ahp careers fellowship application form

The categories and priorities for the Fellowship learning and development funds 2014
are as follows:
Category 1: AHP Support Workers and Assistant Practitioners. Applications from
support staff, technicians and assistant practitioners to support development and
learning are particularly welcome.
Category 2: Applications with a direct benefit and link to service improvement,
especially where there is a clear link to learning and implementing quality improvement
methodologies. Where the learning and development activity will be directly connected
to introducing or further developing an improvement to your service, these applications
will be considered as high priority. Learning and development activities that can
demonstrate a wider benefit or potential, e.g. for a Scotland-wide benefit will be of
particular interest to the Review Panel considering these applications. If your
application sets out to be of benefit across Scotland please make sure your AHP
director has discussed this at an AHP Directors Scotland meeting.
Category 3: Other applications are also welcome and but will be considered only if,
after considering the priority categories, there are funds remaining. Whilst not an
exclusive list the following areas have been recommended as of high importance by
members of the NHS Education for Scotland (NES) AHP Advisory Group:
Skills: workforce analysis, research, measuring impact, service re-design,
health promotion, communication, self-management, leadership, ultrasound and
role development
Care settings: early years services, dementia services, mental health in
mainstream health settings, diabetes, dysphagia, chest and abdomen reporting,
transitions for children moving to adult long-term care services, supporting War
Veterans experiencing complex trauma and need for prosthetics services,
advanced practice, delivering AHP services in the prison setting, the integration
agenda, telehealth services and AHP consultant services.
Please note: Any applications for approximately £15,000 or over will be subject to an
interview process in addition to the paper application.
Paramedics have recently joined the AHP family. Discussions are underway to include
paramedics in future openings of the scheme.
Your application must clearly state the learning objectives and the intended impact/
outcomes that it will achieve. Support from both the applicant’s Line Manager and
AHP Director/Lead is a pre-requisite requirement.
The application process is split into two forms:
Form A should be completed collaboratively by the applicant and their line manager
Form B will be sent by NES to the AHP Director/Lead
NB. Application is for NES funding ONLY, if you are applying for an HNC or other
training course, you are also required to complete and submit an application form to the
College/University or training provider.
Closing date for application is 12.00pm (noon) on Friday 25 July 2014.
Please note the following learning opportunities for support staff that NES has
commissioned or have been developed following successful Fellowship
HNCs in:
 Speech and Language Therapy Support - commencing August 2014
 Physiotherapy Support - commencing September 2014
 Radiography Support (new course for assistants) - commencing August
 Occupational Therapy Support – commencing August 2014
PDA in
 Occupational Therapy Support
 Healthcare: Facilitating Learning, Teaching and Assessment in the
Data Protection: NES uses the personal data you provide for purposes
associated with administering the AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme. NES
will add your details to our database and share your work contact details
with other participants in the Scheme through our newsletter, Alumni
network or other channels as deemed appropriate. If you would prefer us
not to share your contact details, please contact
AHP.Fellowships@nes.scot.nhs.uk For more information see
http://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/privacy-and-data-protection.aspx. Personal
data will be retained in line with our records retention policies.
AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form A
Form A should be completed collaboratively by the applicant and their line manager
and then submitted to NES by the closing date stated above. Applications received
beyond the closing date will not be accepted.
SECTION A – to be completed by the applicant
 denotes mandatory fields throughout  denotes guidance notes throughout
First Name: 
Surname: 
Job Title: 
Employer: 
Work Address
incl Postcode: 
Tel No: 
Mobile No.
E-mail: 
Allied Health
Profession you
work within or
most relevant: 
2.1. Please supply your HCPC number (Page 5):
Is this a group / team application? ( Page 5)
If yes and the group is from different NHS Health Boards, please contact the AHP
Careers Fellowship Team to request a multi-board application form:
AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form A
Please advise the form of learning you intend to undertake? 
( Pages 6 - 8)
Practice-based learning in the workplace
College/Higher Education Institute course
Course run by external training provider
“Mackay” Experiential learning placement eg shadowing others
Developing or evaluating qualifications (e.g. PDA, HNC)
Other, please specify
Please describe the learning you intend to undertake ( Page 8) 
If you are undertaking a learning opportunity with a HEI, College or other
training organisation, please provide name and contact details of the
provider ( Page 8) as well as the rationale for choosing this provider
(especially if you have selected a provider outwith Scotland)
Course Name:
Course Provider
Course start date:
Provider selection rationale: 
Please identify your intended learning outcome ( Page 9) 
How will you check you have achieved the intended outcome, i.e. how will
your learning outcomes be assessed? ( Page 9) 
How will the learning opportunity you describe promote person centred
values? How will you involve service users in your learning, e.g.
identifying learning needs, content of learning, assessing your learning,
evaluating your learning? ( Page 9 ) 
AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form A
How will your learning promote equality and diversity (e.g. how will your
knowledge/attitude of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age,
religion and belief be improved through this learning activity)? ( Page 10)
Please confirm that the learning opportunity has been identified and
agreed by your Line Manager via KSF and your PDP or equivalent personal
development scheme. ( Page 11) 
(NB. Your line manager will be asked to supply details)
I confirm
I do not confirm
What is your core area(s) of practice? ( Pages 11)
Mental Health
Learning Disability
Adult Health
Child Health
Acute Hospital
Health Centre
*Social Work
*Voluntary Organisation
*Other, please specify
*NB please note if you are not an NHS employee your learning must clearly benefit
NHS and be supported by one of the NHS AHP Directors/Leads.
