Homebound/Nursing Home/Hospital

Those We Pray For: Rose Grant, Sue Nicol, Jen Strife,
Linda Tupper, Kaleigh Turck, Linda Yousey, Cedric Freeman Family
As a Connectional United Methodist Church, this week we are praying for the
following churches: First UMC, Massena,Evans Mills UMC
For the following clergy and worship leaders:
Rev. Gregory Stierheim (Norfolk/Brasher Falls)
Rev. Dora Schneider (retired)
Rev. David Snyder & Family for the loss of David’s mom
This week we are praying for:
Seminary Students and UNYAC Ministry Oversight Team
Volunteers in Mission: Mike Block’s recovery team
working in Oneida this past week
Homebound/Nursing Home/Hospital:
Kenneth Austin, Florence Failing, Peg Geiger, Anna Gordon, Amelia Hill,
Carl Kellogg, Irene Manzer, Dick Turck, Eileen von Behren, Beverly Yousey,
Margaret Freeman, Sarah Tiffany
Our Military:
Those We Pray For: Rose Grant, Sue Nicol, Jen Strife,
Linda Tupper, Kaleigh Turck, Linda Yousey, Cedric Freeman Family
As a Connectional United Methodist Church, this week we are praying for the
following churches: First UMC, Massena,Evans Mills UMC
For the following clergy and worship leaders:
Rev. Gregory Stierheim (Norfolk/Brasher Falls)
Rev. Dora Schneider (retired)
Rev. David Snyder & Family for the loss of David’s mom
This week we are praying for:
Seminary Students and UNYAC Ministry Oversight Team
Volunteers in Mission: Mike Block’s recovery team
working in Oneida this past week
Homebound/Nursing Home/Hospital:
Kenneth Austin, Florence Failing, Peg Geiger, Anna Gordon, Amelia Hill, Carl
Kellogg, Irene Manzer, Dick Turck, Eileen von Behren, Beverly Yousey,
Margaret Freeman, Sarah Tiffany
Our Military:
Lt.Col. Peter Birchenough, Lt.Col. Dennis Birchenough, CPL James Harris,
LCPL Kenneth Harris, SSG Crysta Kovach, SGT Jamie Pendergrass, SSG
Andrew Woodward
Lt.Col. Peter Birchenough, Lt.Col. Dennis Birchenough, CPL James Harris,
LCPL Kenneth Harris, SSG Crysta Kovach, SGT Jamie Pendergrass, SSG
Andrew Woodward
Please keep the following Volunteers in Mission in your prayers as they
travel around the world serving in God’s love in all places:
Please keep the following Volunteers in Mission in your prayers as they travel
around the world serving in God’s love in all places:
Greg Wright’s 20-member medical mission in Nicaragua serving
through Feb. 27. (650 patients were served last year)
Greg Wright’s 20-member medical mission in Nicaragua serving
through Feb. 27. (650 patients were served last year)
Patty Kaufman’s Haiti Partnership group Feb. 20-March 1
Post-earthquake reconstruction & building relationships with the people
of Haiti
Patty Kaufman’s Haiti Partnership group Feb. 20-March 1
Post-earthquake reconstruction & building relationships with the people
of Haiti
Doctors Marvin and Sylvia Reimer and West Michigan medical team in
“beautiful” Matagalpa area of Nicaragua Feb. 20-March 1
Doctors Marvin and Sylvia Reimer and West Michigan medical team in
“beautiful” Matagalpa area of Nicaragua Feb. 20-March 1
Tom & Judy Bonds, and Belinda Forbes of the General Board of Global
Ministries rebuilding in Managua, Nicaragua Feb. 28-March 11
Tom & Judy Bonds, and Belinda Forbes of the General Board of Global
Ministries rebuilding in Managua, Nicaragua Feb. 28-March 11