Film Analysis Rubric

Scenes/details/film elements
are described in detail that
enhances understanding. All
answers show thorough,
purposeful viewing and
accurate film knowledge.
Most scenes/details/film
elements are described in
detail to enhance
understanding. Answers show
adequate viewing focus and
film knowledge.
Scenes/details/film elements
are described but need more
detail. Answers suggest
viewer may need to take more
notes/re-view certain scenes.
Cursory/surface level details.
Does not demonstrate close
Writer identifies some
shots/techniques correctly but
some incorrectly. The
description of the technique is
lacking detail. May be too
reliant on one or two
Shots/angles are either misidentified or too thin to
understanding/application of
Specific and accurate use of
terminology throughout
responses. Writer makes
effort to make multiple
references in support and
references varied
You need: to be more
specific in your descriptions.
Accurate use of terminology,
but there is still a vague
description of the technique
throughout responses. Makes
effort to reference varied
You need: to expand your
terminology and viewing lens!
Writer has just surface level
analysis of
purpose/significance. Develop
your analysis by coming back
to the viewer’s experience,
director’s purpose or
something literary. Some
points may be misinterpreted
and/or misapplied.
Analysis of
effect of
For all references, writer has
thoroughly and accurately
explained the
purpose/significance of the
effect by coming back to the
viewer’s experience, director’s
purpose or something literary.
For most references, writer
has appropriately and
accurately explained the
purpose/significance of the
effect by coming back to the
viewer’s experience, director’s
purpose or something literary.
Has few to no grammatical
errors. Reflects sophisticated
editing and revising.
Has few errors. Editing and/or
revising could have been more
Boomerangs =
Edit and revise
and turn in for
late points.
Doesn’t reference specific scenes; does not identify film techniques/shots/angles/etc; no attempt at analysis. Very surface level
work overall. Is riddled with errors.
Has distracting errors.
Evidence of some editing or
revising, but neither seems to
have been adequate
Your analysis is minimal or
missing. Develop your
analysis by coming back to the
viewer’s experience, director’s
purpose or something literary.
May contain inaccurate
Consistent pattern of errors: Shows
no attempt at personal
A Range
Film References: Scenes/details/film elements are described in detail that enhances understanding. All answers
show thorough, purposeful viewing and accurate film knowledge.
Film Terminology: Specific and accurate use of terminology throughout responses. Writer makes effort to make
multiple references in support and references varied shots/techniques.
Analysis of effect of techniques: For all references, writer has thoroughly and accurately explained the
purpose/significance of the effect by coming back to the viewer’s experience, director’s purpose or something
Mechanics/ Grammar: Has few to no grammatical errors. Reflects sophisticated editing and revising.
B Range
 Film References: Most scenes/details/film elements are described in detail to enhance understanding. Answers
show adequate viewing focus and film knowledge.
 Film Terminology: Accurate use of terminology, but there is still a vague description of the technique
throughout responses. Makes effort to reference varied shots/techniques.
 Analysis of effect of techniques: For most references, writer has appropriately and accurately explained the
purpose/significance of the effect by coming back to the viewer’s experience, director’s purpose or something
 Mechanics/ Grammar: Has few errors. Editing and/or revising could have been more thorough.
You need: to be more specific in your descriptions of everything. See “A Range” for everything else.
C Range
Film References: Scenes/details/film elements are described but need more detail. Answers suggest viewer may
need to take more notes/re-view certain scenes.
Film Terminology: Writer identifies some shots/techniques correctly but some incorrectly. The description of
the technique is lacking detail. May be too reliant on one or two techniques.
Analysis of effect of techniques: Writer has just surface level analysis of purpose/significance. Develop your
analysis by coming back to the viewer’s experience, director’s purpose or something literary. Some points may be
misinterpreted and/or misapplied.
Mechanics/ Grammar: Has distracting errors. Evidence of some editing or revising, but neither seems to have
been adequate
You need: to expand your terminology and viewing lens! And also to be more specific in your descriptions of everything.
See “A Range” for everything else.
D Range
Film References: Cursory/surface level details. Does not demonstrate close viewing.
Film Terminology: Shots/angles are either mis-identified or too thin to demonstrate understanding/application
of concepts.
Analysis of effect of techniques: Your analysis is minimal or missing. Develop your analysis by coming back to
the viewer’s experience, director’s purpose or something literary. May contain inaccurate analysis
Mechanics/ Grammar: Consistent pattern of errors: Shows no attempt at personal proofreading.
You need: To work harder  See “A Range” for everything else.
E/Boomerang: Doesn’t reference specific scenes; does not identify film techniques/shots/angles/etc; no attempt at
analysis. Very surface level work overall.
Helpful tips for connecting to literary elements and offering detail
When analyzing shot: Remember to develop your thinking. Do not just say it enhances
the emotions. Use adjectives and literary terms to help you:
Think of literary terms to guide your thinking:
Captures a _________ type of mood
Demonstrates a _________ tone conveyed by Darabont
Foreshadows __________
Influences or highlights a ____________ type of character relationship
Reveals (Theme)