Clarifying Document

Extension of Syllabus: Compilation of Learning Outcomes and Additional
Resources for EDU 221 Sections 1 & 2 Spring 2013
Week #1:
Introductions and Review Syllabus
Reading Assignment: Sousa, ch. 1; also, Bloom Chapter, New
Conceptions of Learners From “All of Our Children Learning”
Week #2 & 3 Presentations and Discussion: “Do Teachers Matter?” & “What is an
Effective Teacher?” “Teaching for Mastery”. Power Point
presentations are available on Moodle.
Learning Outcomes
 List and describe) at least seven things that effective teachers do.
(Knowledge and Comprehension)
 Discuss why it is important to focus on things that effective teachers
do, rather than the way effective teachers are? (Evaluation)
 Recognize factual, research-based statements that represent
evidence supporting the relationship between teacher
effectiveness and student achievement. (Knowledge and
Comprehension). Note: Cultural Competence is discussed here.
 Describe the assumptions about learners that facilitate the notion that
teachers don’t matter. (Analysis)
 Prepare an argument defending the significant role a teacher plays in
facilitating student achievement. (Application)
 Know and describe the three problems associated with teacher
professional development. (Knowledge and Comprehension)
 Discuss why teaching is a complex profession. (Evaluation)
 List the three constructs of learners that were presented in the
Mastery Learning presentation.(knowledge)
 Describe conditions that lead to a very strong correlation between
aptitude and achievement. (Comprehension and Application)
 Describe conditions that cause that relationship to disappear(Carroll’s
Hypothesis) and know what “Carroll’s contention” was. (Knowledge,
Comprehension and Application)
 Describe Mastery Learning in terms of a belief system and how it is
articulated. (Knowledge and Comprehension)
Week #4-7
Information Processing Read Chapters 2 & 3 in Sousa
Learning Outcomes for Information Processing: At the end of this unit of learning, you
should be able to:
1. Define these terms:
a. Schema
b. Declarative Knowledge
c. Procedural Knowledge
d. Metacognition
e. Transfer
Name the three memory stores within the Information Processing model and for
each, describe how information is represented, what their capacity is, how long
information stays in the store, how information is forgotten. (representation,
capacity, duration and method of forgetting)
Describe how each of the executive processes listed below, controls the flow of
information within the IP model.
a. Attention
b. Perception
c. Encoding
d. Retrieval
e. Elaborative Rehearsal
f. Maintenance Rehearsal
Discuss the difference between attention and perception and how information in
long-term memory impacts them.
Describe strategies that can be used to maximize a student’s limited attention span.
Discuss conditions that enhance the efficiency of working memory.
Discuss conditions that enhance the efficiency of storage and retrieval processes.
Analyze the myth of learner differences based on learning styles, ethnicity,
and SES. (refer to Willingham article, “Educating Native Americans” handout and
class notes.)
Week #8-11: Cognitive Development: Piaget, Vygotsky & Constructivism
Begin reading handout: Piaget & Vygotsky (Sp. Break week #10)
Learning Outcomes for Development and Learning Theory
Define these terms:
 Schema
 Adaptation
 Assimilation
 Accommodation
 Equilibrium
 Intelligence
 Operations
 Conservation
 Psychological Tools
 Zone of Proximal Development
 Scaffolding
Describe how learning happens from Piaget’s theory. Describe each of
Piaget’s developmental stages and give examples of what children can,
and cannot do at each stage. The following resources will aid you in
your understanding of this outcome.
a. Your notes from power point discussion
d. Snowman Chapter 2 and supplemental resources
What are the main points of Vygotsky’s theory of development. (How
does learning happen from Vygotsky’s perspective? What role does
culture play?) The following resources will aid you in your
understanding of this outcome.
f. Notes from class discussion
h. Snowman Chapter 2 and supplemental resources
Discuss how culture impacts cognition and development,
including implications for teaching American Indian children.
Discuss the relationship between learning and development. (learning
precedes development/development precedes learning) Within this
outcome, you should know several of the critiques of Piaget’s
epigenetic theory. The following resources will aid you in your
understanding of this outcome.
i. Notes from class discussion.
j. Snowman Chapter 2 and supplemental resources
You should be able to discuss some of the teaching implications for
each of the developmental theories.
Weeks 12-13: Belief Systems and Motivation
Learner Centered Psychological Principles
What and how much is learned is influenced by the learner’s motivation. Motivation
to learn, in turn, is influenced by the individual’s emotional states, beliefs, interests
and goals, and habits of thinking.
1. Learners are more motivated when they believe their actions will result in
successfully completing challenging tasks.
2. Learners are more motivated by activities that appeal to their personal needs,
motives and interests.
3. Individuals appear to learn best when they are engaging in learning behavior
for their own internally generated reasons because they want to learn, rather
than to avoid punishment of gain rewards.
4. The social motivation support of teachers, parents, peers and others is
especially important feature that helps people persist in the face of
5. Learners are more motivated when they have specific near-term goals that they
believe are important.
6. Learners are more motivated when appropriate levels of variety, choice and
surprise are incorporated into lessons.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit of study you will be able to:
1. Define the various types of behavioral reinforcement and provide examples
of each, discuss how reinforcement can be used in the classroom to enhance
motivation, and compare and contrast positive reinforcement and negative
reinforcement with punishment and rewards.
2. Discuss the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and self
determination. Be able to provide examples.
3. Discuss how learner needs affect motivation.
4. Discuss the role emotions play in student motivation.
5. Define the following terms and know the dimensions associated with each:
ability self-efficacy, attribution, self-worth, and self-concept.
6. Discuss the factors associated with sustained effort toward task completion
and mastery.
7. Discuss how motivation and the use of learning strategies are related.
Resources for this study:
 Powerpoint Presentation on Moodle
 Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation
Maslow and Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation
Mastery and Performance Goal orientation
Attribution and Motivation
Self Efficacy
Expectancy Value theory
Weeks 13-15 Measurement (Read Handout from: Guskey and Jung, “Essential
Questions about Standards, Assessments , Grading and Reporting”
Learning Outcomes:
Final Take-home test Prompt: How can learning be facilitated by assessment? (What
is the difference between “assessing FOR learning” and assessment OF learning?)