What best describes your work settings? ( Page 11)
What stage of your career are you on the Career Framework for Health?
( Pages 11 - 14) 
Level 1 Support Worker
Level 2 Support Worker
Level 3 Senior Support Worker
Level 4 Assistant Practitioner
Level 5 Practitioner
Level 6 Senior Practitioner
Level 7 Advanced Practitioner
Level 8 Consultant Practitioner
Level 9 More Senior Staff
Please indicate which of the 4 “career pillars” you will develop as a result
of the learning activities you plan to undertake: ( Pages 11 - 14) 
AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form A
2.14a How will your learning support Clinical Practice?
2.14b How will your learning support Facilitating Learning?
2.14c How will your learning support Leadership?
2.14d How will your learning support Research & Audit?
2.15 Does your application meet the Quality Improvement Strategy?
(Pages 13-14)
If Yes, please comment:
Please describe how the learning opportunity identified will support the
healthcare policies, strategies and HEAT targets that are relevant to your
learning opportunity? Be specific and name each policy. You are strongly
recommended to refer to the guidance notes. ( Pages 13-14) 
Please indicate total costings required providing a breakdown and details
of how costings will be used. ( Pages 14-15) 
Total costings
Breakdown of costings
NB: If your application is for approximately £15,000 or over you will be
required to be interviewed by an interview panel.
Over what timescale will the costings be used? ( Pages 14-15) 
AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form A
Please indicate monies required for activities to be undertaken in this
financial year, i.e. before 31 March 2015 ( Pages 14-15) 
Monies required this financial year
Please indicate monies required for financial year April 2015-March 2016
( Pages 14-15) 
Please provide details of any additional sources of funding contributing to
the overall costs ( Pages 14-15)
Support from your Line Manager and the Health Board AHP Director/Lead
is a pre-requisite. Please indicate the statement below that applies to your
application ( Pages 15-18) 
I have contacted the AHP Director/Lead and gained support
My application aims to be of benefit across Scotland. I have asked the AHP
Director/lead to discuss at an AHP Directors Scotland meeting
I have contacted the AHP Director/Lead but not yet received a response
I have not yet contacted AHP Director/Lead
Please note that if your application is successful, you will be required to
provide a reflective learning report outlining your learning experience and
outcomes, any barriers incurred and how these were overcome and how
you have or intend to share your learning. Do you agree to submit a
report? ( Pages 18-19) 
I agree
AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form A
SECTION B – to be completed by the applicant’s Line Manager
 denotes mandatory fields throughout
 denotes guidance notes
First Name: 
Surname: 
Job Title: 
Employer: 
Work Address
incl Postcode: 
Tel No: 
Mobile No.
E-mail: 
Allied Health
profession you
work within:
I confirm that the learning opportunity has been identified and agreed via
the applicant’s KSF and PDP. ( Page 19) 
I confirm
Please include relevant extract from PDP
Why do you support this application? ( Page 19) 
If the identified learning opportunity relates to an HNC / HND, please complete
questions 4.4 and 4.5. If not, please continue to question 4.6.
AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form A
If the application is to support an HNC / HND, please provide the name of
the appointed mentor. ( Page 19)
Please confirm that you will ensure that the mentor is available to
participate in mentor support provided by the College (NB: 1-2 days of
support and advice for HNC mentors will be provided by the College)
I confirm
Please describe your commitment regarding how you will make best use of
the skills acquired over this learning opportunity. ( Pages 19-20) 
Please describe your commitment regarding time allocation for any study
leave, assessment, classroom time in addition to reflective learning.
( Pages 19-20) 
Please describe your commitment regarding appropriate areas and tools
for study, e.g. rooms and access to computer/equipment (NB: For HNC
applicants, a significant amount of taught time will be via virtual learning,
access to broadband internet will therefore be essential) (Pages 19-20)
The applicant has described their learning outcomes. Please describe the
impact you expect on your service and how you intend to measure this
impact. What impact do you expect?
What data could you provide to demonstrate impact?
( Page 20) 
How have you ensured that there is equality of opportunity for all
applicants to apply (e.g. full and part-time, race, disability, gender, age,
sexual orientation, religion and belief)? ( Page 20) 
Please confirm that you will provide feedback (if requested) in relation to
the applicant’s progress and maintenance of an appropriate skill mix
within the clinical area. ( Page 20) 
AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form A
If the application for funding is successful, you would be required to enter
into an agreement and to its arrangements, undertakings and
responsibilities as detailed in the answers to the criteria listed in this
proforma. ( Page 21) 
I confirm that I would be prepared to enter into an agreement as described
Please save a copy of the completed application form for your own records.
E-mail the completed application form to ahp.fellowships@nes.scot.nhs.uk
by the closing date of 12.00pm (noon) on Friday 25 July 2014.
Please be aware that applications received after the closing date will not be
The applicant and line manager will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of the funding
application. NES will contact the AHP Director/Lead for their supporting comments.
Please note that applicants are advised to have discussed with the AHP Director/Lead
and sought their support. If your application aims to be for Scotland wide benefit, the
AHP Director/Lead should be asked to raise this at a ADSG meeting.
AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form A