burgh-cv - The American Schools of Oriental Research

Theodore W. Burgh, Ph.D.
601 S. College
Wilmington, NC
Phone • (910) 962-7660 office;
E-mail • burght@u
(910) 221-7062 home
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Ph.D., Near Eastern Studies (Major—Syro-Palestinian Archaeology; Minor—Biblical
Studies, May 2000.
M.A., Near Eastern Studies, May 1998.
Howard University, Washington, DC
M.A., Religious Studies (Concentration—Hebrew Bible), May 1995.
Hampton University, Hampton, VA
B.A. (with High Honors), Major—Music, Minor—Art. May 1985.
Employment History
University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religion, August 2003---Present
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
Postdoctoral Fellow, Departments of Anthropology and Theology, August 2000—August
Fellow, Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture in Africa and the African Diaspora
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Instructor, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Summer 1998
Teaching Assistant, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 1997-1998
Fellowships and Awards
UNCW Cahill Grant
Klaus Wachsmann Award from the Society of Ethnomusicology for my book
Listening to the Artifacts: Music Culture in Ancient Israel published 2006
Center for Black Music Research Fellowship, Chicago, IL
Wabash Center 2005 Workshop on Teaching and Learning for Pre-tenure
Religion Faculty
UNCW Innovation Technology Grant
UNCW Innovation Technology Grant
UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence Grant
UNCW Cahill Grant
George Barton Postdoctoral Fellowship to Jerusalem (Alternate)
Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture in Africa and the African
Diaspora Fellowship
University of Arizona Research Fellowship
Fund for Theological Education Dissertation Fellowship
University of Arizona Graduate Travel Study Grant
Fulbright Fellowship---Bar Ilan University, Israel
USIA W.F. Albright Fellowship---Jerusalem (Awarded but Declined)
W.F. Albright Fellow, Albright Institute of Archaeology, Jerusalem
Gordon Foundation Fellow
ASOR Endowment for Biblical Studies Research Summer Travel Grant
University Arizona Department of Near Eastern Studies Summer Travel Grant
University of Arizona Tuition Scholarship
Postdoctoral Opportunities
Opportunity extended for postdoctoral studies at Harvard University in the
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (Awarded but
Outstanding Graduate Student Award—University of Arizona
Doctoral Centennial Award—University of Arizona
Who's Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges
Academic Award—Howard University
Trustee Scholarship—Howard University
Academic Scholarship—Second Baptist Church, Falls Church, VA
Academic Scholarship—Hampton University
Archaeological Fieldwork
Mt Raitano, Sicily 2014
Madaba Plains Project, Tel Jalul, Amman, Jordan
Co-Director MPP Tel Jalul Survey/GIS/GPS Team 2007-Present
Field Supervisor/Iron Age Specialist—Madaba Plains Project, Tel Jalul and Tel Hisban.
Amman, Jordan,
Northern Virginia Archeological Society, Falls Church, Virginia
Cataloger and Square Assistant, 1993-1995
Central Arizona Project at the Arizona State Museum
Cataloguing Assistant, 1997-2000
Responsibilities included cataloging artifacts, reviewing and checking records of previously
excavated sites in Arizona, assistance in the process of artifact preservation, and updating of
the museum database.
Archeological and Anthropological Sub-Specialties
Reconstruction of Syro-Palestinian and Near Eastern Music Culture and Cataloging
Musical Artifacts • Utilization Analysis of Syro-Palestinian Sacred Space •
Archaeomusicology • Ethnomusicology
Other Sub-Specialties
History of Israelite Religion • The Ethnology of Music in Ancient Israel
Professional Societies
American Schools of Oriental Research • Society of Biblical Literature • American Academy
of Religion • Society of Ethnomusicology • International Council for Traditional Music •
American Historical Society
Positions Held in Professional Societies
ASOR Membership Committee
Vice President of SECSOR SBL
President of SECSOR SBL
President of SECSOR
ASOR Vice-President (Interim)
ASOR Membership Chair (Interim)
Language Proficiencies
Hebrew (Classical and Modern) • Aramaic • Greek • Akkadian • German • French.
Publications and Presentations
Do You Hear What I Hear? A Study of Musical Instruments and Music Use in Iron Age
Israel/Palestine and Surrounding Cultures of the Ancient Near East.
Dissertation Director: Dr. William G. Dever.
