CURRICULUM VITAE SUBHASISH CHATTERJEE PERSONAL DETAILS FIRST NAME : Subhasish SECOND NAME : Chatterjee FATHERS NAME : Late AlokChatterjee MOTHERS NAME : Smt. RajlakshmiChatterjee DATE OF BIRTH : 9th October, 1985 SEX : Male CONTACT ADDRESS : Badamtala, Chandmari Road (By-Lane), Burdwan, West Bengal, Pin code – 713101, India PLACE OF BIRTH : Burdwan, West Bengal, India. TELEPHONE : +91-8659937407 / 8059930240 E-MAIL ADDRESS : NATIONALITY : INDIAN ACADEMIC QUALIFIACTION Name of the College Name of the University Date of Joining Date of Publication Result B.P.T Bachelor of Physiotherapy Institute Of Paramedical And Therapeutic Sciences And Technology West Bengal university of health sciences August 2005 October 2010 68% M.P.T Master in Physiotherapy (Neurology) Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy and Rahabilitation Maharishi Markandeshwar University July 2012 August 2014 65.7% Name of the Course WORK EXPERIENCE Grade Compulsory Rotatory Internship Physiotherapist Post Graduate Training MPT (Master in Physiotherapy) (Neurology) Assistant Professor Duration 6 months From 10.11.2010 to 15.5.2011. 8 months From 01-11-2011 to 30-7-2012. 2 years From July 2012 to July 2014. From 09th October 2014 to till date Hospital / Health Institute AMRI Hospital, Dhakuria, Kolkata, 700029. Specialty CHILDRENS WELFARE ASSOCIATION, Sarsuna, Kolkata, 700061. Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy and Rahabilitation. Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy and Rahabilitation Neurological Physiotherapy. Rotatory Multi Departmental Internship. Neurological Physiotherapy. Neurological Physiotherapy. % obtained EMPLOYMENT/CLINICAL EXPERIENCE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR AT MMIPR 1. Regular classes for undergraduate and post graduate students. 2. Clinical posting on PhysiotherapyOPDS& IPDS. 3. Institutional member in charge of Internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) 2014-2015. 4. Institutional member of Research committee 2014-2015. 5. Institutional member of placement cell 2014-2015. 6. Institutional member in charge of website upgradation committee. 7. Institutional member of sports, cultural and other activities committee. 8. Institutional Coordinator for “Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme Sponsored by SBI, Chandigarh” . 9. Class coordinator for B.P.T-3rd Year. 10. Mentor for B.P.T- 2nd Year students. 11. Subject Incharge of Exercise therapy 2 & Research methodology. POST GRADUATE TRAINEE IN NEUROLOGICAL PHYSIOTHERAPY (M.P.T) AT MAHARISHI MARKANDESHWAR INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATION I had worked as a postgraduate trainee in the department of physiotherapy of Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. It is 2- year full time training course. Here I had gone through detailed about various fields of physiotherapy training and teaching and also various physiotherapeutic techniques like Joint Mobilization, MET, MFR, PRT, Ciryax, Neurodynamics, PNF, Bobath and Vojta concept and various type of chest physiotherapy etc. I have passed successfully 1 st year and 2nd year M.P.T exam conducted by Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana. I have successfully completed my post graduate research titled “Efficacy of California tri-pull taping method in the treatment of shoulder subluxation after stroke – A Randomized Clinical Trail. PHYSIOTHERAPIST IN CHILDRENS WELFARE ASSOCIATION Children’s Welfare Association is a Home for Destitute Children. In there out patient physiotherapy department I was worked as a Physiotherapist, where I asses, diagnose and treat various orthopedic, neurological and pediatric patients. ROTATORY COMPULSARY INTERNSHIP IN AMRI HOSPITAL: This hospital is multispecialty, posts graduate teaching college and hospital. The BPT 6months junior clinical training (internship) was set in a multi-disciplinary approach which include 6 weeks training in orthopedic department where I had asses and given physiotherapeutic interventions to the pre and post surgical patients who were having fracture, hip and knee joint replacement, spinal surgery and general orthopedics condition with the help of senior surgeons and consultant physiotherapists. 4 weeks training in medicine department where I had asses and given physiotherapeutic interventions to the acute or chronic phase of inflammation, also various type of diseases condition like burger disease, rickets, leprosy, myalgia, obesity, osteoporosis, various type of respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease etc with the help of senior physicians and consultant physiotherapists. 4 weeks training in surgery department where I had asses and given physiotherapeutic interventions to pre and post surgical patients who were having total or partial gastrectomy, appendisectomy, colostomy, radical mastectomy etc with the supervision of senior surgeons and senior physiotherapists. 4 weeks training in neurology department where I had asses and given physiotherapeutic interventions to the acute or chronic phase of stroke and other various type of neurological conditions like cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, parkinson̛s disease, bells and facial palsy etc with the help of neurologists and consultant physiotherapists. 2 weeks training in cardiothoracic surgery department including ICCU where I had asses and given chest physiotherapeutic interventions to the pre and post operative thoracotomy, lobectomy, thoracoplasty patients and also given physiotherapy intervention to the patients with mechanical ventilation with the supervision of senior surgeons and physiotherapists. 