Erin Balas Imagining Change Memo

Erin Balas
Imagining Change
This exercise helps you think broadly about potential solutions to a sustainability problem. The
questions below ask you to generate a list of changes that could help to solve this problem across a
variety of social and technical systems.
The Problem:
Heavy rainfall without anything to absorb the water leads to polluted runoff water, erosion of land, and
many other environmental issues. Rain gardens can be planted in areas with heavy rainfall and water
collection that will absorb the water into the ground, preventing runoff, pollution, and erosion.
What changes would help to solve this problem?
Changes in policy (local, national, or international):
Currently I do not know of any existing policies regarding water runoff and implementation of rain
gardens to combat this type of pollution and erosion issue, but forming policies that would help to
either pollute the water runoff less, or regulate the planting of rain gardens in areas with heavy rainfall,
that would be very beneficial to local, national, and even international environments.
Changes in the legal system:
No changes would necessarily need to be made in the legal system, as this is not really a legal issue.
Changes in media coverage:
Media coverage on the project would be very helpful, as it might inspire communities in Troy or other
local towns to plant rain gardens, and it would inform them of the environmental issues associated with
water runoff and erosion.
Changes in the way political decisions are made:
Because this is not really a political issue, political decisions do not really affect it very much.
Changes in the ways organizations function:
I do not know of any existing organizations focusing on planting rain gardens in needed areas, but an
organization for this project would have to be group-based, not lead by just one person. It would also
have to incorporate many different types of people, such as students working on the project,
landscapers to help plant the gardens, RPI officials, and support from local communities.
Changes in the educational system:
Students at RPI should be educated in the purpose of the rain gardens on campus, and the negative
environmental impacts of heavy rainfall and water runoff. In the future, I think it would be good for all
students to be educated on the environmental issues at RPI and in local communities, as it is important
to be aware of what is happening around you, and our environment depends on how well we treat it.
Changes in the way people behave:
People will have to respect the grounds of RPI much more than they currently do. If we are going to take
the time and money to successfully complete this project, and if we want to see the expected solution
to the prevailing problems, students and faculty will have to be sure to keep up the gardens, not destroy
them through footpaths, litter, etc.
Changes in the way people think:
People will definitely have to think more about their surroundings and the reasons why the gardens
benefit campus so that they are more willing to take good care of them. Hopefully the rain gardens will
encourage people to think more about environmental issues on campus and in local communities which
will lead them to take better care of the environment we live in.
Changes in the way technology is designed and used:
One reason why the runoff from rain water is so polluted is because of fertilizers and other chemicals
used around campus and things sitting on the surface of the ground (ex: phosphorus, commonly found
in most fertilizers, is one of the largest contributors to water pollution around the world). To further
prevent water pollution, it would be best to use or engineer more organic, healthy fertilizers and
chemicals on campus, and to find a way to direct water runoff to the rain gardens.
Changes in the way money is spent:
Money will have to be spent to buy the plants, and to pay the workers who will help with setting up the
gardens. While fundraising could easily be done for the project, if we do not we will have to spend
money that could have been used for something else on planting and keeping up these rain gardens.