The goal of this dissertation—directed by Dr. William G. Dever—is to examine music use and
musical instruments in ancient Israel/Palestine and surrounding Near Eastern cultures during the
Iron Age. It introduces new data, revisits prior scholarship, and poses fresh questions. The methodology
employed is interdisciplinary, as it incorporates the disciplines of archaeology, ethnomusicology,
anthropology, and philology/textual studies. The work addresses issues such as sex/gender and musical
performance, spatial usage in cultic musical activity, musical instrument depiction and performance in
iconography, and the potential use of artifacts to reconstruct elements of past music culture. The
dissertation has been revised and is under review for publication.
Listening to the Artifacts: Music Culture in Ancient Israel/Palestine. New York: T&T
Clark International/Continuum May 2006.
Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
Burgh, Theodore
“Music Archaeology Annotated Bibliography” Oxford Bibliographies (forthcoming).
Burgh, Theodore
“Carl Engel’s Perspectives of the Hebrews and Their Music.” In Carl Engel––The Music of the Most
Ancient Nations. Ekho Verlag, Berlin (forthcoming 2014).
Burgh, Theodore
Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul, 2009
Andrews University Seminary Studies (AUSS), Vol. 48, No. 2, 165-223. 2010.
Burgh, Theodore
Commentary “The Books of Samuel” in African Study Bible. In the Africana Bible.
Fortress Press. 2009.
Burgh, Theodore
“Music and Music Culture” in the New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Nashville,
Abingdon Press. 2008
Mattingly, Keith and Theodore W. Burgh
“Lintel Inscription Tall Hisban, Field M, Square 5, 2001.” Andrews University Seminary
Studies, Vol. 43, no. 2, March 2006, 247-260.
Burgh, Theodore
“Who’s the Man?” Sex and Gender in Iron Age Israel Musical Performance. Near Eastern
Archaeology Vol. 27, no. 3. September 2004 (The journal is behind in publication dates. Piece actually
published February 2006).
Burgh, Theodore
“Black Biblical Studies and Near Eastern Archaeology.” Journal for Black Theology July 2006.
Burgh, Theodore
“Cymbals of Umaryi.” In Madaba Plains Project 6. Ed., Doug Clark. Boston: ASOR late
2005 or early 2006.
Articles (Not Peer-Reviewed)
2014 “Archaeomusicology.” The SAGE Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology. Chicago: SAGE.
2014 “A Brief Reflection on the Book of Hosea. “Jealous Significant Other or Upset Pimp?”
Wisdom Commentary Series––Hosea. Chicago:Liturgical Press.
2012 “Music and Dance in the Bronze and Iron Ages.”. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible
and Archaeology. Oxford. New York.
2004 “Moses.” Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History. Great Barrington: Berkshire
2004 “Archaeology.” Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History. Great Barrington: Berkshire
2003 “East Africans.” Peoples of North America. London. Brown Partworks.
2003 “Ethiopians.” Peoples of North America. London. Brown Partworks.
2003 “Music and Musical Instruments.” Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible. Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans.
2003 “Nigerians.” Peoples of North America. London. Brown Partworks.
2003 “South Africans.” Peoples of North American. London. Brown Partworks.
2002 “Music and Musical Instruments in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel/Palestine (Internet
Article) http://www.bibleinterp.com/articles/Music.htm
1996 “The Beard." Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Book Chapter
2014 “Music” in The Bible and the Arts. Oxford: Oxford.
August 2003 “Ancient Music of Israel/Palestine: What are the Sources, and How Should We treat them?”
Moving from the Specific to the General and Back Again” in Sources of Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine.
Ed. Regina Randhofer. Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte 8/2003.
Archaeological Reports
Borstad, Karen, and Theodore Burgh
2012 Mapping the Islamic Village of Jalul. AUSS. Berrien Spring.
2002 Preliminary Report of Area M at Tell Hisban 2001 Season as a manuscript in the
Andrews University Archive. MPP Andrews University Press (ADAJ). (This report was a
contribution to the report of all fields for the 2001 season).
2008 Review of Israelite Religions, R. Hess, for Baker Academic Books. Interpretation: A
Journal of Bible and Theology, July 2009, Vol. 63, Issue 3, p313.
2004 Review of The Music of El Dorado: The Ethnomusicology of Ancient South American
Cultures. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. Journal of the Society of
Ethnomusicology, Vol. 48, No.1, Winter 2004.
2001 Review of Die Musikkultur Altisraels/Palastinas: Studien zu archaologischen,
schriftelichen und vergleichenden Quellen. Gottingen: Universitatsverlag Freiburg
Schweiz Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. Near Eastern Archaeology March/June 2001:93.
