Eligibility for Rehire Protocol

Eligibility for Rehire Protocol
Supervisors are responsible for determining whether a staff member is eligible for rehire each time the
staff member terminates employment, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, and if any conditions exist
that would affect the rehire eligibility process. Staff who leave San Juan College in good standing (break
in service from a regular position due to resignation, layoff or, in some cases, discharge) and later want
to return are eligible for consideration for rehire.
Completing the Separation of Employment Form
Employees will complete and sign the top portion of the “Separation of Employment” form and submit it
to their supervisors. Supervisors are responsible to complete the “Supervisors Action Notice” section
and submit it Human Resources. Direct any questions regarding this form to the Employee Relations
Manager in Human Resources.
Consultation before Determining Not Eligible for Rehire or Not Recommended for Rehire
Supervisors must confer with Human Resources (HR) before determining a "Not Eligible for Rehire" or a
"Not Recommended for Rehire" decision prior to completion of the Separation of Employment form.
The supervisor will provide documentation to HR that supports the decision. Any indication of “Not
recommended for Rehire” and/or “Depending on Circumstance” determination will result in the
supervisor being contacted by Human Resources about the condition to address the concern.
Verification of Rehire Status
Human Resources will verify eligibility for rehire before activating an employment application. The hiring
supervisor will be advised of the former staff member’s eligibility for rehire and the requirement to
check references, including contacting the previous San Juan College supervisor before extending an
offer of rehire.
The tables below provide examples of reasons for leaving San Juan College and a corresponding
classification of eligibility for rehire, not recommended for rehire and not eligible for rehire. These
reasons are not all inclusive.
Reason for Leaving San Juan College
Voluntary Resignation
Faculty Appointment Ends
Staff Assignment Ends
Orientation and Evaluation Period termination (depending on
Program Closure
Reduction-In-Force (depending on circumstances)
Loss of required credential for performance or behavior
Background Check (depending on circumstances)
Attendance Violation
Poor Performance
Unsafe Work Practices
Job Abandonment (quit without notice) or ongoing
documented attendance issues that have been addressed
through the corrective action process to include termination
Failure to complete probationary period
Orientation and Evaluation Period termination (depending
on circumstances)
Resignation – in lieu of discharge
Violation of College Policy
Felony Conviction
Failure of a test for controlled substances administered
Negotiated Settlement
Falsification of credentials or application information
Weapons Possession
Acts of Workplace Violence
Loss of a required credential for criminal conviction
Breach of Confidentiality
Commission of Crime
Any Termination for Cause
Eligible for Rehire
Eligible for Rehire once
credentials have
been reestablished
Not Recommended
Not Recommended
Not Recommended
Not Recommended
Not Recommended
Not Recommended
Not Recommended
Not Recommended
Ineligible for 1 Year
Eligible for Rehire: Faculty and Staff who leave San Juan College in good standing are eligible for rehire.
Not Recommended for Rehire: Faculty and Staff who have been terminated for reasons other than
serious conduct or behavior violations will be eligible to seek San Juan College employment after having
demonstrated acceptable work performance during the gap of separation (Select the box “ Only with
prior approval of supervisor” on the Separation of Employment Form).
Not Eligible for Rehire: Faculty and Staff terminated for serious conduct or behavior violations are not
eligible for rehire in any type of San Juan College employment.