Parking Schedule Type of Use Minimum Parking Spaces Residential Single Family Dwelling Two family dwelling Single-family dwellings within residential sub district Single-family and two-family (year round and seasonal) dwellings including manufactured homes Multi-family dwelling Places of public assembly (theater, churches, etc.) Nursing Home Group Living General Retail Trade and Services Business, Professional, Technical Offices Eating and Drinking Establishments Bed and Breakfast Motel/Hotel Resort Industrial and Goods Producing Arts, Recreation, Entertainment Parks and Recreation Education Institutions Clinics 2 spaces per dwelling unit 2 spaces per dwelling unit 1 space 5 seats, based on maximum occupancy 1 space per each 4 beds + 1 space per each 2 employees on the major shift. 1.5 spaces for each four beds with guest parking spaces appropriately dispersed throughout the development 1 space for each 100 square feet of total floor area, (square footage is to be based on all but retail storage). 1 space per 300 square feet. Of gross floor area 1 space for each 5 seats, based on maximum occupancy 1.2 spaces per guest room or suite 1 space per lodging unit Minimum Bicycle Parking None None None None None Standards Loading Spaces- for Retail Office Industrial 2 2 2 2 1 space for buildings between 30,000sf & 100,000sf of gross floor area + 1 space for each additional 100,000sf of gross floor area 2 2 2 2 1 space for each structure over 20,000sf of gross floor area 2 1 space for each 3 workers Spaces equivalent to 1% of the total land area (parking along park roads may be used to fill this requirement); plus additional parking provided for major facilities 1 space per 3 seats in the classroom 1 space per four beds and 1 space per three employees on largest shift 1 space for each 50,000sf of gross floor area 2 2 2 2 Medical Office Building Drive-thru Restaurant Restaurants 8 6 10 2 2 2 Bank 3 2 1 space + 1 additional space for each 100,000sf of gross floor area 1 space for each structure over 10,000sf of gross floor area Parking Schedule Minimum Parking Space and Aisle Dimension Angle 0˚ (Parallel) 30˚ 45˚ 60˚ 75˚ 90˚ Stall width 9 ft. 9 ft. 9 ft. 9 ft. 9 ft. 9 ft. Curb Length per vehicle 22 ft. 12 ft. 12 ft. 3 in. 10 ft. 9 ft. 8 ft. 6 in Stall length 18 ft. 18 ft. 18 ft. 18 ft. 18 ft. 18 ft. 1 way aisle width 12 ft. 12 ft. 13 ft. 18 ft. 6 in. 20 ft. 11 in. 24 ft. 2 way aisle width 24 ft. 22 ft. 22 ft. 22 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft. ADA Parking Requirements Total Parking Spaces in Lot 1 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75 76 to 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 400 401 to 500 501 to 1000 1001 and over Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2% of total spaces 20, plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000 Bicycle Facility Site Design Standards Restriction Distance to other racks Distance to other racks Distance from curb Distance from curb Distance from wall Distance from wall Placement Rack units aligned end-by-end should be placed a minimum of 96 in. apart Rack units aligned side-by-side should be placed a minimum of 36 in. apart Racks located perpendicular to a curb should be a minimum of 36 in. from the back of curb Racks located parallel to a curb should be a minimum of 24 in. from the back of curb Assuming access is needed from both sides, U-racks located perpendicular to a wall should be a minimum of 48 in. from the wall Racks located parallel to a wall should be a minimum of 36 in. from the wall Parking Schedule Existing Koochiching County Regulations (for reference) Off-street Loading and Parking Loading - Space for off-street loading and unloading of shall be provided for every building used or designed for commercial and industrial uses. One (1) such space shall be provided every 10,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof, and such spaces shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width, thirty-five (35) feet in length and fourteen (14) feet in height. Parking - Off-street automobile parking or storage space shall be provided on every lot on which any new structures are hereafter established. Such space shall be provided with vehicular access to a street or alley and shall be deemed to be required open space associated with the permitted use and shall not thereafter be reduced or encroached upon in any manner. When a structure is enlarged, the required off-street parking space shall be provided for the enlarged portion. If a use is changed to a different use requiring more space, the additional amount of parking area shall be provided. In addition, the following minimum standards shall apply: Sec. 3.31 - Parking Space, Off-street: An off-street parking space shall comprise not less than 180 square feet of parking area, plus necessary maneuvering space. Space for maneuvering incidental to parking or unparking shall not encroach upon any public right-of-way. Every off-street parking space shall be accessible to a public roadway. Sec. 3.32 - Residential Dwelling: One (1) parking space for each room or unit. Sec. 3.33 -Tourist accommodations: One (1) parking space for each room or unit. Sec. 3.34 - Theatre, stadium, auditorium, church, or other places of public assembly: one (1) parking space for each five (5) seats, based on maximum seating capacity. Sec. 3.35 - Stores and other retail business establishments: one (1) parking space for each 100 square feet of total floor area, (square footage is to be based on all but retail storage). Sec. 3.36 - Office buildings: one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet of office floor area. Sec. 3.37 - Industrial, manufacturing or wholesale establishments: one (1) parking space for each three (3) workers, based on peak employment. Sec. 3.38 - Restaurants, supper clubs, taverns and bars: One (1) parking space for each five (5) seats, based on maximum seating capacity. Sec. 3.39 - Off-street parking areas, whether public or private, for more than five (5) vehicles shall be effectively screened by a fence, wall, or evergreen plant material, if visible from a residential or public zone district. All public or private parking areas shall be separated from the right-of-way of any public road or street by means of a sod strip not less than three (3) feet in width between the right-of-way line and the parking area.