1997 Review of Volume 3 of the JVC/Smithsonian Folkways Video Anthology of Music and
Dance of the Americas: The United States Music Traditions (Internet Review)
Articles under Consideration
Interviewed by the Discovery Channel for an upcoming documentary on David, king of Israel. In effort
to be as authentic as possible, the producer from the London office and I discussed the use of music, types
of instruments, etc. played during the time of the biblical figure. 2004.
Published illustrations for J. Edward Wright, The History of Heaven, New York:
Oxford University Press.
University Service
2013-14 UNCW Diversity and Inclusion Committee (Chair)
UNCW Upperman African-American Center Director Search Committee (Chair)
2011-12 UNCW Graduate Council
2007-08 UNCW Vice Provost Search Committee
2006-07 UNCW Philosophy and Religion Search Committee Asian Studies Position
2006-07 UNCW Philosophy and Religion Department Curriculum Committee
2006-07 UNCW Philosophy and Religion Department Travel Committee
2006 UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence Advisory Board (2006-Present)
2005 Invited speaker for Youth Workshop preparation for Business held at UNCW
Cameron Business
School, sponsored by Dr. Howard Rasheed and Ms. Tammi Hamilton, (July 14, 2005)
2005 Panel Participant with the Student Scholar Luncheon highlighting the Fulbright Scholarship, author
Sorayya Khan, keynote speaker
2004 Fulbright Campus Advisor (2004-Present)
2004 Participant on First Year Faculty Task Force
2004 WHQR Board of Directors (July 2004-July 2008)
2004 Member of Department Faculty Evaluation Team (September 2004)
2004 Black Faculty and Staff (2004-Present)
2004 Member of Task Force for the Development for an African American Studies Institute/Program
2004 Chaired Fulbright Interview---Czech Republic
2004 Participated on Fulbright Interviewing Committee---Germany
2004 Campus Fulbright Advisor (effective January 2005).
2004 Facilitator for African American Heritage Museum Committee (September)
2004 Member of Task Force to Review the African Studies Minor. Task Force members selected by
Provost Paul Hosier, October 21
2004 Participant in UNCW Teaching Excellence Teaching Diverse Intellectual Traditions in African
American Studies (November)
2004 Member of Department Teaching Evaluation Committee
2003 Participant on Fulbright Interviewing Committee
2003 Assigned by Chancellor to Human Resources Advisory Committee
Teaching Development
2003 Center for Teaching Excellence
Attended numerous seminars provided by the Center for Teaching Excellence in
October and November
2004 Center for Teaching Excellence (September 16, 2004)
Attended seminar provided by the Center for Teaching Excellence September 16, 2004
entitled “Enhancing Classroom Discussion with Dr. Randy Bobbitt, Department of
Communication Studies, Friday Hall---Room 102, 12:30 PM
2004 Center for Teaching Excellence (September 21)
Attended seminar provided by the Center for Teaching Excellence September 21, 2004
entitled Teaching with Technology Workshop: “PowerPoint Do’s and Don’t’s” with Shane
Baptista, Friday Hall---Room 102, 12:30 PM
2004 Center for Teaching Excellence (September 30, 2004)
Attended seminar provided by the Center for Teaching Excellence September 30, 2004
entitled “Increasing Student Motivation” with Dr. Carrie Clements, Director, CTE, Friday
Hall---Room 102, 12:30 PM
2005 Center for Teaching Excellence (February 10, 2005)
Attended seminar provided by the Center for Teaching Excellence, Honors, and CLES
February 10, 2005 entitled “Fostering Civic Engagement in College Classes” led by Paul
Loeb, UU 105, 12:30 PM.
2005 Center for Teaching Excellence (February 23, 2005)
Attended seminar provided by the Center for Teaching Excellence February 23, 2005
entitiled “Legal Issues: What Every Faculty Member Needs to Know” with Sarah Paschall,
Randall Library, 2nd Floor, 2:00-3:00 PM.
2012 ITSD Online Teaching Sharing Session (March 5, 2012).
Attended seminar provided by ITSDA that provided venue for faculty teaching online to
show and share approaches to teaching. Hoggard, 10:00 AM.
2012 ITSD Online Teaching Sharing Session (October, 2012).
Attended seminar provided by ITSDA that provided venue for faculty teaching online to
show and share approaches to teaching. Hoggard, 10:00 AM.
2013-Present. I attend at least two training session a year on Blackboard, online teaching,
and face-to-face teaching with the UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence and UNCW
eLearning. Verification can be provided upon request.
