 3 of these other films to write journal entries on. You CANNOT do a journal on “N!ai,” because we are going to discuss it together in class. I recommend taking notes while watching the film (so you remember what happened in it), and then later writing 2 pages describing how what you saw in the film relates to themes discussed in class and in your readings. You will receive a separate directions sheet for this assignment. Expected behavior: You are expected to pay attention and to be courteous. Students who engage in insulting behavior to the instructor or other students, disruptive behavior, or unrelated conversations may be asked to leave class and will possibly receive an overall reduction of one whole letter grade subtracted from their final grade. Cell phones and all other electronic devices must be turned off (or put on vibrate only) while attending class. It is the sole responsibility of the student to ensure that this occurs. Laptops are allowed only for students with official documentation from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). Academic Dishonesty: Acts prohibited by the college for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work. Please familiarize yourself with the college policies on academic dishonesty. Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities may be entitled to specific accommodations. SUNY Brockport’s Office for Students with Disabilities makes this determination. Please contact the OSD at (585) 395-5409 or osdoffice@brockport.edu to inquire about obtaining an official letter to the course instructor detailing any approved accommodations (including the use of laptops). The student is responsible for providing the instructor with an official letter. 4 Class Schedule Jan. 26th February 2nd February 9th February 16th February 23rd March 2nd March 9th March 16th March 23rd March 30th April 6th April 13th April 20th April 27th May 4th TBA Syllabus and Introductions; Film: “N!ai: Story of a !Kung Woman,” What is anthropology? Ch. 1, Ch. 2 Ch. 3, Ch. 4 Ch. 5, Film: “Clever Monkeys” Ch. 6, Angel Reading 1; Film: “Walking with Cavemen” Ch. 7, Angel Reading 2 MIDTERM EXAM SPRING BREAK- NO CLASS Ch. 8, Angel Reading 3 Film: “Give Us Our Skeletons!” Ch . 9 , Ch . 1 0 , A n gel Re ad ing 4 ; Film: “Mending Ways: The Canela Indians of Brazil” Ch. 11, Angel Reading 5 Ch. 12, Angel Reading 6; Films: “Faith Healing: Twist of Faith”; “Essentials of Faith: Paganism” Ch. 13, FILM JOURNALS DUE Ch. 14, Angel Reading 7 Ch. 15 FINAL EXAM