2 weeks training in pediatrics department where I had asses and given physiotherapeutic interventions to the cerebral palsy, erb̛s palsy children, acute CNS infections, CHD, CTEV children etc with the help of pediatrics surgeons, consultants, senior physiotherapists. 2 weeks training in gynecology department where I had asses and given physiotherapeutic intervention to the pre and post stages of pregnancy, labor pain etc with the supervision of senior gynecologists and senior physiotherapists. The training was supervised by consultant physiotherapist, physicians, surgeons, experts in their respective fields along with senior physiotherapists who trained the incumbent on case diagnosis, differential diagnosis, interventional procedures, physiotherapy techniques rationality and probable complications. Also required to attend weekly seminars, journal clubs, and clinical presentations at department level, in addition to ward based clinical teaching. COURSES / WORKSHOPS / CONFERENCES / MEETING ATTENDED 1. 64 hours’ Workshop on ICU MANAGEMENT by Dr. Syed Yaseen Ahmed, conducted by IPTST Durgapur from 1st September to 8th September 2010. 2. 24 hours workshop on MANUAL THERAPY by Dr. SanjivJha conducted at IPTST Durgapur from 1st – 3rd November 2007. 3. 10 hours workshop on UPDATE ON CEREBRAL PALSY by Dr. Vipul Shah, conducted by HOPE, Durgapur. On 7th April 2010. 4. 8 hours workshop on BASIC MULLIGAN CONCEPT by Dr. Deepak kumar, conducted by Hooghly district Physiotherapy Association on 7th September 2008. 5. 8 hours workshop on NEURAL MOBILIZATION – A RECENT TREND, by Dr. K. Pearlson conducted by AMRI Hospital Kolkata on 6th March 2011. 6. 8 hours workshop on SPORTS MEDICINE by Dr. Ali Iraniconducted by IPTST Durgapur on 18th May 2008. 7. Workshop on MOTHER AND CHILD CARE SET UP by ArpitaChatterjee conducted by The Indian Association of Physiotherapists on 23rd July 2011. 8. Participated continuing Medical Education Programme on CLINICAL EXAMINATION AND MANAGEMENT OF KNEE INJURY by Dr. Debabrata Banerjee, on 18th May 2008. 9. 16 hours workshop on THERAPEUTIC TAPING by Dr. K. Pearlson at AMRI Hospital Kolkata, on 15th – 16th September 2011. 10. Attended NEURO REHAB SEMINAR by Dr. L N Tripathy conducted by MedicaSuperspecialty Hospital Kolkata On 23rd April 2011. 11. Participated INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON OSTEOPATHY AND CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT IN SPINE on 20th – 21st February 2013 conducted by MM University, Mullana. 12. Attended 8th state conference of THE INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSIOTHERAPIST (WEST BENGAL BRANCH) on 16th-17th January. 13. Attended NATIONAL CONGRESS OF PHYSICAL THERAPY 2014 on 1st-2nd March 2014. 14. Attended National seminar on RECENT ADVANCES IN SHOULDER REHABILITATION, conducted by College of Physiotherapy, Pt. BhagwatDayal Sharma University of Health Sciences. 15. Attended Seminar on RESEARCH MONETIZATION & HIDDEN OPPERTUNITIES IN PHYSIOTHERAPY AND WORKSHOP ON BOOK WRITING AND PUBLISHING, conducted by Pain free Zone. 16. Attended national conference on CHANGING PARADIGM OF COPYRIGHT, PATENT AND OTHER IPR ISSUES IN INDIA, conducted by MM College of Pharmacy. 17. Attended CERTIFICATION COURSE IN OSTEOPATHY AND MODIFIED CHIROPRACTIC MANUAL THERAPY ON CERVICAL SPINE AND SHOULDER. Conducted by MM Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. 18. Attended International workshop on FUNCTIONAL ELECTRICAL STIMULATION conducted by MM Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. RESEARCH WORK 1. EFFECT OF CALIFORNIA TRI-PULL TAPING METHOD ON SHOULDER SUBLUXATION, PAIN, AROM AND UPPER LIMB FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY AFTER STROKE – A PILOT STUDY. 2. EFFICACY OF CALIFORNIA TRI-PULL TAPING METHOD IN THE TREATMENT OF SHOULDER SUBLUXATION AFTER STROKE– A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL. PRESENTATIONS / PUBLICATIONS 1. Scientific Paper presentation on EFFECT OF CALIFORNIA TRI-PULL TAPING METHOD ON SHOULDER SUBLUXATION, PAIN, AROM AND UPPER LIMB FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY AFTER STROKE – A PILOT STUDY, in the scientific session of National Congress of Physical Therapy 2014, held on 1st – 2nd March 2014. 2. Poster presentation on EFFICACY OF CLAIFORNIA TRI-PULL TAPING METHOD IN THE TREATMENT OF SHOULDER SUBLUXATION AFTER STROKE- A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL, in the scientific session of National seminar on RECENT ADVANCES IN SHOULDER REHABILITATION, conducted by College of Physiotherapy, Pt. BhagwatDayal Sharma University of Health Sciences. 3. Research paper publication on EFFECT OF CALIFORNIA TRI-PULL TAPING METHOD ON SHOULDER SUBLUXATION, PAIN, AROM AND UPPER LIMB FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY AFTER STROKE – A PRETEST POSTTEST DESIGN. American journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience. 2015;3(5):98-103. ACHIVEMENTS AND AWARDS Won first prize for scientific paper presentation on EFFECT OF CALIFORNIA TRI-PULL TAPING METHOD ON SHOULDER SUBLUXATION, PAIN, AROM AND UPPER LIMB FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY AFTER STROKE – A PILOT STUDY, during National Congress Of Physical Therapy 2014, held on 1st – 2nd March 2014. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES I love to play cricket, volleyball, badminton. I have several prizes & medal in those sports. I regularly exercise till date and conscious about my physical fitness. I love to play guitar and singing songs. REFERENCE Prof. Dr. Senthil P. Kumar. PT, PhD. PROFESSOR &PRINCIPAL MM INSITUTE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY & REHABILITATION, MM UNIVERISTY, Mullana-Ambala Mob: 09341963889, 08059930234. E mail: Date : 26.7.2015 SUBHASISH CHATTERJEE