sales copy #1 - Narrowing The Field

Email Heading – How to profit from Under The Radar runners (**OR TITLE OF YOUR
It’s mid-October, there is a chill in the air and the National Hunt meetings are slowly
but surely starting to outnumber the flat meetings! Yep it’s time for the jumpers to get
into top gear!
Today I want to introduce you to someone who is becoming a bit of a National Hunt
stalwart; Ben Aitken (NTF) of the brilliant Narrowing The Field website.
Some of you may already know Ben or at least have heard about him, either through
his work at Narrowing The Field (NTF) or on his flat site Badly Drawn Horse (BDH).
The main bulk of his service uses Trends and the lesser known Dosage Method to delve
into all of the major races in search of the probable winners and value alternatives. It
is a totally unique approach to the game and on its own is worth the subscription fee
alone. However, Ben goes even deeper in terms of value for you, the shrewd punter.
Last season he introduced a couple of new angles of attack, exclusive to members of
his full service. One of these angles was called the UTR Squad (Under The Radar).
Ben ‘formally’ introduced this to his band of dedicated followers on his BDH site in the
summer of 2013, however, the truth is he has been using this method for a number of
years on his free NTF site, and to great success (he had just never ‘formally’ given it a
The best example of the UTR Squad in action came in last season’s Welsh National. On
the 13th on November Ben had watched the Richard Lee trained MOUNTAINOUS finish
3rd on his season debut at Bangor. He then went and checked the horse’s previous
form, re-watched a number of his earlier races and pinpointed the exact conditions
that were best suited to the horses. He then added the horse to the NTF UTR Squad.
The horse next appeared at Chepstow on the 7th of December. Ben scrutinised the
horse’s chances that day and considered it worthy of having an interest. Mountainous
finished 3rd, 6 lengths back from the front two. It was a decent effort and Ben decided
to keep the horse in the UTR Squad as he felt it definitely had more to offer. Fast
forward to the 28th of December and the Welsh National; the horse’s next race and
running under the prime condition that were highlighted by Ben to his NTF Members.
Ben had also covered this race in his full race analysis guide for the day. Mountainous
had come top of the figures. Things were looking good for the horse and for NTF
members, it was a 20-1 shot, it had to be a bet. It was a bet and it was a winner; a late
Christmas present from Ben to his subscribers (or maybe an early one that they
couldn’t open until after Christmas!).
This is an exhaustive and detailed angle of attack from Ben, one he has refined
through years of experience and dedicated study and analysis. This angle alone makes
the NTF service a must have for any punters racing portfolio.
That isn’t the only example of Ben’s Under The Radar analysis in action, there have
been plenty since Ben has been running his NTF site. Notable examples from recent
seasons would be Auroras Encore, Pure Faith, Billie Magern, Alfie Sherrin (a
Cheltenham festival winner) and Hills Of Arran (a horse that won under the precise
conditions Ben highlighted at Betfair SP 86.36!!), whilst last season the likes of Hey Big
Spender, Renard and Dunraven Storm were all doing the business. The facts are Ben
puts in the hard work to unearth these gems so you don’t have to. The facts are that
Ben is bloody good at doing this work! The facts are that this UTR angle is good enough
to be a service on its own, probably selling for about £100 a season…but it isn’t! It is
part of the full NTF service, along with all the other exhaustive work Ben puts in to
supply to his subscribers with in-depth guide after in-depth guide.
Ben’s service is £155 to join for the full National Hunt season (Oct - May) and doors
are open now. Be quick though because I know Ben has had a fantastic pick up from
previous NTF Members and he is planning on closing the doors when all places are full
up. He runs the service himself and likes to keep numbers to a manageable level so he
can concentrate on providing a hands-on approach for his members.
Even if you don’t sign-up to his full service it is well worth getting on the NTF FREE list
as there are a multitude of FREE guides for you to download on there, all of the
highest quality.
Email Heading – Free Racing Guides (**OR TITLE OF YOUR OWN CHOICE**)
To support the launch of the 6th year of his National Hunt subscription service Ben
Aitken (NTF) at Narrowing The Field is giving away a clutch of first-rate and
informative Free National Hunt racing guides.
Over the past few years Ben Aitken and NTF has become a familiar and well respected
name in National Hunt circles. He has also become somewhat of a master at
pinpointing a horses ideal conditions and knowing when to put the money down.
As mentioned Ben is currently giving away a number of FREE racing guides, the most
interesting for me is his ‘20 To Follow’ for the season. Now this isn’t your standard
list. Why? Because Ben has deliberately left out any Mullins, Henderson and Nicholls
horses! Indeed there are no Hobbs, McCain or King horses on the list either! That
instantly makes the list of interest for me. What’s more he has also managed to secure
some exclusive trainer quotes for a couple of the horses on his list, adding even more
value to this excellent FREE guide.
