YLCC PARTICIPANT LEADERSHIP / CHARACTER PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Name of Cadet Evaluated ABT Troop TLA Name Location ☐ Ropes Course ☐ LRC ☐ Rappel Tower (Check 1 Box) Name of Rater From CC Form 156-4A-R, FM 6-22 X Spot Report OBSERVATIONS / COUNSELING DATE Rater Signature Cadet Signature MORAL DEVELOPMENT ●Kohlberg’s Moral Development Stages. CADET TYPICALLY OPERATES LIKE THIS: 1. Obedience & 2. Self-interest punishment orientation orientation How What's in it for can I avoid me? Or Paying punishment? for a benefit. Fill in the blank with 3. Interpersonal 4. Authority and 5. Social contract 6. Universal ethical accord & conformity social-order orientation principles Social norms Or the maintaining Recognizes that Principled conscience – good boy/good girl orientation Law contracts allow mutual respect as a attitude. and order morality. increase welfare of all. universal principle. Poor = 1, Below Average = 2, Average =3, Above Average = 4, Superior = 5, Not Observed = N Poor – Antagonist and /or detrimental to work with the group -- (K) is not knowledgeable of leadership quality and needs others (teacher, peers) to make decisions for them, (A) lack motivation to get results, (B) low level of leadership skill demonstrated. Below Average – Present in body only, minimally engaged -- beginning the process but needs encouragement and/or constant supervision from others (teacher, peers), is minimally motivated to get results, minimal level of leadership skill demonstrated. Average – Participated in activity/s and helped others -- is knowledgeable and is minimally effective in utility, is somewhat motivated to get results, sporadic level of leadership skill demonstrated. Above Average – Fully participated in activity/s and encouraged others -- knowledgeable of leadership quality and requires minimal guidance, has high level of engagement and collaborates well others to get results, high level of leadership skill demonstrated. Superior – Fully participated at an elite level rarely seen -- is very knowledgeable of leadership quality and can leverage it to great effect, is highly motivated to get results, advanced and consistent level of leadership skill demonstrated. PROFESSIONALISM ●Tactful, respectful and thoughtful in speech and manners. Is motivated, projects a commanding presence and professional image; is confident and resilient to face challenge or adversity. Duty, Pres., Confid, Resilient, P. Cour Superior – Uses appropriate and inoffensive language, minimizes sarcasm, teasing & inappropriate content. Has commanding presence. Is self-confident; demonstrates composure and poise, calm and collected. Has the ability to put fear aside, showing a tendency to recover quickly from setbacks, while maintaining focus and complete the mission. COMMUNICATES AGILITY SOUND JUDGEMENT ● Coordinates well with team, formulates plan and expectation/s clearly and confidently. Superior –Takes time to explain things, conveying ideas in a clear concise manner. (Receive the Mission Issue the Warning Order Make a Plan: id objective, generate solutions Move Complete the Plan) Achieve ● Flexibility of mind; is open to new ideas, has a tendency to anticipate or adapt to ever-changing conditions. Honor Superior – Uses critical thinking through second- and third-order effects and/or is creative or innovative to respond to change. Actively seeks perspectives from others to ensure inclusiveness and understanding. (ID Problem, gather info, generate solutions/ideas, analyze solutions/ideas, ID best solutions/ideas, executes). ● Assesses situations, evaluated and uses resources, and draws feasible conclusions. Makes sound and timely decisions Honor Superior – Ability to determine possible courses of action and decide what action to take. Assess human resources and abilities allowing for discussion, considers physical resources and their potential, and the consequences in order to create appropriate solutions and actions. Judgments are made with integrity and in an ethical manner. FOLLOWS / LEADS LEADS OTHERS ● Leads by example, models the standards and sets a good work ethic as a way for others to model. Achieve Superior – Strives to do their best, has a good work ethic, and consistently serves as role models for others because of their character. Manages people resources and time effectively. Consistently fosters a climate that treats everyone with dignity and respect. ● Takes initiative and has the ability to evaluate & motivate others. Achieve Superior – Motivates the team to succeed. Exercises initiative when they fulfill the mission. Provides opportunities for change / improvement. Takes responsibility for actions and those of their subordinates, demonstrated through dedicated effort. Enables others to work toward positive outcomes. Encourages and supports others to grow as individuals and teams; prepares others for success. Yates Leadership Challenge Complex – © Eric Evertson