Lectures Given, Conferences Attended, Papers Presented, and
Sessions Organized for Professional Societies
Lecture “Do You Hear What I Hear?” to be presented at AIA Conference in Ottawa.
Nominated for ASOR Trustee Board.
Elected President of SECSOR. Attended meeting in Atlanta, GA.
Paper presented entitled “And the Band Played On. The Indelible Mark of Music on
Ancient Culture” at SECOR, Atlanta, GA, March (Lecture with live music, The
FROG Project)
Paper presented entitled “Israel through the Lens of Music at ASOR Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Member of African-American Biblical Hermeneutics Sections of SBL. Attended
planning meeting in San Francisco, CA.
Member of ASOR Membership Committee. Attended meeting in San Francisco, CA.
“Musical Instruments in the Bible and Archaeological Record.” Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary in Dallas, TX. October.
Elected Regional President of SBL. Attended meeting in Louisville, Kentucky.
Member of ASOR Membership Committee. Attended meeting in Atlanta, GA.
Member of African-American Biblical Hermeneutics Section of SBL. Attended
planning meeting in Atlanta, GA. November.
Attended regional meeting in Atlanta, GA to serve as Vice-President of SBL.
Elected Vice-President Regional Vice-President of SBL. Attending meeting in
Atlanta, GA.
Member of African-American Biblical Hermeneutics Section. Attended planning
meeting New Orleans, LA.
Paper presented entitled “And the Beat Goes On: Using Archaeology to Explore
Music and the Bible” given at the SBL Meeting in Boston, MA
Paper accepted for presentation entitled “The Use of Blender in Teaching
Archaeology in the Classroom” to be given at the Annual ASOR conference in San
Diego, November.
Paper accepted for presentation entitled “Is God Funky or What?” to be given at the
Annual AAR/SBL Conference in San Diego, CA, November.
Paper entitled “Is God Funky or What?” given at Southeastern Regional Meeting at
AAR/SBL/ASOR in Nashville, TN, March.
Chaired session entitled African-American Biblical Studies at the Annual AAR/SBL
Conference in Washington, DC, November.
Organized and hosted the ICTM Music Archaeology Study Group Meeting at UNCW,
March 17-19.
Paper entitled “Lyre Construction in Ancient Israel” given with student Christopher
Perry at ICTM Music Archaeology Study Group Meeting at UNCW March, 17-19.
Paper entitled “Lyre Construction in Ancient Israel” given with student Christopher
Perry at Southeastern Regional Meeting of AAR/SBL in Atlanta, Georgia in March
Invited paper “Who Played What, When and Where?” given at Emory University at
conference entitled “Ancient Song” March 3.
Chaired session entitled African-American Biblical Studies at the Annual AAR/SBL
Conference 2005 in Philadelphia, PA in November.
Lecture given to Dr. Sam Murrell’s Old Testament/Hebrew Bible class entitled Near
Eastern Archaeology and the Bible, January 26.
Chaired session entitled Methodology in the Study of Afrodiasporan Biblical Hermeneutics—
Part 1 at the Annual AAR/SBL Conference 2004 in San Antonio, Texas in November.
Paper entitled Musical Vision of the Chronicler presented at the Annual ASOR
Conference in San Antonio, Texas in November.
Paper entitled Musical Vision of the Chronicler presented at the AAR/SBL Annual
Conference 2004 in San Antonio, Texas in November.
Paper entitled Musical Vision of the Chronicler presented at the Southeastern
Regional Meeting of AAR/SBL in Atlanta, Georgia in March.
Lecturer in Biblical Archaeological Society Lecture Series in Tampa, Florida in
Attended the AAR/SBL Annual Conference 2003 in Atlanta, Georgia in November.
Attended the ASOR Annual Conference 2003 in Atlanta, Georgia in November.
Lecture entitled Music in Ancient Israel given at the University of Judaism, Los
Angeles, California, in October.
Paper entitled African American Biblical Interpretation and Near Eastern Archaeology to be
presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada in November.
Lecture entitled “Who’s the Man? A Discussion of Sex/Gender in Ancient Musical
Performance” presented at the University of Arizona Near Eastern Studies
Colloquium Series.
Paper entitled “Determining Minimum Space in Ancient Musical Performance” to be
presented at the Society of American Anthropologists Annual Meeting in Denver,
Colorado in March.
Paper entitled " Who's the Man? A Discussion of Sex/Gender in Iron Age
Israel/Palestine Music Culture" presented at the Society of Biblical Literature
Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado in November.