Grab your own copy of the NTF ‘Alternative 20 To Follow’ >>> **INSERT YOUR LINK TO
As well as the ‘to follow’ list you can also grab trainer guides, a ‘grinder’ system and a
guide that look at the 2015 Cheltenham Gold Cup from a unique perspective. All these
free guides are well worth you getting your hands on.
Email Heading – Kick start your National Hunt season with these free guides (**OR
It's the start of the jumps season and that means there's plenty of great free content on offer to help
focus your brain for the National Hunt game.
To launch the sixth year of his National Hunt service Narrowing The Field (NTF) Ben Aitken is giving
away a plethora of informative free guides, ranging from in-depth trainer guides and grinder systems
through to an alternative ‘to follow’ list that contains exclusive trainer comments.
The grinder system is of particular interest as this very simple angle has pulled in a rather healthy
+107.26 points of profit since 2008.
Go here now and download your own copies of Ben’s free guides **INSERT AFFILIATE LINK**
But what is NTF?
NTF is a race analysis service that attacks the major National Hunt races from a slightly different
angle than the norm. Ben believes in thinking differently to the mainstream and last year his highly
informative guides pinpointed a host of big race winners including TRIOLO D’ALENE (Hennessy Gold
Cup), MOUNTAINOUS (Welsh National), JEZKI (Champion Hurdle) and O’FAOLAINS BOY (RSA Chase);
those winning selections were not sourced by following the crowd.
The way Ben thinks differently to the mainstream is by looking for angles that others don’t see (or
maybe don’t want to see, can’t be bothered looking for). He combines the Dosage Method & Race
Trends analysis as well as exhaustively watching replays and studying horses back form, looking for
preferences and profiles that will aid him and his subscribers in the future. He uncovers angles that
are simply not readily available in the mainstream.
Over time that hard work finds winners that other haven’t even given a second glance to.
You want to be part of that? Don’t you?
Don’t miss out on your chance to join NTF >>> Join the NTF service today! **INSERT AFFILIATE
Email Heading – A National hunt service you NEED in your portfolio (**OR TITLE OF
The doors for the Narrowing the Field (NTF) 2014/15 National Hunt service are now
For those of you that are not familiar with NTF it is an innovative horse racing analysis
service that is the brain-child of Ben Aitken.
Ben is what I would call a National Hunt expert. He lives and breathes the stuff. What
he doesn’t know about the jumping game simply is not worth knowing.
Secure your place on his innovative National Hunt service here **INSERT AFFILIATE
What I love about the NTF service is the fact that it looks at the racing game using
methods that are just not available anywhere else. If you want to be set apart from
the crowd then you NEED to get on this service!
Ben rips apart all of the major National Hunt races on both sides of the Irish Sea and
applies his unique Dosage methods and extended trends analysis to construct a castiron shortlist for every race. He then uses that short-list to hammer down even further
into the group he considers to be the most likely winners of the race and comes up
with his own selections, giving precise details of why he thinks we should be backing
these particular horses.
Join the NTF service and view the National Hunt game from an alternative perspective
The great thing about this service is you don’t even have to follow Ben in every race if
you don’t want to. The unique NTF guides are set out in such a way that you can delve
into the race yourself and make your own judgments; there is so much information in
these race guides it’s unbelievable!
Ben has already opened the doors to his own subscribers and places are filling up
super-fast so if you want to secure your place on NTF then act today!
Don’t miss out on your chance to join NTF >>> Join the NTF service today! **INSERT
The National Hunt game is really starting to click into gear and this is one service you
really need in your portfolio…
Email Heading - Set yourself apart from the crowd this National Hunt season... (**OR
Do you want to set yourself apart from the crowd this National Hunt season?
Do you want to be looking at the major races from a unique perspective and
completely different from anyone else?
Do you want to have access to angles and selections that others are just simply
If the answer is YES (and why wouldn’t it be!) then you need to join the innovative and
unique Narrowing the Field (NTF) service –
NTF is run by a guy called Ben Aitken. Ben is what I would call a National Hunt expert. He
lives and breathes the jumping stuff. What he doesn’t know about the jumping game
simply is not worth knowing.
Ben truly knows his stuff when it comes to the National Hunt game and his skilled analysis
has been keeping his subscribers supremely happy over the past few seasons.
Don’t believe me? Just take a look at what some of his customers have to say –
Join NTF and become one of these satisfied customers **INSERT AFFILIATE LINK TO
There is no bulls!!t from Ben and he doesn’t come at you offering false promises. What he
offers is unique and insightful analysis with some excellently thought out and thoroughly
researched selections. And you know what, he is damn good at it as well!
Ben has already opened the doors to his own subscribers and places are filling up superfast so if you want to secure your place on NTF then act today!
Don’t miss out on your chance to join NTF >>> Join the NTF service today! **INSERT