Chairperson of African-American Biblical Hermeneutic Session presented at the
Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado in November.
Paper entitled "Who's the Man? A Discussion of Sex/Gender in Iron Age
Israel/Palestine Music Culture" presented at the American Schools of Oriental
Research Annual Meeting in Denver in November.
Presented paper entitled “A Little Elbow Room, Please? A Case Study of the Use of
Music and Cultic Space,” presented at the Society for Biblical Literature Pacific
Coast Regional Meeting at Claremont School of Theology, in Claremont, California in
Organized and chaired session presented at the International Council of Traditional
Music Annual Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in July on the theme “Ancient Music
of Israel/Palestine: What are the Sources, and How Should We Treat Them?” in July.
Presented paper entitled “The History of Gospel Music. The Five Blind Boys and
Mavis Staples. Icons of Gospel,” for the “U of A Presents” Gospel Music Concert, at the
University of Arizona in February.
Presented public lecture on “Music in Iron Age Israel/Palestine. Presented at the
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, at the University of Arizona in February.
Presented paper entitled “Do You Hear What I Hear? The Use of Music and Musical
Instruments in Ancient Israel/Palestine During the Iron Age” presented at the
Albright Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem, in February.
Presented paper entitled “Let Them Play: A Discussion of Assessing Music
Iconography and Music Artifacts from Iron Age Israel Palestine and other areas of the
Ancient Near East,” presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual
Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, in November.
Community Service
Wilmington, NC
100 Black Men
Member of Coastal Carolina Chapter of 100 Black Men of America. I currently
serve as an active member in mentoring and chairperson of the Health and Wellness
Committee. 2009-Present
Yes I Can.
Assisted Yes I Can from Alamance County in visit and tour of UNCW. 2013
Musician---Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church 2006-Present
Musician---Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church 2004---2012
South Bend, IN
Musician---Pilgrim Baptist Church October 2000-2003
My duties include accompanying choirs on various musical instruments, musical arrangement,
and transcription.
S.A.L.T. Program—Tucson, AZ
Tutor, 1995-1997
I taught undergraduate students at the University of Arizona enrolled in a special program
that assists students with learning disabilities. I conducted regular meetings to assist
students with subjects such as ancient Near Eastern studies, archaeology, anthropology, music
theory, and music history (Fall 1995-1997).
Washington, DC; Falls Church, VA, and Tucson, AZ
Private Music Instructor, 1987-1995
I provided instruction (basic and advanced) on woodwind instruments and piano.
Washington, DC and Northern VA Communities
Seminar Leader, 1995
I developed a seminar entitled "Archaeology of the Ancient Near East and the Bible" for local
community groups to introduce issues related to the Bible and the Ancient Near East.
Tucson, AZ
Musician—Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, 1995-2000
My duties included accompanying choirs, musical arrangement, and transcription. I also
served as an associate minister and substitute Church School instructor.
Falls Church, VA
Church Musical Director—Second Baptist Church, 1990-1995
I was responsible for organizing music for morning, evening, and special services. I played bass
guitar, saxophone, flute, and piano for each choir and handled various administrative duties as
Washington, DC
Shipping and Sales Clerk—Biblical Institute for Social Change, 1993-1995
My duties included ordering, shipping, billing, and inventory maintenance. I also delivered
books, cassette tapes, and videos throughout the Washington Metro area.
Community Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
Lecture entitled “Bible and Archaeology” given at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church,
Wilmington, NC
Lecture entitled “How the Bible Came to Be given at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church,
Wilmington, NC.
Lecture entitled “Music and the Bible” given at Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington,
Lecture entitled “Music and the Bible” given at St. James Parish, Wilmington, NC.
Lecture entitled “Archaeology and the Bible” given to grades 6-8 of Blessed
Sacrament School, Burlington, NC, May
Lecture entitled “Origins of the Black Church” given at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church,
Lecture entitled “Archaeology and the Bible” given to grades 6-8 of Blessed
Sacrament School, Burlington, NC, May
Invited keynote speaker for Youth Workshop preparation for colleges and
universities held at Children’s Chapel United Church of Christ, Graham NC, June
25, 2005.
Seminar entitled The Near and Middle East presented at Mt Pilgrim Baptist Church,
Wilmington, NC, June 10, 2005.
Seminar entitled Archaeology and the Bible presented at Mt Pilgrim Baptist Church,
Wilmington, NC, June 9, 2004.
Seminar entitled the Sacred Concert Series of Duke Ellington presented at Chestnut
Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, NC, February 26, 2004.